Shift in Theme-Rheme on Translation The Disyinction of Kawitan Temple Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective

e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2021, pages: 248-256
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586

Shift in Theme-Rheme
on Translation The Disyinction of Kawitan Temple Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective
Putu Agus Bratayadnya, Email: [email protected] (Indonesian Institute of the Arts), Bali-Indonesia I Nyoman Suparwa, Email: [email protected], Bali-Indonesia
Made Sri Satyawati, Email: [email protected], Bali-Indonesia
Article info
Received Date: 4 February 2021
Accepted Date: 17 February 2021
Published Date: 31 July 2021
Source, target language, nominal group, loss and again, and equivalence.
Translation text has very important role in tourism market since Bali become very popular in tourism world. One of translation text used as media for Bali tourism promotions is Why Bali is Known as ”The Island of Thousand Temples”. The text is written in two languages, namely English as the source language and Indonesian as the target language. There are several differences between the source and the target languages in formulating language as message. Such differences were analyzed from systemic functional linguistics point view. The theory used to analyze is the theory of clause of message taken from Halliday. This is qualitative research, namely by approaching the theory clause as message, theme and rheme. Themes of the clauses used in both of texts were compared and analyzed. The result of the research suggested that topical themes were mostly used in the source language, while textual theme was also found in the target language. The themes used in the target language get shifts which resulted to loss and again. The phenomenon causes between the source and the target gets far from equivalence which makes the readers/listeners have different interpretation to the message of the clauses.
Bali is very famous in tourism world because of the culture. However, many guests from other countries do not understand about culture which can be found in others since Balinese culture embeds with Hinduism developing in Bali. To comprehend Balinese culture, comprehending local language is needed much because the culture will be told through spoken or written media. In present time, language does not become obstacle to comprehend Balinese culture since there some kinds of media which promote Balinese culture by using two languages, English-Indonesia written texts such as: book, brochure, magazine, and others.
Text of Why Bali is known as the “Island of a Thousand Temples” is one of written texts in a book which promotes Balinese culture in two languages, English-Indonesia. The book consists of number of topics which involve temples existing in Bali. The existence of the book helps either domestic or international guests who want to know about Bali. Therefore, the book cannot be ignored in the Balinese tourism promotion.
One the topics issued in the book is The Distinction of Kawitan Temple. The topic describes what kawitan temple is in two languages, English-Indonesian. The topic gives some advantages
for communities such as; (i) is useful for the persons who do not understand Balinese, they get information from English or Indonesia, (ii) is useful for persons who begin to study English by comparing the two languages. (iii) is very useful for students who concern to applied linguistics especially in contrastive analysis. For the students of linguistics, the text is viewed as an important subject matter since the clauses in the source language used to describe the information get shifts in the target language.
Linguistically, the clauses used in the source and the target languages can be analyzed many aspects of linguistics. Language embeds social and culture, so the meaning of the language is resulted from social interaction (Halliday, 1978). Social and cultural aspects involve many aspects such as; (i) what is going on, what the topic is discussed, (ii) who speak, (iii) to whom speak, (iv) how to speak, and many others. Because of those aspects, it is very clear that one language is different from other languages. The differences are caused by social and cultural factors, individual factor as well. Social and cultural factors are found in the terms of the source and the target languages. There are a lot of terms from the source language which cannot be found in the target language. Semantic approach is used as tool of transferring meaning.
In transferring meaning, typology of the two languages become concern for linguists since culture influences the structure of languages. In addition, personal character, background and others give contribution for language comparison. Based on those explanation, there are at least aspects which must be comprehended such as; (i) ability in understanding the source and the target language, (ii) ability to comprehend context of situation, (iii) ability comprehend the two ideologies (Bell, 1991).
In transferring meaning, the translator try to prevent the message conveyed through the clauses. However, as mentioned above, typology and the personal style in translating cause the differences of structure clauses in both languages in which the semantics embeds. It means that differences of structure cause the meaning to get shift. One of the different structures which can always be found in translation text is textual clause between the source and the target languages. Textual analysis is associated with clause of message, it is related how language is formulated as the message, it involves theme and rheme analysis (Halliday, 2014:88).
The translation text of The Distinction of Kawitan Temple contains many differences in structures of textual clauses. The differences make the meaning get shift from the source language into the target language. This research focuses on the analysis of sift in theme-rheme on translation The Distinction of Kawitan Temple. The theory used to analysis for this research is the theory of clause of message proposed by Halliday (2014).
This research used qualitative research since the research concerns to phenomena in the translations and uses the theory as the base of analysis (Steen, 2007). The data were taken from the translation of The Distinction of Kawitan Temple from the book of Bali is Known as the “Island of a Thousand Temples written by Wiana (2003). The text was chosen because the text contains number differences in clause as messages in which result to difference semantic analysis.
The technique used to identify the data was by separating the start point of the clauses based on the theory of clause as message (Halliday, 2014:88). Both of the themes were compared from the theme point of view then themes were analysis based the theory of clause as message. The elements of the themes were construed based on the classes and the functions of lexes. The classes and the functions were identified based on the analysis of group and phrase from Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) proposed by Halliday, (2014:361).
Both of the clauses are presented in the paper. English clauses serve as the source language and Indonesian clauses serve as the target language. Both of the themes were analyzed then compared based on semantic approach. The semantic conveyed through the themes got shift. Those sifts were observed how far the meaning sifts happened in the target language.
Literature Review
The aim of translation is to transfer the message from the source language into the target language by taking equivalence the meaning (Larson, 1998:3). The meaning of language is resulted from language in usage in which it involves social context, namely context of situation, context of culture and ideology, it is called as text (Halliday and Ruqaiya, 1999). From that statement, it is very clear that languages develop in area which culture and social aspects influence the meaning. Therefore, the source and the target languages have different meaning since every language has different social and aspects. Translation is a text functioning to bring the equivalence meaning instead of the exact meaning from the source language into the target language.
SFL is the theory of linguistics which focuses on the meaning which involves language in usage. SFL views that social interaction and language play an important role to create the meaning. Every phenomenon that happens in communities can be analyzed from SFL point of view. Translation is one of phenomena that happen in communities. SFL can be used as tool to analyze translation. That is the reason, SFL is called as applied linguistics.
In translation, linguistically, there are many aspects which can be seen as the analysis matter. Structure of theme and rheme of clauses become the prime concern for the research. Structure of theme and rheme focuses on how the language is formulated as start point. Halliday (2014) states that all of languages in the world applies theme and rheme. Theme occurs in the initial position of clause. Halliday emphasizes that theme of clause functions as (i) the purpose of the text, (ii) the relationship among participants, (iii) the kinds of the text. Those functions can be seen from three aspects, namely: topical theme, interpersonal theme, and textual theme.
Topical theme is the theme of the clause comes in the Subject of the clause when we see clause traditionally. Theme as topical theme is filled with nominal group simplex or complex. Nominal group is constructed by number of aspects such as: (i) deictic, (ii) numerative, (iii) epithet, (iv) classifier, (v) thing, (vi) qualifier. When the topical theme is filled with nominal group, it is called unmarked theme. Nominal group is often in nominalization derived from participant, circumstance, and process. The density of nominal group is associated with the character and whom the text is for. Topical theme also involves circumstance. It can be in nominal group or preposition phrase. The topical theme happening in circumstance is called marked theme.
Interpersonal theme is associated with languages used as social interaction. It involves modalities, yes or no question including the answer of the question, vocative clause, minor clause, and expletive clause. Interpersonal theme indicates that the text involve dialog to support the language expressed by the narrator. In other word, interpersonal theme is found in the narrative text.
Textual theme is theme happening in conjunction or continuative. Textual theme concerns to the purpose of the text through the conjunction used to link from one clause to another clause. Halliday (2014) emphasizes the kinds of conjunction used as in a text in which it can be used to identify the aims of the text. Halliday emphasizes the functions of conjunction in a text such as: elaboration, extension, and enhancement. Elaboration conjunction functions how to elaborate the main idea conveyed through the first or the main clause. The existence of these conjunctions leads the listeners/readers comprehend the idea of the text. Extension conjunctions function to
add in formation conveyed through the first or the main clauses. These conjunctions indicate that whether or not the information is accompanied with others. The enhancement conjunctions are related to circumstance such as: how, where, why, when, and condition.
Based on the research, there are seven themes getting shifts in the text of The Distinction of Kawitan Temple from the source into the target languages. The research describes the shifts found in the text as below.
Text 1
The source language
The temple in the family home is called sanggah or Merajan Kamulan
The target language
Tempat pemujaan leluhur di lingkungan keluarga inti disebut Merajan Kamulan
‘The place where the ancestors are worshipped in the main family environment is called Merajan Kamulan’.
The source language uses Theme the temple in the family home categorized as nominal group complex, hypotactic enhancement since the nominal group is expanded with circumstance stating place or location. The word the functions as Deictic (Halliday, 2014:365) which indicates definite reference. In other word, the word the above refers to entity related to the temple which was already mentioned before. Therefore, the word the embeds context of situation which is understood by both writer and the readers.
The Theme in the target language Tempat pemujaan leluhur di lingkungan keluarga inti belongs to nominal group complex, hypotactic enhancement in which the word the mentioned in the source language is not found in the target language. It is very clear that the target language does not use Deictic. This is the reason that the target language gets loss. The nominal group temple mentioned in the source language is translated into tempat pemujaan leluhur ‘place where we pray for ancestor’. The translation of the nominal group tempat pemujaan leluhur is the definition of the nominal group temple so this phenomenon is called grammatical metaphor (Heyvaert, 2003:67). The source language is the metaphor in nominalization, while the translation is called the congruent since the translation is understood by more people.
The nominal group family home in the source language is translated into lingkungan keluarga inti ‘the main family environment’. The nominal group in the source language has head home translated into lingkungan ‘environment’. It is very clear that the source and the target languages get shift in semantic perspective. The word home in the source languages has smaller scope than the translation environment. Halliday (2004) the source language is the taxonomy of the target language since home is part of lingkungan. The meaning conveyed through the translation becomes more general than it should be. The word inti ‘main’ is not found in the source language that is the reason the translation gets again (Larson, 1998).
Text 2.
The source language
The Balinese Hindu members name hilt a Kamulan.
The target language
Umat Hindu di Bali menyebut bagian hulu itu Kamulan.
‘Hinduism in Bali call the hilt a kamulan’
Semantically, the two themes are different. The two themes above can be described as follow.
The source language
The |
Balinese |
Hindu |
member |
Deictic |
Classifier |
Classifier |
Head |
The target language
Umat |
Hindu |
di Bali |
Head |
Classifier |
Qualifier |
The theme in the source language consists two classifiers Balinese and Hindu, while the target language has one classifier, namely Hindu. Classifier Balinese found in the source language is translated into di Bali ‘in Bali’ functioning as qualifier since the translation functions to expand the head in circumstance. The qualifier realized by circumstance functions to limit the scope of the head. Therefore, semantically, the theme in the source language is interpreted as all of people who hold Hinduism wherever they live, while the theme found in the target language is interpreted as people who hold Hinduism and live in Bali.
The word the functioning as deictic is not found the translation in the target language. The deictic serves as scope limitation of reference. Such deictic refers to context mentioned in previous clauses. Due to this phenomenon, the translation of theme is not equivalence.
Text 3.
The source language
The holy bible Bhagawad Gita (IX, 25) tell us ………………
The target language
Di dalam Bhagawad Gita (IX, 25), disebutkan menyembah butha …………
‘In Bhagawad Gita (IX, 25), it is said that worshiping butha ………………..’
Those themes are different, in the source language, the theme is unmarked theme filled with nominal group functioning as sayer since the clause uses verbal process. In contrast, the theme in the target language is marked theme realized with circumstance location. From those themes, it is very clear that the translation is far from equivalence since the theme found in the source text functions as if the theme could do as what human does such as telling something. Whereas the theme found in the target language functions as circumstance. It means that the information or idea is available in the holy book bhagawad Gita.
The theme in the source language The Holy bible Bhagawad Gita is nominal group complex paratactic elaboration (Halliday, 2014:560) since the word holy embeds the meaning of pure. The word bible is associated with holy book which is used as guidance for the life. Therefore, the theme seems to be repetition which causes redundancy. The theme found in the target language is mentioned as Bhagawad Gita. This phenomenon makes the readers who do not understand about Bhagawad Gita confused about the function of the book whether or not it is holy. From that explanation, the translation viewed from the theme does not make it clear between the source and the target languages.
Text 4.
The source language
The one that needs to be understood is the fact of worshiping butha
The target language
Namun, yang perlu dipahami adalah hakekat menyembah butha.
‘However, what must be comprehended is principle of worshiping butha
The source language uses the theme in nominal group in which one functions as head. The head is expanded with the relative clause. There two themes found in the target language, namely conjunction and noun clause. The word the found in the source language and functioning as deictic is not found in the target language. The deictic functions to limit the method or way of doing something. Therefore, the existence of the deictic indicates that there is only one way that must be done to get understanding.
As mentioned above, the themes in the target language are conjunction and noun clause. The conjunction used in the target language is Namun ‘However’ indicating as extension conjunction (Halliday, 2014:613). The conjunction is textual theme which suggests adversative or contradiction between the first clause and the second clause. The function of the conjunction emphasizes the following suggestion or idea which must be done. The second theme is realized with nominal clause. Therefore, syntactically, the theme in the source language gets shift, that is from nominal group into clause.
Semantically, the theme in the source language emphasizes the way of worshiping butha, while the theme in the target language emphasizes the basic concept of worshiping butha. It is very clear that the message conveyed through the clause is deferent. In other word, the theme in the source language needs action, while the target language is comprehension about concept or purpose of worshiping butha.
Text 5.
The source language
Clearly, a Padharman is a place to adore Dewa/Pitara
The target language
Ini sangat jelas bahwa Padharman merupakan tempat menstanakan Dewa/Pitara.
‘It is very clear that Padharman is the place to adore Dewa/Pitara’.
The source language uses circumstance as marked theme. Based on the form the clause, the clause embeds interpersonal meaning since the clause contains proposition. The proposition can be seen from the usage of theme. The circumstance clearly function as modality adjunct (Halliday, 2014:192). The circumstance states the expression related to writer’s angle. The writer emphasizes his belief based on the experience.
The target languages uses theme in relational process clause, intensive attribution (Halliday, 2014:268). The attributive is adjective associated with quality. The adjective derives from the circumstance used as the theme in the source language. The theme in the target language is superordinate clause in the clause complex. The rheme of the target language is embedded clause stating the definition of Padharman built by Balinese Hindu communities.
The two themes above are different from syntactical point of view, namely the source language uses modal adjunct, while the target language uses theme as clause stating general perception. Semantically, the theme in the source language indicates writer’s view for the function of the Padharman. In contrast, the theme in the target language indicates general view. It means that all Balinese Hindu communities know the function of Padharman. In other word, the theme in the target language states conventional perception. Those reasons make the themes of the source and the target languages not far from equivalence.
Text 6.
The source language
One important question is why all Hindu families………………
The target language
Suatu pertanyaan penting yang harus diingat adalah ………………….
‘One important question that must be remembered is …………………
Both themes mentioned above are in nominal group, the theme found in the source language consists of three elements. Meanwhile, the theme used in the target language consists of four elements. Here is the comparison of the themes found in the source and the target languages.
The source language
one |
important |
question |
Deictic |
Epithet |
Thing |
The target language
suatu |
pertanyaan |
penting |
yang harus diingat |
one |
Question |
important |
That must be remembered |
Deictic |
Thing |
Epithet |
qualifier |
Based on the tables shown above, the theme used in the source language is nominal group that consists of deictic, epithet, and thing. The theme focuses on question. Meanwhile, the theme used in the target language the question that must be concepted in the mind. The target uses qualifier as expansion of the head pertanyaan ‘question’. From those themes, there is difference of modality embeds in each theme.
Theme in the source language embeds proposition meaning since the theme focuses on question. The question is associated with idea which requires explanation using perception (Halliday, 2014). In the target clause, theme has proposal meaning since the qualifier states obligation realized with the word harus ‘must’ as part of obligation. It is very clear that the clause gets sift in speech function.
Text 7.
The source language
The form of adoring butha is with yadnya
The target language
Menyembah butha berwujud yadnya.
‘Worshiping butha forms yadnya’
The theme found in the source language the form of adoring butha is nominal group complex. The head of the nominal group form is elaborated with of adoring butha. The elaboration functions as qualifier in the nominal group complex. The theme in the target language is verbal group function as Subject realized with menyembah buta ‘worshiping butha’. The theme of the source language focuses on the form or the way. In contrast, the theme found in the target language focuses on the process of doing.
The word butha functioning as part of qualifier is not translated in the target language since the word embeds cultural aspect which can be found the appropriate word in the source language. The word butha gets shift from syntax point of view. It functions as part of Subject clause in the target language.
From that explanation, the source and the target languages are so different in the emphasis, namely the source language focuses on nominal group complex and the target language focus on the verbal group. The word form functioning as head of thing is translated into berwujud ‘form’ categorized as relational process in intensive (Halliday, 2014). The word the functioning as deictic definite cannot be found the translation.
The aim of translation is to transfer the meaning by maintaining the equivalences from the source language into the target language. However, the translation occurring in the text get many sifts either in structure or semantic perspectives. The themes found in the source language get shifts which cause the translation is far from the equivalencies. The phenomena are caused by not only the lexes embedding with culture, but it is also caused by personal style of language in usage. Syntactically, the themes in the source language get shift for example from nominal group into relational process. The shifts are resulted from the different form of clause as message in the target language. Therefore, semantically, shifts also happen in the translation. The qualifiers used in the translation have important role to make deviation from the source and the target languages. The personal style in translating is the greatest factor leading to be far from equivalence which makes the readers/listeners have different interpretation.
The text uses many lexical terms associated with culture, the translator feels difficulty finding the appropriate lexes in the translation. To maintain the meaning or message, elaboration by giving elaboration or definition, are the best ways done in the target language. In addition, personal style in using language gives contribution which causes deviation from the source into the target languages. The result suggests that there are six clauses which get shift in clause as message. The seven themes get far from the equivalencies from the source into the target languages. The shifts do not only occur in syntax level, but it also happens in semantic level. The syntax shifts occur in the lexicogrammar stratum. The semantic shifts happen in the scope of meaning and speech function. The word the functioning as deictic in the nominal group used as theme in the source language is not translated in the target language so the meaning of the translation conveyed through clauses cannot be as what the source text should be.
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Biography of Authors
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Putu Agus Bratayadnya, S.S., M.Hum was born on 29th August 1982. He is currently a lecturer in Indonesian Institute of the arts (ISI Denpasar) from 2008 to present. He graduated his master’s degree in Udayana university in 2006. In recent days, he has been studying in doctoral degree in the same university that he took his master and in the procession to complete his dissertation. His email addresses are at [email protected] and [email protected]. his sinta id is at 6751499 is at and Orcid ID is at |
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Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Suparwa, M. Hum is a professor in Udayana University, Faculty of Culture in Denpasar, Indonesia. SINTA ID: 5980001 Ph. +62 817354717. Email: [email protected] Scopus ID: 57194424523 / |
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Orcid ID: |
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Dr. Made Srisatyawati, SS., M.Hum is a senior lecturer and currently is a dean of faculty of culture in Udayana university in Denpasar, Indonesia. Her email addresses are at [email protected] and [email protected]. Her SINTA ID is at 5980924 and orchid ID is at |
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