Genealogy of Discourse in Agitative Messages from Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono's Press Conference Regarding the Issue of the Democratic Party Coup

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2021, pages: 184-199
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Genealogy of Discourse in Agitative Messages from Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono's Press Conference Regarding the Issue of the Democratic Party Coup
Yohanes Probo Dwi Sasongko, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta, Indonesia. email:[email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 01 February 2021
Accepted Date: 10 February 2021
Published Date: 31 July 2021
Discourse, Genealogy, Faucault, Communication, Text.
Language has power and knowledge. Through language, interpersonal communication between humans can bring about changes in attitudes, perceptions and behavior of society. The important role in human interpersonal communication, especially in political communication, leads to findings that are expected to produce thoughts independently. In the discourse text of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) 's speech, during a press conference regarding the news about the coup issue within the Democratic Party. Text discourse that is read articulatively in public, with a target orientation of the speech delivery process aimed at the government reaches its own anti-climax. By using Faucault genealogy discourse methodology, AHY's speech text discourse study presents its own understanding in society. The data found by reviewing the use of diction in text sentences, use of references, substitutions, ellipsis and conjunctive. brings a number of accurate information and explanations as a whole, that the contribution of language and the presence of communication in responding to and seeing the overall context of the news becomes a separate medium for studying the dynamic contexts of language in an integrated manner.
“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things”
In the book “Il Principe”, or in translation, “The Prince”, written by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527). The written work, which is written in a language full of deep meaning, describes in its entirety the context of being a true leader, as well as guiding the reader on how to gain and maintain power (Wattimena, 2014).
Political life in Indonesia, has its own interesting story. How every group of political parties and organizations in Indonesia try to play in the realm of predatory politics and enlightened politics in knowledge (Wattimena, 2017).
The emergence of information on social media about the issue of a coup in the Democratic party has become a separate note for the world of politics in the country (Guritno, 2021). The news that is widely heard in almost all print and electronic media, makes the political
atmosphere in the country more diverse. Not to mention the news about the nomination of Anies Baswedan, who is predicted to be a presidential candidate from a number of supporting parties, such as Nasdem, the Social Justice Party, which will nominate him as a presidential candidate in 2024. Plus news about the nomination of Ganjar Pranowo as the candidate to be promoted by the PDI-P (Guritno, 2021)
The issue of the coup that was launched has now become a blunder in itself, where a number of political observers think that it is better as the leader of the party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, hereinafter abbreviated as AHY, not to become a leader who is quick to make decisions and conclusions against other people as targets for alleged allegations, not based on adequate data and reference sources (Guritno, 2021).
Mr. Moeldoko, as the secretary of state, in his confirmation regarding the effort to answer the accusations, regarding the issue of the coup in the Democratic party which he considered was masterminded by people in the government, gave a statement that answered and emphasized that AHY should not be a leader who is lazy in seeing the conditions in the body the Democratic party.
Besides that, the overall content of the text of the press conference can also create a domino effect for politicians who play a role in the institutional structure of the Democratic party. This means that what AHY wants to convey as party leader is to attract people's sympathy and attention in conferences in the media (Detikco, 2021).
Everything that is against the policies of the opposition groups is seen as something that needs to be addressed. Then, Criticism, criticism, and a tone that divides the values of unity are increasingly echoed. All kinds of things that are contrary to government policies are conveyed in the public sphere. And also the polemics on the issues that divide unity such as ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA), communism are always raised by those who have pseudo-political interests (Wattimena, 2020).
In the midst of a situation like this, AHY then played his identity politics by attacking and claiming that the government was trying to seize and coup AHY's leadership, which he considered as a party leader and political figure who could threaten the government (Yuniar, 2021). In a situation like this, when the audience is faced with a deep understanding, this condition makes the opposition camp not receive much positive response in the eyes of the pluralistic Indonesian society.
As one of the party leaders in Indonesia, the press conference held by AHY on the issue of a coup in his party, which according to him was carried out by people currently serving as state government apparatus, was an act carried out with a specific motive. As a leader who has the authority to bring his party towards a leader who can become one of the parties that can lead the government, AHY must have an interest in this issue (Guritno, 2021).
Apart from and despite the weak supporting data, the issue of the coup that was launched by the Democratic party, has become a discourse in national politics that presents our respective perceptions and opinions. In this case, AHY has succeeded in constructing subjective reality in the social reality of society for the benefit of themselves and their groups in a pseudonym (Haryono, 2019).
Through the power that AHY has as the supreme leader of the party, he tries to present a certain language, in an attitude and understanding of pessimism to the public about the opinion of the masses towards the current government.
This action is realized to be a dilemma in itself. So, starting from this, the researcher is interested in examining the narrative text of the AHY press conference which he published on the social media page by using a genealogy analysis of Foucault's discourse (Haryono, 2019) .
Through this context, the researcher wants to explore more broadly the orientation of text discourse in the structure of language and see thoroughly how the power, knowledge and discourse echoed in his position as the leader of the highest party, as well as his actions in holding press conferences have a certain language, in relation to each other other.
The power of language is an important factor in efforts to convey messages and information in speeches. In political activities the role of language has a priority that can be interpreted as an effort to negotiate, reflect and reach an agreement. Speech or rhetoric in a political context is an activity that can appreciate art and technique as a form of interaction and communication that is widely applied in political activities (Haryono, 2019).
When referring to the vocabulary, the word Rhetoric itself comes from the Greek, Rhetorica, which means the art of speaking (Riadi, 2018). At a broader level, in the context of speaking there is an order that controls the composition of words, the form of message delivery or invites others to act in accordance with certain wishes and interests (Ida, 2014).
The form of speech activity, it can also be said as a form of assembling the arrangement of words in language, becomes a separate form of argumentation that can be channeled in the form of speech text, because it is related to the art of speaking to the audience, with efforts to raise awareness and invite to act with hopes and desires that based together (Ida, 2014).
Political Agitation
Etymologically, the word agitation comes from the Latin vocabulary, namely agitare which means to move, to move from one place to another. So, when referring to the form of political agitation, the context of this language would like to emphasize, the existence of structured activities and efforts carried out by those who try to use public space, in an effort to mobilize, and arouse the will of the community and certain groups to act in accordance with what is said. expected to happen (Wattimena, 2019).
In a broader understanding, according to Herbert Blummer (1969) agitation can be understood as a direction and action that is sought to arouse and direct a mass action to a movement. This action is directed at a certain domain, especially with regard to political movements (Haryono, 2019).
This movement in the form of agitation is carried out by making things that smell like propaganda and are contradictory in the community. Then this movement is directed at efforts to mobilize the masses and direct the audience to react to the realities that exist in the social environment of society. Actions that are directed at influencing people's attitudes and opinions
towards the reality of life they have experienced so far (full of discomfort, pressure and suffering). For example, how public opinions made by certain groups react to policies made by the government. It is consciously goal-oriented to generate and create anxiety and unrest that can be further exploited among the public (Haryatmoko, 2016).
For the situation that he wants to create, through narratives and opinions that are contradictory and suggestive, the masses, in this case the social groups of the community will be easily steered and directed to move, act and support new ideas or new ideologies by creating new conditions which of course this is very contrary to the real expectations of the community together (Firmansyah, 2011). Therefore, paying attention to this becomes a context that needs to be studied and paid attention to seriously (Haryono, 2019).
When viewed from a different perspective, the act of agitation can be seen as a systematic effort that can be used to invite the community to make a real contribution in terms of making more optimal sacrifices for the fulfillment of these goals.
In a further phase, the community can provide something of value so that the goals and movements can be realized. These changes require sacrifices in the form of life, property and so on, so that these political goals can be fulfilled with the desired changes. In the act of agitation, a figure or public who is considered to have an important role can continue to seek the enthusiasm of his followers in an effort to realize his pseudo-interests (Haryono, 2019).
Genealogical Analysis of Foucault's Discourse
The context of Foucault's thoughts on discourse is always placed in two important and main entities, namely the existence of power itself as a form of having a driving force. The existence of knowledge or reference sources that can be used as a reference as knowledge, and the discourse itself.
So, from the above, several important things will be formulated, namely; First, the power possessed by figures or public figures who have certain positions and ranks, is not concentrated in certain classes (Arifin, 2011). This means that the power possessed by these political figures spreads and penetrates all levels of society and groups. Second, Knowledge in this case is based on the context of the main ideas, ideas, or thoughts that exist in humans. Discourse that is structured and packaged in such a way is the fruit of thought in a linguistic structure.
Third, the context of discourse that is harmoniously arranged in the linguistic structure underlies the study of discourse in Foucault's perspective to examine and see the reality that occurs in a community context comprehensively, so that understanding of that reality can be recognized more closely and meaningfully in depth (Firmansyah, 2011).
Foucault's frame of mind is placed in power, which holds an important role. Power, as Machiavelli wrote, can determine and construct social realities that are created and shaped. So that the construction of experience on reality can be used for the interests and goals of the dominating and legitimizing power.
The context of power itself, in Foucault's perspective, is not seen as an exclusive property, which can be controlled and used by significant groups to dominate and oppress other classes. Power, which is understood in Foucault's context, spreads, disperses and is present everywhere like a net that entangles us all. In other words, power rests on all levels of society through the joints of existing life (Haryono, 2019).
Structure of Discourse Genealogy Analysis
The structure of discourse is basically a knowledge system that presents and provides information about the development of actual events and events. With the role and assistance of social technology, technology is implicitly a form of power in modern society.
In this passage, Foucault is more dominant in examining a discourse in terms of rules and activities that can later address meaningful findings in in-depth discussion and can be managed regularly in historical contexts that bring their own understanding (Amin, 2019).
From the context of Foucault's discourse itself, there is a search structure for meaning that can be seen as a whole, which can explain in detail about an event in question. Every discourse practice that is delivered to the audience in the languages used as an illustration to present exposure to the audience, in this regard, the context is correlated with social institutions in society (Hardianti, 2020).
In social relations, the study of discourse is also always related to other discourses, so from this it can be explained further the events that are contained in the language of the discourse with reference to certain topics, have a close relationship with other discourses and before. Therefore, these texts cannot stand alone in relation to the social contexts of society. At this point, Faucault explains that there is always a correlation and connectivity between the discourse that is echoed with the social context of people's lives. Discourse text cannot stand alone (Haryono, 2019).
Faucault's explanation in explaining the genealogy of his discourse, there are several steps of analytical material that can be used as a benchmark in disentangling the discourse text more deeply, including; First, structural linguistic analysis, this analysis is an analysis that emphasizes the pericope of observing discourse practices at the social level of society, through patterns of observation of language or pronunciation or the written text itself, which is often contained in the context of community social institutions.
Second, understanding related to analytical studies of archives, or files on literature, literature sources, namely mass texts collected in the applicable time period. Third, Archeology of knowledge (archeology of knowledge) (Haryono, 2019). This context describes a set of methodologies used in studying rhetoric, speech styles and statements conveyed in their understanding of knowledge and power (Suseno, 2000).
Fourth, discursive formation, is a set of methods that can be used to explain analytical tools for researchers to be able to see statements in an event, the resulting event. Discursive formation can be in the form of text discourse circulating in social society (Wattimena, 2018). The pericope of discursive formation, discourse is understood in the form of the presence of certain powers, ideologies, and knowledge which directly or indirectly contribute to the formation of individual understanding and knowledge in society (Haryono, 2019).
To examine in its entirety the text of AHY's speech discourse related to political issues regarding the coup in the Democratic Party. The role of language which refers to the analysis of the structure of the speech content is very important to be studied further.
Through this context, the author will examine thoroughly and openly about the context of language use in understanding Faucault's genealogy, as well as see thoroughly how the discourse practices echoed by AHY are as a whole by observing the language or speech or written text that is present as a medium of communication regarding the speech as a whole and in depth.
Consciously, it is necessary to understand and pay attention that language is formed by the grammatical structures of the language itself. Grammatical or grammar will determine power and knowledge. The grammatical aspects themselves include (Haryono, 2019): (1) reference (reference), (2) substitution (substitution), (3) elipsis (ellipsis), and (4) conjunction (conjunction), (haryono). Therefore, the following points will be described further;
In terms of reference, it discusses the existence of a certain lingual unit that refers to another lingual unit (or a reference) that precedes or includes it in the text. There are three types of reference: persona, demonstrative, and comparative (Firmansyah, 2011).
Regarding this press conference, the reference to the persona taken in the form of a single first person reference with the word "I" which refers to the script, the word I was found 10 (ten) times. While the reference to the first person is plural, by using the words "we" and "we" a number of separate data are found.
Sentences in AHY's statement in his speech with reference to the first person plural, namely we are 6 (six) times. Furthermore, AHY, in this case, when conveying our words, was found 25 (twenty five) times. So, if you look at the relation between AHY's speech and efforts to inform the public. Both the reference to the persona "us" and "us", as a whole, refers to an effort to assert himself as a part of Indonesian society
Meanwhile, the second plural persona, AHY, uses the words 'brothers' and "friends" 2 (two) times. The use of plural third person references, which refers to the use of the words “they”, “chairs”, “actors”, and “officials”, in the conference as many as 4 (four) findings.
Sentence/phrase |
Single First Persona Reference |
First Persona Reference Plural |
Plural Second Reference |
Plural Third Reference |
Fellow journalists that I love and honor, thank you for your presence at Taman Politik, Wisma Proklamasi DPP Demokrat. We invite colleagues to attend this press conference because there are some things I need to say about the development of national issues and dynamic developments. politics in this |
Me (1 time) |
Us (2 times) |
Colleagues (1 time) |
Democratic Party environment .. | ||||
I was accompanied by Bung Teuku Riefki Harsya, Secretary General of the Democrats, Bung Hinca Panjaitan, Chairman of the House of Honor, and Major General Nahrawi Ramli, Chairman of the Democratic Party Court. The press conference was also attended and witnessed by DPD Chairmen in 34 provinces virtually. Of course, they also represent DPC chairmen in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia. |
Me (1 time) |
They (1time) | ||
Friends of journalists, the third agenda in the commanders call earlier, the Democratic Party Leaders Meeting this time, also discussed something quite serious. Sooner or later it will definitely become public consumption and be known by the general public |
Friends (1time) | |||
Of course, we are not easy to believe and still put forward the principle of "presumption of innocence" in this matter. Therefore, this morning, I have sent an official letter to the Honorable President Joko Widodo to obtain confirmation and clarification from him regarding The truth of the news we got. In this regard, I will give an explanation of the political movement, which aims to take over the power of the leadership of the Democratic Party unconstitutionally, as a lesson for us, because this could happen to other political parties. |
Us (2times) Us (1time) | |||
The perpetrators are confident that the movement will be successful, as they claim to have the support of a number of other state officials. We are still convinced, it seems unlikely that this uncivilized way is done by state officials, whom we respect very much, and have also gained the trust of the people.We hope all that is not true. |
Us (3times) |
The Perpetrators (1 time) Officials (1 time) | ||
At the same time, we have also consolidated our party which is facing this serious threat |
Us (2times) |
Table 1. Persona Reference Context
Overall, in an effort to explain contextually the relationship between the understanding of this AHY discourse. Obtained paddles that need to be observed continuously. There are two different types of demonstrative reference, namely the demonstrative pronoun of time (temporal) and the demonstrative pronoun of place (locational) of an event.
In demonstrative pronouns time refers to the present, past, future, and neutral time (Haryono, 2019). Therefore, in relation to the AHY press conference, a number of information were found that can be used as a reference in looking at the context of the time of the event as a whole. At the press conference held by AHY, there were two demonstrative pronouns present and
future. The present time is represented by the use of the word "still" in the phrase "First, in early 2021, our society faces a series of disasters. From plane crashes, flash floods, landslides, earthquakes, to volcanic activity. This condition of course requires us, to shoulder the burden of the victims ". Meanwhile, in a different description, the demonstrative pronoun of the future tense appears in the description of AHY in a sentence pronounced with the following description. related to the conditions in 2024 later "In their communication, the takeover of the position of General Chairman of the Democratic Party, will be used as a road or vehicle for those concerned, as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 election". Through the exposure in the demonstrative reference of the time, what is the exposure of AHY shows that the discourse of the present will get the opposite of the context of the future. Related to the description, AHY seeks to understand and construct a discourse that contrasts between the present time and future conditions that can fully be our particular attitudes and concerns.
Sentence/ Phrase |
Demonstrative Pronouns of Time |
First, at the beginning of 2021, our society is facing a series of disasters. From plane crashes, flash floods, landslides, earthquakes, to volcanic activity.This condition of course requires us, to shoulder the burden of the victims. |
Explanation of the current time, indicated by the beginning of 2021 |
Second, the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly worrying, where it can now reach more than 11-12 thousand cases per day, with the number of cases exceeding one million nationally. |
Current conditions, described day to day |
In their communication, the takeover of the position of General Chairman of the Democratic Party, will be used as a road or vehicle for those concerned, as presidential candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections |
The current and future conditions are explained by the takeover of the chairmanship with the 2024 elections |
It is not the violence and social unrest, which is likely to disrupt the national situation, which is facing the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and the current economic crisis. |
Presentation of the present time, in today's context |
Fellow journalists whom I respect and honor, I still remember, in this place, on February 15, 2017, I gave a statement acknowledging the defeat in the contest of the Jakarta DKI Election |
Comparison of the past and present with the context of the word still |
Table 2. Demonstrative Reference Time
In AHY's speech related to the demonstrative pronominal understanding of place (location) it is clearly depicted, that through his speech, AHY tries to build two different places, namely a place that is close, namely here, in the sense of Indonesia, and a place far from the speaker's room.
Related to this can be seen as an effort made by the cadres in the coup related to the attempt to take power by trying to use the overthrow of the office as the main and basic means to go to the next 2024 presidential seat. Two opposite locations of understanding, with reference to specific and diverse points of view.
The pattern of comparative reference (comparison) that needs to be considered in the text of the speech, is basically a type of grammatical aspect that tries to compare two or more things
that have similarities or similarities in terms of form/form, attitude, character, behavior, and so on.
Related to the press conference, AHY tried to use and use comparative reference as well, which is to compare and match the actions and actions taken by his party with the government's efforts that can be seen as a whole in an effort to tackle the Covid-19 epidemic together (Arifin, 2011).
In the study of textual discourse, in Faucault's perspective, a comprehensive attempt of substitution can be seen as an act of parsing the visible grammatical aspects of how a particular lingual unit is replaced by another lingual unit with the aim of obtaining a distinguishing element. Substitution itself consists of: nominal, verbal, phrase, and clausal substitutions that can later be seen clearly in the description and explanation that is displayed (Hardianti, 2020).
Nominal substitution can be said to be the replacement of a lingual unit that is categorized as nominal. This context can be seen in the political narrative of AHY. In the speech delivered by the top leader of the Democratic Party, data was found on the information on the results of some nominal substitutions, namely the sentence confirming that there was a coup attempt by the party leader in KLB with a target of 360 voters who must be invited and influenced by money.
Sentence/ Phrase |
Nominal Substitution |
The press conference was also attended and witnessed by DPD Chairmen in 34 provinces virtually. Of course, they also represent DPC chairmen in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia |
Chairman of DPD in 34 provinces and chairman of DPC in 514 districts |
Second, the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly worrying, where it can now reach more than 11-12 thousand cases per day, with the number of cases exceeding one million nationally. |
Covid cases per day 11-12 thousand and 1 million nationally |
While the hospital occupancy rate or hospital availability in some areas has reached 80 percent. To that end, we encourage all cadres and the community to constantly raise awareness of running the Covid-19 protocol; in particular the discipline of running 3M behaviors |
Hospitals in the area reached 80% |
Based on what witnesses said in the minutes of the examination, in order to qualify for the implementation of the KLB, the perpetrators of the movement targeted 360 voters, who must be invited and influenced, in return for a large sum of money. |
KLB requirements, targeting 360 voters |
Table 3. Nominal Substitution
In depth review of verbal substitution can be described as an act of utilizing a verbally categorized lingual to replace another lingual unit with a specific purpose and motive that must be seen and understood on an ongoing basis.
Related to this, in the speech made by AHY, there is no category of verbal substitution used. Meanwhile, in the study of phrase substitution, this context is part of the grammatical aspect that is done by replacing certain lingual units in the form of words or phrases with other lingual units in the form of phrases. In the press conference. AHY does not attempt to substantially replace the phrase in itself (Haryono, 2019).
Clausal substitution explanation is an act of replacing a particular lingual unit in the form of a clause or sentence with another lingual unit in the form of a word or phrase.
Related to his speech, in AHY's effort to provide quite meaningful exposure in using clausal substitution. At least four sentences that contain clausal substitutions, namely: a). Of course we will be firm. However, God willing, the Democratic Party will remain consistent in using peaceful and civilized methods. b). At the same time, we have also consolidated our party which is facing this serious threat. C). We are grateful for the fact that all Democratic leaders and cadres vehemently refused; all intentions, efforts and movements to undermine the legitimate leadership of the Democratic Party. d). In other words, God willing, this movement can be crushed by the loyalty and determination of all leaders, both at the central and regional and branch levels, as well as other Democratic cadres in various regions.
The related explanations of the four sentences used by the AHY, represent and contain their own understanding of substitution, with reference to the clauses or sentences described above. All these sentences emphasize the condition of the Democratic Party which is okay and the massive structured efforts that want to seize the power of their party (Hardianti, 2020).
The next thing that needs to be interesting in examining the discourse of the AHY press conference, is to look at the structure of the speech discourse in the release of sentences or phrases.
In this case, ellipsis (ellipsis), can be understood as an attempt to eliminate one of the grammatical aspects in the form of the disappearance or displacement of certain lingual units that have been mentioned before. In the AHY speech, there are several ellipsis that can be described through the following description:
Sentence/Phrase |
Ellipsis |
Recently with the chairman of the DPD, I held a leadership meeting or commanders call, which we did specifically to address the current situation. |
Description: Elite Democratic Party |
The press conference was also attended and witnessed by DPD Chairmen in 34 provinces virtually. Of course, they also represent DPC chairmen in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia |
Description: Elite Democratic Party |
First, at the beginning of 2021, our society is facing a series of disasters ... I have also instructed, to the entire ranks of the Democratic Party to continue to continue real action in the field |
Time description: Until now |
Ten days ago, we received reports and complaints from many leaders and cadres of the Democratic Party, .. political maneuvers by a handful of cadres and former Democratic cadres, as well as involving parties outside or external to the party.. |
Description: Elite Democratic Party |
Table 4. Lingual Units Experiencing Ellipsis
Through the use of sentences in this ellipsis, AHY indirectly wants to "correct" the actions of the leaders of this nation, especially during a pandemic like this. However, this action is done by playing the politics of party identity that is not frontal.
The way the word is chosen in this ellipsis can also indirectly be seen as the existence and efforts of AHY and his Party to attract the masses to see the existing disputes, so AHY tries to show the data in sentences that seem to hit the plan, But in fact, this is the Party's criticism of the performance of the government that he considers allied with other groups in an attempt to seize power in his party (Haryono, 2019).
In the structure of language study on the aspect of communication in AHY speech discourse. The use of conjunctions in an effort to look in depth at linguistic slices, conjunctions have an important role. Conjunction in this case can be seen as one of the grammatical aspects that look at how to connect one element in a sentence or phrase with connectivity in constructing another element through discourse. That.
In the perspective of Sumarlam (2008: 32-33), it is explained that based on the meaning, the sequence of elements in a sentence in a discourse, can be classified and differentiated into several things that are more oriented to the explanation and meaning of the sentence or phrase. These are, among others: cause and effect, contradiction, advantage, exception, concessive, purpose, addition, choice, expectation, order, resistance, time, conditions, and means (Haryono, 2019).
Taking a closer look at the content of AHY's speech as the leader of the Democratic Party, it can be obtained knowledge and understanding that the sequence of elements in the discourse is done with contradiction and cause and effect (Hardianti, 2020)
The study of language in terms of the chain of contradictions carried by AHY, is seen from the middle sentence to the end of the sentence. The speech delivered by AHY, tried to argue that in his explanation there were groups that acted as government officials trying to coup his party with issues that weaken the body of the Democratic Party.
Sentence/Phrase |
Conjunction |
Regarding the pandemic situation that has an impact on our socio -economic conditions, I also urge all leaders and cadres of the Democratic Party to continue the national movement of the Democratic Party to Build SMEs throughout the country. |
Cause- Effect |
While the hospital occupancy rate or hospital availability in some areas has reached 80 percent. To that end, we encourage all cadres and the community to constantly raise awareness of running the Covid-19 protocol; in particular the discipline of running 3M behaviors |
Cause- Effect |
We see the need to provide a formal explanation, namely, that there is a political movement that leads to an attempt to take over the leadership of the Democratic Party by force, which of course threatens the sovereignty and existence of the Democratic Party. |
Contradiction |
Therefore, this morning, I have sent an official letter to the Honorable Mr. President Joko Widodo to obtain confirmation and clarification from him regarding the truth of the news we received. |
Cause- Effect |
Table 5. Sequencing of Discourse Elements (Conjunctions)
The placement of conjunctions played by AHY, as a whole is indeed relevant and acceptable ratio. Understanding in looking at the reality that occurs in society is very systematic.
Presentation in the selection of sentences as a context of interpersonal communication with all levels of society sentences with a model of contradiction, indirectly underlines, that AHY knows the intricacies of the problems facing the nation today.
Archive Analysis
The act of finding the connection between events and the text of the discourse, becomes even more interesting when we look at the context of integrated analysis of archives (archives), that is, bulk texts collected in a period of time appropriate to the context.
In the context of AHY's integrated speech, there are some words or sentences that when associated with the current period, contain a profound message because they refer to a specific message that can be interpreted more concretely. For example, in the first sentence, AHY said that each of our countries is struggling to deal with national disasters and Covid-19 prevention efforts by constantly striving for development and reform in all areas of life. Sector- and joints of life continue to be expected to rotate by always emphasizing the application of health protocols. Etc (Haryono, 2019).
Archeology Analysis of Knowledge
Another thing that can be seen as the richness of stripping the discourse text from Faucault's understanding, lies in the existence of the analysis of Archaelogy of knowledge (archeology of knowledge). The research study related how to view AHY’s rhetoric, related to its statements- and comments conveyed with power and agitative action.
AHY's short speech can be divided into three important parts, namely: the opening part which is in the form of an opening salutation, the content part in the form of an introduction and explanation of him and his party colleagues. The content part, in the form of an effort to reveal three important points. One of the points contains his emotional outpouring of the coup attempt that is being carried out by government officials today. Meanwhile, the final section contains the conclusions and efforts of AHY in overcoming the crisis in the body of his party (Guritno, 2021).
Researchers try to parse the parts that are oriented in the context of AHY to convey the content of his speech comprehensively. Thus, in an effort to build the party's internal communication and further efforts to address the issue of the coup that was blowing up, AHY wanted to try a new way of expressing criticism of the government for planned and structured actions against its party. Thus, when listening to the entire content of the text, AHY's short speech is very planned and not rushed, in the sense that what AHY does is full of principles and broad consideration of the impact and criticism that will occur to his party (Guritno, 2021).
Discursive Formation Analysis
Take a closer look at this pericope, through the lens of discursive formation. Researchers can see the whole series of events in a series of discourses that are formed and circulated in society related to the issue of coup in the body of Democrats.
In the context of AHY as an opposition, the discourse- and actions taken in an attempt to present an action by the group, look very diverse.
Various actions have been taken as a representation of the opposition is indeed very diverse. This discourse has been developed since the 2014 Presidential Election. It can be said that AHY deliberately implemented this action, and considers the government in power now, is a government laden with actions that are not good for the people.
This understanding and interpretation of the ruling elite is one form of determining who is specifically responsible for the issue of coups in the party body. Therefore, in the perspective of Foucault's discourse, it is included in the elements that need to be considered in more depth.
The actions and efforts made by AHY, in an effort to hold a press conference by presenting the issue of the coup in his party is an action based on certain motives.
The discourse developed by AHY himself in his presentation on the issue of the coup set up by his party did experience anti -climax results (Haryono, 2019).
The reaction that occurred to the discourse initiated by AHY then received their own reactions and notes from the country's political figures. Not stopping there, a number of mass media and alternative media presented various shows that did not a little question AHY's attitude as a party leader.
However, it needs to be noted as a whole, what AHY does needs to be a separate part of the means of interpersonal communication in building and reviving the democratic system in the country, so that everything that is what is to be expressed by community groups and parties can present a record. separately for the development of development in Indonesia, especially as a form to continue to knit communication between the government and the community.
What AHY conveyed, in fact, can still be an issue that can be fried more widely in relation to the turmoil of the political map in the homeland which to this day still has a number of big house jobs for our nation.
What AHY conveyed in its press conference can indirectly guide the government towards an educative attitude, especially how the government's attitude in dealing with wild issues is developing in society. Building public trust in the government can be a moment in itself, if we address it with wise and mature actions. Full of consideration and rich in data, not just hoaxes.
The attitude of the government to act immediately on the information becomes a separate platform for the government to be more proactive in addressing these matters. Further impact can be felt so that the public is also more educated in expressing their opinions and attitudes towards the performance of the current government (Suseno, 2000).
The accuracy of the data in describing an opinion of the people or parties that are part of the process of freedom of the Indonesian people to behave and gather into a separate record.
Researchers respond that AHY's attitude in his political speech is a representation made by himself as chairman, in an effort to save and protect his political party from unwanted things. Moreover, if we look at the percentage of voters who choose the Democratic party as the party that does answer and become a means of politics in the homeland.
Exploring Faucault's discourse theory in speech analysis, related to the text used in the conference conducted by AHY itself, can be applied in learning about literature in relation to history, background events, basic orientation, word choice, use of singular and plural words, as well as finding and see how the plot, context in the text is created and addressed within the framework of a broader understanding of meaning. The role of language as a communication tool that can be done in establishing relationships or carrying out activities in order to achieve an understanding and explanation of a situation, has an important role in maintaining relationships, especially relationships between groups or organizations in society. So, another thing that can be seen is how the Indonesian people can also convey their aspirations and ideas in the delivery and use of good and correct language according to the context.
Regarding the description that has been presented in the commentary on the discourse of AHY's speech, there is clearly a discourse battle that he wants to convey to the general public. From the results of research conducted with reference to existing references, researchers found a number of findings and results that can be drawn red thread. Therefore, the researcher concluded, with basic assumptions, that behind the press conference conducted by AHY, the mass witnessed by the general public on social media related to the issue of the coup in the body of the Democratic Party, was completely sublimated about the discourse battle that involved Jokowi's opponents with violations. the current government.
In his speech, AHY sought to point out and accuse the government of trying to use officials sitting in his government to seize and take over the legitimate leadership seat of the Democratic Party.
Regarding the attempt to point out the Jokowi government's mistakes, AHY's mistakes and shortcomings can be seen by not including supporting data that can strengthen the narrative and arguments. Many things are forgotten and neglected, which further weakens and distorts the information in the discourse that is echoed.
Many supporting elements of what AHY conveyed became false news or hoaxes that actually became a boomerang and a stumbling block for AHY. Furthermore, this could be a reversal. AHY sympathizers and participants may instead turn to support and anchor in Jokowi's camp.
The accumulation of weakness and lack of maturity of attitudes that should be shown by AHY, in certain possibilities and things, can be like a "time bomb" that can change the situation to the contrary.
The state of anticlimax, which can be observed further, in relation to what AHY said, should be able to explain and help the community, in fact it is enough to help the community to
see sensitively and clearly, the record of shared anxiety or restlessness, that the interests of the Indonesian people will be paramount.
Political parties with all the dynamics of their party life in Indonesia, will be a source of exploitation of the pseudo-interests of party leaders. On the other hand, we need to honestly acknowledge that the AHY press conference has succeeded in constructing subjective realities in the social realities of society for the benefit of himself and his party. Through the power of AHY as a party leader, he has conditioned his leadership power with a skeptical, pessimistic attitude, in the minds of the general public towards the government.
The researcher would like to thank and appreciate those who have contributed to this current study, especially to my wife, Fresca Pingkan for the translation.
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Biography of Author
Yohanes Probo is a lecturer in Communication Studies at Bunda Mulia University, Jakarta, Indonesia. He graduated from the Bachelor of Philosophy Program at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, in 2006. He obtained his Masters in Language and Arts Education at Indraprasta University, in 2010. Regained his Masters in Communication Studies at the Postgraduate of Bunda Mulia University, 2020. Works in flowers potpourri, ever produced, namely; Pusaran Komunikasi Di Tengah Badai Covid-19 , and Adaptasi Disiplin Ilmu Komunikasi Di Masa Normal Baru. Email:

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