e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eol/index

Vol. 16, No. 1 January 2022, pages: 65-72

Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586


The Translational Technique (Literal Translation) In Conceptual Meaning From Short Movie (LDR) By DPR Production

1Dina Yemima Alicia Hutabarat

STIBA INVADA Cirebon ([email protected])

2Eva Utami Durahman STIBA INVADA Cirebon


Article info

Received Date: 30 Jun 2021

Accepted Date: 12 July 2021

Published Date: 31 January 2021


translation technique, literal

translation, conceptual meaning

This research aims to find, record, and analyze one of the translation techniques, namely Literal Translation from Indonesian to English which contains conceptual meaning in a short film entitled LDR by DPR Production (2019). This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The method of collecting data for this research is by watching the short film and writing the film script along with the English translation that already exists in the film. The form of the data collected is in the form of sentences containing the Literal Translation technique which also has an understandable conceptual meaning. There are 36 data obtained from 41 sentences in the film. Based on the results of this study, a short film entitled LDR by DPR Production (2019) has a translation technique, namely Literal Translation along with the similarity of meaning in every sentence in the film.

  • 1.    Introduction

For students who are studying in the field of language or who are studying in the field of language, especially English literature, it is very important for us to know more meanings from words to sentences in English. This has the aim of making it easier for us to communicate orally and in writing, of course using English. But for those of us who are not foreign nationals, this is an extra job that we have to do. Why? Because as we often know, one word in any language has many different meanings. Therefore, one of the sciences that can help us is translation.

Translation is very helpful and can make it easier for us to translate a word in another language into the language we use. We can see from one linguist's quote, 'Mildred L. Larson (1984: 3) translation is the transfer of meaning from the source language to the target language.' this makes it clear that we can understand a language or a meaning of words or sentences in different languages.

But what if there is a word or sentence whose meaning does not match the understanding we know? In translation, there are several techniques that we can learn so that we can more easily understand why such problems can arise. Actually there are many translation techniques according to some experts. Here, let us discuss the translation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002). According to Molina and Albir (2002) translation techniques have 5 characteristics, the first is that the translation technique affects a translation result, the second is a technique classified by comparison to the SL text, the third is a technique at the micro level, the fourth is a technique that does not interrelated but based on a particular

context, and finally a technique is functional. Each expert has his own term which is certainly different in determining a translation technique, therefore sometimes there is often an overlap between translation techniques from one expert to another.

The translation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002) itself consists of 18 translation techniques. There are adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description, discursive creation, establish equivalence, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition, and variation. Each technique has different meanings and examples. In this study, we only take one translation technique, namely Literal Translation to see how the meaning of the source language and the target language are similar in which some sentences may look inappropriate. Literal Translation itself has the understanding that 'this technique is done by translating word for word and the translation does not relate it to the context.'

In addition to seeing the literal translation techniques available based on Molina and Albir (2002), this study also combines translation techniques with the conceptual meaning of all research data. Conceptual meaning itself has a meaning which is 'a dictionary that shows concepts.' So in reading we can find many different words but have the same conceptual meaning.

Through translation techniques according to Molina and Albir (2002), I made this study to analyze a word, a question, a statement to a sentence in a film where there is often an inaccuracy in the placement of a word in a sentence so that there is a mismatch between meanings. in the source language to the target language and vice versa. With that in mind we'll research it using one of the techniques we discussed earlier.

  • 2.    Research Methods

In this study using a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection method used is by watching a short film entitled LDR by DPR Production (2019) and after that the research continues by writing a script from both languages, namely Indonesian and English which then will be seen the meaning and similarity of meaning. by using one of the translation techniques from one of the translation experts, namely according to Molina and Albir (2002) literal translation is a technique that is carried out by translating word for word and the translator does not relate it to the context.

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

In this short film there are 36 data consisting of 3 words, 8 statements, 14 sentences, and 11 questions. Table 1 shows the words that as a whole have a Literal Translation technique by looking at the conceptual meaning based on Molina and Albir (2002) in the short film LDR by DPR Production.

Table 1. Data Analysis of Literal Translation Techniques on Conceptual Meaning in Short Films (LDR) by DPR Production.

Data Code

Source Language (Bahasa)

Target Language (Inggris)



Hai, sekarang aku di Bandung nih.

Hi! Now I’m in Bandung.

In this sentence there are similarities in meaning between SL and TL, this shows that this sentence contains literal translation techniques.


Disini enak loh, dingin.

It’s comfortable here, it’s cold.

This sentence contains a literal translation technique, where SL and TL have the same meaning.




This word is included in the literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Iya Nay?

Yes Nay?

This question is included in the literal translation technique, which is where translation translates word for word.


Kamu ingetkan besok aku pulang?

You remind me I’m going home tomorrow?

The sentence here uses a literal translation technique, but in this sentence the word 'remind' refers more to the meaning of 'mengingat' so that in the sentence it looks not so suitable but has a similar meaning.


Iya, inget kok.

Yes, I remember.

In this statement using literal translation technique where between SL and TL have the same meaning and meaning.


Kamu jadi kan jemput aku?

You so pick me up?

This interrogative sentence uses a literal translation technique which has the same meaning between SL and TL, but in this interrogative sentence the translator still interprets word by word. So that there is a disconnect in translating into the target language.


Jadi, Nay.

So, Nay.

In this statement using literal translation techniques, but in the statement here there are words that are not quite right where the word 'so' can be changed to 'yes', there are words that are not right because the translator is still translating word by word.


Kemungkinan sih aku sampai sana sore.

I might arrive there in the afternoon.

This sentence contains a literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Iya, gapapa.

Yes, It’s fine.

The statement here contains a literal translation technique and the statement here also has the appropriate meaning.


Yaudah, aku cuma pengen bilang itu aja. See you.

Alright, I just want to say that. See you.

In this sentence there are similarities in meaning between SL and TL, this shows that this sentence contains literal translation techniques.


Halo. Kenapa sih telefon terus?

Hello. Why do you keep calling?

This question contains a literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Iya, ni aku baru sampai kok.. Iya bawel.

Yes, I just arrived.

Yes nag.

This sentence contains a literal translation technique where the meaning is almost appropriate because the translator is still translating according to the word.


Sorry, kamu udah nunggu lama ya?

Sorry, have you been waiting long?

This question contains a literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Hmm, baru juga setahun aku disini.

Hmm, it’s only been a year I’m here.

This sentence contains a literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Tuh kan, kamu ihh.

You are kidding.

The statement here has a literal translation technique which in its translation looks inappropriate but has the same meaning and can still be understood.


Gapapa kok.

Yaudah kamu cape ga?

It’s okay. Are you tired?

This question contains a literal translation technique which has the same meaning between source language and target language.




This word is included in the literal translation technique which has the same meaning between source language and target language.


Laper ga?

Are you hungry?

This question contains a literal translation technique which has the same meaning in SL and TL.


Laper sih..


This word is included in the literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Yaudah yuk.

Okay, let’s go

The statement here contains a literal translation technique and the statement here also has the appropriate meaning.


Nay, kamu gimana disana?

How are you there?

This question contains a literal translation technique and has the same meaning.


Disanaa ternyata enak kok.

It turns out there is comfortable.

This sentence shows that it contains literal translation techniques and from the source language to the target language has the same meaning even though it looks a little different in the way the sentence is translated.


Yang pertama makanannya. Makanan disana tuh enak-enak.

The first one is the food. The food there is delicious.

In this sentence there are similarities in meaning between SL and TL, this shows that this sentence contains literal translation techniques.


Terus orang-orang disana gimana?

Then, what about the people there?

This question contains a literal translation technique and has the same meaning.


Orang-orang disana baik-baik kok. Ada Rina, ada Gio, ada Bayu, apa lagi Rendi.

The people there are good. There’s Rina, Gio, Bayu, moreover there is Rendi.

In this sentence there are similarities in meaning between SL and TL, this shows that this sentence contains literal translation techniques.


Kenapa? Kenapa ka?

Why? Why Aska?

This question is included in the literal translation technique, but in this case the translator is still translating using word by word.


Gapapa, udah ngerasa jauh aja.

It’s okay, just feel far.

The statement here shows that the translation from the source language to the target language is slightly different and less appropriate in the way of translating it because the translator translates word for word.

This sentence also contains literal translation techniques and from the source language to the target language has the appropriate meaning even though it looks a little less fitting.



What do you mean?

This question is included in the literal translation technique, but in this case the translator is still translating using word by word.


Aku ga ngerti lagi maksud kamu!

I already don’t understand what you mean!

The statement here shows that the translation from the source language to the target language is slightly different and less appropriate in the way of translating it because the translator translates word for word.

This sentence also contains literal translation techniques and from the source language to the target language has the appropriate meaning even though it looks a little less fitting.


Iya Ren?

Yes Rendi?

This question is included in the literal translation technique, but in this case the translator is still translating using word by word.


Ini loh kamu makan dulu.

You eat the food first.

The statement here shows that the translation from the source language to the target language is slightly different and less appropriate in the way of translating it because the translator translates word for word.

This sentence also contains literal translation techniques and from the source language to the target language has the appropriate meaning even though it looks a little less fitting.


Oh iya aku lupa.

Oh yes I forgot.

The statement here contains a literal translation technique and the statement here also has the appropriate meaning.


Mba.. Mba..

Hey miss. Miss.

This word is included in the literal translation technique which has the same meaning.


Tadi dompetnya ketinggalan.

This was your wallet you left there.

In this sentence there are similarities in meaning between SL and TL, this shows that this sentence contains literal translation techniques.


Oh iya, makasih.

Oh iya, thanks.

The statement here contains a literal translation technique and the statement here also has the appropriate meaning.

  • 4.    Conclusion

Based on the research of a short film and analyzing 36 data as well as a little discussion of the similarity of meaning from the source language to the target language, until analyzing the mismatch of one or two words in the film, it can be concluded that all data have literal translation techniques with almost all data having conceptual meaning. Of the many translation techniques, there is one focus of the translation technique applied in this study, namely literal translation. So it can be concluded that this research is purely a literal translation technique with the similarity of conceptual meaning in each data from the target language and to the target language.


(Reading source)


Geoffrey Leech (1974) about Conceptual Meaning. By awinlanguage.blogspot.com (2013).

Mildred L. Larson (Larson 1984: 3). Meaning of tranlation, by trigonalmedia.com (2016).

Understanding Techniques - Techniques in Translation, by linguistikid.com (2016)

Molina dan Albir (2002) about Translation Techniques, by linguitik-penerjemahan.blogspot.com (2011).

linguistik-penerjemahan.blogspot.com (2011).

Translation Techniques Presentation by Dina Yemima Alicia, Nur Fadilah Kurnia, Ardini Reswari (2020).