Enhancing Repurchase Intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok: The Role of Customer Experience
E-Journal of Tourism Vol.9. No.1. (2022): 58-66
Enhancing Repurchase Intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok: The Role of Customer Experience
Maidar Simanihuruk*, Yuviani Kusumawardhani, Lovita Susan Audilla
Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24922/eot.v9i1.82285
Article Info
January 12th 2022
March 7th 2022
March 31th 2022
Experience is the most critical stage in earning customers' hearts. Any marketing strategy must include the creation of a positive customer experience. The higher the impact on customer pleasure and the willingness to return and acquire the products sold, the better the customer experience. Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok has various advantages despite its less-than-ideal location. It provides guests with comfort and a peaceful rural setting. The purpose of this research is to determine how customer experience influences repurchase intent at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. In order to collect more comprehensive, valid, accurate, and objective data, a quantitative method was used in the study. A total of 101 customers who visited the café were included in the sample. Both factor and regression analysis was employed in the data analysis. Customer experience had a substantial impact on repurchase intention (t = 8.356 > t table with a significance of 0.000 (ρ < 0.05). With its interior design and unique style, the customer experience at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok has a dominant influence on influencing repurchase intention, and consumers are interested in returning to this place. The author makes a suggestion, advising that more attention be paid to and development of the website be done in order to establish direct contacts with clients. This cafe has to improve its services, offer new menu items, and keep its facilities clean. Then Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok will be the top option of the customers.
Keywords: Repurchase Intention; Customer Experience; Revisit Intention.
In reaching the point of consumer satisfaction to generate consumer repurchase intention, a cafe business has to take into account how much the determination of the prices, menu to be offered, and the quality of the service that will be provided
by the cafe. But for now, focusing attention on those aspects is taken for granted. Therefore, now is the time for cafes to be aggressive in carrying out promotions, as well as provide unique benefits and experiences for consumers so that consumers are very memorable and can always remember it. The services provided must be able to evoke sensations and experiences that will
generate repurchase interest in a company. In creating a customer experience, the company will always be emotionally involved in much activity so that consumers will get a unique, memorable, and unforgettable experience on the spot and will create a sense of desire to revisit (Hasan, 2013; Sayuti & Dewi, 2015).
The purpose of a business is to make consumers feel satisfied. The creation of satisfaction felt by consumers in the cafe business will provide several advantages for a company, including the establishment of a good relationship between the company and the consumer itself to be more harmonious, provide a good basis for repurchasing and create consumer loyalty to the company, and form word of mouth recommendations. The higher of the customer experience will obviously affect consumer satisfaction and will directly affect the consumer's desire to come back and buy the products sold. The company will gain multiple benefits, through the dissemination of positive information from consumers to consumers (Tjiptono, 2000; Safitri, 2017). Converse, if there is no satisfaction obtained by consumers, it will result in consumers switching to other companies. The lack of satisfaction obtained by consumers will result in consumers being reluctant to make repeat purchases at a particular company or brand.
To accomplish customer satisfaction, it is necessary to provide an interesting experience. If consumers feel uncomfortable and disappointed then what happens is that consumers will complain and criticize the cafe and provide a bad experience for consumers. With the experience provided in the form of the best service and providing a different atmosphere from existing cafes, consumers will feel happy, comfortable and make the cafe the main choice to revisit. With a not-so-strategic location, Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Cafe, Depok has several advantages. It has comfort and a quiet rural atmosphere that http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 59
makes customers happy. Researchers are interested in knowing the relationship between customers and repurchase intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Cafe, Depok.
Research Objectives
This current study was intended to analyze the effect of the dimension of customer experience (sense, feel, think, act, and relate) on the repurchase intention (transactional interest, referential interest, preferential interest, and explorative interest) of the customers visiting the Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Café, Depok.
Customer Experience
Customer experience is a personal experience that is obtained due to certain stimuli, for example, those given by marketers before and after the purchase of goods and services (Upayani, Susrusa, & Anggreni, 2019). Customer experience refers to the experience felt by customers of a brand, product, or service to increase the value of a sale.
The experience felt by customers of a brand, product, or service to increases the value of a sale and evoke emotions and feelings that have an impact on marketing, especially the sale of products and services such as café (Schmitt, 2003; Monica & Widaningsih, 2020). The five dimensions of Customer Experience. These five dimensions are: sense, feel, think, act, and relate. (1) Sense, associated with style, verbal and visual that can create an impression that can be remembered by customers. An approach has a goal to feel and create experiences related to feelings through seeing by touching, feeling, and smelling in other words related to the five senses which include style, theme and color; (2) Feel, it relates to the mood and emotions of a person's soul. This is not just about picturesque, but the mood and emotions of the
soul that can evoke happiness or even sadness. The intended feel is an emotional feeling that comes from the heart in a positive way and the feeling of joy that occurs. The sensing element can also affect mood and positive feelings or emotions; (3) Think, creative thoughts that arise in the minds of consumers of a brand company. Customers are invited to engage in creative thinking.
The principle of thought consists of 3: surprise, intrigue, and provocation; (4) Act, the actual behavior and lifestyle of a person. It has to do with how to get people to do things and express their lifestyle. The Marketing Act strategy is designed to create a customer experience that relates to body movements or in other words the movements and interactions that arise. Act Experience includes flesh that is related to the body, not only the sensation and perception of the outside world, the action of the machine also works fully which can cause interaction, because it is closely related to physical behavior on lifestyle and from the interacting parties; (5) Relate, attempts to connect one person to another, to a brand or company, and to culture. This relates to a person's culture and reference group that can create identity. The company must be able to create an identity (generation, nationality, and ethnicity) for its customers with the products or services offered. Companies can use culture in advertising and web design that can identify certain customer groups.
Repurchase Intention
Consumer purchase intention is a consumer behavior where consumers have a desire to buy or choose a product, based on experience in choosing, using and consuming, or even wanting a product. The factors that influence buying interest are related to feelings and emotions, if someone feels happy and satisfied in buying goods or services then it will strengthen buying interest, and dissatisfaction will http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 60
usually eliminate that interest (Kotler & Keller, 2012; Satria, 2017). The AIDA model is a stage model of consumer buying interest before making a purchase: attention, interest, desire, and action (Kotler & Keller, 2012; Priansa, 2017).
(1) Attention, this stage is the initial stage that appears in assessing a product or service in accordance with the needs of prospective customers, besides that products and services are also studied by these prospective customers; (2) Interest, prospective customers begin to be interested in a product and are interested in buying the products or services that have been offered, because they have received the information and services; (3) Desire, prospective customers at this stage begin to think and discuss the products and services offered. They have the desire, and the desire to buy that is starting to emerge. Prospective customers have begun to be interested in the product or service, and this stage is marked by strong interest from potential customers to buy and try the product or service offered; (4) Action, this stage, the prospective customer already has stability accompanied by a sense of confidence to buy and also use the product or service that has been offered.
Repurchase intention, the individual's perception about buying again a determined service from the same company, taking into account his or her current situation and likely circumstances (Hellier, Geursen, Carr, & Rickard, 2003). According to (Ferdinand 2002) repurchase intention is a consumer commitment that is formed after the consumer makes a purchase of a product or service, the consumer's positive impression of a brand, and consumers are satisfied with the purchase. Repurchase intention arises after the customer gets an expected and desired satisfaction with a service. Repurchase intention that occurs continuously can mean that the customer has become a very loyal customer for a product or service (Priansa, e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857
2017; Monica & Widaningsih, 2020). Repurchase intention is identified through indicators: transactional interest, referential interest, preferential interest, exploratory interest (Ferdinand 2002; Ailudin & Sari 2019). Transactional Interest, a person's tendency to buy a product; Referential Interest, the tendency of a person to refer products to others; Preferential Interest, an interest that describes the behavior of someone who has a primary preference for the product and it can only be changed if something happens to the preferred product; Explorative Interest, the behavior of someone who is always looking for information about the product of interest and looking for information to support the positive properties of the product.
Research Location and Time
This research was conducted at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Café, Depok for five months, from March 2021 to July 2021. The research began from the process of data collection until completion and focuses on customer experience affect repurchase intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Café, Depok. With a not-so-strate-gic location, it has several advantages, comfort and a quiet rural atmosphere that makes customers happy. This research is expected to help the object to know whether their customer experience affect repurchase intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Cafe, Depok.
Data Collecting
The type of research data consisted of primary data and secondary data. Both the qualitative and quantitative data were used in the current research. The data were obtained from both the primary and secondary data sources. The data were collected through the library research and field research (observation, direct http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 61
interview, questionnaire, and documentation). Data collection in this research was conducted through observations, interviews, documentation, and library studies.
Research Population and Samples
The research sampling is based on the requirements of the regression analysis in which the requirements for the number of samples are 101. The population in this study included all the customers who visited the Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. The sample consists of 101 respondents utilizing non-probability sampling of purposive sampling technique that allows the researcher to not giving equal opportunities to all elements of the population to be selected as a respondent. Of these, 101 responses were deemed useful and used in the data analysis with a valid response rate of 90 percent.
Variables and Data Analysis
The completed and structured close-ended questionnaires were coded and keyed in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program version 23 and descriptive analysis such as means, standard deviation, and correlation analysis was performed. Next, further investigation using hierarchical simple regression analysis was executed to assess the relationship between one independent variable (customer experience) and the dependent variable (repurchase intention), controlling the effect of a different of independent variable on the dependent variable which thereafter could furnish empirical findings in supporting the outlined research objectives.
This is an associative research approach, which means it is used to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. At Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai, Depok, a study was done to investigate the impact of customer experience on repurchase intention.
Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
In table 1 depicts the respondents’ demographic characteristics of respondents. Male respondents made up 57.4 percent of the sample while females made up 42.6 percent. This shows that males are more consumptive in buying products at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. The respondents are dominant aged 20 – 25 years (54.5 percent) with education of 50.5 percent are high school graduates and this explains that consumers who visit Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok are of productive age. Most of the consumers are from Depok city area (63.4 percent). The characteristics of the occupation 39.6 percent are students, 20.8 percent are other (can be family). From this data, consumers who buy products are dominated by students and families. Income of respondent is known that 39.6 percent has an income of < IDR 1,000,000, 32.7 percent of IDR 3,000,000 – IDR 5,000,000, and 17.8 percent of IDR 1,000,000 – IDR 5,000,000. This shows that consumers who buy products at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok from a lower-middle economy.
They are usually sensitive to prices and comparisons with prices of other similar products, so that in determining the price of Warung Kopi tepi Sungai Depok must be careful and with an in-depth study, with the loyalty of consumers who buy products at this café will be maintained. The characteristics of frequently visit, it is known that second – fourth time (41.6 percent), and more than sixth time 24.8 percent. It shows that consumers who come to the Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok are loyal consumers. To keep loyal consumers, Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai can provide special prices and always innovate so as not to be abandoned by loyal visitors. Considerations for choosing this place, the data obtained are 30.7 percent comfortable place and 24.8 percent services provided. This shows that consumers choose the Warung Kopi Sungai Depok because of the convenience of the place and service. From the characteristics of consumer motivation, it is known that 43.6 percent is due to affordable prices and a comfortable cafe atmosphere. This shows that many consumers feel very comfortable buying products at affordable prices.
Table 1. The Distribution of Demographic Characteristics | |||||
A. Gender |
F |
% |
B. Age |
F |
% |
Male |
58 |
57.4 |
14 - 19 |
20 |
19.8 |
Female |
43 |
42.6 |
20 – 25 |
55 |
54.5 |
26 – 34 |
23 |
22.8 | |||
35 - 43 |
3 |
3.0 | |||
C. City of Residence |
F |
% |
D. Education |
F |
% |
Bogor |
20 |
19.8 |
Middle School |
2 |
2.0 |
Jakarta |
6 |
5.9 |
High School Diploma Bachelor Degree |
51 |
50.5 |
Bandung Depok |
4 64 |
4.0 63.4 |
32 15 |
31.7 14.9 | |
Lain-lain |
7 |
6.9 |
Post Graduate |
1 |
1.0 |
E. Occupation |
F |
% |
F. Income of Respondent |
F |
% |
Student |
40 |
39.6 |
< 1,000,000 |
40 |
39.6 |
Private Employee |
28 |
27.7 |
1,000,000 – 3,000,000 |
18 |
17.8 |
Government Employee |
2 |
2.0 |
3,000,000 – 5,000,000 |
33 |
32.7 |
Entrepreneur |
10 |
9.9 |
> 5,000,000 |
10 |
9.9 |
The other jobs |
21 |
20.8 | |||
G. Frequently Visit |
F |
% |
H. Consideration for |
F |
% |
Choosing |
First time |
6 |
5.9 |
Menu Diversity |
5 |
5.0 |
Second - Fourth time |
42 |
41.6 |
Service |
25 |
24.8 |
Fifth – Sixth time |
28 |
27.7 |
Location |
17 |
16.8 |
More than sixth time |
25 |
24.8 |
Discount/Promotional Price |
12 |
11.9 |
Convenience Place |
31 |
30.7 | |||
The other option |
11 |
10.9 | |||
I. Source Information |
F |
% |
J. Motivation |
F |
% |
Family member/Spouse |
9 |
8.9 |
Affordable prices |
44 |
43.6 |
Friends Relatives |
63 |
62.4 |
Cozy Place |
44 |
43.6 |
Social Media/Advertis- |
22 |
21.8 |
Interior Unique, distinctive & |
8 |
7.9 |
ing/Brochure |
interesting | ||||
The other source |
7 |
6.9 |
The other motivation |
5 |
5.0 |
Source: The Processed Primary Data (2021)
Descriptive Statistics
The descriptive statistic for respondent response of the customer experience
affect repurchase intention is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Respondent Response of Customer Experience Affect Repurchase Intention
Variable: Customer Experience |
Labels |
Means |
SD |
Attractive and impressive interior and outdoor st |
CES1 |
4.16 |
.596 |
The atmosphere is very friendly with nature and comfortable |
CES2 |
4.32 |
.599 |
Old Cafe design and unique style atmosphere |
CES3 |
4.38 |
.676 |
Staffs are friendly |
CEF1 |
4.10 |
.686 |
Quality of food and drinks |
CEF2 |
3.97 |
.608 |
Convenient place |
CEF3 |
4.16 |
.628 |
Café Instagram able |
CET1 |
3.37 |
.845 |
Provide promotions for members |
CET2 |
3.45 |
.932 |
Serving a trending menu |
CET3 |
3.63 |
.797 |
Affordable Prices |
CEA1 |
4.22 |
.657 |
Direct interaction with customer |
CEA2 |
3.94 |
.719 |
Memorable Experience |
CEA3 |
3.92 |
.659 |
Has update information through social media |
CER1 |
3.47 |
.831 |
Have website to establish a direct relationship with customers |
CER2 |
3.18 |
.942 |
Special treatment for regular customers |
CER3 |
4.12 |
.671 |
Variable: Repurchase Intention |
Labels |
Means |
SD |
Interest Visiting |
RI1 |
4.0 |
.678 |
Prefer Café |
RI2 |
3.47 |
.855 |
Recommend to relatives and close friends |
RI3 |
3.87 |
.716 |
Recommend food, drink, and service |
RI4 |
3.76 |
.838 |
Interested in Menu and Service |
RI5 |
3.77 |
.705 |
First Choice |
RI6 |
3.18 |
1.1 |
Purchase Product Offering |
RI7 |
3.53 |
.657 |
Looking for update information |
RI8 |
3.45 |
.806 |
The multi-item statements are designed for a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). As seen in table 2 above, the highest mean value is on CES3 indicator statement which is at an average of 4.38 which means that respondents agree that Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok has an interior with old design and unique style atmosphere. Whereas the lowest mean value is on the statement of customer experience statement CER2 which is at an average of 3.18, which means that neutral respondents state that Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok has not provided website facilities to establish direct relationships with customers.
The highest mean value is on Repurchase Intention RI1 indicator statement which is on average 4.0 which means respondents almost all agree that consumers are interested revisit Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. While the lowest mean value is on the Repurchase Intention RI6 indicator statement which is at an average of 3.18 which means that neutral respondents stated that Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok is not the main choice.
The standard deviation value has a value close to 1 (whole number) which is between 0.596 to 0.942, and 0.657 to 1.1 which means that the diversity of respondents gives answers large enough and is not homogeneous in providing answers to tourist attraction, which means that all answers given by respondents vary.
Reliability Analysis
Reliability refers to a sense that the instrument used in research to obtain the desired information can be trusted (reliably) as a data collection tool and able to reveal actual information in the field. The reliability test method used is the Cronbach's Alpha method, construct is considered reliable if the Alpha coefficient is> 0.70 (Sugiarto, Hendratono and Djoko 2015). The reading of Cronbach’s α for all the
variables as described in Table 3 exceeds the criterion of 0.70, indicating the survey instrument is reliable to measure all constructs consistently and is free from random error.
Tabel 3. Reliability Analysis
Variable Number Cronbach’s
of Items Alpha
Costumer Expe- 15 .855
Repurchase In- 8 .870
Source: The Processed Primary Data (2021)
Results of the Regression Analysis
Simple Correlation Analysis is used to determine the relationship between one independent variable to the dependent variable. Determination analysis in simple regression is used to determine the percentage contribution of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable (Sugiyono 2016).
Tabel 4. Customer Experience Affect Repurchase Intention
R R Ad- Std.
Square justed Error
R of the
Square Esti
.643 .414 .408 3.594
Source: The Processed Primary Data (2021)
As seen in table 4, correlation among customer experience on repurchase intention is seen. The R number is 0.643, this shows that there is a strong relationship between customer experience on repurchase intention. The determination coefficient is obtained by R2 (R Square) by 0.414. This shows that the percentage contribution of the influence of customer experience on repurchase intention by 41.4% while 58.6% is influenced by other variables not examined.
As indicated in table 5, the results of
linear regression hypotheses testing, T test to determine the effect of customer experience (independent) on the fixed variable (dependent).
Table 5. Hypothesis Testing Results
Hy- Statement Score Remarks
H1 Customer T = 8.356 H1 accept
Experience Sig. = .000 H0 reject
Repurchase Intention
Source: The Processed Primary Data (2021)
In Table 5, the results of the t-test analysis related to costumer experience on repurchase intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok, the t count > t table was obtained; 8.356 > 1.660 with a significance of 0.000 (ρ < 0.05). The positive t value indicates that costumer experience has a direct relationship with repurchase intention. So, it can be concluded that the costumer experience has a significant influence on repurchase intention.
Based on the results of the study, the conclusions the dimension of customer experience are: sense, feel, think, act, and relate positively and significantly contributed to repurchase intention: transactional interest, referential interest, preferential interest, exploratory interest at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. One of the indicators Customer Experience variables has the lowest value, an indicator of the use of the website Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. A website needs to be created so that consumers can use the website to make reservations easily, buy products through the website or find out all the latest information related to Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok to establish direct relationships with customers. While the lowest mean value is on the Repurchase Intention http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 65
indicator statement stated that Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok is not the main choice. To achieve its, Warung Kopi Sungai Tepi Depok needs to be improving its services, add new menus, and maintain the cleanliness of the Warung Kopi Sungai Tepi Depok. Then, Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok will become the customer's first choice.
The author would like to thank the Bogor School of Tourism (STP Bogor) who has given assistance in the form of finance.
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