Conflict In Franz Kafka’s Novel The Trial
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e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 16, No. 2, July 2022, pages: 252—263
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Conflict In Franz Kafka’s Novel The Trial
1Farahiyah Hafilah Miraza
Universitas Harapan Medan, Medan, Indonesia, [email protected] 2Hidayati,
Universitas Harapan Medan, Medan, Indonesia, [email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 31 Januari
Accepted Date: 7 Februari 2022
Published Date: 31 July 2022
Conflict, External Conflict, Psychological Literature, Novel.
The issue that will be examined in this research is how conflicts portrayed in the novel The Trial by Franz Kafka. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the external conflict found in the novel. The research problems of this research are: First, is about the external conflicts found in the novel and how it is portrayed, second, is to reveal the most dominant type of external conflict found in the novel. The method of analysis used in this research is the qualitative research method, it is analyzed based on the theory of conflict by Tennyson (1967) with the approach of psychological literature. The findings of this research are, 1. There are two kinds of external conflicts found in the novel. 2. Man Vs. Man is the most dominant conflict found in the novel, with the calculation using the theory of Anas (2008) with the result; Man Vs. Man (71,42%) and 2. Man Vs. Society (28,57%).
Literature is a form of creativity and productivity in producing a work that has aesthetic value and reflects social realities, in essence, it is a media that utilizes humans. Literature is an expression of human experience in an expressive and impressive form of language, (Soemarjo in Kurniadi, 2019). Therefore, a literary work generally contains the problems that surrounded the life of humans. Literature is the basic human urge to express his existence., a novel is a variety of prose, prose that represents characters and presents a series of events and settings in an organized structure.
Conflict is an aspect that always exists in life, both real life and life in the world fiction. Conflict is also important points in the plot of a story. Without a conflict, the story will not be interesting to be enjoyed. There must be conflicts in our lives. No one has never experienced life without conflict (Dina & Suhendi, 2020). As a human, a social beings who live side by side, conflicts often arise which can be triggered by variety of motive, such as, differences in appearances that are brought by individuals or groups in an interaction, the differences including physical characteristics, knowledge, ethnicity, intelligence, beliefs, and so on.
Conflict refers to the understanding of something unpleasant that happens or is experienced by the characters in the story, (Meredith and Fitzgerald, 1995).
The problems in life which also can be identified as a conflict that are presented by a writer through their work, makes literary work contains psychological aspects. Thus, the role of literary psychology is needed. This research is analyzed with the approach of literary psychology. Literary psychology is a science that has creativity and it is interdisciplinary. The 252
253 purpose of literary psychology is to understand the psychological aspects contained in a literary work.
The basis of literary psychology research is influenced by several things. First, there is an assumption that literary works are a product of the author's psyche and thoughts who are in a semi-conscious or sub-conscious situation after being clearly poured into a conscious form, (Wandira, Hudiyono, & Rokhmansyah, 2019).
The research is conducted to find out the kinds of external conflict found in the novel and how it is portrayed and to reveal the most dominant type of external conflict found in the novel The Trial. A novel is a work of prose fiction written in a narrative and usually written in the form of a story. Novels are literary works also called fiction, it is considered to be synonymous with fiction (Nurgiyantoro, 1998).
The source of data in this research is the novel itself entitled The Trial. This research focuses on explaining the external conflicts found in the novel. The conflict is analyzed based on the theory of conflict proposed by Tennyson (1967) that stated the three basic conflicts most frequently cited are, The individual in conflict with himself, The individual in conflict with another individual, The individual in conflict with analyzed outside force.
The researcher wants to examine the existence of conflicts, the background of study in this research are, first, the novel The Trial is one of the novel that includes many conflicts in it, external nor internal conflicts, The Trial novel, is a novel originally written by Franz Kafka, it is one of Kafka’s best known works. It consists of 237 pages and published by Roads in 2014. The Trial novel itself tells a story about a bank clerk who is going through a trial but does not have any idea on why he was arrested, and the reason remains unknown throughout the story. Second, In the novel, the researcher sees that there are many conflicts that occurred to the main character, many things that shows unethical behavior towards the main character.
The problems of this research are formulated as follows: 1. What are the forms of external conflicts found in the novel The Trial and how are they portrayed? 2. What is the most dominant conflict found in the novel The Trial?
In this research, descriptive qualitative method is applied to the research. Descriptive method examines things as a process of analyzing the research. Qualitative research is research that describes and analyzes phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of people individually and in groups. (Sukmadinata, 2009)
The researcher used this method in order to describe the external conflicts and the analysis of external conflicts, with the approach of psychological literature that is done solely based on facts or phenomena that happened in the reality. Literary psychology is a literary study that views work as a psychological activity. Literary psychology recognizes literary works as a reflection of the psyche. (Endraswara, 2011)
Data are collected “all at once,” combining the measurement of several variables into long questionnaires that are broken into separate groups of questions to measure the different variables during the data analysis. (Dean & Katherine, 2006)
To obtain data, in accordance with the objectives of the research, it is necessary to collect data. For the researcher to collect the data, there are three steps, as the following: 1. Reading the novel as the focus of the research. 2. Underline and choosing the data that are suitable for the main problems of the research according to the three types of external conflict.
3. Classify the data into the three types of external conflicts
3. Discussions
Forms of External Conflicts Found in The Novel The Trial and How They Are Portrayed.
In this chapter, the researcher reveals and analyzes the data collected from Franz Kafka’s novel, the Trial. This chapter provides the analysis of data this research obtains.
Data 1, “There was immediately a knock at the door and a man entered. He had never seen the man in this house before...“who are you?” asked K..,” (Kafka, 2014 :10)
This verse is identified as the Man Vs. Man conflict because the verse represents the confusion Josef K felt when he saw there is an unknown man barging through his bedroom. At the moment Josef K did not have any idea of what happened in his house.
Data 2, “don’t you think you’d better stay where you are?” “I want neither to stay here nor to be spoken to by you until you’ve told me who you are.” “I meant it for your own good,” said the stranger.” (Kafka, 2014 : 11)
This verse is identified as the Man Vs. Man conflict because the verse represents disturbance, Josef K was disturbed by the action of the unknown man in his own house. In this page it was stated that Josef K is under arrest. it also can be known that Josef K tried to avoid the two men in front of him and proceed to ask their identity, showing his annoyed expression, he stated that he does not want to talk to the men unless they reveal their identity but the stranger intimidate him during his rant.
Data 3, “you can’t leave when you’re under arrest.” “that’s how it seems, and why am I under arrest?” he then asked. “that’s something were not allowed to tell you.” (Kafka, 2014 : 12)
This verse is identified as the Man Vs. Man conflict. In the selected text above, the stranger stated that Josef K is under arrest, Josef K had numerous of question he had in his mind, confusion and shock. He began wondering how did this happened and wondering in what office did they belong to.
Data 4, ” “But how can I be under arrest? And how come it's like this?” … “We don't answer questions like that.” (Kafka, 2014 : 14)
This verse is identified as the Man Vs. Man conflict, because when Josef K asked the reason of his arrest, the man can not reveal nor tell the reason to him as he proceed to do anything but communicating to Josef.
Data 5, “Here are my identification papers, now show me yours and I certainly want to see the arrest warrant.” … “In a position like yours, and you think you can start giving orders, do you? It won't do you any good to get us on the wrong side, even if you think it will” (Kafka, 2014 : 14-15)
This verse is identified as the Man Vs. Man conflict, this data showed Josef K’s anger towards the officers, they had arguments that leads to conflict of a man versus man. As stated above, Franz and the officers made sure to Josef K that he had no rights to order them around even if its involving his own proof of arrest that is considered as his own rights.
Data 6 “The way you're carrying on, it's worse than a child, … There's no mistake there. Our authorities as far as I know, and I only know the lowest grades, don't go out looking for guilt among the public; it's the guilt that draws them out, like it says in the law, and they have to send us police officers out. That's the law. Where do you think there'd be any mistake there?”
“I don't know this law," said K. (Kafka, 2014 : 15)
This evidence is identified as the Man Vs. Man conflict , it happened to Josef K when the conversation continues and it shows that the officers tried to explain what happened in the matter of time, he tried to explain in an aggressive way, they got aggressive because Josef K seems like he cannot believe his fate, besides, he felt like he had not committed any crime.
Data 7 “Look at this, Willem, he admits he doesn't know the law and at the same time insists he's innocent.” “You're quite right, but we can't get him to understand a thing,” said the other.” (Kafka, 2014 : 15)
This evidence identified as Man Vs. Man conflict, it is where the conversation continues and Franz pointed out that Josef K is unconscious of the Law but still admits that he, himself is innocent as a lamb and declared that Josef K is stupid.
Data 8 "The supervisor wants to see you!"… "At last!" he called back, … "What d'you think you're doing?" they cried. "Think you're going to see the supervisor dressed in just your shirt, do you? He'd see to it you got a right thumping, and us and all!" "Let go of me for God's sake!" called K., … "if you accost me when I'm still in bed you can't expect to find me in my evening dress." "That won't help you," said the policemen, … "Ridiculous formalities!" he grumbled. (Kafka, 2014 : 18)
In this evidence, it indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict, it can be seen that Josef K was asked to meet the supervisor. Josef K argued, there are physical contact aggressively, eventually, Josef K gave in and changed his mind to clean up and took a coat to look formal Josef K expressed his frustration by grumbling the quoted words
Data 9 "On the other hand this really can't be all that important. That follows from the fact that I've been indicted, but can't think of the slightest offence for which I could be indicted. But even that is all beside the point, the main question is: Who is issuing the indictment? What office is conducting this affair? Are you officials? None of you is wearing a uniform, unless what you are wearing.” (Kafka, 2014 : 20)
This evidence represents disputes between the two of them where Josef K, had met the inspector for the first time, which indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict this conversation represent his frustration, confusion and his way of stating his disagreement on this whole ordeal about him being arrested with no crime committed. He demanded answers.
Data 10 “The supervisor slammed the box of matches down on the table. "You're making a big mistake," he said. "These gentlemen and I have got nothing to do with your business, in fact we know almost nothing about you. We could be wearing uniforms as proper and exact as you like and your situation wouldn't be any the worse for it.” (Kafka, 2014 : 21)
This evidence identified as Man Vs. Man conflict, that it was stated that the instant reaction Josef K had was the inspector gave an aggressive action, The inspector became hostile, as he slammed the match box he had been fidgeting when Josef K first arrived in the room. This evidence showed that the inspector wont be giving Josef K any answers, the inspector told Josef K to stop defending himself, for he would have a reason to blackmail him due to the bad behavior.. It is unfair for Josef K, since he only wanted explanation for his own self. This evidence represents the arrogance of the inspector.
Data 11 "It's true that you're under arrest, but that shouldn't stop you from carrying out your job. And there shouldn't be anything to stop you carrying on with your usual life." "In that case it's not too bad, being under arrest," said K.” (Kafka, 2014 : 23)
In this verse, The inspector told him that Josef K is allowed to carry his own life as he wish, he explained his own duty that Josef K find was a foolish one. Josef K was able to do
as he wish, even if he was stated that he was arrested, he would not be in jail, he is allowed to have a life. Josef K found this actions are odd, this data indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 12 "Mrs. Grubach, you are on quite the wrong track," said K., so angry that he was hardly able to hide it, "… you are quite mistaken, I know Miss Bürstner very well and there is no truth at all in what you say.” (Kafka, 2014 : 30-31)
The next verse is a conflict between Josef K and Mrs. Grubach, when Josef K asked Miss Bürstner whereabouts to Mrs. Grubach and she started to belittle Miss Burtstner. By this quotation, this shows that Josef K felt angry at Mrs. Grubach due to what she said about Miss Burstner. He refused to believe what Mrs. Grubach had said. The action indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 13 “So this is the sort of law book they study here," said K., "this is the sort of person sitting in judgment over me." "I can help you," said the woman, "would you like me to?" "Could you really do that without placing yourself in danger? You did say earlier on that your husband is wholly dependent on his superiors." "I still want to help you," said the woman, "come over here, we've got to talk about it.”… "You've got lovely dark eyes," she said after they had sat down, looking up into K.'s face.” (Kafka, 2014 : 61)
By the quotation above it can be seen that, the usher’s wife offered her help flirtatiously, Josef K does not like how it is going, and started to refuse her offer to help. Josef K thought that the usher’s wife is just trapping him by luring him into her arms, so the judge will have something against Josef K. the conflict that happened between Josef K with the Usher’s wife indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 14 "I don't think you can be of any assistance to me," he said, "to be of any real assistance you would need to be in contact with high officials. But I'm sure you only know the lower employees,” (Kafka, 2014 : 61)
By the quotations, Josef K stated that he refused help from the woman, because it was not really needed because the woman's position with him, was on the same level. Thus, her help won't change anything, unless she knew other court officials who could benefit Josef K in his next trial. The usher’s wife indicate that she was mortified. This action indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 15 “She made it clear to me that such a meeting could be of no benefit for yourself either, she feels that it can only have been a matter of chance that such an idea came to you,” (Kafka, 2014 : 88)
Based on the verse, the researcher finds that Fraulein Burstner did not want anything to do with Josef K, it was stated by Fraulein Montag that the meeting of the two is unnecessary for it won’t be beneficial to he two of them. The researcher believe that Josef K wanted a good exposure from Fraulein Burstner to proof his innocence to the trial, since she was the only one that thought of Josef K as an innocent man. This action refers to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 16 "Mr. K.! We're to be beaten because you made a complaint about us to the examining judge." And now, K. finally realized that it was actually the two policemen, Franz and Willem, and that the third man held a cane in his hand with which to beat them. "Well," said K., staring at them, "I did not make any complaint, I only said what took place in my home. And your behavior was not entirely unobjectionable, after all." (Kafka, 2014 : 91)
The verse above indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict, when the two officers blamed Josef K for the horrible accident, they thought that Josef K had been making complaints to the examining judge in order to let the officials punish them for their wrong doings, Josef K responded that he did not made any complaint about them.
Data 17 "Mr. K.," "if you knew how badly we get paid you wouldn't think so badly of us. I've got a family to feed, and Franz here wanted to get married, you just have to get more money where you can, … policemen aren't allowed to do that sort of thing, course they aren't, and it wasn't right of us..." (Kafka, 2014 : 92)
The verse above it indicates that Willem tried to make Josef K felt remorse. He started to mentioned the hard part of being a police officer that had no freedom nor wealth to do as they like. Josef K claimed that he did not know anything about any of the action that happened at that time, he had no desire to order someone to punish the two characters, Franz and Willem. In the meantime, Franz tried to comfort Willem as the whip man interrupted three of them by telling Josef K that he should not believe anything that came from their mouth, and said that the punishment is unavoidable. Both of them blame Josef K for their difficult situation. This action indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 18 “K. had noticed very clearly how his eyes had lit up when he saw the banknotes, he had obviously only seemed serious about the flogging to raise the level of the bribe a little.” (Kafka, 2014 : 96)
The evidence is quoted above showed Man Vs. Man conflict, it shows the greed of the whip man towards Josef K. The whip man flogged them to raise the worth of the bank note, he expressed disappointment, for he thought that he could helped them if he raised the value of the bank note as a bribe, knowing that the whip man’s only desire was for money.
Data 19 “ He really had wanted to get the policemen freed” (Kafka, 2014 : 96)
In the data above, it can be seen that Josef K expressed his disappointment toward himself that he could not freed the policemen under the hold of the whip man, knowing that if he could try to raise the bribe, he could freed the men. This data expressed Josef K’s disappointment towards himself because of other’s fault which indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 20 "For God's sake, Josef, give me an answer! Is it true, can it really be true?" "Uncle Karl," said K., wrenching himself back from his daydreaming, "I really don't know what it is you want of me." "Josef," said his uncle in a warning tone, "as far as I know, you've always told the truth. Am I to take what you've just said as a bad sign?" (Kafka, 2014 :100)
According to the data above, it is stated that Karl is Josef’s uncle, his former guardian, the reason why Karl had come to Josef K’s house is because he was Josef K’s former guardian, after hearing the arrest of Josef K. Karl expressed his disappointment to Josef K. His uncle is afraid that Josef might tainted the family’s name. he also expressed that he felt irritated to Josef. The argument between Karl and Josef K indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 21 "Yes, Uncle," said K., "it is true." answered K. … "don't worry." "How can I help worrying?!" shouted his uncle, "Josef, my Dear Josef, think about yourself, about your family, think about our good name! Up till now, you've always been our pride, don't now become our disgrace. I don't like the way you're behaving," (Kafka, 2014 :102)
The researcher conclude that Karl thinks about their family’s reputation rather that the well being of his nephew. This action indicates that Karl is worried over their family
reputation. However, Karl offered to help as best he could, Josef acted nonchalantly, making Karl irritated of Josef’s action. This action indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict.
Data 22 "You've completely changed, you used to be so astute, are you losing it now? Do you want to lose the trial? Do you realize what that would mean? That would mean you would be simply destroyed. And that everyone you know would be pulled down with you or at the very least humiliated…” (Kafka, 2014 :105)
This data indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict when Karl is concerned towards Josef to act rationally about the trial, Karl said that Josef acted too calm, and calm is not good to handle a trial. Karl gave some advices to act in a trial, Karl stated that it will taint himself and the people around him.
Data 23 "My dear Uncle," said K., "it won't do any good to get excited, it's no good for you to do it and it'd be no good for me to do it. … You say that the family will also be affected by this trial; I really can't see how, but that's beside the point and I'm quite willing to follow your instructions in all of this." (Kafka, 2014 :105)
In this quotations, Josef explained his situation and expressed his confusion how all of the conflict happened to him is going to affect his family. Man vs. Man conflict can be seen when Josef K explained himself to defend himself from his uncle's words.
Data 24 “They kept their shoulders close behind his, did not turn their arms in but twisted them around the entire length of K.'s arms and took hold of his hands with a grasp that was formal, experienced and could not be resisted. K. was held stiff and upright between them, they formed now a single unit so that if any one of them had been knocked down all of them must have fallen.” (Kafka, 2014 : 233)
The quotation above means that from all of the conflict he had experienced in a year, he finally has had enough of the government that opposed him, and the people who had opposed him. Josef K became hopeless, he wanted to end his life, this data indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict. The opposing forces made it through his head.
Data 25 “The hands of one of the gentleman were laid on K.'s throat, while the other pushed the knife deep into his heart and twisted it there, twice. As his eyesight failed, K. saw the two gentlemen cheek by cheek, close in front of his face, watching the result. "Like a dog!" he said, it was as if the shame of it should outlive him.” (Kafka, 2014 : 237) As stated in the quotation above after he had thoughts of ending himself and the life he had after he got arrested, the two captors stabbed the knife to his heart, while the other one had his hand around Josef K’s throat. And screamed “like a dog!” to the captors as the executioner turned the butcher's knife into his heart. Which means, K. equalize his undignified execution to the way humans get rid of old or feeble dogs from their misery to end their suffering. This action indicates to Man Vs. Man conflict. In the end the court system prevents him from achieving his freedom.
Data 26 “It's impossible not to observe all this business without feeling pity… K. stopped speaking and looked down into the hall. He had spoken sharply, more sharply than he had intended, but he had been quite right. (Kafka, 2014 : 49)
This evidence identified as Man Vs. Social conflict, because, the researcher founds that Josef K is defending his position, as an innocent man. His gesture of not giving the judge a chance to speak. There are no response from the judge and the audiences, they remain silent.
Data 27 "What has happened to me is not just an isolated case. If it were it would not be of much importance as it's not of much importance to me, but it is a symptom of proceedings which are carried out against many. It's on behalf of them that I stand here now, not for myself alone." (Kafka, 2014 : 51)
This evidence identified as Man Vs. Social conflict, because, The judge remained silent when Josef K tried to explain himself, the judge indicates to careless behavior. However, Josef K noticed the judge’s mysterious gesture that made Josef K thinks that there is someone controlling him. In the novel it is not explained what does the gestures mean, whether it signifies sympathy or humiliation.
Data 28 "And now the judge, right next to me, is giving a secret sign to someone among you. There seems to be someone among you who is taking directions from above. I don't know whether the sign is meant to produce booing or applause.” (Kafka, 2014 : 53)
This evidence showed that the crowd is a paid society to be the audience to applause or to make a fuss, the arrogance of Josef K made him feels like he own the crowd. Subsequently, he thought that all of this fuss could help his case, to show his power over the judges and audiences.
Data 29 "There is no doubt, that there is some enormous organization determining what is said by this court. In my case this includes my arrest and the examination taking place here today,,…” (Kafka, 2014 : 54-55)
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, it showed how corrupt the court is in this novel, this novel is the detailed breakdown of how Josef K fought for his justice to the group of audience and the opposing forces.
Data 30 "Get undressed!" the whipper ordered the policemen.
"I would make it well worth your while if you would let them go," said K.,
"And then you'd try and put in a complaint against me, too," said the whip-man, (Kafka, 2014 : 93-94 )
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, it can be seen that Josef K felt guilty about the two officers situation and offered the whipper a bribe to avoid hitting the two of them. The whipper refuses and said that if he accepted the bribe, Josef K would probably also made a complain about him to the examining judge and then the whipper would also be beaten. Josef K also explained that if there is by a chance he could, he would have the high court officials beaten up, not these humble employees. He blamed the judiciary for the actions of the officers, not the officers themselves.
Data 31 “Complaints to the management don't have the slightest effect, but the lawyers are strictly forbidden to alter anything in the room at their own expense. But even treating the lawyers in this way has its reasons. …” (Kafka, 2014 :254)
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, because, as stated, the inactivity that ensues in Josef K’s trial made Josef K was about to give a complaint for the court, he was about to attempt a self defense, but his own power refrained him to do so, he knew the power they had, and men like Josef K did not stand a chance.
Data 32 “She bothered him by leaning forward over the back of the chair … K. could have encouraged him to enter, but he had decided to make a final break not only with the lawyer but with everything in his home, so he kept himself motionless” (Kafka, 2014 :199)
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, it is happened between Josef K a group of people such us Leni, Block and his lawyer, they had this conflict because Josef K
wanted to dismiss his Lawyer, but Leni and block tried to object his decisions. So he became bothered by the presence of them in the house.
Data 33 “It would not have been difficult for him to turn down most of these jobs, but he did not dare to do so because, if his fears had the slightest foundation, turning the jobs down would have been an acknowledgement of them.” (Kafka, 2014 :207)
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, it was stated that Josef K wanted to turn the job down but he was afraid of losing everything, because he is afraid of the Italian business. He expressed his fear by having internal thoughts due to the job offered by the Italian business.
Data 34 “he did not want to be removed from his workplace for even one day, as the fear of not being allowed back in was too great, he knew full well that the fear was exaggerated but it still made him anxious” (Kafka, 2014 : 208)
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, , it shows that Josef K feared the Italian business of making him loose everything including his Job at the bank, he felt anxious since the job does not have any direct connection with business, Josef K thought it was slightly sketchy for his own well-being, it also illustrates how devoted Josef K is to his work but due to his inflated self-esteem and misguided attempts to be free-spirited actually make him less able to act on his own. He is controlled by his work as much as he is by the courts.
Data 35 “K. now knew it would be his duty to take the knife as it passed from hand to hand above him and thrust it into himself. But he did not do it, instead he twisted his neck, which was still free, and looked around. He was not able to show his full worth, was not able to take all the work from the official bodies, he lacked the rest of the strength he needed and this final shortcoming was the fault of whoever had denied it to him.” (Kafka, 2014 : 237)
This quotation is a depiction of Man Vs. Society conflict, it can be seen when Josef K started to think of his life and how he wanted to end it, he saw policemen near the bridge. He ignored policemen that were lingering near the bridge, Josef K knew that the Law that opposed him are larger and more powerful than mere government, this quote is depiction of man vs. society, proof of the impact of conflict happened to Josef K in the novel, he became desperate, he stopped defending himself and thought about ending his own life with the knife of his captors.
The Most Dominant Conflict in the Novel The Trial
The researcher have found that The Trial novel contains several types of conflicts related to Tennyson's theory of conflict. The categories are divided into three categories: Man vs. Man, Man vs. Society, and Man vs. Nature, but there are only two types of conflicts in this novel. In this section, the researcher had collected 35 data in total , 25 data indicates to Man vs. Man conflict, 10 data indicates to Man vs. Society. The percentage of the most dominant type of conflict was calculated using percentage formula by Anas (2008):
F = - × IOO N
P: Percentage
F: Frequency
N: Total of Conflicts
The calculation can be found in the following table:
No. |
Types of External Conflicts |
Quantity |
Percentages |
1. |
Man Vs. Man |
25 |
71,42% |
2. |
Man Vs. Society |
10 |
28,57% |
3. |
Man Vs. Nature |
0 |
0% |
Total |
35 |
100% |
Based on the table above, Man Vs. Man conflict is the most dominant conflict found in the novel The Trial (71,42%), followed by Man Vs. Society conflict found in the novel The Trial (28,57%) and the third position is the Man Vs. Nature, due to the nonexistence of data found in the novel The Trial.
This research is expected to have a positive impact on the literature field. This research shows the kind of conflict in this novel. Researcher hope that this research will create an excitement in the analysis of the novel, gaining a better perspective on the novel, and understanding each perspective of each character that appears. It is a novel and helps to add experience and knowledge about literature to readers and the general public.
Based on the research and studies that the researchers have done, it can be concluded that, there are two types of conflict that happened throughout the novel The Trial by Franz Kafka. Namely, Man Vs. Man conflict and Man vs. Social conflict, Man vs. Nature conflict is nonexistence in this novel. It is also can be concluded that Man Vs. Man conflict in the majority of data found in the novel, with the result that the most dominant type of conflict in The Trial novel by Franz Kafka is the Man Vs. Man conflict, analyzed with the formula of percentage by Anas (2008).
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Biography of Authors
Farahiyah Hafilah Miraza, S.S. she was an English student that graduated from Universitas Harapan Medan with a Bachelor Degree of English Literature. | ||
Dr. Hidayati, S.S., M.S. is one of the lecturer in the Faculty of Languages | ||
and Communications at the University of Harapan Medan. | ||
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