E-Journal of Tourism Vol.10. No.2. (2023): 287-300

The Influence of 3A (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) on Tourists' Decisions to Visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam City

Suci Kintani Izzumi Setiawan, Arina Luthfini Lubis*, Supardi

Batam Tourism Polytechnic, Room Division Management, Batam- Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24922/eot.v10i2.108066

Article Info



Sekupang District in Batam City has several interesting tourist attrac-

August 31th 2023 Accepted:

tions, including beautiful beaches, one of which is Ciptaland Beach. The view of Singapore is very clear and the beauty of Ciptaland Beach is very

September 20th 2023 Published:

amazing, but there are no tourist attractions displayed, the lack of attractions shown makes this tourist destination seem less attractive to visiting

September 30th 2023

tourists. Apart from that, there are less supportive amenities such as public toilets, places to eat and parking areas. And also, accessibility in the form of inadequate road conditions, there is damage along the way to the beach location, causing a lack of comfort for tourists. This study uses a quantitative approach. The number of samples taken was 68 respondents from the total average visitors per month. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires using a Likert Scale, literature study, observation and documentation. The analysis technique used is Descriptive Statistics. Through the results of the validity and reliability tests that have been carried out, the questionnaires distributed are valid and reliable. Through the partial t influence test, as well as simultaneously, the variables Attraction (X1), Accessibility (X2), and Amenities (X3) have a positive influence on the Visiting Decision variable (Y). The results of the hypothesis test show that the alternative hypothesis for all variables is accepted. The formulation of the results of the multiple linear regression equation is Y = 14.410 + 0.231 X1 + 0.736 X2 – 0.577 X3. Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities factors simultaneously influence the decision to visit as much as 14.8%, the remaining 85.2% is outside of the variables determined by this research.

Keywords: attractions; accessibility; amenities; tourists’ decisions; tourism; Ciptaland Beach.

INTRODUCTION                       visits to a tourist attraction. This is in ac

cordance with Law Number 10 of 2009

Background                             concerning Tourism which states that tour-

The tourism industry, which is   ism development is intended to improve

closely related to the development of tour-   the welfare and prosperity of the people,

ist attractions in a region, is one of the sec-   expand and equalize business and employ-

tors that the government relies on to in-   ment opportunities, advance regional decrease regional income as a result of visitor   velopment, and introduce and utilize

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tourist objects and attractions in Indonesia (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun, 2009).

The quality of a tourist attraction can also be determined by looking at the amenities, attractions and accessibility that support it in addition to the actual condition of the tourist attraction. Evaluation of existing tourist attractions by visitors can become a model for the creation of new tourist attractions. Tourism development is based on the experiences tourists have when visiting tourist attractions, and as the tourism industry faces increasingly fierce competition, managers of major tourist attractions are forced to prioritize visitor enjoyment. When a visitor is satisfied, they often end up returning to the location.

The Riau Islands are a province in Indonesia located in the eastern part of Sumatra Island and the southern part of the Malay Peninsula. This province consists of a number of islands spread across the Strait of Malacca and the Strait of Singapore. The capital of this province is Tanjung Pinang City. The Riau Archipelago Province consists of 3,000 small and large islands. Some of the famous islands in this province include Bintan Island, Batam Island, Kari-mun Island, Anambas Island and Natuna Island. Batam City is located on Batam Island, which is part of the Riau Islands. Due to its strategic location on the Strait of Malacca, Batam is easily accessible from Singapore and Malaysia. There are many ferries and fast boats connecting Batam with Singapore and Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Batam City is a popular tourist destination, especially for Singaporeans and Malaysians. Some interesting tourist attractions in Batam include golf courses, recreation parks, spas, beautiful beaches, and various water activities such as jet skis.

Sekupang District has several interesting tourist attractions, including beautiful beaches, one of which is Ciptaland Beach. The Ciptaland Beach tourist attraction has the potential for scenic beauty because from this beach we can see Singapore very clearly. However, the lack of role

of the local government has not maximized its ability to promote tourism and build facilities and infrastructure at the Ciptaland Beach tourist attraction so that the potential of this tourist attraction cannot develop optimally.

According to Hariawan in (Juliano et al., 2022) stated that the role of the government as an actor and facilitator is considered very necessary in order to carry out sustainable tourism development and development by following the role of development actors in this sector, thereby creating a tourism product that has high potential for high competition. So, several efforts can be made to develop the tourism industry, one of which is development through components with the 3A concept, namely Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities. It is hoped that adequate amenities will certainly make a tourist attraction better and tourists will consider the tourist attraction worthy of visiting and feel comfortable when visiting, then accessibility to the tourist attraction must also be adequate because good accessibility will make tourist visits easier. and you can go on a fun tour, and there are interesting attractions that will increase tourists' interest in visiting (Kumawati & Firmani, 2021).

There are several phenomena at the Ciptaland Beach destination based on the 3A components, namely Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities. The view of Singapore is very clear and the beauty of Cip-taland Beach is amazing, but there are no tourist attractions displayed, the lack of attractions shown makes this tourist destination seem less attractive to visiting tourists. Apart from that, there are less supportive amenities such as public toilets, places to eat and parking areas. And also, accessibility in the form of inadequate road conditions, there is damage along the way to the beach location, causing a lack of comfort for tourists (Ramadhani et al., 2021). According to research results (Darmawan, 2019) that attraction variables influence tourist satisfaction. Not only that, branding of a tourist attraction also plays a role in e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

influencing visitors' decisions to come to tourist attractions (Amalia et al., 2023).

Figure 1. Graph of Tourist Visits at Cip-taland Beach (Source: Processed Data)

From the visit graph above, it can be seen and concluded that visitors to Cip-taland Beach experience uncertain changes every month, but at the end of the month there is always an increase in visitors. In July 2023 there were 55 visitors and at the end of August 2023 there were 43 visitors. This fluctuation in the number of visitors to beach tourism in Ciptaland is also experienced by other beach tourism in Batam City, such as at Melayu Beach (Simbolon et al., 2023).

The fluctuating data on visitors to tourist attractions is what is the basis for conducting this research. Based on the results of the author's observations at Cip-taland Beach last May, the researchers conducted further research to find out the "Influence of 3A (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) on Tourists' Visiting Decisions at Ciptaland Beach, Batam City".


Tourism Theory

The definition of tourism is stated in the constitution, namely in Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 9 of 1990 concerning Tourism, article 1 point 3, namely "tourism is everything related to tourism, including tourist objects and attractions as well as related businesses in this field". (Pendit, 2002) states that tourism is the activity of people temporarily in the short term, to destinations outside their place of

residence and place of work, as well as outside their activities, and while at the destination it has various purposes, including tourist visits. Tourism is a variety of tourist activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, entrepreneurs, the Government and Regional Government (Utami, 2021).

A tourism destination area, hereinafter referred to as a tourist destination, is a geographical area located in one or more administrative regions in which there are tourist attractions, public facilities, tourism facilities, accessibility, and communities that are interrelated and complement the realization of tourism (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun, 2009).

Attractions Theory

In the context of tourism and geography, it refers to a concept that explains why people choose or are interested in visiting a particular place or destination. Attraction theory helps explain the factors that influence a person's decision to travel to a place and what makes that place attractive to tourists. Attractions are also attractions that have been provided for tourists to enjoy (Eddyono, 2021).

In relation to tourism management, attractants or attractions are needed as a process for developing a tourist destination. There are attraction indicators according to Middleton in (Ningsih, 2020) are as follows: (a) Natural Attractions, which include location, landscape, geographical location, climate, richness of fauna and flora; (b) Cultural Attractions, namely myths that develop in an area, legends, fairy tales, art and developments in certain events such as festivals; (c) Social Attractions, namely the views and lifestyles of native (local) residents, language of interaction and activities (activities) of the local community; (d) Artificial attractions, namely parks, gardens, recreational buildings such as themed hotels, playgrounds, shops and various areas that are created in such a way (thematic).

Accessibility Theory

In the context of geography and transportation, it refers to a concept that explains how the availability and ease of access to a place or location can influence the impact of distance, time and transportation on human interaction and regional development. If a tourist destination does not have adequate accessibility, tourists will have difficulty accessing the tourist destination, which will result in the tourist destination not being able to develop properly (Eddyono, 2021).

As has been explained, accessibility is an important component in influencing tourists' visiting decisions. According to Tjiptono in (Prawira & Pranitasari, 2020) indicators include: (a) Distance, namely the distance that will be traveled to reach a tourist destination, which could be a short distance or a long distance; (b) Access to the location, namely the road to the location of a tourist destination; (c) Transportation, namely as a means of bringing tourists to tourist destinations and vice versa; (d) Traffic flow, namely the condition of the route to the tourist destination location, calculated by the number of vehicles passing.

Amenities Theory

In the context of geography, environment, and urban planning, it refers to the concept that the quality of the environment and the physical features of a place can influence the level of attractiveness and comfort for humans. In this theory, "amenities" refer to elements or features that make a place more attractive, comfortable, and pleasant to live in. Ameni-ties/tourism facilities are all forms of facilities that provide services to tourists for all their tourism needs while staying in a tourist destination area (Ahvalun Nisvi, 2021).

The amenity indicators according to (Susianto et al., 2022) are as follows: (a) Accommodation facilities, which include accommodation facilities for tourists who wish to stay overnight, such as home stays, hotels, resorts, etc.; (b) Restaurant is a

place that sells food and drinks; (c) Public Toilets, namely sanitation facilities that can be used by both tourists and the general public; (d) Parking area is a land used as a place to park public and private vehicles.

Visiting Decision Theory

According to Kotler in (Muhar-romah & Anwar, 2020) The decision to visit is a stage where consumers have a choice and are ready to make a purchase or exchange money and money to pay for the rights to own or use a good or service. The decision to visit is the behavior of a person or consumer in determining a choice of tourist destination in order to achieve satisfaction in accordance with the needs and desires that the consumer will achieve, which includes recognizing problems, searching for tourist information, evaluating alternative visits, visiting decisions, and behavior after visiting a tourist spot.

There are indicators of the decision to visit according to Anjar Hari in (Muhar-romah & Anwar, 2020) namely as follows: (a) Information is something that is useful for the recipient to make a decision both now and in the future; (b) Promotion through advertising, namely a marketing technique carried out with the aim of increasing a business's goods or services; (c) Destination perception, namely the point of view regarding a tourist destination area; (d) Confidence, namely having a feeling of confidence in a tourist destination to be visited; (e) Conformity to desires, namely feeling in accordance with the goals to be achieved; (f) Satisfaction, namely an attitude that shows feelings of happiness because what has been obtained is very good; (g) Recommend to others, namely suggesting or recommending to other people.


This study uses a quantitative approach. Quantitative research where information or data is analyzed using statistics, starting from data collection, validation and so on. This type of research is research e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

using a survey method. Because in this research information is collected through samples and populations and uses questionnaires as the main data collection tool. The research design used is a descriptive analysis method, a method that tries to find a comprehensive picture of the actual data, facts and events regarding the research object (LP2M, 2021). It can be concluded that the quantitative descriptive method is a research method that is directed at providing symptoms, facts or events systematically

and accurately, regarding the characteristics of a particular population or area (Ed-dyono, 2021).

The research was conducted at Cip-taland Beach which is located on Jalan Ti-ban Utara, Patam Lestari, Sekupang District, Batam City, Riau Islands. The research was conducted from July to September 2023. The following is an image of a map to Ciptaland beach on Jalan Tiban Utara.

Figure 2. Map of tourist locations and front gate of Ciptaland Beach Source: (Google, n.d.)

Population is the entire research object consisting of humans, objects, animals, plants, symptoms, test scores, or events as resources that have certain characteristics in a study (Ahyar, 2020). The purpose of holding a population is so that we can determine the size of the sample members taken from members of the population. Determining the sample in this study uses the Slovin formula, which is a formula for calculating the minimum sample size if the behavior of a population is not known with certainty (Ahyar, 2020). With a percentage allowance for sampling error based on the Slovin formula, the number of samples taken was 68 samples at Ciptaland Beach, Sekupang District, Batam City.

The data sources used by the author in conducting research are primary data, namely research data sources obtained directly from the original source in the form of information from the manager of the Ciptaland beach tourist attraction and

visiting tourists (people) as well as the results of observations of an object, event, or test result (object). In other words, researchers need to collect data by answering research questions (survey method) or research objects (observation method).

To prove the truth of the hypothesis described above, the author conducted research to obtain the necessary data, information and materials using several methods related to research. In obtaining data sources that support the accuracy of the results of this research, the researcher used a questionnaire distribution technique using a Likert Scale. Subsequent data collection was carried out through reading materials, including literature, books, magazines and various other reading materials that were relevant and related to the research title that the author had compiled. Next, observations are carried out by observing a particular object carefully directly at the research location. The final method is

documentation, namely collecting and analyzing documents, both written, images and electronic documents.

The analysis technique used is Descriptive Statistics. This descriptive statistical analysis according to (Sugiyono, 2019) is data analysis by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is without intending general conclusions or generalizations. According to Sugiyono, in descriptive statistics there is no significance test, there is no level of error, because descriptive statistics is not intended to generalize, so there are no generalization errors.


Based on the research design, variable 3A (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) plays an independent role (X), the visiting decision variable plays a dependent role (Y). So, the hypothesis formulated in this research is:

  • 1.    Ho1: Attractions do not influence tourists' decisions to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam.

Ha1: Attractions influence the decision to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam.

  • 2.    Ho2: Accessibility does not influence tourists' decisions to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam.

Ha2: Accessibility influence tourists' decisions to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam.

  • 3.    Ho3: Amenities do not influence the decision to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam. Ha3: Amenities influence the decision to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam.

  • 4.    Ho4:  Attractions, Accessibility and

Amenities do not influence tourists' decisions to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam. Ha4: Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities influence tourists' decisions to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam.


Batam has various interesting tourist attractions, such as beautiful beaches, water parks, shopping centers and recreation areas. One beach that is worth visiting is Ciptaland Beach. This beach directly faces Singapore and is located in the Ciptaland Tiban area. Ciptaland is a residential area developed by PT. Cipta Group. The Cip-taland Beach tourist attraction is one of the tourist attractions in Batam City. Batam is known as the city in Indonesia that is closest to Singapore. The Singapore skyline is not far from the Ciptaland area, Tiban, Batam. Ciptaland Beach is located on Jalan Tiban Utara, Patam Lestari, Sekupang District, Batam City, Riau Islands (Anggia-wan, 2020).

Ciptaland Beach in Tiban, Batam, is an interesting tourist attraction. Don't think about beautiful beaches with white sand. Here we will not find a view like that. This beach is more like a lake with rocky shores. Even so, this beach can make water lovers like me feel happy. The blue sea in the morning and the beautiful sunset in the afternoon really cheer up hearts that are tired of routine.

Figure 3. View at sunset at Ciptaland Beach (Source: Processed Data)

Figure 3 above shows the front view of the gate of Ciptaland Beach which shows the sunset. Ciptaland beach is famous for its beautiful sunset. Many tourists visit Ciptaland beach in the afternoon to enjoy the sunset.

Validity Test

In the validity test, a significance level of 5% is used, namely with a value of

0.05 for the significance level, if the probability of the correlation result is stated to be above 0.05 (5%) then the instrument is said to be invalid, but if the probability of the correlation result is high is stated to be below 0.05 (5%) the instrument is said to be valid or valid. And if rcount > rtable, it can be stated that the questionnaire is valid, conversely if rcount < rtable then the questionnaire is declared invalid.

Table 1. Variable Validity Results X1

Instrument Item No

Person Correlation (r-value)

r Product Moment (r-table)

Sig. Score < 0,05




> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238



Through the description of the table above obtained with the help of the SPSS version 24 test tool, it can be seen that all

question items asked from the attraction variable (X1) are valid provided that the calculated r value > r table.

Table 2. Variable Validity Results X2

Instrument Item No

Person Correlation (r-value)

r Product Moment (r-table)

Sig. Score < 0,05




> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238



Through the description of the table above items asked from the accessibility variable obtained with the help of the SPSS version (X2) are valid provided that the calculated 24 test tool, it can be seen that all question r value > r table.

Table 3. Variable Validity Results X3

Instrument Item No

Person Correlation (r-value)

r Product Moment (r-table)

Sig. Score < 0,05




> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238



Through the description of the table above obtained with the help of the SPSS version 24 test tool, it can be seen that all question

items asked from the amenity variable (X3) are valid provided that the calculated r value > r table.

Table 4. Hasil Validitas Variabel Y

Instrument Item No

Person Correlation (r-value)

r Product Moment (r-table)

Sig. Score < 0,05




> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238





> 0.238



Through the description of the table above obtained with the help of the SPSS version 24 test tool, it can be seen that all question items asked from the visiting decision variable (Y) are valid provided that the calculated r value > r table. Thus, based on the description of the table above, it can be stated that the variables in this research were tested with the variables Attraction (X1), Accessibility (X2), Amenities (X3) and Decision to Visit (Y) at Ciptaland Beach, Batam City through the use of test equipment. SPSS version 24 at a significant alpha level of 0.05 (5%) obtained a calculated r value greater than the t table (0.238), all of which are valid.

Table 5. Reliability Test Results X1, X2, X3 and Y


Cronbac h’s Alpha Value











Keputusan Berkunjung



Based on the table above, it can be seen that the Cronbach's Alpha value for each variable X1 (0.858), X2 (0.806), X3 (0.896) and Y (0.761) is 0.60 greater. So it can be concluded that all measuring items from the questionnaire are reliable.

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardiz ed Residual



Normal Parametersab     Mean


S1d. Deviation


MostExtremeDifferences Absolute






Test Statistic


Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Catculatedfrom data.

c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

d. This is a lower bound Ofthetrue significance.

Figure 4. Normality Test Results (Source: Processed Data)

Based on the results of the normality test using the one-sample Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test, it can be stated that the Sig. 0.200 > 0.05. So the results of the questionnaire normality test are said to be normal.

Figure 5. Normality Test Plot (Source: Processed Data)

Based on the results of the normality test using a probability plot graph, it is said that the data is spread around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the diagonal line. This shows a normal distribution

pattern, so it can be concluded that the regression model meets the normality assumption.

Figure 6. Data Distribution Histogram (Source: Processed Data

Based on the results of the normality histogram test above, it can be seen that the data tested is shaped like a mountain or a bell, so it is stated that the data used is normally distributed.

Hypothesis Testing

This discussion tests the hypothesis, namely the influence of 3A (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) on tourists' decisions to visit Ciptaland beach, Batam City. To determine the influence that occurs, the author uses a statistical test of multiple linear regression analysis. In multiple linear regression analysis, it can be seen how much influence the independent variable has on the dependent variable.

If the Sig value. < 0.05 and t count > t table then it can be stated that there is an influence of variable.

Table 6. Test results t X1


Unstandardized Coeffi- Standardized






Std. Error















a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Berkunjung

Based on table 6 above, it can be seen that the sig value of X1 0.18 < 0,05 and calculated t value 2.417 > 1.998, then

it can be concluded that H1 is accepted and there is an influence of X1 on Y.

Table 7. Test results X2



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients



Std. Error



1      (Constant)











a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Berkunjung

Based on table 7 above, it can be seen that the sig value of X2 0.06 < 0,05 and calculated t value 2.870 > 1.998, then

it can be concluded that H1 is accepted and there is an influence of X2 on Y.

Table 8. Test results t X3


Unstandardized Coeffi- Standardized






Std. Error



1      (Con












a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Berkunjung

Based on table 8 above, it can be seen that the sig value of X3 0.043 < 0,05 and calculated t value 2.065 > 1.998, then it can be concluded that H1 is accepted and there is an influence of X3 on Y.

The F test is carried out to determine

whether there are symptoms of influence of the total number of variables 05 and F count < F table, it can be stated that there is a simultaneous influence of variable X on variable Y.

Table 9. Test Results F



Sum of Squares






1      Regression













a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Berkunjung

b. Predictors: (Constant), Amenitas, Atraksi, Aksesibilitas

Based on the picture above, it is known that the sig value is 0.16 < 0.05 and the calculated F value is 3,698 > 2,746, so it can be concluded that the influence of the

attraction variable (X1), accessibility (X2) and amenities (X3) simultaneously influence the decision to visit (Y) at Ciptaland Beach, Batam City.

Table 10. Test Results (Simultaneous) Coefficientsa


Unstandardized Coefficients





Std. Error




























a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Berkunjung

Based on the test results for each coefficient, a mathematical formulation of the relationship between all variables X and variable Y is obtained in the form of multiple regression analysis. The mathematical formula is Y = 14.410 + 0.231 X1 + 0.736 X2 – 0.577 X3.

Determinant Coefficient Test

The R2 test was carried out to find out how big the contribution of variable 3A (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) to the decision to visit can be seen from Table 11 below.

Table 11. Test Results Adjusted R2 Model Summary


Model  R    R


Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

1       .384a   .148



a. Predictors:    (Constant),

Atraksi, Aksesibilitas


Based on the R2 test results above, it can be concluded that the contribution of the variables Attraction (X1), Accessibility (X2) and Amenities (X3) has an influence of 14.8% on the visiting decision variable (Y).

0.05 and the calculated t value 2.417 > 1.998.

  • b.    H02 : Rejected because it does not match the research results.

Ha2 : Accepted, because it is proven that accessibility influences the decision to visit.

This can be proven by the t-test, where the sig X2 value is 0.06 < 0.05 and the calculated t value is 2,870 > 1,998.

  • c.    H03 : Rejected because it does not match the research results.

Ha3 : Accepted, because it is proven that amenities influence the decision to visit.

This can be proven by the t-test, where the sig X3 value is 0.43 < 0.05 and the calculated t value is 2,065 > 1,998.

  • d.    H04 : Rejected because it does not match the research results

Ha4 : Accepted, because it is proven that Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities simultaneously influence the decision to visit.

This can be proven by the F-test, where the sig value is 0.16 < 0.05 and the calculated F value is


Based on the problem formulation and data processing results in IBM SPSS 24 regarding the influence of 3A (Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities) on the decision to visit Ciptaland Beach, Batam City, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • 1.    Hypothesis test results show that the alternative hypothesis for all variables is accepted as follows:

  • a. H01 : Rejected because it does not match the research results.

Ha1 : Accepted, because it is proven that Attractions influence the decision to visit.

This can be proven by the t-

test, where the sig X1 value is 0.18 <

3,698 > 2,746.

  • 2.    The formulation of the results of the multiple linear regression equation is Y = 14.410 + 0.231 X1 + 0.736 X2 – 0.577 X3. Based on this equation, the number of visitors will only be 14 people if all the visiting decision variables do not support the tourist attraction. Apart from that, the reduction of 1 visitor was influenced by amenities.

  • 3.    Factor 3A has an influence of 14.8% in visitor decisions, the remaining 85.2% is outside of the variables determined by this research.

Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the researcher tries to provide suggestions as follows: 1. Based on the research results, the researcher provided suggestions to the e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

management of the Ciptaland beach tourist destination to support improvement and development, namely to the management or PT. Cipta Group needs to improve the quality of accessibility at these tourist attractions, such as improving access routes or roads that are more adequate for tourists to take.

  • 2.    Improve amenity variables, such as adequate toilets so that visitors are more satisfied.

  • 3.    Regarding the large influence of attractions, accessibility and amenities on the decision to visit, it is best for destination managers and related parties to always be updated regarding developments in tourist visits and the current state of Ciptaland beach in order to create prospects for tourist destinations that develop and are able to compete with other beaches. beaches in Batam City.


This article is dedicated as a graduation requirement for the Diploma IV Program majoring in Room Division Management at the Batam Tourism Polytechnic.


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e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857