e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eol/index

Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2022, pages: 86--95

Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586


The Linguistic Phenomenon Found in the Instagram Caption Account of the @bahasa_bali

Made Sani Damayanthi Muliawan

Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia. Email : [email protected]

Article info

Received Date: 5 August 2021

Accepted Date: 17 August 2021

Published Date: 31 January 31


Instagram caption, code mixing, code switching, speech acts


This research is entitled "The Linguistic Phenomenon Found in the Instagram Caption Account of the @bahasa_Bali" which aims to find the code mixing and code switching for the linguistic phenomenon contained in the Instagram caption of the @bahasa_bali account. The data collected was analyzed descriptively using qualitative methods in the Instagram caption of the @bahasa_bali account. The data in the form of code switching and code mixing in the speech found on the caption are analyzed for the function of the speech act using Searle's version of speech act theory which divides speech acts into three namely locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the form of code switching and code mixing in the speech contained in the Instagram @bahasa_bali caption is in the form of words and phrases. The speech acts of code switching and code mixing are in the form of locutionary and illocutionary speech acts which have assertive, directive, and expressive functions. The factors in the use of code switching in speech are because Balinese language which is the main language has not been able to provide equivalent words that are in accordance with the intentions of the speaker and speech partner. The factors that influence the use of code mixing in everyday speech are both speakers and speech partners who both master Balinese, Bahasa and English so that there is contact between the three languages both national languages, regional, and foreign in a communication.

  • 1.    Introduction

In a multicultural and multilingual society, the use of more than one language when communicating is a common linguistic phenomenon. Mastery of more than one language requires a person to choose the language to be used. There is a tendency to expand knowledge and insight, encouraging the global community to compete to maximize their potential, especially in mastering language. This resulted also developing phenomenon language contact are no longer limited to the national language and regional languages, but also between the national language with a foreign language, the local language with a foreign language, even contact between the three languages both national languages, regional, and foreign in a communication. This event can then lead to code switching and code mixing. Code switching is one aspect of language dependence in a bilingual or multilingual society. That is, in a bilingual or multilingual society, it is very possible for a speaker to use various codes in his speech acts according to the situation and various aspects that surround it.

Rokhman (2013) asserts that in a multilingual society it is almost impossible for someone to use one language absolutely without using another language or elements of another language because between one language and another language has a dependency in a multilingual society. Discussions about code switching are always followed by discussions about code mixing. Code switching includes a model of speaking style which is one aspect of language dependence in a multicultural and multilingual society. It is a fact that in such a society it is almost impossible for a speaker to use one language without the slightest use of other languages or elements of language. According to Richard et.al. (1985), code switching is a transition from the use of one language to another. Code switching can occur when a speaker uses one language and the interlocutor answers in another language. A speaker speaks one language and then switches to using another language in the middle of the conversation, or even in the middle of a sentence. According to Nababan (1991), the concept of code switching also includes events when a speaker switches from one language variety to another or from one dialect to another. From the opinions above, it can be concluded that code switching is a symptom of a transition from one language to another, from one variation to another, or it can also be a transition from one variety to another. While code mixing according to Chaer and Agustina (2010) explains that in code mixing there is a main code or basic code that is used and has its functions and autonomy, while the other codes involved in the event are only in the form of pieces, without a function or autonomy as a code of a speaker, for example in Indonesian, many slips of foreign language fragments such as English or regional languages. It can be said to have mixed code. It can be

concluded that code mixing is an event of using two or more languages in a communication by including fragments or elements of another language because there are some words or terms that cannot be conveyed so that it requires the use of regional/foreign languages or varieties. Code mixing is the use of one language by consistently inserting language elements that insert into other languages. Kridalaksana (2001) translates code mixing as (1) interference, (2) the use of language units from one language to another to expand language style or language variety.

The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing can occur both in non-formal language situations, for example in everyday conversations and in formal situations. The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing can also be found in Instagram captions such as the phenomenon of code switching and code mixing found on caption of the Instagram account @bahasa_Bali. Instagram caption is a way for users to describe the intent or explanation in writing about content in the form of photo or video content. Instagram account @bahasa_Bali is an educational Instagram account that focuses on learning Balinese language and script. This account has been around since 2017 until now and is actively creating content about Balinese language, script and culture. Based on initial observations, the Instagram account @bahasa_bali was followed by 6,729 followers from various backgrounds, including age, social, culture, region, and various languages. so that it is very possible for code switching and code mixing to occur in the caption used by admin of the @bahasa_bali Instagram account.

Code switching and code-mixing already thrives in Indonesia in line with the times. In fact, the phenomenon of code switching has become a trend among the speaker community today. The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing has become so widespread that this phenomenon has turned into language behaviour. From the explanation above, this research will discuss about how the form of code switching and code mixing is in the @bahasa_bali Instagram caption and how the speech act functions in the use of code switching and code mixing in the @bahasa_bali Instagram caption.

  • 2.    Research Methods

According to Mukhtar (2013) qualitative descriptive research method is a method used by researchers to find knowledge or theory of research at a certain time. According to Nazir (2014) descriptive method is a method in examining the status of a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought, or a class of events in the present. The purpose of this descriptive

89 research is to make a systematic, factual and accurate description, picture or painting of the facts,

characteristics and relationships between the phenomena under investigation. Nazir (2014). Therefore, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative.

The data collected was analyzed descriptively using qualitative methods about code switching and code mixing in the speech contained in the Instagram caption of the @bahasa_bali account. The data in the form of code switching and code mixing in the speech found on the caption are analyzed for the function of the speech act using Searle's version of speech act theory which divides speech acts into three namely locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary (Searle, 1969). The perlocutionary act is an act of growing influence (effect) on the speech partner. This speech act is called the act of affecting someone. Illocutionary acts are acts of doing something with a specific purpose and function. This speech act can be said as the act of doing something.

  • 3.    Discussions

From the research, the main language used by the @bahasa_bali account is Balinese. This happens because the @bahasa_bali instagram account focuses on educating its followers about Balinese language, literature and culture. The linguistic phenomena found in the speech on caption are code switching and code mixing. The form of code switching and code-mixing found on caption of @bahasa_bali is as follow:


Plllh san* ngranjlng ring Aksara Ardasuara raris klrlm

K⅛n6 gof I download df ιtu∙ gratis


bahasa_bali Tulungin mimin Iakardownload ton..

Figure 1. Data 1

Caption on first data "Tulungin mimin lakar download ton..” is an code switching form. “Download” is a process of transmitting a file or data from a computer system to another computer system. In this speech, code switching using the word download is used because in Balinese there is no special word that is equivalent to is a process of transmitting a file or data. The speech act of code switching "download" is a speech act (illocutionary) requesting. Requesting is a directive function. This word is used in context (communication) with fellow users, by involving speech participants who come from the same community, through speech channels in oral form.


bahasa„bali Sesuratan aksara Bali sane patut, dumogi mawiguna Elingang save Ian share nggih... •■

tag semeton, sawitra sane Iiananl

Figure. 2 Data 2

Caption on second data is form of code switching “Sesuratan aksara Bali sane patut, dumogi mawiguna elingan save lan share ngih…tag semeton, sawitara sane lianan” The form of code switching in the caption is the use of words “save”, “share” and “tag”. The word “save” refers to how to save, the word “share” refers to how to share content that has been uploaded and “tag” is a way to mark content. That used because in Balinese there is no special word that is equivalent for words “save”, “share” and “tag”. The speech act of code switching “save”, “share” and “tag” is a speech act (illocutionary) requesting. Requesting is a directive function, where the admin of the @bahasa_bali account asks his followers to save the content he uploads, share and tag it with other Instagram users.

Paling sesai dingeh, bakat baan maca?

■ b<ιho*a~t*a∣∣ Cl Q b∙qor bahmoW ι Q b«lajarboho»o<xiH«xn

1 60 Iikes

bahasa_bali Bakat baan maca ton? ketik di kolom komentar!

  • Figure 3. Data 3

Code mixing found on third data, the caption is “Bakat ban maca ton ? ketik di kolom komentar!”. Phrase “ketik di kolom komentar” is a phrase in Bahasa, this is because speakers or admins from @bahasa_bali and followers of the @bahasa_bali account or speech partners both master Bahasa. “ketik di kolom Komentar”” is a speech act (illocutionary) directing. Directing is a directive function, the admin directs followers to answer the answer if they can read the Balinese script contained in the photo upload. This phrase is used in context (communication) with fellow Instagram users who master the Indonesian language, by involving speech participants who come from the same community, through speech channels in written form.


C⅛ bahasaJ>all



bahasa_bali Yeay... Sane sampun join grup WA @bahasa_bali, stiker sampun prasιda kaanggen Wenten 60 stiker whatsapp aksara Bali.

Figure 4. Data 4

On the fourth data, the Instagram caption for the @bahasa_bali account is "Yeay…Sane sampun join group WA @bahasa_bali, stiker sampun prasida kaanggen. Wenten 60 stiker whatsapp aksara Bali”. This caption contain code switching dan code mixing, form of code switching are “yeay”, “stiker whatsapp”, “whatsapp” and form of code mixing is “join group WA”. The words “yeay”, “stiker whatsapp” and “whatsapp” on the caption because there are no words in Balinese that can be used to represent the word “yeay”, “stiker whatsapp” and “whatsapp”. The “yeay” is represent to yes used in certain circumstances to express happiness. The words “stiker whatsapp” and “whatsapp”, used as a representation of the communication platform and the WhatsApp sticker is one of the features in the WhatsApp application in the form of images and messages. The speech act of mixed code "yeay", "whatsapp sticker", "whatsapp" is a speech act (locutionary) statement. Statement is an assertive function. These word are used in the context (communication) between content creators and followers of the @bahasa_bali account who both master the language, by involving speech participants who

come from the same community, through speech channels in written form. The form of code mixing “join group WA” is a speech act (illocutionary) directing. Directing is a directive function, the admin directs followers to join WhatsApp group of @bahasa_bali in order to be able to use Whatsapp stickers that have been created by the Instagram account of @bahasa_bali. This phrase is used in context (communication) with fellow Instagram users who speak English, by involving speech participants who come from the same community, through speech channels in written form.

  • 4.    Novelties

The linguistic phenomenon of code mixing and code switching found in the Instagram caption of the @bahasa_bali account is due to the diversity of ethnicity, race, culture and language that exist in Instagram users, especially between speakers, namely the @bahasa_bali account manager who creates content with speech partners, namely followers of the Instagram account as a content connoisseur. The phenomenon of code mixing and code switching occurs to perfect and enrich a language so that communication between speakers and their interlocutors can occur properly.

  • 5.    Conclusion

From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the form of code switching and code mixing in the speech contained in the Instagram @bahasa_bali caption is in the form of words and phrases. The speech acts of code switching and code mixing are in the form of locutionary and illocutionary speech acts which have assertive, directive, and expressive functions. The factors in the use of code switching in speech are because Balinese language which is the main language has not been able to provide equivalent words that are in accordance with the intentions of the speaker and speech partner. The factors that influence the use of code mixing in everyday speech are both speakers and speech partners who both master Balinese, Bahasa and English so that there is contact between the three languages both national languages, regional, and foreign in a communication.


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Biography of Author

Made Sani Damayanthi Muliawan, S.S, M.Hum is a lecturer in Warmadewa University. She graduated from Faculty of Letter Warmadewa University in 2015. She obtained her Magister program in Magister of Linguistrik from Warmadewa University in 2017. She is currently a doctor candidate in Linguistic at Udayana University.