Farmers’ Capacity for Jatiluwih Agrotourism Management and Its Effects on Tourists’ Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit
E-Journal of Tourism Vol.7. No.1. (2020): 1-15
Farmers’ Capacity for Jatiluwih Agrotourism Management and Its Effects on Tourists’ Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit
Tien Cathy Patricia1, I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani2, I Ketut Suamba1 andAgung Suryawan Wiranatha2
1Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University 2Centre of Excellence in Tourism, Udayana University
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
28 November 2019
28 January 2020
Available online 01 March 2020
Capacity is the main element for farmers in achieving their goals. Farmer’s Capacity consists elements of knowledge, attitude, and skills. With the increasing number of visits in Bali, especially Jatiluwih Agrotourism, farmers should be the subject of management so that they can fully enjoy the benefits of the visit. With the existence of agrotourism, agriculture and tourism can be a pair of harmonious sectors. Tourist’s feedback on the satisfaction and intention to revisit can be an input in the effort to increasing the farmer’s capacity in agrotourism management for its sustainability. This paper analyzes Farmer’s Capacity for Jatiluwih Agrotourism Management and Its Influence toward Tourist’s Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit. Primary and secondary data were obtained through interviews and filling out questionnaires with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method. The results of Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis show that farmer’s capacity has a significant effect on tourists’s satisfaction, which leads to tourists’s intention to revisit. it is expected that higher capacity of agroutourism management among farmers will increase tourist’s satisfaction which affects tourist’s intention to revisit hence, improving the welfare of the community, especially farmers in Jatiluwih Agrotourism.
Keywords: Farmers’ Capacity, Satisfaction, Revisit, PLS
The agricultural sector has an important and strategic role in the development of the national economy. The agricultural sector has proven to be the most survive in the economic crisis and it
opens awareness that the agricultural sector must continue to be strived as a basis for overcoming threats or crises and achieving national economic growth with full support from the government. The rapid development of
tourism in Bali has impacted the development of other sectors, especially agriculture. The role of the agricultural sector is declining while the role of the tourism sector is increasing. To minimize leakage and negative impacts of tourism development, the development of tourism attractions is recommended to optimize the potential of Bali-based natural and cultural tourism attractions and be directed at natural tourism attractions such as agrotourism, ecotourism, marine tourism, and rural tourism (Wiranatha and Suryawardani, 2018).
Jatiluwih Agrotourism is one of the favorite destinations. This is what makes Jatiluwih included in the World Cultural Heritage Site (WBD) by UNESCO. In addition, Jatiluwih Agrotourism has a management body that officially manages matters related to it. Tourist visits are increasing but farmers are still considered as objects in agrotourism activities. In facts, the benefits of visits have not been fully enjoyed by farmers. Therefore, farmers' capacity needs to be developed to build potential benefits in increasing information and knowledge transfer (Badamas, 2009 in Veronice et al, 2008).
The capacity of farmers in managing agrotourism must always be improved and developed in order to 3
achieve the expected goals. This capacity is reflected in the knowledge, attitudes and skills of farmers. In agrotourism management, farmers should be made the main subject or executor involved directly. With the high capacity of farmers in managing together with stakeholders, it is expected to be able to increase Tourists’ satisfaction and have implications for increasing revisit intention to improve the welfare of the community, especially farmers in Jatiluwih Agrotourism.
Based on the description above, research on "Farmers' Capacity in the Management of Jatiluwih Agrotourism and Its Effect on Tourists’ satisfaction and Revisit Intention" is very important to be carried out. With the high capacity of farmers in managing agrotourism, it is expected to increase Tourists’ satisfaction and have implications for increasing revisit intention to improve the welfare of the community, especially farmers in Jatiluwih Agrotourism.
Formulation of the problems
Based on the background description above, the formulation of the problems is as follows:
1. What are the effects of the capacity of farmers on tourists' satisfaction in Jatiluwih Agrotourism?
2. What are the effects of tourists' satisfaction on the revisit intention to Jatiluwih Agrotourism?
Research Purposes
The purposes of this research are:
1. Analyzing the capacity of farmers on Tourists’ satisfaction in Jatiluwih Agrotourism.
2. Analyzing the effect of tourists' satisfaction on the revisit intention of tourists visiting Jatiluwih Agrotourism.
Based on the previous description, seven research hypotheses are proposed so that the research objectives can be achieved, viz:
a. Hypothesis I
H0: Farmers' knowledge does not significantly influence tourists'
H1: Farmers' knowledge has a significant effect on tourists' satisfaction.
b. Hypothesis II
H0: The attitude of farmers does not significantly influence tourists'
H2: Farmers' attitudes significantly
influence the management of tourist satisfaction.
c. Hypothesis III
H0: Farmers' skills do not significantly influence tourists' satisfaction.
H3: Farmers' skills significantly influence tourists' satisfaction.
d. Hypothesis IV
H0: Tourists’ satisfaction does not significantly influence tourists' revisit intention.
H4: Tourists satisfaction has a significant effect on tourists' revisit intention.
Farmers' Capacity
Marliati (2008) defines the capacity of farmers as the power of farmers to run an ideal farm in accordance with the expected goals (better farming, better living, better business, and better environment). Suprayitno (2011) added that the level of capacity is related to knowledge, attitudes, and abilities in overcoming various problems faced by farmers in terms of technical, managerial, and social skills.
Tourists' Satisfaction
Kotler (2002) defines that Tourists’ satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that arises from the results of comparing expectations with the reality experienced. In other words, that Tourists’ satisfaction is a comparison between the e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857
performance of the products produced and the performance perceived by tourists. If it is below expectations, tourists are not satisfied. If performance meets expectations, tourists are satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations, tourists are very satisfied.
Revisit Intention
According to Ferdinand (2011), intention to revisit is a behavior that arises as a response to objects that indicate the customer's desire to make a repeat purchase. Interest in repeat visits can also be interpreted as part of the visitor loyalty stage. Revisit intention is the desire and actions of customers to make a repeat visit because of the satisfaction received (Puspitasari, 2011).
The research was conducted from May to October 2019 at Jatiluwih Agrotourism. This location determination was done purposively based on various certain considerations. The study was conducted with respondents of farmers and tourists in Jatiluwih Agrotourism using questionnaire and interview methods. Sampling using simple random sampling method and combined with accidental sampling method. The total sample was 100 respondents consisting of 50 farmers
and 50 tourists. Analysis of data using the analysis of the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The indicators used were 46 divided into five factors.
Contribution of Stakeholders to the Jatiluwih Agrotourism Community
Contributions made by stakeholders in economic matters such as support surrounding the production of seeds, purchase of liquid and solid fertilizers, as well as land management were as much as 247 million rupiahs by the Government of Tabanan Regency. In addition, assistance such as solid fertilizers and irrigation improvements with irrigation improvement funds around 180 million rupiahs by the Provincial Government of Bali, and a special financial assistance fund (BKK) of 50 million rupiah. Of the revenue funds, operational management divides funds for agency operations 10%, facility and infrastructure development 20%, operational management 35%, and villages and regional governments 35%. Operational funds consist of 12.25% for operational needs such as office stationery. In addition, 5.25% for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and 17.5% for wages to HR in Operational Management. The village and regional government funds
consist of 15.75% for the regional government and 19.25% for the village and organization of the irrigation system of Subak. The village and subak funds consisted of 5.775% for the Jatiluwih Traditional Village, 4.8125% for the administrative village, 4.0425% for the Jatiluwih Subak, 3.85% for the Gunungsari Customary Village, 0.385% for the Subak Abian Jatiluwih, and by 0,385% for Subak Abian Gunungsari. The contribution of the Operational Management of Jatiluwih Tourism Destination Region to Subak can be said to be unfavorable because farmers are only used as objects or supporters of tourism. This is evident from the number of payments given to subaks of only 4.8125% of 100% of total revenue funds.
The operational management of the Jatiluwih tourism area should make farmers as an important subject because the main object of agrotourism is terraced rice fields where farmers have a large role in the management of agrotourism. Based on this, the distribution of subsidized funds for subaks should be greater which will have an impact on the welfare of farmers' families. This is because farmers know more about the technical aspects of the field and environmental conditions in the village of Jatiluwih including the types of plants suitable for planting during certain seasons.
Contributions in terms of social life are reflected in the empowered community so that they are involved in the development of Jatiluwih Agrotourism. This is consistent with the results of research in the attitude factor of farmers (X2) on the indicator of farmers empowered in the development of agrotourism (SP6) that the average farmer answered strongly agreed. The environmental benefits are also reflected in the existence of a 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) Garbage Disposal Site (TPS) in Banjar Kesambahan Kelod and a rule that wastewater must not enter the irrigation channel so as not to pollute the rice fields. Promotion of the subak system in Bali was also carried out for example at the Majapahit International Travel Fair in Surabaya. The Jatiluwih tourism management agency also held the Jatiluwih Festival for the third time in September 2019. The series of events included a dance performance from the PKK women’s organization of 400 people in front of the Pura Dewi Sri Subak Temple, a local culinary exhibition, camping and cultural camp (there is a traditional game involving 17 elementary and vocational schools).
Characteristics of Respondents
The study was conducted on 100 respondents, namely 50 farmers and 50 tourists. Respondent characteristics discussed in this study include gender, age, education level, and country of origin of tourists.
Table 1. Characteristics of Jatiluwih Agrotourism Respondents in 2019
No |
Charact eristics |
Category |
Number of people |
Percent age (%) | |
Farmers |
Tourists | ||||
1 |
Age |
≤15 years old |
3 |
1 | |
16—25 years old |
1 |
16 |
17 | ||
26—55 years old |
20 |
28 |
48 | ||
≥56 years old |
29 |
3 |
32 | ||
2 |
Sex |
Male |
35 |
22 |
57 |
Female |
15 |
28 |
43 | ||
3 |
Level of educatio n |
Elementary school |
18 |
18 | |
Middle School |
9 |
3 |
12 | ||
High School / Vocational School |
12 |
6 |
18 | ||
Diploma / Bachelor Degree |
11 |
41 |
52 | ||
4 |
Country of origin |
Indonesia |
50 |
18 |
68 |
France |
12 |
12 | |||
The USA |
4 |
4 | |||
Spain |
4 |
4 | |||
Australia |
2 |
2 | |||
Germany |
2 |
2 | |||
Italy |
2 |
2 | |||
etc |
6 |
6 |
Outer Model Evaluation
1. Validity test
a) Convergent Validity
i) Validity Indicator
The validity of convergence reflects the strength of the interlation between variables and their indicators. In Figure 1 (before being dropped) there are eleven indicators that have a loading factor value <0.7, that is, variable X1: PP3; PP8; PP9; PP10; PP11; X2: SP9; SP10; SP13; SP14, X3: KP6, and KP7. According to Chin (1998), the loading factor value below 0.7 must be dropped so that the PLS analysis is repeated. After re-analysis, the loading factor value of the whole indicator meets the convergence validity criteria. Figure of the model before dropping the indicator can be seen in Figure 1 while the model figure after dropping the indicators in Figure 1, can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Initial Model
Description of Figure 1
Farmers' Knowledge (X1)
PP1 : Farmers' knowledge in identifying potentials and utilizing opportunities for farming & agrotourism (such as tracking and cycling)
PP2 : Farmers' knowledge in marketing elements of agricultural products to tourists (such as brown rice, brown rice tea, coffee, cocoa, and oranges)
PP3: Farmers’ knowledge in souvenir marketing elements for tourists
PP4: Farmers' knowledge in supporting facilities and infrastructure
PP5: Farmers' knowledge in maintaining environmental security as part of the implementation of the 7 charm of the tourism sector
PP6: Farmers' knowledge in maintaining environmental comfort as part of the implementation of the Sapta charm of the tourism sector
PP7: Farmers' knowledge in controlling pests and plant diseases in agrotourism
PP8: Farmer's knowledge in managing agrotourism
PP9: Farmers' knowledge in the promotion of agrotourism
PP10: Farmers' knowledge in maintaining the sustainability of farming & agrotourism resources and in pioneering & identifying the development of tourism potential
PP11: Mastering theoretical concepts in the field of agricultural knowledge and resources, agricultural development, agricultural science and technology in general and the theoretical concepts
of special sections in the field of knowledge in depth.
Farmers' Attitude (X2)
SP1: Having the awareness to maintain a harmonious relationship with God Almighty
SP2: Have the obligation to do something for nature and humans as a respect for God Almighty
SP3: Attitudes of farmers in maintaining harmonious relations with the community, farmers, and tourists visiting Jatiluwih Agrotourism
SP4: Attitudes of farmers in providing aspirations / opinions in the development and management of community-based agrotourism
SP5: Farmers are involved and play an active role in the development of agrotourism
SP6: Farmers are empowered in
developing agrotourism
SP7: Farmers are responsible for
environmental preservation
SP8: Attitudes of farmers in participating in various trainings to realize agrotourism sustainability
SP9: Farmer's attitude towards cultural preservation of subak (SP9), e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857
SP10: Farmers give a positive
interpretation of tourists visiting agrotourism so that tourists enjoy agrotourism attractions
SP11: Farmers’ attitude in participating in environmental preservation
SP12: Attitudes of farmers to the law and spatial regulations stipulated by the government
SP13: Farmers value local culture in agrotourism management
SP14: Farmers have a high commitment and are responsible for the sustainability of agrotourism
Farmers' Skills (X3)
KP1: Farmers’ skills in agrotourism
development training
KP2: Farmers' skills in implementing tradition and culture
KP3: Farmers' skills in protecting the environment
KP4: Farmers' skills in developing
community-based agrotourism
KP5: Farmers’ skills in improving the ability to manage agrotourism businesses
KP6: Farmers' skills in training in making crafts and souvenirs for visitors
KP7: Farmers' skills in improving
communication skills with tourists
KP8: Farmers' skills in maintaining
sustainable agrotourism
Tourists' Satisfaction (Y1)
KW1: Tourists’ satisfaction for services obtained at Jatiluwih Agrotourism
KW2: Tourists’ satisfaction of food and drinks served at restaurants in Jatiluwih Agrotourism
KW3: Tourists’ satisfaction on handicrafts sold at Jatiluwih Agrotourism
KW4: Tourists’ satisfaction for safety and comfort in Jatiluwih Agrotourism
KW5: Tourists’ satisfaction at Jatiluwih Agrotourism attractions such as tracking and cycling
KW6: Tourists’ satisfaction in the
hospitality of farmers and Jatiluwih people
KW7: Tourists’ satisfaction on agricultural products marketed in Jatiluwih Agrotourism (such as brown rice and brown rice tea)
KW8: Tourists’ satisfaction in enjoying the beauty of rice terraces in Jatiluwih
KW9: Tourists’ satisfaction on all
activities in Jatiluwih.
Revisit Intention (Y2)
MW1: Tourists' interest in revisit intention to Jatiluwih Agrotourism
MW2: Promoting Jatiluwih Agrotourism to friends and relatives
MW3: Recommend Jatiluwih Agrotourism to friends and relatives
MW4: Making Jatiluwih Agrotourism the first choice for the next vacation.
Figure 2. Final Model
Table 3. Evaluation of Outer Models
Variable |
Composite Reliability |
Cronbach’s Alpha |
X1 |
0,981 |
0,977 |
0,897 |
X2 |
0.971 |
0,974 |
0,791 |
X3 |
0,946 |
0,957 |
0,789 |
Y1 |
0,975 |
0,979 |
0,837 |
Y2 |
0,927 |
0,948 |
0,820 |
ii) Factor of Reliability
Based on the results of the study in Table 3 the value of Cronbach's alpha on all factors is more than 0.7. This shows that the factors are said to be reliable.
iii) Value of AVE
In Table 3, you can see the AVE value of all factors above 0.5. This shows that the factors are able to explain more than half the variants derived from the indicators.
b. Discriminant Validity
The discriminant validity evaluation was carried out in two stages, namely by looking at the cross loading value and comparing the root of the AVE value.
i) Cross Loading Value
Table 4. Cross Loading Value
X1 |
X2 |
X3 |
Y1 |
Y2 | |
PP1 |
0,968 |
0,811 |
0,811 |
0,763 |
0,652 |
PP2 |
0,939 |
0,871 |
0,7871 |
0,838 |
0,678 |
PP4 |
0,930 |
0,769 |
0,769 |
0,741 |
0,653 |
PP5 |
0,936 |
0,862 |
0,862 |
0,837 |
0,716 |
PP6 |
0,971 |
0,787 |
0,787 |
0,748 |
0,619 |
PP7 |
0,938 |
0,738 |
0,738 |
0,700 |
0,603 |
SP1 |
0,650 |
0,862 |
0,830 |
0,753 |
0,674 |
SP2 |
0,751 |
0,928 |
0,842 |
0,783 |
0,675 |
SP3 |
0,815 |
0,945 |
0,816 |
0,842 |
0,764 |
SP4 |
0,723 |
0,829 |
0,679 |
0,715 |
0,707 |
SP5 |
0,820 |
0,899 |
0,731 |
0,825 |
0,703 |
SP6 |
0,741 |
0,900 |
0,817 |
0,765 |
0,661 |
SP7 |
0,825 |
0,916 |
0,816 |
0,880 |
0,704 |
SP8 |
0,781 |
0,850 |
0,769 |
0,826 |
0,631 |
SP11 |
0,737 |
0,883 |
0,782 |
0,722 |
0,712 |
SP12 |
0,737 |
0,878 |
0,793 |
0,700 |
0,667 |
KP1 |
0,680 |
0,759 |
0,849 |
0,796 |
0,743 |
KP2 |
0,708 |
0,811 |
0,912 |
0,764 |
0,711 |
KP3 |
0,704 |
0,819 |
0,878 |
0,803 |
0,757 |
KP4 |
0,478 |
0,684 |
0,877 |
0,658 |
0,694 |
KP5 |
0,658 |
0,800 |
0,908 |
0,767 |
0,720 |
KP8 |
0,756 |
0,813 |
0,902 |
0,806 |
0,803 |
KW1 |
0,742 |
0,817 |
0,794 |
0,916 |
0,773 |
KW2 |
0,584 |
0,727 |
0,762 |
0,855 |
0,693 |
KW3 |
0,764 |
0,759 |
0,713 |
0,815 |
0,752 |
KW4 |
0,775 |
0,809 |
0,771 |
0,944 |
0,819 |
KW5 |
0,756 |
0,825 |
0,869 |
0,932 |
0,812 |
KW6 |
0,765 |
0,801 |
0,825 |
0,945 |
0,852 |
KW7 |
0,770 |
0,819 |
0,786 |
0,950 |
0,833 |
KW8 |
0,780 |
0,831 |
0,836 |
0,960 |
0,890 |
KW9 |
0,782 |
0,868 |
0,771 |
0,907 |
0,802 |
MW1 |
0,660 |
0,775 |
0,768 |
0,802 |
0,915 |
MW2 |
0,461 |
0,532 |
0,647 |
0,643 |
0,858 |
MW3 |
0,563 |
0,612 |
0,736 |
0,779 |
0,917 |
MW4 |
0,774 |
0,842 |
0,842 |
0,922 |
0,931 |
ii) Root Value of AVE
Based on Table 5, each AVE root value is greater than the correlation between factors and other factors. This shows that all latent factors have good validity.
Table 5. AVE Roots and Correlations
Factors |
√AVE |
Y1 |
X3 |
Y2 |
X1 |
X2 |
Y1 |
0,837 |
0,915 |
0,915 | ||||
X3 |
0,789 |
0,888 |
0,866 |
0,888 | |||
Y2 |
0,820 |
0,905 |
0,879 |
0,833 |
0,906 | ||
X1 |
0,897 |
0,947 |
0,818 |
0,754 |
0,692 |
0,947 | |
X2 |
0,791 |
0,890 |
0,882 |
0,883 |
0,776 |
0,855 |
0,890 |
2. Reliability Test
Based on Table 3, the composite reliability value of all factors has a value greater than the required standard value of 0.70. This shows there is stability and consistency of internal indicators.
Inner Model Evaluation
Figure 3. Structural Equation Model based on Smart PLS Version 3.0.
reflected by 10 indicators, farmers 'skills are reflected by 6 indicators, tourist satisfaction is reflected by 9 indicators, and tourists' revisit intention is reflected by 4 indicators. Based on the model framework and this research hypothesis, the structural equation model can be seen in Figure 3.
1. GoF Test
The feasibility of a structural equation model, in its entirety, was carried out by calculating the value of Goodness of Fit (GoF) using the following formula (Tenenhaus, 2005 in Suryawardani, 2018):
GoF = √Communality x R2 = √AVE x R2
Using this formula, the GoF of the model is calculated at 0.813. This shows that the model can be accepted and interpreted.
Table 6. Model Fit
Saturated Model |
Estimated Model | |
0,072 |
0,073 |
Chin- |
1.230,537 |
1.235,711 |
Square | ||
0,645 |
0,652 |
2. Path coefficients
The model in this study is aimed at looking at the capacity of farmers towards tourist satisfaction and revisit intention that is modeled through the structural equation model (SEM) to obtain the best model. In this model, it involves five latent variables: farmers 'knowledge is reflected by 6 indicators, farmers' attitudes are
Table 7. Path Coefficients
Path |
Original |
Sampel |
Standard Deviation |
P- |
Sampel |
Mean |
value | |
X1→Y1 |
0,238 |
0,240 |
0,106 |
0,02 6 |
X2→Y1 |
0,328 |
0,303 |
0,157 |
0,03 7 |
X3→Y1 |
0,397 |
0,414 |
0,128 |
0,00 2 |
Y1→Y2 |
0,879 |
0,879 |
0,038 |
0,00 0 |
3. Test of R2
Table 8. R2 values
Factors |
R2 |
R2 Adjusted |
Tourist |
0,828 |
0,817 |
Satisfaction (Y1) | ||
Revisit Intention |
0,773 |
0,769 |
Based on Table 8, it can be seen that the R2 value of tourist satisfaction variable is 0.828. This means that 82.8% of tourist satisfaction variables can be explained by farmers' knowledge, farmers' attitudes, farmers' skills and the remaining 17.2% is explained by other variables outside the research model. R2 value of tourist revisit intention variable is 0.773, meaning that the revisit intention variable of 77.3% can be explained by tourist satisfaction and the remaining 22.7% is explained by variables outside the research model. The value of R2 on the variable of tourist satisfaction and tourist revisit intention has a strong predictive power because the value of R2 is above 0.75 (Henseller, 2009 in Santoso, 2018).
The Effects of Farmers' Capacity on Tourists’ Satisfaction in Jatiluwih Agrotourism
The effects of farmers' capacity on tourists' satisfaction in Jatiluwih Agrotourism are discussed in three sections as follows:
1. Effects of Farmers' Knowledge on Tourists' Satisfaction
The results of testing the first hypothesis showed that the relationship between farmers' knowledge factor (X1) and tourist satisfaction (Y1) showed the Original Sample (O) value of 0.238 and P-value of 0.026 <0.05, then H0 was rejected. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the knowledge of farmers (X1) significantly influences tourist satisfaction (Y1), meaning that the knowledge of farmers with their indicators significantly influences tourists' satisfaction factors.
The most significant indicator contributing to this factor is the knowledge of farmers in maintaining environmental comfort as part of the implementation of the Sapta / seven-charm program in the tourism sector with a loading factor of 0.971 and a P-value of 0.026. In addition, the indicators that have the lowest significant value are farmers' knowledge in supporting facilities and infrastructure with a loading factor value of 0.930 and a P-value of 0.026.
2. The Effects of Farmers' Attitude on Tourists' Satisfaction
The second hypothesis testing results show that the relationship between farmers' attitude factor (X2) and tourists' satisfaction (Y1) shows the Original
Sample (O) value of 0.328 and the P-value of 0.037 <0.05, then H0 was rejected. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the attitude of farmers (X2) significantly influences tourists' satisfaction (Y1). This means that in this study the attitude of farmers with their indicators significantly influences tourists' satisfaction factors.
The most significant indicator contributing to this factor is the attitude of farmers in maintaining a harmonious relationship with the community, farmers, and tourists visiting Jatiluwih Agrotourism with a loading factor of 0.945 and a P-value of 0.037. In addition, the indicator that has the lowest significant value is the attitude of farmers in providing aspirations / opinions in the development and management of community-based
agrotourism with a loading factor of 0.829 and a P-value of 0.037.
3. Effects of Farmers' Skills on Tourists' Satisfaction
The results of testing the third hypothesis showed that the relationship between farmers' skill factors (X3) and tourists' satisfaction (Y1) showed the Original Sample (O) value of 0.397 and the P-value of 0.002 <0.05, then H0 was rejected. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the skills of farmers (X3) have a significant 13
relationship to tourists' satisfaction (Y1). This means that in this study, the skills of farmers and their indicators significantly influence tourists' satisfaction factors.
The most significant indicator contributing to this factor is farmers' skills in carrying out traditions and culture with a loading factor value of 0.912 and a P-value of 0.002. In addition, the indicator that has the lowest significant value is farmers' skills in agrotourism development training with a loading factor of 0.849 and a P-value of 0.002.
The Effects of Tourists' Satisfaction on Revisit Intention of Tourists
The fourth hypothesis testing results indicate that the relationship of tourists' satisfaction factor (Y1) with the revisit intention of tourists (Y2) shows the Original Sample (O) value of 0.879 and the P-value of 0.000 <0.05, then H0 was rejected. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that tourists' satisfaction has a significant relationship to the revisit intention of tourists, meaning that in this study, tourists' satisfaction factors with their indicators influence the factors of revisit intention significantly. This is in accordance with the research of Alit Purnami (2018) which states that tourists'
satisfaction has a significant effect on the revisit intention.
Among the nine variables, the variable that has the biggest loading factor value is satisfaction, which is reflected in enjoying the beauty of the terraced rice fields in Jatiluwih with a loading factor value of 0.960 and a P-value of 0,000. In addition, the indicator that has the lowest significant value is the satisfaction of tourists in handicrafts sold at Jatiluwih Agrotourism with a loading factor of 0.815 and a P-value of 0,000.
Based on the results and discussions that have been carried out in this research, it can be concluded: (1) The capacity of farmers has a significant influence on tourists' satisfaction in Jatiluwih Agrotourism: a) Farmers' knowledge has a significant effect on the satisfaction of Jatiluwih Agrotourism tourists. b) Farmers' attitudes significantly influence the satisfaction of Jatiluwih Agrotourism. c) Farmers' skills significantly influence the satisfaction of Jatiluwih Agrotourism and (2) Tourists' satisfaction significantly influences the revisit intention of tourists to Jatiluwih Agrotourism.
Based on the results of the discussion and conclusions obtained from this study, a number of suggestions are made as follows: (1) The availability of facilities and infrastructure support from stakeholders should be given more comprehensively and clearly announced to each farmer or subak's member in order to increase farmers' knowledge in Jatiluwih Agrotourism . (2) Meetings or discussions held in the development and management of Jatiluwih Agrotourism should be more motivating for the intention of every farmer or subak's member to improve the attitude of the farmers. Women farmers need to be encouraged to participate and every aspiration / opinion given by the participants’ present needs to be accounted for by the stakeholders. (3) Agrotourism development training needs to encourage each subak member and especially farmers aged ≥56 years old so that they have improved skills. In addition, the budget and intensity in agrotourism development training needs to be increased. Diversity of training that needs to be held such as postharvest training, pest and disease control, and tourist assistance training for farmers. (4) Crafts that are sold need variations in type, product quality, and packaging must be improved in order to increase the satisfaction and revisit intention of tourists to Jatiluwih Agrotourism. Craft products sold must also e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857
represent Jatiluwih Agrotourism. In addition, the management body should have information about explaining the life cycle of rice and how it is processed from land preparation to postharvest so that tourists, especially from foreign countries, receive complete and clear information about the commodity.
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e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857
Discussion and feedback