Illocutionary Speech Acts in Indonesian Language Learning at High School
e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 14, No. 2, July 2020, pages: 315-321
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Illocutionary Speech Acts in Indonesian Language Learning at High School
Dewa Ayu Widiasri
Email: [email protected] IKIP PGRI Bali
Article info
Received Date: Mei 22, 2020
Accepted Date: Mei 22, 2020
Published Date: July 31, 2020
Speech acts, illocution, and Indonesian language learning
The purpose of this study is to describe the types of illocution in the form of verbal speech acts between teachers and students in learning Indonesian language at Senior High School 1- Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali. This study applied descriptive qualitative analysis with the support of audiovisual recordings technique, observation methods, documentation methods that combined with pragmatics and classification techniques. The results of the study have shown that the types of illocution, with the order of use, are directive function (40%), expressive (25%), assertive (20%), commissive (10%), and declarative (5%) in teacher and student speech acts.
Indonesian language learning is experiencing a transition due to the change in the KTSP curriculum to the 2013 curriculum, especially at the high school level (Permendikbud No. 59 of 2014: Sabilah, 2018). Permendikbud no. 59 states that learning is a process of interaction between students and educators and learning resources in a learning environment. Interaction in the learning process is based on the ability of teachers to communicate effectively with their students. In addition, the teacher's ability requires language as a medium and a communication tool to achieve competency standards (Permendiknas No. 13 of 2014).
Research on illocutionary speech acts in learning Indonesian in class is relevant to the following studies; first, Sabilah (2018) in his dissertation entitled "Intercultural Competence of English Language Learning in Primary School Students". Sabilah's research analysis is about the use of pragmatic intercultural theory and foreign language learning theory. The pragmatic intercultural theory referred to is the theory of speech act meaning proposed by Searle (1969) and Wijana and Rohmadi (2009). The results of the analysis show a pragmatic description of elementary English learning materials and develop types of speech acts that are appropriate to be applied to English learning in elementary schools. These types of speech acts are integrated into the learning of intercultural competencies in English language lessons, in elementary schools. Learning design shows an intercultural competency of learning planning design consisting of three essential components, namely lingual forms of lexicon and grammar, learning topics that lead to intercultural competency learning, and the form of meaning, function, as well as types of
speech acts. The similarity between Sabilah's research and this research is that both use the theory of speech acts of Searle (1969), while the difference in research lies in the object of study. The object of Sabilah's research study focuses on learning English in elementary school, while the object of this research study focuses on the process of learning Indonesian in class X SMA 1 Tampaksiring. Sabilah's research contributes to this research in its design of intercultural competency learning planning in English language learning. Furthermore, lingual forms are found in the form of lexicon and grammar, learning topics related to intercultural competence, the form of meaning, function, and types of action said.
Second, Zayed (2014) writes a journal entitled "Jordanian EFL Teachers 'and Students' Practice of Speech Acts in The Classroom". Zayed's research analysis uses Speech Act theory proposed by Brown (1980; 2001), Lee and Van Patten (1995) , Hadly (2001), about an apology, compliment, greeting, request, and thanking public schools in Amman. The results of the study review between teachers and students, there is no prior preparation about which speech act should be used. Teachers are dominated by using speech act types of greeting, request, and thanking, while students are dominated by speech act apology and compliment. The research equation between Zayed's research and this research is that both use the speech act theory to analyze speech acts. The difference in research lies in the use of supporting theories and objects of study. The object of Zayed's research study took 30 female students and teachers in the public school, Amman, while this study took participants all students in class X SMA I Tampaksiring along with Indonesian language teachers. Zayed's research has contributed to this research in showing that students and teachers have their pragmatic competencies so that learning objectives are achieved well.
Third, Montolalu et al. (2013) in a journal entitled "Verbal and Nonverbal Loyalty in Imperative Speech in Indonesian Language Learning in Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa Middle School, Central Java". Research analysis of Montolalu, et al. uses theory proposed by Stephen Covey in realizing effective communication, namely the attitude of respect, the ability to place ourselves in situations or conditions faced by others or empathy, can be heard or understood or audible. Furthermore, it shows clarity and humble attitude. The results of the study conducted by Montolalu, et al. explained the form of verbal and nonverbal imperatives spoken by teachers and students at Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa Middle School as ordinary imperative speech forms, requests, granting permits, invitations, and orders.
The imperative speech form is based on the principle of politeness, generosity, appreciation, simplicity, and sympathy, as well as deviations of the politeness principle on sympathy and appreciation The similarity of research conducted by Montolalu, et al. and this research is in the use of illocutionary speech acts as an effort of learning strategies by teachers and students in achieving learning objectives. The difference between research of Montolalu et al. and this research lies in the research subject. The subject of research conducted by Montolalu, et al. was students of Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa Middle School in learning Indonesian, while this study took the subject of research in class X students of SMA I Tampaksiring. Montolalu, et al.'s contribution to this research is related to the principle of politeness as a part of the learning process that is important to avoid miscommunication, avoid deviations from the politeness principle, and maintain polite forms of speaking between students and teachers.
It can be stated that language has an important role to build effective and efficient learning activities needed by educators. The ability of this language is closely related to the situation of the word and the context in which the utterance is spoken. This language ability is part of pragmatic competence to obtain competency standards following Indonesian language learning.
Based on the explanation above, the formulation of the problem in this study is "what is the form of speech acts of illocution in learning Indonesian in high school". The result of this problem is believed to be able to describe the function of the illocutionary speech act. Furthermore, the research produce a learning strategy of combining several theories, included theory of illocutionary speech act in learning Indonesian in high school.
This study applies a qualitative descriptive method analysis using oral data are taken from teaching and learning interactions. The data originated from audio-visual recordings and written data in the form of syllabus, lesson plans, manuals, student worksheets, and scores of National Final Examination of Indonesian language for class X students of SMA I Tampaksiring. Data was collected using non-participant observation methods in the form of observation and note-taking techniques (Sudaryanto, 2015; 1993: 133). Audio-visual recordings were transcribed into written data in an orthographic manner. Data analysis techniques used in this study were pragmatic matching techniques and classification techniques that are used to separate verbal forms of speech acts from the functions and verbal meanings of speech acts. Finally, it is recapitulated in the data record sheet and presented using formal methods and informal methods.
Searle (1969) argues that speech acts are classified into five speech acts; namely assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, commissive speech acts, expressive speech acts, and declarative speech acts. Based on the verbal form of speech act, it is found assertive function, directive function, and expressive function, commissive function and declarative function. The explanation of the data in each function is as follows.
This speech act demands the speaker and the speech partner on the truth of the proposition that expressedd in the utterance spoken. This assertive form of speech includes stating, informing, suggesting, boasting, complaining, demanding, or reporting. The following shows one example of the type of assertive speech act stated.
Data 1
Guru : Apa itu teks puisi?
Siswa : Karya sastra
Teacher : What is a poetry text?
Student : Literary work
The type of assertive speech acts is a form of states contained in the Data 1. The teacher states in the form of utterances "what is poetry", the teacher produces these utterances to ask students about the meaning of poetry. Then students answer with "literary work". Based on data 1, the speaker uses assertive speech acts that aims to provide new knowledge to students by stimulating students' understanding of poetry texts.
This speech act involves the speaker and the speech partner in several actions that will occur in the future. Commissive speech forms include promising, swearing, offering, and offering prayers. Of the four commissive forms proposed by Searle (1969), only two data were related to the types of commissive speech acts offer and offer prayers, while the types of commissive speech acts of promising and swearing forms were not found. The following describes one type of commissive speech acts offered.
Data 2
Guru : Silahkan dibuat tugas dibuku tugas. Bagi yang tidak bawa buku tugas, boleh dikerjakan di kertas selembar
Siswa : (sejumlah siswa membuat tugas di kertas selembar dan lainnya
membuat tugas di buku tugas mereka)
Teacher : Please do the assignment in the workbook. For those who do not carry a workbook, it can be done on a sheet of paper
Student : (some students did assignments on a sheet of paper and others did the assignments in their assignments)
Data 2 is a commissive speech act in the form of offering from the teacher to students about making assignments that appear in the utterance “Please make assignments in the assignment book. For those who do not carry a workbook, it can be done on a sheet of paper. The teacher uses this utterance to offer students to make assignments in a workbook or on a piece of paper. This commissive speech act function offers aims to offer students who do not carry assignments, so they can also do their assignments. These efforts are made by the teacher so that the learning process runs smoothly and the learning objectives are achieved. In this way, the commissive function in the form of offers aims to get a conducive and acceptable learning process by students in the learning process in class.
This speech act serves to describe between the speaker and the speech partner on the psychological attitude of some actions that will occur in the future. Expressive speech forms consist of saying thank-you, congratulating, forgiving, blaming, praising, expressing, and condolences. Of the eight expressive forms put forward by Searle (1969), only two data were they are types of expressive speech acts expressing gratitude and praise, while the types of expressive speech act form of congratulating, forgiving, blaming, stating, and condolences were not found. The following is one type of commissive speech act expressing thanks.
Data 3
Guru : Terima kasih kepada grup yang sudah mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
mereka tentang resensi game online. Silahkan berikan tepuk tangan atas tampilan mereka di depan kelas.
Siswa : (siswa tampak memberikan tepuk tangan dengan meriah atas tampilan
teman mereka dalam mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka)
Teacher : Thank you to the group for presenting the results of their discussion
about online game reviews. Please give a round of applause for their
appearance in front of the class.
Student : (students seemed to give a standing ovation for the appearance of their
friends in presenting the results of their discussion)
Data 3 is an expressive speech act that is categorized in the function of congratulating, done by the teacher to students who were presenting the results of their discussion as seen in the utterance "Thank you to the group who have presented the results of their discussion about online game reviews. Please give a round of applause for their appearance in front of the class. The teacher produces these utterances to congratulate the group who presented their discussion results in front of them. The function of this speech is to appreciate the results of their efforts in presenting online game reviews.
The form of speech that intends to affect performance successfully causes a good correspondence between propositional and reality, such as surrender, firing, freeing, naming, isolating, pointing, determining, imposing punishment, coercing and convicting. From the eleven declarative forms proposed by Searle (1969), there is only one data found in the type of declarative speech acts that force, whereas the declarative speech acts form surrender, dismiss, release, naming, isolate, appoint, determine, impose sentences, and sentenced not found. The following describes one type of declarative speech acts of force.
Data 4
Guru : Apakah ada pertanyaan tentang teks laporan hasil observasi?
Siswa : (Siswa tidak merespon pertanyaan guru)
Guru : Apakah saudara/saudari tidak paham atau tidak tahu
Siswa : Masih belum paham bu, bisa tolong dijelaskan kembali
Teacher : Are there questions about the text of the observation report?
Student : Teacher : Student : |
(students did not respond to their teacher) Do you not understand? We do not understand Mom. Could you please, re-explain? |
Data 4 is a form of utterance forcing relevant to declarative functions. This is because one of the hallmark features of the directive function is force. This function aims at representing illocutionary acts when he performance is successful causes the speech partner to correspond accurately between propositional and reality. The practical form is illustrated from the utterance "are there questions about the text of the observation report". The sentence is a series of realization of the next utterance, which is "do you not understand?". The text appears because students do not respond to the teacher’s questions about students' understanding of the range of observation report text. The relationship between the form of forced speech with declarative functions is to force students to understand the text of the observation report so that the learning objectives are achieved well.
This form of speech act gives the action effect on the speech partner, such as ordering, asking, asking, suggesting, encouraging, and advising. From the seven forms of directives put forward by Searle (1969), there are five data found in the types of directive speech acts, while the types of the directive speech act in the form of pleading and advocating are not found. The following is one type of directive speech act governed.
Data 5
Guru : |
Tolong buat beberapa group kecil untuk berdiskusi tentang laporan hasil observasi. |
Siswa : |
(terdapat beberapa siswa tidak mengindahkan perintah guru dalam membuat grup kecil) |
Guru : |
(karena terdapat sedikit respon dari siswa, guru mengulang kembali perintah untuk membuat grup kecil). Tolong dibuat grup kecil dengan teman seputar tempat duduk! |
Siswa : |
Baik bu |
Translation: | |
Teacher : |
Please make a few small groups to discuss the report on observations. |
Student : |
(some students do not heed the teacher's commands in creating small groups) |
Teacher : |
(because there is little response from students, the teacher repeats the command to make a small group) Please make a small group with friends around your seat! |
Student : |
Ok mom |
Data 5 is a form of governing utterance following the directive function because one of the characteristics of the directive function is the ordered utterance form. This function plays a role in causing several effects through the actions of the speech partner. The form of commanding appears in the utterance "Please make a few small groups to discuss the report on observations". The text is not responded well by students to make small groups. Therefore, the teacher re-orders the students to make small groups visible on the words "please make a small group with friends around the seat".
With the appearance of the commanding speech form above, some students respond by forming small groups with friends around the seat. There is a relationship between the form of commanding utterance and he directive function, that is, the teacher's relationship between the form of coercive utterance and the directive function is to force students to understand the text of the observation report so that the learning objectives are achieved well
Through the use of illocutionary speech acts in Indonesian language learning, students do not only master the language in oral form but also in written form as an output of the teacher's success in communicating to convey Indonesian language learning to stimulate students to use the Indonesian language correctly and adequately. Mastery in communication is used as the output of Indonesian language learning material in class. The communication mastery includes speech acts based on verbal speech acts dominated by directive functions (40%), expressive
functions (25%), assertive functions (20%), commissive functions (10%), and declarative functions (5%) in the interaction of teacher and student in clss in learning Indonesian language.
The realization of each verbal form of speech acts is relevant and is influenced by the context of learning being taught. Illocutionary speech acts consist of five speech acts; namely assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, commissive speech acts, expressive speech acts, and declarative speech acts. The most dominant speech act is the directive function speech act because the teacher gives an action effect on students in the form of commanding, asking, and giving advice.
I would like to expree my deep gratitude to Prof. Dr. Made Budiarsa, M. A, Prof. Dr. Nengah Sudipa, M.A., Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, M. Hum, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, M.A., Dr. A. A Putu Putra, M. Hum, Dr. Nyoman Seri Marlini, M. Hum, Dr. Ni Made Dhanawati, M.Hum, for their patient guidance enthausiastic encouragement and useful critiques of this research work.
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Biography of Author
Dra. Dewa Ayu Widiasri, M.Pd, was born in Karangasem on December 30th, 1967. She is a lecturer in IKIP PGRI Bali. She hold a Master of Education in UNDIKSA, Singaraja, Bali.
Email: [email protected]
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