Conversational Implicature in “Suspicious Partner” Movie By Chiko Chiata

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at
Vol. 16, No. 2, July 2022, pages: 242--251
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Conversational Implicature in “Suspicious Partner” Movie By Chiko Chiata
1Syadila Ika Putri, 2Ambalegin
1,2 Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia 1[email protected], 1[email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 28 Dec 2021
Accepted Date: 3 Jan 2022
Published Date: 31 July 2022
Conversational Implicature,
Implicature, Qualitative, Suspicious Partner Movie.
The article raised the implied meaning contained in the film entitled "suspicious couple" by Chiko Chiata. The goals or aims of this research are to uncover the use of implicature in a film using Grice's cooperative principle framework and to entangle the implied meanings in the conversations in terms of their maxim arrangement. The theory used is conversational implicature based on theory (Grice, 1989). Every implied meaning or conversational implicature in it is what is explained. To explain the various implied meanings, it is necessary to use methods and methods that are in accordance with the lines. the methodology used is the type of research, the method of collecting and analyzing data such as qualitative descriptive taken from theory (Sudaryanto, 2015) is this research method because words, phrases are forms to explain data. For data analysis, pragmatic identity is used in this study. Observational and non-participatory methods were applied in data collection. This study finds many implied meanings in both pronunciation and movement in the film "Suspicious Partner" which is a crime and life genre. but in this study took 16 examples of implied meaning to be understood properly. whose discussion is related to the type of conversational implicature in its implicature branch.
Conversational implicatures are implied by the speaker in making an utterance are part of the content of the utterance, but do not contribute to direct or explicit utterance content and are not encoded by the linguistic meaning of what has been uttered(Grice, 2017). Like Amelia asserts that she is on a diet, and implicates something different: that she is not having cake. In an act of conversation, every form of speech basically implies something. Implications it is the intent or proposition that is usually hidden in talk back which is spoken and is not a direct part of the said speech. In Paul Grice's article on "Logic and Conversation," first presented at the University of Harvard in 1967, the theory of implicit talk is so important to understanding acts of speech.
Benjamin:“Are you having some of this chocolate cake?”
Amelia:“I’m on a diet”
The above conversation taken from the youtube channel of a talk show STEVETV.COM where there is a small child and an adult on the show and uses an expression. That explains that the hearer replied that he did not want to eat the cake because it would result in fat, even though he said he was on a diet. Conversational implication is part of the implication of a speech, namely the implication which is part of the speech content. Within the class of conversational implicatures, there is a distinction between the particular implicatures and the general implicatures of the places involved and the conclusions involved and the weak and strong implicatures(Solihati, 2014). Implicature that Revealed in the Movie of Suspicious Partner. As far as the researchers knows, the researchers on the film Suspicious Partner has only been found on communication and broadcasting research and business. Therefore, researchers are interested in studying films. This is from a linguistic point of view, especially a pragmatic aspect. Specialized pragmatic aspects.The researcher in this study is the implicature of the speech between the characters in the film Suspicious Partner.
There are also several examples of implicature in the literary works of drama that I took in the suspicious partner movie. in his scene there is a dialogue like this,
Noh JiWook :“It might be better if you stay here”
Bong hae : “I'm going to sleep”. while closing the door and entering his room.
In this case speaker wants hearer to stay with him. Then hearer did not go and stayed at home without saying "yes I will live here" but in his movement alone it can be judged that hearer still wants to be at home. In this movie we take implicature theory, (Levinson, 2000) states that the implicature essentially consists of four concepts, namely: 1. Providing meaningful functional explanations or facts languages that are not explained by linguistic theory, 2. Provide an explanation of outward differences referred to by language users, 3. Implifying the semantic description about the clause relationship associated with the same conjunctive, and 4. Can explain various linguistic phenomena that seem unrelated or even opposites, but it turns out to have a real connection and clear purpose.
Nugroho (2019) analyzed the implication of conversation in communication actions in the theateral group of fkip uns peron. The paper used Grice’s theory for the implicature, according the analysis report there were 13 data that showed the implicature. The information may not be supplied effectively during the exchange of information. There are numerous causes for this. One cause is that the listener did not understand the significance behind his speech (Christina, 2021). In Christina article said conversational implicature is easily found in any aspect of life that involves communication, particularly conversation. Each of the conversational implicatures discovered in the conversation may serve a different purpose. The purpose of this
study is to examine the function of conversational implicature in the popular American television show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. The researcher identified the utterance using Grice's (1975) conversational implicature theory and classified it using Searle's (1976) speech acts theory.
Searle (1976) divided speech acts into five categories. Representatives/assertives, directives, commissives, expressives, and declarations are examples of these acts. This study employs a qualitative research design. To collect data, the researcher used Sudaryanto's (2015) interview method and Sudaryanto's (2015) to present the findings of the research.
To analyze the data, the researcher collected ten data sets that contain conversational implicature, with two of the data sets classified as representatives/assertive, three data sets classified as directives, two data sets classified as commissives, two data sets classified as expressive, and the remaining data set classified as declarations. The results show that, of the ten analyzed data points, directive was the most frequently used speech act in the TV show. That article using pragmatic identity method (2015) The speech contains the implicature from speaker to speaker so that the cooling machine is turned on or the window opened. (P. Grice, 1989) divides implicatures into two types, namely implicatures conversation and conventional implicatures.
According to (Grice, 2017), the implicature of conversation emerges due to a violation of one of the four maxims, namely the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality,maxim of relationship and maxim of way. Meanwhile, on the conventional implicature of Grice argues that conventional implicatures arise from words that have meaning conventional.The purpose of this research is, we can easily find conversational implicatures in suspicious couple films. The reason why the researcher takes this topic in the article is because there are many implied meanings in this film. That are related to the discussion of conversational implicatures. apart from conversation, there are movements that mean a separate meaning.
1. Implicature
In literature an impicature is something the speakers suggest or implies with an utterances, even though it is not literally expressed. The goals of this research are to uncover the use of implicature in a film using Grice's cooperative principle framework and to entangle the implied meanings in the conversations in terms of their maxim arrangement. (Grice, 2017) which is essentially defined as communicating less than is said, initially introduced the notion of implication. That is essentially defined as the less what is communicated. This definition contributes to another part of neo-involvement. Grice's Relevance theorists have reacted by proposing that the explanation and impact of the difference between explicit and implicit meaning be shifted. Then the concept of this article is to find data using conversational implicatures and explain the explanation of its meaning or purpose.
Grice is credited with coining and popularizing the term implicature. Grace defines implicature as "to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or mean in addition to what the speaker literally says" (Brown & Yule, 1983). According to which definition, implicature is divided into two parts. The first is conventional implicature, which is the literal meaning of the speaker's utterance. The other type is conversational implicature, which refers to meaning that extends beyond the linguistic form or literal meaning.
To account for conversational implicature, Grice proposed the Cooperative Principle, which describes how a speaker and a listener engage in a cooperative effort while conversing. The term "makes your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged" describes the
245 concept in detail (Zilian, 1991) The cooperative principle is defined as a set of maxims from which the concept of conversational implicature is derived, and it is regarded as a key to understanding and interpreting conversational implicature. To have a better understanding of this, the followings are examples of speech where the differences happened.
A: What time is it?
B: The newspaper has not arrived yet.
The impact consists of two types: conventional implicature and dialog involvement or conversational implicature. (Amrullah & Java, 2015).
a. Conversational Implicature
In pragmatics, conversational implicature is an indirect or implicit speech act. What is meant by a speaker’s utterances that is not part of what is explicity said. Grice's theory of the implication of conversation was written in the article "Logic and conversation"(Schadeck, M., 1989). The term is also known simply as implicature. it is the antonym of explicature, which is an explicity communicated assumption. With entailments and presuppositions under our belts, I turn briefly to one other kind of inference called a conversational implicature. This inference is also an implicational relation but it is distinct from entailments and presuppositions and important in our understanding of meaning.
The idea of conversational implication is the fundamental concept highlighting pragmatics as a language branch (Levinson, 2000).Conversational implicatures are pragmatic inferences: unlike entailments and presuppositions, they are not tied to the particular words and phrases in an utterance but arise instead from contextual factors and the understanding that conventions are observed in conversation (Scorld, 1987) The theory of conversational implicatures is attributed to Paul Herbert Grice, who observed that in conversations what is meant often goes beyond what is said and that this additional meaning is inferred and predictable. As an illustration of what Grice was talking about, consider the sentence in.
This study used a qualitative research design with a pragmatic approach. The purpose of this research is to look into the strategies used by the characters in the movie in relation to cooperative principles used in their conversations, both generalized and particularized implicatures. First a section comparing and differentiating the two, followed by the research methodology section. The overarched plan for integrating conceptual difficulties with relevant and feasible empirical research is research design. It is a survey that gives precise guidance to research techniques (Creswell, 2018). According to Creswell, that is defined as a process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that investigates a social or human problem.
Types of research are defined in (Sudaryanto, 2017) the sort of study is qualitative research, as the conversations witnessed are word shaped and not numerical. There is also a description of the various types of research methodology and a discussion of the two main types of research methods qualitative (Gounder, 2012). The researchers uses qualitative method with objective and equlized in determined the data that related to the implicature in this Suspicious Partner movie.
Qualitative research is research that can develop and change as the research advances, so that more and more data can be obtaine. (Sudaryanto, 2019) Observational and non-participatory methods were applied in collecting data, the step are: (1) Film viewing. (2) Taking notes on the movie's dialogue. (3) Categorizing words that are relevant to theory. Therefore, to data analysis is
pragmatic identity used in this researchwith the step method: (1) Must first comprehend the theory and be able to connect it to the facts that the researchers were seeking for previously. (2) Analyze the dialogues carefully in light of the theory.
Table 1
4.1 Finding
The researcher found there are many implied meanings from conversational implicature in this
research, but only a few will be shown, which is | ||
No |
The sentence |
The implied meaning |
1. |
"breakfast ready" |
Eat together |
2. |
"Where are the archives from yesterday" |
Want to be respected |
3. |
“My mom is coming tonight” |
Unable to attend the party |
4. |
“I'm chasing the deadline for tomorrow” |
Cannot be disturbed |
5. |
“Your hair looks like a star” |
Beautiful girl |
6. |
“Look at that african guy, i'm a bit scared” |
Afraid because of the customs of a tribe |
7. |
“Wow finally Ji Wook managed to steal my heart” |
Get the attention |
8. |
“This problem really makes me hot” |
Dizzy and annoying |
9. |
“Ouh i know mom, but now im in 30. So i want to find my life partner mom” |
Didn't want to go to college anymore |
10. |
“You use whatever suits you” |
Handsome in any clothes |
11 |
“He is sugar in my drink and it's hard to separate” |
Important and meaningful |
12 |
“I do a lot of laundry at home” |
Couldn't join the office tour. |
13 |
“Stop! look at your shoes like a pair of lovers fighting” |
Shoes was torn off |
14 |
“Try here!” |
Wouldn't hesitate to hurt |
15 |
“i want to sleep” |
Stay home, don't leave Ji Chang Wook. hasked to be accompanied. |
16 |
“I think it would be prettier if the hair tie was untied” |
Hair was tied up and looked a bit ugly. |
Minutes in the movie showing 03.12. Speaker together with hearer in one room, Speaker brings utensils and food that has been prepared.
Speaker : "breakfast ready"
Speaker said to hearer without asking the subject. Immediately, Speaker sat by the dining table to taste the food served immediately to get and eat together. Because he was also hungry, therefore he hastened the others to be able to immediately go to the dining table and eat with him. Thus giving the meaning also that he was a little annoyed because he had waited so long for the reaction of his housemates.
Data 2
Minutes in the movie showing 13.15. In a room Speakeris shuffling files on the table, confused looking for something.
Speaker: "Where are the archives from yesterday"
Speaker says to hearer at the office with a face that looks angry. Hearer then hastily sought files until she hit the table, hurting her waist. Hearer knows that the words of Speaker actually mean he needs the file, and speakers want to respected so that other employees do not neglect to put important files. He wants the file to be protected and not to be underestimated so that it is lost and not found. Surely the value of the file is very important for the speaker.
Data 3
Minutes in the movie showing 15.11. After work,the speaker wants to invite the hearer to the dance party that evening the office is hosting. Who is in front of the office, an speaker said :
Speaker : “Are you going to the party tonight?”
Hearer : “My mom is coming tonight”
Hearer does not say "no" but by saying that his mother will come it already makes it clear that hearer refused Speaker’s invitation. one way to refuse the invitation was to lie that his mother would be coming that night. because if the speaker says "no" then the heart of the listener will hurt and be offended.
Data 4
Minutes in the movie showing 17.05. The speaker makes a carrot juice drink and puts it on the table in the listener's room, while offering to drink the carrot juice.
Speaker : “Would you like some of my carrot juice?"
Hearer : “I'm chasing the deadline for tomorrow”
What the hearer means is that hearer cannot be disturbed, be it drinking, eating, or others. because the listener is busy. There is an urgent matter that he must finish first. Then he didn't say he couldn't, but immediately said the situation was honest. Such as "I'm at work" may seem disconnected but it can give the listener a hearer for attention to understand.
Data 5
Minutes in the movie showing 20.13. Inside the house, Speaker was watched hearer who was just getting ready to take a shower.
Speaker : “Your hair looks like a star”
Speaker says like that because doesn't mean her hair is bright like a star, but her hair is pretty and beautiful. Her hair was shiny and charming like a star. So beautiful that the word stars match the hair.
Data 6
Minutes in the movie showing 22.34. Speaker who was watching a movie with hearer in the house. A film showing African or black people.
Speaker : “Look at that african guy, i'm a bit scared”
Hearer : “Yes, I agree”
Speaker was afraid to see the Africans because according to them the nature of Africans is rude and could hurt them. Speakers are a little bit scared of black people. That's why he used that sentence. Because from what he saw in the movies that blacks were rather fierce and violent. usually they become bandits on the street.
Data 7
Minutes in the movie showing 30.13. Inside the office, Speakeris remembering the message and attention that Ji Wook gave before she went to the office.
Speaker : “Wow finally Ji Wook managed to steal my heart”
Hearer : “Yeah I guess so, because I've been watching that gesture for a long time” Speakersays stealing, but he means that he managed to get the attention of the speaker. The speaker is happy that the man she is dreaming of has the same feelings as her at last. The man paid a small attention to which the speaker was amazed.
Data 8
Minutes in the movie showing 31.12. At the office, Speaker looks so upset and angry, because of the many piling and difficult jobs.
Speaker : “This problem really makes me hot”
Speakermeant his mind was dizzy with the problem he was facing at that time. Not really hot like a fire, but it's dizzy and annoying. The speaker was annoyed because of the new problems again. one that has not been finished has added one more problem. That's why he uses the word "hot" in this movie.
Data 9
Minutes in the movie showing 35:06. While working, suddenly the sound of the hearer's cellphone rang, then the hearer picked up the phone and listened to the speaker's words on the phone.
Speaker : “This is mom, as I have asked before, how about the continuation of the college you will take?”
Hearer : “Ouh i know mom, but now im in 30. So i want to find my life partner mom”
What the hearer meant was that he didn't want to go to college anymore, just his current degree and because he is very old. Because the mother continues to demand the child for S2 but the child no longer wants to continue his education because he is old.
Data 10
Minutes in the movie showing 38.13. At home, speakerand hearer who are getting ready to go to the party, then speaker askedabout the appearance.
Speaker : “How about this?”
Hearer : “You use whatever suits you”
Here hearer means that speaker was already handsome in any clothes. Without bothering to think about what clothes to wear, speaker was already handsome enough. What was conveyed by the hearer was a compliment to the speaker.
Data 11
Minutes in the movie showing 41.18.In a cafe, two people were enjoyed food at a table. While held the glass in his hand, the speaker asked the hearer private questions about his love.
Speaker : “Do you like Ji Wook?"
Hearer : “He is sugar in my drink and it's hard to separate”
What the hearer meant was not Ji Wook who became sugar, but Ji Wook who was so important and meaningful to the hearer. So the hearer uses hyperbole in the sentence. Which means without the man or Ji Chang Wook she can't live. The hearer is deeply in love with Ji Chang Wook.
Data 12
Minutes in the movie showing 45.18. Stilled in a cafe, the speaker asked the hearer about an invitation to join the office tour the day after tomorrow, while moved home.
Speaker : “Can you join the office tour the day after tomorrow?"
Hearer : “I do a lot of laundry at home”
The hearer explained that he was so busy that he couldn't join the office tour. What he meant here was not to open a laundry service, but he had a lot of work to do so he said so. Such as some homework and office work that he has brought home to be completed immediately.
Data 13
Minutes in the movie showing 48.19. When in front of the house,the speaker pointed at the listener's shoes and said;
Speaker : “Stop! look at your shoes like a pair of lovers fighting”
Hearer : “Oh my god”
Speaker said that hearer shoes was torn off. That's why speakersaid like a pair of lovers who fight. Because there are parts of it that are torn. So the speaker's intention is to repair the shoes of the other person who looks bad. Because posibly the hearer wasn't paying attention to his shoes anymore.
Data 14
Minutes in the movie showing 50.15. In an office, hearer is flirting with speaker, but Speaker was uncomfortable.
Speaker : “Try here!”
Hearer : “No no”
Speaker meant that if hearer dared to approach him, then speaker wouldn't hesitate to hurt him. Speakers do not hesitate to hit the hearer if the hearer dares to touch it. In this case the speakers ask the hearer to come closer and pay attention.
Data 15
Minutes in the movie showing 55.14. Inside the house, Speakerspoils hearer, wanted hearer to stay.
Speaker : “It might be better if you stay here”
Hearer : “i want to sleep”
Here hearer without saying "yes" but the meaning is yes. The hearer stayedin the house and not left the speaker. Here Ji Chang Wook does not want to be left by his lover. He wanted company and to stay in the house.
Data 16
Minutes in the movie showing 59.12. After waking up,in a roomspeakersaw hearer then corrected what listeners do.
Speaker : “I think it would be prettier if the hair tie was untied”
Speaker explained that at that time hearer hair was tied up and looked a bit ugly. So it's better to just let her hair loose. It's better to just let your hair loose according to the speaker because it will look beautiful.
In this article, several examples of the use of implied or conversational meanings have been found in Chiko Chiata's film "suspicious couple". This film is a genre about life and law in a country. It is played by two main characters and three supporting characters. There are many implied meanings in this film, so that is one of the reasons the researchers took this film as a data source. Many movements are also found that interpret a meaning. There are 16 data that have been found and described.
The 16 data consists of two parts of conversational implicatures that have been discussed in induction. The use of conversational implicatures is very commonly used in everyday life. which has been applied in this thesis by various methods from experts. The author hopes that this thesis can be useful in future conversational implicature research.
The researchers would like to express their gratitude and highest appreciation to those who have contributed positively during the process of writing this research and for putera batam university so this article can be useful as a reference for the students, especially English literature study programs. Especially in the type of conversational implicature in movie data.
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