The Cooperative Principle in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at
Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2023, pages: 124--132
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
The Cooperative Principle in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1
1Fatizatulo Zega
Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia, [email protected]
Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia, [email protected]
Article info
Received Date:19 September 2022
Accepted Date: 7 Nopember 2022
Published Date: 31 January 2023
cooperative principles, maxims, utterances
The aim of this research is to analyze the cooperative principle in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1 as data source. Researchers used theory of Grice to analyze the data. This research used descriptive qualitative method because the result would be described in words, sentences and paragraphs. Observational method was used in this research along with non-participatory and note taking techniques. This research was found 57 data of four of cooperative principle. Maxim of quality with 11 data, maxim of quantity with 11 data, maxim of relation 18 data and maxim of manner with 17 data. Maxim of relation was the most uttered and maxim quality and quantity were the least uttered in the movie.
Humans exist in this world as social beings, conveying ideas to one another. Communication is one of the ways and tools to convey these ideas. The act of communication not only helps the needs, but helps to connect in relationships. However, the hearer must understand what the speakers’ utterances are. The meaning of this type of speech is a matter of preferred interpretation. Mey (2001) stated that in this way, the speaker and the hearer understand each other more cooperatively. The cooperative in establishing effective communication between speakers and listeners is called the Cooperative Principle. It can be assumed that conversation needs rules for connecting two or more speakers (Grice, 1975).
The cooperative principle is uttered in the various media. The researchers found one phenomenon of the cooperative principle. One of them is uttered on Recording Academy / GRAMMYs YouTube channel as below.
Interviewer : “This is your first Grammy, right?”
Sza : “Yeah, it is.”
In this video entitled SZA One-On-One Interview / 2022 GRAMMYs. There is interviewer as a speaker and Sza as a hearer. The speaker referred a question to the hearer to confirm the statement. In answering the speaker’s question, the hearer demonstrated the cooperative principle. She answered the truth and the fact that it was her first Grammy awards, called the maxim of quality. The hearer also uttered the maxim of quantity because the hearer gave the short answer indicate the enough information that speaker needed. The hearer also demonstrated the relevance answer called maxim of relation. Meanwhile, the hearer did not give the clear information called maxim of manner.
Another utterance can be found in the conversation of Netflix series. Researchers took Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1 that was released in 2021 as data source. One of the
125 conversations is uttered cooperative principle. This short conversation is taken from the first episode that is uttered in minute 00:04:05 below.
Sky : “And what realm are you from?”
Bloom : “California.”
Sky : “Oh, you’re not from the other world?”
Bloom : “I’m not.” (0:04:05)
Sky as a speaker and Bloom as a hearer. The speaker met the hearer for the first time and offered help. In the middle of conversation, the speaker gave questions to get to know the hearer more by asking the information of hearer. The hearer gave the truthful answers by saying “California” and “I’m not.” Both answers indicated the maxim of quality, hearer confirmed the answer honestly. It indicated maxim of quantity because hearer did not respond too much. The hearer’s answers were relevant with the question of speaker, called maxim of relation. Here proved that the answer of hearer did not indicate the maxim of manners. Due to ambiguity, the speaker asked twice for clear information. Hearer must contribute to give a clear answer orderly, to create a cooperative communication (Grice, 1975).
The cooperative principal analysis has been analyzed by many previous researchers. Mostly, researchers used Grice (1975)’s theory. One of them was Napitupulu and Ambalegin (2022) research, discussed the cooperative principle that is uttered in “Zootopia” movie. The objective of this qualitative research was to analyze cooperative conversation. The researchers found 54 data of utterances. The most frequently uttered in this study was maxim of quantity with 17 data, maxim of quality was found 14 data, 16 data of maxim of relation, and the least was 7 data of maxim of manner.
Sari and Afriana (2020) analyzed the utterances in “About Time” movie containing the cooperative principle by applying Grice (1975)’s theory to analyze the data. This study aimed to investigate the cooperative principle. The result of this research was found 37 data of maxims. Quantity and manner were the maxims uttered in the movie with 14 data each maxim. Maxim of quality was found 7 data. Maxim of manner was the least uttered with 2 data.
According to the previous research, it can be concluded that both studies used Grice (1975)’s theory. The result also showed the same result where maxim of quantity was the most uttered. Present research uses Grice’s theory to analyze the data. What makes the present research different from the previous research is the data source. The objective of this study is to find out and analyze the cooperative principle that is uttered in the series. In the series, society interacts and communicates with each other. Therefore, researchers used “Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1” as the data source.
Cooperative Principle
In actual speech activities, the speaker and the hearer can communicate smoothly due to each having background knowledge about what is being said. Between the speaker and the hearer, there is an unwritten conversational contract that what is said is mutually understood (Yule, 1996). According to Birner (2021), referring to the fluency of communication, both speakers are expected to have cooperative interactions. For the message to arrive well at the speech participants, the communication that occurs needs to consider the cooperative principle. Grice suggested that to implement the cooperative principle in order, each speaker must obey four conversational maxims (Leech, 1983). These four maxims are maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation or relation and maxim of manner (Grice, 1975).
Maxim of Quality
Tell the truth is required by this maxim of quality. Each speaker contributes by giving the correct information. In other words, any conversational contribution had to be supported by enough evidence to back up what the speaker’s utterances. This phenomenon is a basic
rule, when the hearer must be able to admit that speaker is telling the truth and understand the utterance (Grice, 1975).
A : “Do you know where Putera Batam University is?”
B : “In Jl. Soeprapto Muka Kuning Batam”
(Saragih & Johan, 2020)
Maxim of Quantity
In the utterance, each speaker of the conversation is required to contribute only the information needed as much as needed by the hearer and do not contribute that is more informative than is required. If the speaker expresses the utterances that indicate the short information needed, then the interlocutor will find it difficult to identify what is being discussed (Cutting & Fordyce, 2020).
Mandy : “Hei, what is the capital city of Canada?”
Austin : “It is Ottawa.”
(Sari & Afriana, 2020)
Maxim of Relation
The third maxim is concerned with relevance. It says that speakers should only reply correctly. This maxim requires that each speaker of the conversation contribute that is relevant to the problem of the conversation. It can be interpreted that the maxim in conversation is required to make a relevant contribution according to what was said before (Cutting & Fordyce, 2020).
Husband : “Where is my pen?”
Wife : “It is in your bag.”
(Munthe & Ambalegin, 2021)
Maxim of Manner
The maxim of manner in this cooperative principle states that the speech participant must provide information to the interlocutor directly, clearly, not excessively, coherently, and not vaguely. In other words, the speech given is easy to understand by avoiding vague, taxa, and concise statements, and speaking regularly with the aim that the speaker speaks directly, clearly, brief and orderly (Yule, 2020).
Bonnie : “We’re really proud of you Judy”
Stu : “Yeah, scared too. really, it’s kind of a proud-scared combo.”
(Napitupulu & Ambalegin, 2022)
Communicating activities require clarity of speech, speakers are required to provide information that is free from ambiguity or ambiguity. In this case, a context should not be separated from each utterance. Acceptable sentences issued by native speakers will be ambiguous when the context is removed (Thomas, 1995).
Descriptive qualitative research design was used in this research. Creswell and Creswell (2018) proposed qualitative research to describe, explore and understand the meaning that is considered by amount of people or groups from humanitarian or social problems. Creswell and Creswell (2018) added that the researcher must be interested in the process, meaning and understanding which is then in the form of words and pictures. Furthermore, the results of this study were described in a descriptive manner.
This research applied an observational method by using Sudaryanto (2015)’s theory in collecting data. Non-participatory technique was used in this research. For this reason, researchers did not participate in the conversation during observation. Along with non-participatory technique, note taking technique was used in this research after the first technique was applied (Sudaryanto, 2015). There are three steps of collecting the data. First, movie was watched and read the script of the series. Second, the utterances were selected that contained cooperative principal utterances. Third, the researchers took note or wrote down the data that had been found and highlighted the utterances.
Afterwards, this research used pragmatic identity methods to analyze data. This pragmatic identity method was theorized by Sudaryanto (2015). The technique used in analyzing the data was pragmatic competence-in equalizing which was also theorized by Sudaryanto (2015). There were some steps to analyze the data used in this research. First, researchers found out the highlighted utterances based on the context. Second, analyzing the types of cooperative principle by applying Grice (1975)’s theory. Last, the result revealed the types of cooperative principal utterances that uttered by the characters in the Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1 with explanation descriptively.
Table 1
The Cooperative Principle in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1
The Cooperative Principle |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Maxim of quality |
11 |
19% |
Maxim of quantity |
11 |
19% |
Maxim of relation |
18 |
32% |
Maxim of manner |
17 |
30% |
Total |
57 |
100% |
This research was found 57 data of utterances in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1 that contained the cooperative principle. Four of cooperative principle are maxim of quality (11), maxim of quantity (11), maxim of relation (18), maxim of manner (17), 12 data of the total data were discussed in discussion.
The cooperative principle is the cooperative in establishing effective communication between speakers and listeners. According to Grice (1975), there are four types of cooperative principle. There are maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation or relation and maxim of manner. This chapter is discussed about the findings of four maxims.
Maxim of Quality
Data 1
Bloom : “I was half-expecting a school full of Tinkerbell is zipping around.”
Dowling : “Disappointed?”
Bloom : “Just kinda bummed. I didn’t see a single pair of wings.” (00:06:16)
The utterance above is an example of maxim of quality. The context began in the setting of Dowling’s principal’s office. Bloom (hearer) was interviewed by Dowling (speaker) about her new school. The second utterance of hearer above indicates one of cooperative principle. The hearer was telling the truth by saying what she believed to be true. The hearer added evidence to support her first statement. This is called maxim of quality.
Data 2
Aisha : “Did you say you grew up at Alfea?”
Terra : “I did. Weird childhood, let me tell you.” (00:13:15)
The second datum above showed the situation, the speaker (Aisha) was trying to get to know more about the hearer (Terra)’s childhood. Before it happened, Terra was ignored by her other friend. The hearer answered “I did”, was cooperative in this conversation. Then, the hearer continued to support her statement, “weird childhood, let me tell you.” This gives more evidence to back up her statement. Researchers investigated hearer’s expression contained maxim of quality.
Data 3
Aisha : “Is there any chance you’re adopted?”
Bloom : “No, I… No, I’ve heard the story of my birth a million times. Miracle baby. I had a heart defect in the womb, but a day after I was born, it was gone.” (00:32:17)
The short conversation above took place in a school building. The conversation occurred between Aisha (speaker) and Bloom (hearer). The speaker asked the hearer, “is there any chance you’re adopted?” Then, the speaker answered it correctly and truthfully, by starting the answer “no”. She continued with evidence, “No, I’ve heard the story of my birth a million times. Miracle baby. I had a heart defect in the womb, but a day after I was born, it was gone.” She believed that this statement was true based on what happened during her life. Therefore, this utterance indicates maxim of quality.
Maxim of Quantity
Data 1
Sky : “So, presumptuous. You must be a fairy.”
Bloom : “I am a fairy.” (00:03:51)
The context showed that Sky (speaker) was curious about Bloom (hearer). The speaker wanted the required information from the hearer. The hearer answered “I am a fairy”, means giving a contribution as informative. Without saying too much, but saying enough. Hearer’s utterance indicated maxim of quantity.
Data 2
Mom : “How was your flight?”
Bloom : “Good. You know, long.” (00:08:04)
The context above showed Bloom (hearer) was talking to her mom (speaker) on the phone. The hearer was trying to answer the speaker’s question by giving enough information. First, the hearer said “good”. Then, she continued with the evidence as needed. This utterance indicated maxim of quantity.
Data 3
Dad : “Hey I see a window. Do you have a nice view?”
Bloom : “No. The first years have crap views.” (00:08:52)
The context above showed Bloom (hearer) was talking to her dad (speaker) on the phone. The hearer was trying to answer the speaker’s question by giving enough information. First, the hearer said “no”. Then, she continued with the evidence as needed, “The first years have crap view”. This means, the utterance indicated maxim of quantity.
Maxim of Relation
Data 1
Saul : “How long since the last sighting?”
Harvey : “About two decades” (00:18:05)
The context of the conversation above showed Saul (speaker) was talking to Harvey (hearer). The setting was in the forest near school. They were investigating the death body. In
the middle of conversation, the speaker asked the hearer, “how long since the last sighting?” The hearer answered the question with relevant. The answer was not beyond the topic of what was being discussed before. This utterance indicated maxim of relation.
Data 2
Terra : “Doesn’t it only work outside the barrier?”
Stella : “Yes. And there’s a gateway in the old cemetery.” (00:37:39)
The context of the conversation above showed Terra (speaker) was talking to Stella (hearer). The setting was in the school. They were talking about the ring that can be used to teleport. In the middle of conversation, the speaker asked the hearer, “Doesn’t it only work outside the barrier” The hearer answered the question with relevant. The answer was not beyond the topic of what was being discussed before. This utterance indicated maxim of relation.
Data 3
Bloom : “Aisha, what is changeling?”
Aisha : “A changeling is a fairy baby that’s switch with a human one at birth” (00:32:40)
The conversation above showed Bloom (speaker) was talking to Aisha (hearer). The setting was in the school. The speaker did not understand asked the hearer about “changeling”. The speaker did not understand what the meaning of it. The hearer answered the question with relevant. The answer was not beyond the topic of what was being discussed before. This utterance indicated maxim of relation.
Maxim of Manner
Data 1
Bloom : “So, when do we start?”
Dowling : “Classes begin tomorrow. You’ll start with the basics. Learn to use your magic slowly but safely.” (00:06:40)
The short conversation above contains maxim of manner. This conversation happened in Dowling’s office. Bloom (speaker) asked Dowling (hearer) about her first schedule of class. The explanation of the hearer was indicated maxim of manner. She uttered a brief information that was not ambiguous as the speaker required.
Data 2
Terra : “Dad, where are you going? Greenhouse? Anything you need to help with?”
Harvey : “That is not going to happen, love.” (00:19:30)
The context above showed Harvey went back from the forest after the death body investigation. Terra (speaker) directly asked his father, Harvey (hearer), “anything you need to help with?” Then, the hearer answered “that is not going to happen, love” The hearer was trying to keep her daughter from interfering with this investigation. This utterance of the hearer indicated maxim of manner. The utterance contained the information directly, clearly, and not vaguely. Therefore, the speaker was easy to understand by the aim of hearer directly and clearly.
Data 3
Saul : “Did it break your skin?”
Dowling : “No, I’m not infected.” (00:48:58)
The context above showed the conversation of Saul (speaker) and Dowling (hearer). After the battle of Dowling and stranger thing, Saul concerned to Dowling. The speaker asked, “Did it break your skin?” Then, the hearer answered “No, I’m not infected.” This
utterance of the hearer indicated maxim of manner. The utterance contained the information directly, clearly, and not vaguely. Therefore, the speaker was easy to understand by the aim of hearer directly and clearly.
The cooperative principle in communication activities is desired by the speech participants to make a good contribution. The novelties from this article is an analysis of four maxims that is uttered in Fate: The Winx Saga, especially in episode 1. The series was produced by Archery Picture in 2021 and debuted on Netflix. Interestingly, in the first 28 days of release, it has been watched by 57 million subscribers. In addition, the series has an interesting story. It is about a teen drama series, a fairy searching for her true self. This article presents how the four maxims are used in the conversation of this series. In analyzing, this series is required an accuracy. This article is expressing of how people cooperate in having a conversation with four maxims. Lastly, this article also presents the context of situation in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1.
Based on finding and discussion above, it can be concluded that cooperative principle, based on Grice (1975)’s theory, was uttered or occurred in Fate: The Winx Saga Episode 1. Researchers found 57 data of utterances that contained the cooperative principle. This cooperative principle consisted of four maxims in the analysis. Maxim of relation was found 18 data (32%) which were the most occurred in the movie. It can be said that the characters in the movie had conversation frequently required relevant contribution according what the speaker and the hearer discussed before. Then, the result showed maxim of manner with 17 data (30%). Finally, maxim of quality and quantity had the same data result with 11 data (19%) each maxims. Maxim of quality and quantity became the least uttered in the movie.
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Biography of Authors
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Fatizatulo Zega is currently an undergraduate seventh-semester student and soon to be graduated from university. He took English Literature at Putera Batam Universityas, he interested in learning linguistics and literary criticism. Email: [email protected] |
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Ambalegin, S.Pd., M.Pd. is an active lecturer at Putera Batam University. He also contributes frequently in conducting research. His interest of research ranges from Pragmatics, Phonetics, Morphosyntax, Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics, Language Maintenance and English Language Teaching. He earned his Bachelor degree of English Language Education in Universitas Negeri Medan and his Master degree of English Language Education in UST Yogyakarta. Email: [email protected] |
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