e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eol/index

Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2021, pages: 75-82

Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586


Students Perception of E-Learning: A Case Study on the English Students at Sulawesi Barat University

Putu Wahyu Sudewi

Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Majene, Indonesia, [email protected]

Article info

Received Date: 16 November 2020

Accepted Date: 23 November 2020

Published Date:31 January 2021


students perception, e-learning, English students


The Minister of Education and Culture, issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education in Emergency Coronavirus (Covid-19), one of which emphasized that online learning (distance), was carried out to provide meaningful learning experiences for students, without being burdened by the demands of completing all curriculum achievements for class and graduation. Online / distance learning is focused on increasing students' understanding of the corona virus and the Covid-19 outbreak. E-Learning is the best choice for education in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, in Indonesia, not all students are familiar with the E-Learning system so this has become a new thing that requires adaptation. This research aimed at knowing the students’ perceptions toward E-learning during Covid-19 pandemic at Sulawesi Barat University. This descriptive research was done by questionnaire in collecting the data. The source of the data was students of English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sulawesi Barat University. The result of the analysis shows that there were 73.7% of students felt the lecturer explained the material well, 84, 2% of students expressed the material provide based on semester learning plan, and 75, 4% of students expressed e-learning was effective, 77.2% of students said that their ability has increase learning in E-learning and 64.9% of students expressed lecturer conducted question and answer activities. As a result, the students’ perceptions of e-learning were gets positive perception because it is flexible and effective. Meanwhile, its flexibility made some students motivated but some were being lazy in doing it and choose to suspend the assignments.

  • 1.    Introduction

Covid-19 pandemic forced the world community to define the meaning of life, learning objectives and the nature of humanity. If all this time people have been forced to live in fastpaced situations, endless work, and the pursuit of economic growth targets in the competition system. However, the spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19), which has become a major crisis in modern humans, forces us to breathe for a moment, stop from the vortex of the system, and look back at life, family, and the social environment in the true sense. Humans are forced to stop from their routine, to interpret what is actually sought from life. Indonesia has a big challenge in handling Covid-19. Of all the aspects that are challenging at the moment, the researcher

concentrates on the educational aspect. The Covid-19 pandemic forced social distancing policy, or in Indonesia it was introduced as physical distancing to minimize the spread of Covid-19. So, this policy is strived to slow down the spread of the Corona virus in the community. The Ministry of Education and Culture responds with learning policies from home, through online learning. Enforcement of physical distancing policy which then becomes the basis of the implementation of learning from home, with the use of information technology that applies suddenly, not infrequently makes educators and students surprised, including parents and even everyone who is in the house. Learning information technology has indeed been implemented in recent years in the education system in Indonesia. However, online learning that took place as a surprise from the Covid-19 pandemic shocked almost all lines, from districts / cities, provinces, centers and even the international world.

One of the public universities in Indonesia, namely the university of Sulawesi Barat, follows the government instruction which requires learning from home, so from March 2020 learning from home will be enforced. To follow the government's direction of learning from home, the only way is to use e-learning. So lecturers and students must be ready to use e learning-based learning services. Fortunately, in the current era, the development of Information and Communication Technology has an impact on various aspects of life, including the world of education, which has a tremendous impact. Various learning models using computers such as: elearning. Based on Sudewi, P.W. (2020) stated E-learning is a learning process electronically. Sulawesi Barat university used e-learning.unsulbar.ac.id used for facilitate transfer lecture material to meet learning outcomes as a basis for competence. Mahajan and Kalpana (2018) stated e-learning is a relatively new phenomenon where currently the educators and students are grappling with the idea of its implementation and adaptation. With the speedy development of ICT and relative exposure of students to it, this study examines students’ perceptions about elearning which would help in a newer teaching learning experiences on the campus. Kumari (2020) stated E-learning is a term that describes education using electronic devices and digital media. Electronic Learning which is one of the new ways in the teaching and learning process and uses electronic media specifically the internet as a learning system. Through E-Learning, material provided to students can be accessed anytime and from anywhere. From the explanation of the experts above it can be concluded that E-Learning is a teaching and learning system that utilizes electronic media specifically the internet. This model of learning system makes it easy for teachers and students because learning can be carried out anytime and anywhere. the benefits of e-learning are well documented. They include bridging distance between students and lecturers, making learning to be convenient and easily accessible. Since the students’ perception and attitude are critical toward the success of the learning program, thus the researchers would like to find out the perceptions of the students of the English Education Department on the e- learning.

Perception generally consist of an observation on certain situation or environment. It can be a mental image, concept or awarness of the environments elements through physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience and captivity for comprehension. According Mcdonald, S.M. (2011) Perception is a uniquely individualized experience. One can only draw from what is known to oneself. Perception has sometimes been defined as the consciousness of particular material things present to sense. Blake and sekuler (2006) Perception follows a deal of activities on the part of the perceiver. It is more than a simply recording of the visual, audio, or world around from a human. Perception is considered to be the result of activity, either mental or physical. People navigate the world, collecting information and searching more information about interesting objects. The perception of human action depends on the multiple sources of information including sensory, motor, and affective processes.

Akande (2009) stated that perception is the cognitive impression that is formed from ‘reality’. It influences the individuals’ actions and behavior towards an object. In part of education, students’ perception includes on how students’ understanding in facing some experiences, especially past experiences about their studying process. Specifically and physiologically, learner percept on what they see, hear, and touch during in school. On the other hand, it can be psychologically claimed that perception activity of students involves their cognitive impression that is formed by ‘process of study’. In this section, the students’ cognitive impression is not only focused in their studying process, but also detailed on the environment faced by them. Including in environment, teacher is often interested students to evaluate and to make perception.

Many studies have been conducted by researchers related to the implementation of elearning platforms. The study conducted by Almarabeh (2014) revealed the students of the University of Jordan are highly qualified to use Elearning system and have sufficient awareness of benefits of this system. Second, the results revealed that the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are factors that directly affect students’ attitudes toward using Elearning system, whereas the perceived usefulness is the strongest and most significant determinant of students’ attitude towards using. Another study involved the strategy of implementing e-learning may play a crucial role for students’ perception of the new technology. The use and implementation strategy at the Schools seemed to overrule the individual back- ground variables traditionally said to in• uence user perceptions. Related to this result one might conclude that students do not necessarily regard access to a Web platform in regular on-campus courses as a surplus. Furthermore, students previ- ously used to computers should not be expected to be more positive to e-learning than other students. Further studies of e-learning in Higher Education should include the student perspective, and further factors in□ uencing the students’ perceptions of e-learning in Higher Education need to be identied (Keller, C and Gernerud, L, 2002) similarly, the result of a Syiah Kuala University in Indonesia showed that study conducted in the students perceived the e-learning web-based module to be useful in improving their understanding, independence, self-discipline, motivation to learn, and interactions with each other and with the teacher. The students also agreed that the e-learning web-based module was easy to use. This study implies that the inclusion of technology in education at the university is beneficial (Vitoria et al, 2018). Previous studies have similarities with this study where they all use ELearning in education. However, this study is slightly different from the above study where this study analyzes students' perceptions towards E-Learning which can be used as an evaluation and for further research on E Learning. In addition, the striking difference from this research is the time spent in this study, namely when the Covid-19 pandemic is an epidemic in Indonesia so that E-Learning is the only option to continue learning activities. Thus, the study seeks to achieve aforementioned purposes and the issues to be discussed in this paper will be summarized in the following research questions: What are students’ perceptions toward E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic?

  • 2.    Research Methods

This research is included in a descriptive study, by conducting a survey of English language education students at Sulawesi Barat University. The technique of collecting data using a questionnaire, with samples of students’ batch of 2020 randomly selected. Stages carried out in this study: - First, the collection of questionnaire instruments that will be used for data collection. Questionnaire is data collection technique that is done by giving a set of written statements to the respondent to answer (Sugiyono, 2018). In this study the form of research used was survey research. Survey techniques were used to gather information from a number of people about a

particular topic or issue (Gunawan, 2017). A questionnaire was utilized to collect data from sample to describe about perspective of using E-learning. The information contained in the questionnaire included: lecturer role in explaining material, material provided based on semester learning plan, lecturer role delivering material, effectiveness of using E-Learning, improvement students ability, lecturer role in the question and answer activity.- Third, collecting data with a validated questionnaire from students of English education randomly selected for 57 students. Data of this study was collected through the analysis of students’ perceptions, based on their personal experience during online learning. The questionnaire was designed based on the construct of perception theory. Thus, the questions were arranged based on those major topics. The questionnaire was distributed and collected in the form of Google Form with a combination of close and open-ended questions. Close-ended questions were used to obtain the percentage of the analyzed topics. Meanwhile, open-ended questions are used to gain the students’ perception regarding the topics on the implementation of online learning. The received responses were calculated, analyzed, and described based on their topics.

  • 3.    Discussions

This collective case study involves the analysis of the survey on the students’ perceptions of E-learning during the pandemic COVID-19. Those students’ perceptions were described narratively. Fifty-seven students of English Language Education Study Program at Sulawesi Barat University participated in evaluating online learning conducted by lecturer.

Figure 1. Percentage of Classes Filling Out the Questionnaire

In the closed questionnaire, some students express their perception of participating in online learning as seen in Table 1.

The material was presented well

Strongly disagree






Strongly agree


The material according to the semester learning plan

Strongly disagree






Strongly agree


E-learning was effective

Strongly disagree






Strongly agree


Learning on E-learning improves students skills

Strongly disagree






Strongly agree


There was a question and answer activity

Strongly disagree






Strongly agree


Increased motivation and passion to learn

Strongly disagree






Strongly agree


Table 1. Questionnaire Data about Students' Perceptions

In the open-ended questionnaire, some students express their perception of participating in online learning as seen in Table 2.

“Yes, because lecturer provides material content according to our level ... and in the learning process everything is packaged in digital form and facilitates the teaching and learning interactions that take place between lecturer and me. So that the material in lectures can be conveyed clearly, effectively and in detail.”

“During the first meeting, the lecturer distributed the lecture contract and semester learning plans. And the lecturer then provides material that is in accordance with the material in the Semester Learning Plan.”

“I really like learning to use E- learning because I can learn more about technology so that it improves my knowledge about technology and information but I feel bored with this situation.”

The learning process depends on an existing internet connection, because if there is a disturbance in the internet connection it will have an impact on my focus during the activity.” “E-learning is able to increase my learning opportunities and my flexibility in learning through the various means and learning methods used. When I download learning materials that have been uploaded to E learning by the lecturer, I can use my own learning style or method to improve my abilities.”

“Every meeting always has an assignment so I think it is a questioning and answering activity. Sometimes we also asked through the group WhatsApp.”

“I feel free to decide when I will start and when I will finish and which parts of the module I want to study first. I can access the material from anywhere and anytime. The teaching and learning process can be done dynamically, and does not depend on time and meeting space.” “The lecturer gave a deadline for submitting assignments so that it didn't overwhelm me.”

Table 2: Students’ Perception of their Participation in E-Learning

The first is about students' perceptions related to the lecturer's role in explaining Listening material through E-Learning is good or not, in this case, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed the highest frequency with a percentage of 73.7% agree with the question, more answers were given obtained agree. From the open ended questionnaire, some students realized that lecturer conveyed clearly, effectively and in detail about their material.

The second is about student perceptions related to the lecturer's role in delivering listening material through E-Learning according to the semester learning plan or not. In this second point, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed the highest frequency with a percentage of 84,2% agree with the question, then based on open ended questionnaire many students agreed with the question so that the data obtained were the same. The way they know is because where the semester learning plan was distributed at the beginning of the meeting and there was provided material that will be discussed in one semester, so students can match the material presented according to or not with the semester learning plan that has been given previously.

The third is about student perception related to the effectiveness of using E-Learning for learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this third point, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed that there were 75.4% agree with the statement. Based on open ended questionnaire, they can improve their knowledge about technology and information. From these results, it can be concluded that the students felt that E-Learning is effective in the current situation. E-learning gives flexibility in choosing the time and place to be able to access the trip, so they find learning at home more enjoyable.

The fourth is about student perceptions related to an improvement in their listening ability while learning listening through E-Learning. On this fourth point, the data obtained in the questionnaire showed that there were results; agree as much as 77.2%. Based on open ended questionnaire, students learned by own their style so can improve their skill or abilities. From these results, it can be concluded that more students felt that E-Learning improve their listening. Their listening ability increases because they were facilitated with audio listening material for each meeting so they can listen to audio anytime and anywhere.

The fifth is about student perceptions related to the lecturer role in the question and answer activity during learning through E-Learning. At this fifth point, the data obtained in the questionnaire the highest frequency with a percentage of 64.9% agree. The results of the open ended questionnaire showed that the students never asked questions during listening learning through E-Learning because they never found any obstacles regarding the material provided, it's just that there are signal constraints when accessing E-learning. There were some students who are quite indifferent to learning during E-Learning because of various factors such as fear of asking questions and being lazy.

The last is whether students are motivated and enthusiastic when learning listening through E-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. At the last point, the data obtained from the results of the questionnaire showed the highest frequency with a percentage of 82, 5% agree with the questions presented. Then deepened with the open ended questionnaire, the researcher found the fact that some students were motivated and enthusiastic about learning listening during the Covid-19 pandemic because this was the only way to keep learning because of the circumstances that did not allow them to go and study at campus. The teaching and learning process can be done dynamically, and does not depend on time and meeting space. There were some students which is not motivated and not motivated because they feel learning at home is boring. It can be concluded that the motivation of students in learning listening through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic based on their awareness of the importance of learning during the pandemic.

Using E-Learning during this pandemic has advantages and disadvantages, where the effects felt by students were also different. Students have difficulty learning because the learning systems used during the pandemic have never been felt before. Based on students’ responses to filling close and open ended questionnaires, students' perceptions while studying at home were good, and E-Learning was helpful in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • 4.    Novelties

Referring Agung et al (2020) stated that accessibility is the major factor of successful online learning but in this case was found discipline the main factor of learning success where students must be able to improve their learning atmosphere and eliminates boredom so that it grows motivation to try to face all obstacles in learning through E-learning

  • 5.    Conclusion

The objective of the study was to establish students’ perceptions of e-learning at UNSULBAR used eLearning Unsulbar.ac.id. The Covid-19 pandemic provides a special lesson for Indonesian education. E-learning itself was able to bring significant changes to learning and training activities. These pandemic, teaching and learning activities through e-learning can be maximized than before. This will encourage lecturers or students to be able to adapt and be able to master the technology that is being faced. The students’ perception was positive perception of students about learning listening subject through E-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, some of them stated that learning listening subject while at home is good. They argue that this method was arguably quite effective because it is the only way out to keep learning online as long as the Covid-19 pandemic was still taking place in Indonesia, so they can still learn even if not directly in campus. Students were very efficient in operating the E-learning tools because of the informative content provided. Students were perceived to be positive about e-learning and about the content available on E-learning as it enables autonomous learning. The majority of students benefit from e-learning because of the support that is available to them when accessing resources. The conclusion is that technology and e-learning are good enablers in information access.

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Biography of Author

Putu Wahyu Sudewi,S.Pd.,M.Pd. was born in Buleleng on July 12th 1991. She is lecturer in Sulawesi Barat University, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Majene, Sulawesi Barat, Indonesia, Ph. +6285397362197. She finished his master degree in the postgraduate program, magister program, English education, Ganesha University of Education in 2014.

Email: [email protected]