The Effect of the Quality of Services on the Visitors’ Satisfaction and Desire to Pay a Revisit to the Bali Pulina Agrotourism
E-Journal of Tourism Vol.5. No.2. (2018): 62-71
The Effect of the Quality of Services on the Visitors’ Satisfaction and Desire to Pay a Revisit to the Bali Pulina Agrotourism
Ni Nyoman Alit Purnami and I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani
Department of Agribusiness Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University
Corresponding author: [email protected]
20 August 2018
12 September 2018 Available online
20 September 2018
The perception of the visitors of the quality of the services provided at the Bali Pulina Agrotourism contributed to their satisfaction, which would then make them desirous of paying a revisit to it. The research was conducted at the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. This study was intended to analyze the effect of the quality of services (physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) on the visitors’ satisfaction with the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, and analyze the effect of the visitors’ satisfaction on their desire to pay a revisit to it. The respondents in this study were the tourists who had visited the Bali Pulina agrotourism, totaling 80 and obtained using the accidental sampling method. The model was designed based on the Smart PLS version 3.0-based Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using a computer program. The results of the study showed that physical evidence significantly contributed to the visitors’ satisfaction (p = 0.002); reliability significantly contributed to the visitors’ satisfaction (p = 0.005); responsiveness significantly contributed to the visitors’ satisfaction (p = 0.040); assurance significantly affected the visitors’ satisfaction (p = 0.001); empathy significantly affected the visitors’ satisfaction (p = 0.014); the visitors’ satisfaction significantly contributed to their desire to pay a revisit to the Bali Pulina Agrotourism (p = 0,000). Based on the results of the study, the Bali Pulina Agrotourism was expected to be able to maintain and improve the quality of services to make the visitors feel satisfied and desirous of paying a revisit.
Keywords: agrotourism, service quality, satisfaction, revisit, PLS
Agricultural sector is the one which dominantly contributes to the Indonesian economy. Agriculture constitutes a strong potential which can be developed as an attraction which can be enjoyed by both the domestic and foreign tourists. The activities starting from the time when plants are cultivated to the time when and after they are harvested can be used as the attractions to inspire tourists to visit Indonesia (Sammeng,
Indonesia is a country with different potentials and resources, meaning that it has a lot of opportunities through which it can be developed into a country with tourism industry. In this way, it can earn a lot of foreign exchange which can be used for funding the local, regional and national development (Oktaviani and Suryana, 2016). It has a lot of natural charms which can be developed as tourist destinations, one of which is Bali Province.
Bali Province has many tourist destinations which are visited by tourists
(Badan Pusat Statistik Propinsi Bali, 2017). According to Suryawardani, Wiranatha and Christine (2014), the beautiful natural landscape and its beautiful nature contribute to the success achieved by the nature-based tourist attractions in Bali. Bali is well-known for its highly beautiful nature, tropical climate, green forests, mounts, lakes, rivers, rice fields and beaches. It is highly needed to improve the quality of the tourist destinations as one of the attempts made to support the success they achieve (Suryawardani et al., 2017). One of the regencies in Bali which is visited by a great number of tourists is Gianyar Regency. It relies on the agricultural sector as the tourist destination, causing it to be one of the alternative reliable products in tourism industry in general and in agrotourism in particular.
One of the popular destinations, where agrotourism is used as one of the tourist attractions, is the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, which is located in Tegallalang District, Gianyar, where tourists can enjoy the coffee luwak (coffee beans collected from the civet cat’s feces) and its beautiful surrounding view. The Bali Pulina Agrotourism is not the only one in Tegallalang area. The fact that more and more tourist destinations will be created and developed in Tegallalang area causes them to tend to be more competitive, causing tourists to have more choices to visit (Supranto, 2011). In other words, the Bali Pulina Agrotourism is challenged to face the competition between it and the other units of agrotourism. Therefore, as a unit of business in tourism, it should pay much attention to what to do to be able to serve visitors as demanded by the market in order to be able to be competitive with its competitors.
According to Parasuraman, et al. (1990), the general dimension representing the evaluative criteria used to evaluate the quality of services are made up of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The evaluation of the attributes of services made by the visitors who visit the Bali Pulina Agrotourism functions to indicate the quality of what services to improve. The knowledge of the visitors’ perception becomes highly important when formulating the company’s managerial implication. This current study mainly focuses on the visitors
visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism as the success achieved by and the sustainability of the company are determined by the number of visitors visiting it. Therefore, it is highly important for the Bali Pulina Agrotourism to always do its best to improve the quality of services to make visitors interested and satisfied, and come again in the future.
Objectives of the Study
This current study was intended to:
1. analyze the effect of the dimension of the quality of services (physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) on the satisfaction of the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism.
2. analyze the effect of the satisfaction of the visitors of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism on their desire to pay a revisit.
The previous studies in which the Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyse the relationship among variables are as follows.
Suryawardani and Wiranatha (2016) implemented the Structural Equation Model and AMOS to assess the Guests’ Perception in the Implementation of Green Tourism to Support Sustainable Tourism at Hotels in Bali. The result showed that the tourists who stayed at the hotels were requested to give positive opinion as to the implementation of the green tourism, which included the environmental conservation and cultural preservation, at the hotels which turned out to contribute to the enhancement of the economic development and staff welfare. The hotel management had great concern for water efficiency and utilization of energy and water resources. Reuse and recycle were the concepts applied to manage the waste products. The hotel’s concern for community was shown through its Corporate Social Responsibility program (the CSR program).
Suryawardani et al. (2017) in their study implemented the Structural Equation
Model and used the Smart-PLS to analyse the Structural Model of Foreign Tourists’ Loyalty to Visiting the Nature-based Tourism in Bali. They revealed that the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations significantly contributed to the tourists’ loyalty to visiting the nature-based tourism mediated by the foreign tourists’ satisfaction. The result of the study they conducted suggested that the improvement of the destination quality is crucially needed to improve the competitiveness of the naturebased tourism in Bali.
Wiranatha, A.S., Bendesa and Suryawardani (2018) implemented the Structural Equation Model and used AMOS to analyse the Model of Foreign Tourists’ Loyalty to the Marine Tourism in Bali. The results of the study they conducted showed that (i) the intrinsic motivation of foreign tourists to visit the marine tourism in Bali significantly contributed to their satisfaction when diving in many dive sports in Bali; (ii) the extrinsic motivation significantly contributed to the tourists’ satisfaction when diving in many dive sports in Bali, and (iii) the foreign tourists’ satisfaction significantly affected their loyalty to diving in many dive sports in Bali.
Suryawardani and Wiranatha (2018), in their study entitled “Evaluation of the Marketing Strategy of Sanur Village Festival Based on Visitors’ Behavior” in which she applied the Theory of Planned Behavior and used the Smart-PLS to analyse the data, concluded that (i) the desire to visit was significantly affected by the attitude towards behaviour and the perceived behaviour control, (ii) the plan to revisit (actual behaviour) was significantly affected by the behavioural intention and perceived behaviour control; (iii) the intention and plan to visit Sanur Village in the following year were significantly related, and (iv) the communication of integrated marketing had been applied at the very prestigious art and cultural event as one of the attempts made to arouse the Bali tourism, which was made to be getting worse by several damaging terrors made by terrorists.
Wiranatha, A.S., Bendesa and Suryawardani (2018) in their study entitled
Model of Foreign Tourists’ Loyalty in Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Bali found that: (i) Foreign tourist were mostly satisfied in visiting cultural and heritage sites of Bali, (ii) Variables that influenced foreign tourists’ satisfaction in visiting cultural and heritage sites of Bali were intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and trust, (iii) Based on direct effects relationship, there were significant relationships between variable intrinsic motivation to trust, between intrinsic motivation to tourists’ satisfaction, between extrinsic motivation to trust, between extrinsic motivation to tourists’ satisfaction and between trust to tourists’ satisfaction. Meanwhile, there was not significant relationship between intrinsic motivation to tourists’ satisfaction. However, based on indirect effect, intrinsic motivation significantly influenced foreign tourists’ loyalty through variable trust which indicated that even though internal motivation of foreign tourists was not significant to directly influence tourist’s satisfaction, the results showed that foreign tourist’s trust in the reputation of Bali as one of cultural and heritage destination indirectly brought about tourists’ satisfaction in visiting cultural and heritage sites of Bali. Hence, the Balinese beliefs need to be protected, preserved and maintained through keep spreading out the vibration of Balinese spirits in implementing local culture and art in their daily life.
The Nature and Culture-based Tourist Attractions-related Studies
Wiranatha (2015), in his study entitled Sustainable Development Strategy for Ecotourism at Tangkahan North Sumatera, showed seven strategies which can be used to develop ecotourism. They are (i) preserving flora and fauna; (ii) developing the naturebased tourism by implementing the principles of ecotourism and preserving the nature; (iii) giving priority to paying attention to the safety of the visitors and their tour guides when they are doing their activities; (iv) revitalizing the traditional music and dances; (v) widening the existing tracking area at Tangkahan, (vi) increasing the number of elephants, and (vii) improving the accommodation facilities without damaging environment; (viii) developing the land transportation leading to the location of the tourist attraction, improving
the touristic supporting infrastructure and facilities such as banking, public toilets and the management of the integrated parking area, improving the electrical facility and circuitry at the centre of the tourist attraction at Tangkahan.
Pramono, Susrusa and Wiranatha (2016), in his study entitled “the Environmental Management at Star Rated Hotels in Bali’, showed that the environmental issues, environmental management, and the application of the environmental management at the star rated hotels in Bali were significantly related to one another.
Wiranatha, A.S., Bendesa and Suryawardani (2018), in their study entitled Model of Foreign Tourists’ Loyalty to Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Bali, concluded that foreign tourists were satisfied with the cultural heritage sites in Bali. The variables which contributed to their satisfaction were the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and trust. Viewed from the direct impact, the result of their study showed that the variable of the intrinsic motivation was significantly related to the variable of trust, the extrinsic motivation was significantly related to the variable of satisfaction, and the variable of trust and the variable of satisfaction were significantly related. However, it was found that the intrinsic variable was insignificantly related to satisfaction. Viewed from the indirect effect, the variable of intrinsic motivation and the variable of loyalty mediated by trust were significantly related. The results of the study indicated that the cultural heritage destinations in Bali attracted foreign tourists; therefore, the Balinese culture needed to be maintained.
Suryawardani, Wiranatha and Christine (2014), in their study entitled “the Destination Marketing Strategy in Bali through Optimizing the Potential of Local Products”, concluded that the strategy used to market a tourist destination needed to optimize the competitiveness of the local products. The admiring and beautiful landscape, which Bali has, supported the success achieved by the nature-based tourist attractions in Bali.
Research Location and Time
This current study was conducted at the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, which is located at Jl. Banjar Pujung Kelod, Tegallalang Gianyar for three months, from March 2018 to April 2018 for the following reasons. (1) There were so many tourists visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism; (2) none had explored the effect of the quality of services on the satisfaction of the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism; and, apart from that, the researcher was permitted to conduct the research there.
Data and the Method Used to Collect the Data
Both the qualitative and quantitative data were used in the current study. The data were obtained from both the primary and secondary data sources. The data were collected through the library research and field research (observation, direct interview, questionnaire, and documentation).
Research Population and Samples
The population in the current study included all the tourists visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. The samples, totalling 80 respondents and purposively determined, were taken using the accidental sampling technique.
Variables and Data Analysis
The variables which were analysed in the current study are: (1) the quality of services (X), including physical evidence (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5); (2) the visitors’ satisfaction (Y1) and (3) the desire to pay a revisit. The data were analysed through the hypothesis test using the previously designed Structural Equation Modelling – SEM). The instrument used to analyse the data was the Smart-PLS program version 3.0. The output was analysed descriptively and qualitatively using the software Smart-PLS.
The Respondents’ Characteristics
The result of the study showed that most respondents came from the United States of America and Australia. The male respondents dominated. The respondents were between 26 and 55 years old. Most of them were private employees. They got information as to the Bali Pulina Agrotourism from their friends/relatives and other visitors who had visited it at their own intention.
Confirmative Analysis
Based on the model theoretical framework and hypothesis referred to in this current study, the model specification of the structural equation can be seen in Figure 3.1 below.
Figure 1. The Output of the Smart PLS 3.0-based Structural Equation Model
The Result of Analysis of the
Outer/Measurement Model
The analysis of the outer/measurement model shows the relationship among the variables and the indicators forming them (Ghozali, 2014). The following tables show six types of analysis of measurement.
Table 1. Measurement Model Test of the Variable of the Physical Evidence
Code |
Statement |
Outer Loading |
Standard Error |
T-Statistics |
_X_1_.1__ |
Parking Area |
___0_.7_1_1_________ |
_______0_._0_7_1______ |
___9_._3_3_1___*_*___ |
X1.2 |
Garden Cleanliness |
0.847 |
0.042 |
16.961 ** |
X1.3 |
The spots used as agrotourism |
0.887 |
0.042 |
22.657 ** |
X1.4 |
The well-groomed appearance of employees |
0.905 |
0.021 |
42.605 ** |
X1.5 |
The equipment used |
0.787 |
0.052 |
16.849 ** |
** indicates being significant
Source: the Processed Primary Data (2018)
It can be seen from Table 1 that the well-groomed appearance of employees (XI.4) was the indicator of the outer loading value, indicating that the well-groomed appearance of employees was the highest reflection of the physical evidence of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, which should be maintained. The physical evidence of the parking area (X1.1) indicates that the visitors felt less satisfied as its outer loading value was the smallest and that the parking area needed to be seriously designed. Table 2 shows the result of measurement of the variable of reliability.
Table 2. Measurement Model Test of the Variable of Reliability
Code |
Statement |
Outer Loading |
Standard Error |
T-Statistics |
_X_2_._1_ |
Time accuracy of services |
__0_.8_4_1______ |
____0_.0_4_0__________ |
19.783 ** |
X2.2 |
The ability to give the advantage of education |
0.841 |
0.040 |
19.783 ** |
X2.3 |
Clear information |
0.901 |
0.034 |
25.464 ** |
contributed to the satisfaction of the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. However, the time accuracy of services needed to be improved as it was loaded with the smallest factor. The third latent variable, namely responsiveness was shown by 4 indicators. The result of the analysis of measurement model for the latent variable of responsiveness can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Measurement Model Test of the Variable of Responsiveness
Code |
Statement |
Outer Loading |
Standard Error |
T-Statistics |
_X_3_.1__ |
The rapidity of employees to give services 0.898 |
0.023 |
36.218 ** | |
X3.2 |
The responsiveness of employees to the difficulties underwent by the visitors |
0.865 |
0.054 |
14.830 ** |
X3.3 |
The preparedness of employees to give information |
0.897 |
0.037 |
25.739 ** |
X3.4 |
The readiness of employees to respond to the visitors’ requests |
0.908 |
0.033 |
27.742 ** |
** indicates being significant Source: the Processed Primary Data
It can be seen from Table 4 that the measurement model of the latent variable of assurance indicated that the friendliness and politeness of employees (X4.2) constituted the indicator of the highest outer loading, the security and comfort (X4.3) were the indicators with the lowest outer loading, indicating that security and comfort were the lowest reflection of assurance for the visitors at the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. The fifth latent variable was the empathy, as shown in Table 5.
Course |
Statement |
Outer Loading |
Standard Error |
T-Statistics |
_X_5_.1______ |
The employees’ personal attention |
___0_.9_0_3______ |
____0_.0_4_2______ |
___2_1_._3_9_7_ ** |
X5.2 |
The employees’ seriousness in serving the visitors |
0.922 |
0.030 |
30.713 ** |
X5.3 |
The employees’ willingness |
0.934 |
0.027 |
34.253 ** |
to deal with the visitors’ complaints
** indicates being significant Source: the Processed Primary Data (2018)
Based on the result of the measurement model as shown in Table 3.5, it can be identified that the employees’ willingness to listen to the visitors’ complaints (X5.3) was the indicator of the highest outer loading, reflecting the highest assurance of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism; the employees’ personal attention (X5.1) was the indicator of the lowest outer loading, meaning that the lowest reflection of the variable of empathy towards the visitors should be improved. In this current study, the endogenous latent variable of the model was made up of the variable of the visitors’ satisfaction and the variable of the desire to pay a revisit, as can be seen in Table 6 as follows.
Table 6. The Measurement Model Test of the Variable of the Visitors’ Satisfaction
Code |
Statement |
Outer Loading |
Standard Error |
T-Statistics |
_Y_1_.1__ |
The visitors’ satisfaction with the packaged tour bought |
___0_._7_7_4______ |
___0_._0_5_4______ |
___1_4_._2_0_8__*_*__ |
Y1.2 |
The visitors’ satisfaction with facilities |
0.846 |
0.053 |
15.977 ** |
Y1.3 |
The visitors’ satisfaction with services provided |
0.856 |
0.047 |
18.053 ** |
Y1.4 |
The visitors’ satisfaction with security and comfort |
0.880 |
0.034 |
25.899 ** |
Table 5. The Measurement Model Test of the Variable of Empathy
highly contributed to the whole satisfaction, which, in general, fulfilled what had been expected by the visitors of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. However, it should pay more attention to the tourist attraction or the packaged tour they bought (Y1.1) as it had the smallest outer loading value. Three attributes were used to measure the variable of the desire to pay a revisit to the agrotourism. Table 7 shows the outer loading value which each attribute had.
Table 7. The Measurement Model Test of the
Variable Revisit |
of the Desire to Pay a | ||
Code Statement |
Outer Loading |
Standard Error |
T-Statistics |
Y2.1 The desire to pay a revisit |
_____0_._8_4_5___ |
______0_._0_5_0______ |
___1_6_._9_2_8___*_*_ |
Y2.2 The desire to give Information to others |
0.890 |
0.024 |
36.947 ** |
Y2.3 The desire to make agrotourism the main choice |
0.725 |
0.054 |
13.341 ** |
** indicates being significant Source: the Processed Primary Data (2018)
As shown in Table 7, the indicator of the desire to give information to others on the existence of the Bali Pulina Agroculturalism (Y2.2) had the highest outer loading value, meaning that it made the largest contribution to the variable of the desire to pay a revisit. The indicator which had the lowest outer loading value was the indicator of making the Bali Pulina Agrotourism the main choice (Y2.3). The reason was that most of the visitors would like to see and enjoy another agrotourism.
The Result of the Structural Model (the Inner Model)
The analysis of the inner or structural model was intended to examine the relationship among variables (Ghozali, 2014). The resultant values of the path coefficient of the relationship among variables in the structural equation model are displayed in Table 8. The values showed the direct effect of
every exogenous variable on the adjusted endogenous variable. Apart from the direct effect, the indirect effects of the exogenous variable on the endogenous variable could also be examined through the mediation of the other latent variables. By paying attention to the two types of effects, the inner model of the structural equation in this current study can be distinguished as follows.
Table 8. The Latent Direct Effect of the Exogenous Variable on the Latent Endogenous Variable in the Inner Model
Hyp. |
Exogenous Endogenous Variable Variable |
^~^- Original Sample |
St. Dev. T-Statistics |
p-Values |
^^^^^^~ H1 |
Physical Visitors’ Evidence Satisfaction |
0.154 |
0.050 3.101 |
0.002 |
_H_2_ |
Reliability Visitors’ Satisfaction |
0.191 |
0.068 2.815 |
0.005 |
_H_3_ |
Responsive- Visitors’ ness → Satisfaction |
0.194 |
0.095 2.056 |
0.040 |
_H_4_ |
Assurance Visitors’ Satisfaction |
0.307 |
0.090 3.392 |
0.001 |
_H_5_ |
Empathy —► Visitors’ |
0.202 |
0.082 2.465 |
0.014 |
Source: the Processed Primary Data (2018)
The T-Statistic values displayed in Table 8 clearly shows that the six hypotheses developed were really supported by the result of the structural model analysis with a 5% level of significance. The visitors’ satisfaction was evidently affected by the physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Among the six dimensions of the quality of services, the assurance with the value 0.307 constituted the variable which mostly contributed to the satisfaction of the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. Then, the variable of the visitors’ satisfaction significantly contributed to the visitors’ desire to pay a revisit with the value 0.831. The better the perception of the visitors of the quality of services of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, the higher their desire to
pay a revisit would be.
The Indirect Effect of the Exogenous Variable on the Endogenous Variable
Apart from the direct effect with significant relationships as displayed in Table 9, there were several paths in which the exogenous variable indirectly affected the adjusted endogenous variable through the mediation of the other latent variable. In this current study, the variable of the visitors’ satisfaction played a role as the mediator of the effects of all the dimensions of the quality of services on the visitors’ desire to pay a revisit, indicating that the dimension of the quality of services indirectly contributed to the desire to pay a revisit with the variable of the visitors’ satisfaction as the mediator; therefore, the indirect effect was tested as displayed in Table 9.
Table 9. The Indirect Effect of the Exogenous Variable on the Latent Endogenous Variable in the Inner Model
Exogenous |
Variable |
^^^^^^^^^^^™ Outer loading___ |
St. Dev. T-Statistics |
P Values | ||
Mediation |
Endogenous | |||||
Physical Evidence |
The Visitors’ Satisfaction |
The desire to pay a revisit |
0.128 |
0.042 |
3.048 |
0.002 |
Reliability |
The Visitors’ Satisfaction |
^ The desire to pay a revisit |
0.159 |
0.056 |
3.068 |
0.005 |
Respon- The Visitors’ siveness Satisfaction |
The desire to pay a revisit |
0.162 |
0.079 |
1.986 |
0.042 | |
Assurance |
The Visitors’ Satisfaction |
The desire to pay a revisit |
0.255 |
0.076 |
3.270 |
0.001 |
Empathy |
The Visitors’ Satisfaction |
—► The desire to pay a revisit |
0.168 |
0.068 |
2.462 |
0.014 |
Source: The Result of Analysis of the Data Provided by the Respondents (2018)
The research model shows five
indirect relationships as displayed in Table 9.
The five indirect effects of the physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy contributed to the visitors’ desire to pay a revisit. The latent variable of the visitors’ satisfaction shows significant effects through the latent variable as the mediation with path coefficients 0.128; 0.159; 0.162; 0.255 and 0.168.
The Feasibility of the Structural Equation Model
Before the results of the analysis of the structural equation model were interpreted, several researchers (Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Chin et al., 2003; Hair et al., 2012; Henseler et al., 2009, in Suryawardhani, 2018) recommended examining the model’s feasibility. Table 3.10 shows the measurements commonly used to examine the feasibility of the structural equation model, which was analyzed using the Smart-PLS method.
Table 10. The Feasibility Test of the Structural Measurement Model
Exogenous Var. |
Types of Variables |
Number of Indicators |
Comparative Reliability |
Average Variance Extracted |
R2 |
Physical Evidence |
Exogenous |
5 |
0.917 |
0.690 |
NAa |
_R_e_li_a_b_il_it_y________ |
Exogenous |
_________3____ |
__0_._9_0_8_______ |
_0_._7_6_7______ |
____N_A_a |
Responsiveness |
Exogenous |
_________4____ |
__0_._9_4_0_______ |
_0_._7_9_6______ |
____N_A_a |
Assurance |
Exogenous |
_________3____ |
__0_._8_8_9_______ |
_0_._7_2_7______ |
____N_A_a |
Empathy |
Exogenous |
_________3____ |
__0_._9_4_3_______ |
_0_._8_4_6______ |
____N_A_a |
Satisfaction 0.896 |
Exogenous/ Endogenous |
_________4____ |
0.905 |
0.706 | |
The Desire to 0.691 Pay a Revisit |
Endogenous |
3 |
0.862 |
0.677 | |
Average 0.794 |
- |
- |
- |
0.744b |
a = Value was not available as the latent was the exogenous one
b = the weighted means weighting the total indicators
Source: The Processed Primary Data (2018)
Table 11 shows the determination
coefficient values (R2) of every latent
endogenous variable. According to Chin et al. (2003) in Suryawardani and Wiranatha (2018) Suryawardani (2018), the endogenous variable with the value R2 ranging from the value 0.19 to 0.33 is under the category of the weakly explained variable, the endogenous variable with the value R2 ranging from the value 0.33 to 0.67 is under the category of the moderately explained variable, and the endogenous variable with the value R2 with the value higher than 0.67 is under the category of the substantially explained variable, meaning that the visitors’ satisfaction and the visitors’ desire to pay a revisit were the two endogenous variables which were substantially explained by the adjusted exogenous variables.
Then, if the value of the Composite Reliability was referred to, then the value of the Composite Reliability of all the latent variables in the model would be higher than the threshold value, namely 0.60, as stated by Cin et al. (2003) in Suryawardani and Wiranatha (2018), meaning that all the indicators in each variable was reliably and internally consistent.
The Result of the Fit Model Analysis
This test was done to totally assess the feasibility of the structural equation model. To this end, the model, which is proposed by Tanenhaus et al. (2005) and is displayed as follows, is referred to in order to assess the Goodness of Fit (GoF) value.
GoF =
Communality xR2 = a/AVE xR2
The AVE in the equation above constitutes the value of the weighted means with the weight obtained from the total indicators of every variable. This formula shows that the GoF of the model was 0.768, higher than the threshold value, namely 0.50, indicating that the model could be accepted and interpreted; therefore, the PLS model could be stated to be fit and was feasibly used to examine the research hypothesis.
The Goodness of Fit test of the PLS model could also be seen from the values of the SMRM model. The PLS model would be stated to have fulfilled the criteria of the goodness of fit model if the SRMR value was
<0.10 and the model would be stated to be perfectly fit if the SMSR value was <0.08. The result of the Goodness of Fit test of the PLS model shows that the SMSR value of the PLS model was 0.07; therefore, the PLS model was stated to be fit and was feasibly used to examine the research hypothesis.
Based on the results of the study, several conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) The effect of the quality of services on the visitors’ satisfaction:
The physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy positively and significantly contributed to the satisfaction of the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, meaning that the better the physical building of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism the more satisfied the visitors would be, and that the worse the physical building of the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, the less satisfied the visitors would be.
(2) The visitors’ satisfaction positively and significantly contributed to the visitors’ desire to pay a revisit to the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, meaning that the more satisfied the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, the more motivated the visitors would be to pay a revisit to it, and that the less satisfied the visitors visiting the Bali Pulina Agrotourism, the less motivated they would be to pay a revisit to it.
As the variable of the physical evidence contributed the least, it is suggested that more attention should be paid to it to improve the visitors’ satisfaction and motivate the desire of the visitors to pay a revisit to the Bali Pulina Agrotourism. The parking area facilities and the quality of equipment used by the visitors should be improved.
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e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857
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