Improvement of English Speaking Ability In 7th Grade Students of Ganesha Junior High School Denpasar Through TANDUR Method
e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 14, No. 2, July 2020, pages: 242-256
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Improvement of English Speaking Ability In 7th Grade Students of Ganesha Junior High School Denpasar Through TANDUR Method
I Putu Hartomi Arya Franata, S.S1 Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia [email protected]
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Simpen, M.Hum.2 Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia [email protected]
Dr. Ni Made Dhanawaty, M.S.3 Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia md [email protected]
Article info
Received Date: March, 6 2020
Accepted Date: March, 6 2020
Published Date: July, 31 2020
Metode TANDUR, kemampuan berbicara, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
This study aims to determine the application of the TANDUR method can improve speaking skills in learning English. This research is a qualitative study using five types of methods which include tests, TANDUR experiments, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The results of the questionnaire answered by students showed the factors that influence their motivation in the learning process. The factors that influence students in the learning process are divided into two, namely internal factors and external factors. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the ability of students in speaking English increases after the application of the TANDUR method. Three aspects of speech assessed in this study, were grammar, vocabulary, and understanding that experienced an increase, both in class 7.1 which is the treatment class and class 7.3 which is the control class.
1. Introduction
English learning in junior high schools aims to develop English language skills as a means of communication of thinking, science developing, technology, and culture. English learning in junior high schools gets sufficient time allocation. In this learning, language knowledge and skills are given which includes listening or listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. All skills are intended therefore the students can understand, express thoughts and feelings, and experience, both verbally and written.
English learning can help students developing the required English language skills, not only for communication, but also to absorb various values and knowledge learned. The same thing is also found in Ganesha Junior High School, Denpasar. Based on the preliminary observations made in English lesson, it is known that the speaking abilities of the students are still lacking compared to other language skills. This is caused by students are not mastering the correct pronunciation so they are not able to pronounce the words in sentences correctly. In addition, the teaching methods used by teachers do not involve students in speaking exercises.
Language learning can be made easier by applying several learning approaches. One of them is the quantum learning approach. According to DePorter (2006), the quantum learning model is a combination of various interactions that exist in and around the learning moment. The learning strategies used in quantum learning can be applied in English learning by referring to the natural learning process, which starts from recognition with something interesting, connecting things learned with student experience, providing opportunities for students to show their abilities, and activities repetition to solidify the knowledge that has been learned by students. It all boils down to celebratory activities held as a form of appreciation to students for their hard work in learning. The application of the quantum approach revealed by DePorter can be done by using the steps summarized in the TANDUR method.
The TANDUR method is Porter's idea set forth in the book Quantum Teaching. TANDUR is an acronym for the name of each step of learning, namely Grow (Tumbuhkan), Experience it (Alami), Name it (Namai), Demonstrate (Demonstrasi), Repeat it (Ulangi), and Celebrate (Rayakan). The key to this learning is to build emotional bond first by creating fun in learning, establishing good relationships, fostering interest and curiosity, presenting concepts in it, and ending with reinforcement and motivation that make the concepts that have been learned stick to the mind. In addition, the TANDUR method is considered appropriate as an alternative for problem solving in learning English. In this learning model students are not only guided to build their own knowledge, but the teacher is also expected to provide a positive emotional atmosphere for students during the learning process therefore the ultimate goal of learning is achieved. This can be demonstrated by an increase in student learning outcomes.
This study used primary data (data primer) obtained through data sources, namely students and was supported by secondary data, namely, curriculum, learning implementation plans, and learning syllabus. The data source in this study was the answers given by students of class 7.1 and class 7.3 of Ganesha Junior High School, Denpasar in the form of speech produced by them. There were 40 students in class 7.1 of Ganesha Junior High School in Denpasar, including 15 male students and 25 female students. Class 7.3 totaling 40 students consisted of 20 male students and 20 female students. The data in the form of english speaking ability of 7th grade students before and after the application of the TANDUR method were obtained through the students' pretest and posttest results. The data in the form of factors that affect students' speaking ability were obtained through questionnaires given to students.
This study was an experimental research, which was to test quantum learning with the TANDUR method to improve students' ability to speak English. This research used nonparticipant observation which means the researcher did not participate directly in the learning process, but there was at the time of observation to make observations and take notes. The type of experiment used was the pretest-posttest control group design. In this study the experimental
group was given treatment, while the control group was not given treatment. In both groups was started by the pretest and after the treatment the measurements were taken again. In the selection of two groups that have been determined to be studied there were values or the ability to speak the same English. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively and the results of the analysis were presented descriptively and supported by the use of percentages and numbers.
The data collection method for this study used five types of methods which included tests, TANDUR experiments, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Data that has been collected in the form of test results (pretest and posttest) were analyzed qualitatively to determine students' abilities in aspects of speaking, namely grammar, vocabulary, and understanding. Quantitative analysis was used to determine the percentage increase in the results of students' English speaking ability in the control class and treatment class. The percentage increase in the results of English speaking skills in the control class and treatment class were compared. Student questionnaire answers were used to obtain information about the factors faced by students in learning analyzed descriptively qualitatively.
Before the action of learning was carried out in the form of the application of the TANDUR method, an observation of the learning process in the classroom using conventional methods was done. Preliminary observations before the action were carried out on January 14, 2019. The observed learning process was related to teaching and learning activities in class with the topic of learning the description of objects and animals found in everyday life. The pretest was conducted on January 16, 2019. The pretest material was describing themselves, favorite objects and pets, idols, and their respective homes. Qualitatively and quantitatively, the findings of the observation, pretest, and questionnaire were described in the following discussion.
Based on the results of observations on the learning process of descriptive speaking English learning at the Ganesha Junior High School Denpasar on English teachers as well as students in class 7.1 and 7.3, several factors were found to be the obstacles of the ability of students to not speak English optimally. The factors which become the constraints can be described as follows:
1) The teacher is still dominant in applying the lecture method in teaching descriptive speaking material in English subjects.
2) Teachers do not teach according to the lesson plan (RPP) so the learning is not directed properly and the achievement of learning objectives is difficult to measure.
3) The teacher does not give students the opportunity to ask questions, both to the teacher and to fellow students or to other sources about the topic being taught.
4) The teacher does not understand the TANDUR method to improve students' speaking abilities.
Pretest is conducted to determine the ability of students to speak English before applying the TANDUR method. All students of class 7.1 and 7.3 of Ganesha Junior High School, Denpasar were given the same topic, namely describing themselves, favorite objects and pets, idols, and their respective homes. This topic was chosen based on a summary of topics in descriptive learning of English subjects. Pretest results were assessed based on three aspects of speaking, namely grammar, vocabulary, and understanding.
Graph 1 Percentage of Students with a Grade Above the Minimum Passing Criteria
The score obtained by students in the pretest in grading aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and understanding shows that students have not mastered speaking skills. In Graph 4.1 above it can be seen that only 17.5% of students in class 7.1 and 22.5% of students in class 7.3 scored above the minimum passing criteria (70).
The results of the pretest showed the ability of students to speak English which was assessed based on aspects of grammar, aspects of vocabulary, and aspects of understanding.
Table 1
Percentage of Average Pretest Score of Class 7.1
Speaking Aspects |
Score Percentage |
Criteria |
Aspects of grammar |
61,87% |
Poor |
Aspects of vocabulary |
62,50% |
Poor |
Aspects of understanding |
63,12% |
Poor |
Average score |
62,50% |
Poor |
Table 1 shows the pretest scores of students in class 7.1. Students in class 7.1 get an average score of 62.50 with poor assessment criteria. The average value for the grammar aspects of class 7.1 students is 2.52, the average value for the vocabulary aspect is 2.47, and the average value for the understanding aspect is 2.50. This means that students' ability to speak English in class 7.1 is still lacking. The summary of the average value of class 7.1 pretest can be seen in Table 4.2. All indicators in the assessment received a predicate with a percentage of 61.87% for grammatical aspects, 62.50% for vocabulary aspects, and 63.12% for understanding aspects. Thus, overall the average percentage for class 7.1 is 62.50%.
Class 7.3 pretest results are not much different from the results of class 7.1 pretest. Overall the results of the pretest showed the ability of students to speak English which was assessed based on aspects of grammar, aspects of vocabulary, and aspects of understanding were still lacking. The results of the pretest are presented in the table below.
Table 2
Percentage of Average Pretest Score of Class 7.3
Speaking Aspects |
Score Percentage |
Criteria |
Aspects of Grammar |
61,25% |
Poor |
Aspects of Vocabulary |
62,50% |
Poor |
Aspects of Understanding |
63,75% |
Poor |
Average Score 62,50% Poor
The percentage of the average score of 7.3 is shown in Table 2. Grammar and vocabulary indicators obtained percentages of 61.25% and 62.50%, which means that each of these indicators received less predicate. The lack of predicate is also obtained for class 7.3 on the understanding indicator with a percentage of 63.75%. The average value obtained by class 7.3 as a whole is 62.50% which indicates the predicate of speaking ability of class 7.3 is lacking.
The analysis shows that students have not been able to arrange sentences using simple present tense correctly and appropriately. This is evident from the mistakes in the preparation of sentences spoken by students. The following are a few examples of grammatical aspects of errors taught by students.
1) Error in Subject-verb Agreement
Some of the sentences that students said contain errors in the use of the present verb in the subject-verb agreement. In the subject-verb agreement, the verb form used must match the subject used.
2) Error in Modal Verb
Some of the sentences that students said contain errors in using modal verb. In simple present tense there are several modal verb, such as can, will, must, should, and may. Modal verb in simple present tense is followed by 'be' if the word that follows is in the form of noun, adjective, preposition of place or preposition of time. Modal verb in simple present tense is followed by bare infinitive (present verb without prefix) if the word that follows is in the form of action verb.
3) Error in using To Be or Linking Verb
There are three types of to be in simple prsent tense, they are is, am, and are. To be can be used to connect subject with noun, adjectives, preposition of place, or preposition of time.
4) Error in using Pronoun
Some of the sentences that students said contain errors in using pronoun. The function of pronoun is to replace noun (kata benda) so that the sentence seems shorter and more varied. Pronoun has many types, such as subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, interrogative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, relative pronoun, reflexive and intensive pronoun, and demonstrative pronoun. Each type of pronoun has different grammatical rules.
5) Error in Using Do / Does in Interrogative Sentence
Some of the sentences that students said contain error in using do / does in interrogative sentences. The use of do / does in interrogative sentence indicates that the subject in the sentence is doing an action or verb (kata kerja). The thing that distinguishes do or does is the subject category. Do is used for I, you, they, we. While does is used for she, he, and it.
6) Error in Using Preposition in Preposition of Place
There are three types of preposition in preposition of place, they are in, on and at. In is used when Terdapat tiga jenis preposition dalam preposition of place, yaitu in, on, dan at. In is used when showing large places, such as names of countries, islands, cities, villages, etc. The preposition on is used to indicate places in the form of wide open plains, such as fields, beaches, roads, etc., while at is used to indicate very specific or clear places, such as home addresses.
7) Error in using Apostrophe’s in Possesive Pronoun
In showing an ownership of noun besides using possessive pronoun, one can also use apostrophe’s. The apostrophe's form is used for singular nouns (kata benda tunggal), such as the dog’s tail, or the student's table. In contrast to plural noun (kata benda jamak) the
form apostrophe is used without 's', such as the dogs' fur (fur of the dogs), or the students' class (the class belonging to the students). One student mentioned "my cat fur is white", with the subject in the sentence is 'my cat fur', in that sentence there are two nouns, namely 'my cat' and 'fur', which shows that 'fur' is a thing that is owned by 'my cat'. In this case ‘my cat’ is a singular noun so apostrophe’s must be used. So, the student's sentence should be "my cat’s fur is white."
In the aspect of vocabulary, the words used by students were very lacking. The use of the words of one student with the other tends to be the same. The vocabulary of students was also still very limited in conducting conversations. Some of the vocabulary used by students during the pretest can be seen from the following description.
1) Self Description
Students are asked to describe themselves including physical characteristics at the time of self-introduction, but there were still many students explaining their daily activities. This is most likely influenced by the previous material given by the teacher about daily activity. At the pretest their descriptions tend to be the same. On self-introduction students also explained their hobbies.
2) Pet and Favorite objects
Almost all students only discussed their pets and only a few students discussed their favorite objects when describing pets or objects. The majority of students described the same animals. However, there was also found students who describe pets that are different from other students. When describing a favorite animal or object, students are asked to describe their physical characteristics, such as the color and size of the animal or object. However, many students described their favorite animals and objects with the natural habit of the animals or objects.
3) Public Figure/Idols
When describing public figures or idols students are asked to describe the physical characteristics of their public figures or idols. The same as self-description, many students described the character of their public figures or idols.
4) Respective Homes
When describing the the respective homes students are asked to describe the shape and color of their home. But almost all students described the address and location of their home.
Aspect of understanding also influences students' ability to speak English. The lack of students’ understanding of simple present tense and discussion topics, namely describing something that makes students difficult in the preparation of sentences. Students' understanding of using subject-verb agreement and modal verb is also lacking. This can be seen at the time of preparation of the sentence many students make mistakes in using subject-verb agreement and modal verb. Understanding the use of to be and pronouns (pronoun he, she, it) is also lacking because students have not been able to replace third-person singles using he, she, it.
b. Application of the TANDUR Method and the Speaking Ability of Students after the Application of the TANDUR Method
The application of the TANDUR method aimed to improve students' ability in speaking English in class 7.1 or the treatment class. In its application, the TANDUR method consisted of four components, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. After the application of the TANDUR method the students' speaking ability was measured again through the posttest to find out the percentage increase in students' ability to speak English. The re-
measurement was also carried out to find out the successful application of the TANDUR method in improving students' ability in speaking English.
Before applying the TANDUR method, the supporting components of the methods applicaton such as planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting, were prepared. These components were prepared therefore the implementation of the TANDUR method in the learning process runs well.
Before the implementation of the TANDUR method, both in class 7.1 and 7.3, several preparations were prepared relating to the application of the TANDUR method. Some of the preparations were as follows.
1) Material Selection
The material used in the study was compiled based on the learning implementation plan (RPP) and syllabus of English 7th grade Ganesha Junior High School, Denpasar. The topics given included self descriptions, pet and favorite objects, idols and respective homes. The topics above were topics that were used as test questions. Other topics, namely the description of objects or buildings around the class and around the school, become the additional topics given to students as material for students' practice in speaking. In selecting topics, both tests and grammar exercises, which were chosen to describe were simple present tense. These topics were also chosen to make students enjoy the learning process.
2) Preparing a Learning Implementation Plan
The learning implementation plan in this study was prepared based on the existing learning implementation plan in Ganesha Junior High School, Denpasar and the topics and methods of TANDUR that wanted to be applied. The learning implementation plan prepared by the teacher and researcher consists of core competencies, basic competencies, learning objectives, learning materials, learning activities, and learning media.
The core competencies and basic competencies in the learning implementation plan used in this study still follow the core competencies and basic competencies that exist in the Ganesha Junior High School Denpasar learning plan. The basic competencies to be achieved in this study is the students can provide and request information by verbal descriptive. The indicator to be achieved in this research is students can arrange descriptive sentences orally and increase the vocabulary. From the indicators to be achieved in this study it is expected that students can arrange sentences in speaking well and have more vocabulary so they can have a good understanding of the topics given.
3) Prepare the Research Instrument
There were five instruments in this study. The five instruments were used to determine the development and improvement of students' English in speaking English. The five instruments were pictures of animals and idols, researchers' notes, stickers, recording devices, and questionnaires.
In this study, the implementation of the TANDUR method aimed at getting as many students as possible to practice their speaking skills. Practicing speaking ability in this term was structuring sentences using simple present tense including giving and asking for information related to the topic. The number of students studied in class 7.1 was 40 students. The data were taken in the span of 17 January 2019 to 7 February 2019 with the following description.
1) First Meeting (17 January 2019)
The first meeting was held on Thursday, January 17, 2019. The meeting was begun with the provision of motivation to learn from the teacher to students. The next activity was students described themselves one by one in front of the class as taught by the teacher at the previous meeting (during the pre-test). The implementation of the TANDUR method began after the students described themselves. The implementation of the TANDUR method started with students giving names to objects in the classroom environment by writing the name of the object on a sticker that had been prepared and affixed to the object referred to. After the process of naming the object, students immediately described the object that was previously named in front of the class accompanied by questions and answers from other students. After the question and answer session, students and teachers made corrections to the descriptions uttered by students. The last activity was giving rewards to students who succeeded in doing oral descriptions by clapping and giving gifts in the form of chocolate to students who were considered very good at doing oral descriptions. It was expected to trigger other students to study harder. The limited time at the first meeting caused not all students have the opportunity to describe the objects. Other students who did not have the opportunity to speak got the chance at the next meeting.
2) Second Meeting (21 January 2019)
The next meeting was held on Monday, January 21, 2019. The meeting was begun with the provision of motivation to learn from the teacher to students. The next activity continued by students describing their pets in the picture that had been prepared one by one in front of the class. Students chose a picture of an animal to describe in front of the class. The implementation of the TANDUR method started with students giving names to objects in the classroom environment by writing the name of the object on a sticker that had been prepared and affixed to the object referred to. After the process of giving a name, students immediately described the object that was previously named in front of the class accompanied by questions and answers with other students. After the question and answer session, students and teachers made corrections to the descriptions uttered by students. The implementation of the TANDUR method at the second meeting provided opportunities for students who did not have the opportunity at the previous meeting. The last activity was giving rewards to students who succeeded in doing oral descriptions by clapping and giving gifts in the form of chocolate to students by teachers who were considered very good at doing oral descriptions. Before the class ended, the teacher delivered a plan of learning activities at the next meeting.
3) Third Meeting (24 January 2019)
In the third meeting which was held on Thursday, January 24, 2019, it was still begun with giving motivation to learn from the teacher to students. After that, the activity continued with students describing their idols. Students described their idols one by one in front of the classroom. As an exercise activity for implementing the TANDUR method, the teacher invited students to name objects and buildings in the school environment. At this third meeting, the activity of implementing the TANDUR method remained the same as the previous meetings, namely naming objects, describing them, giving rewards, and correction from the teacher, but with a different topic. Due to limitation of the time, students who did not get the opportunity were given a turn at the next meeting. The third meeting ended with the teacher delivering the learning plan at the next meeting.
4) Fourth Meeting (4 February 2019)
The next meeting was held on Monday, February 4, 2019. Learning activities was begun with the provision of motivation to learn from the teacher. The next activity was students
described their homes in front of the class. The next activity, namely the implementation of the TANDUR method was carried out as a continuation of the previous meetings, ie students who did not get the opportunity at the third meeting were given the opportunity at this meeting. Before the class ended, the teacher delivered a learning plan for the next meeting
5) Fifth Meeting (7 February 2019)
The next meeting was held on Monday, February 4, 2019. Learning activities was begun with the provision of motivation to learn from the teacher. The next activity was students described their homes in front of the class. The next activity, namely the implementation of the TANDUR method was carried out as a continuation of the previous meetings, ie students who did not get the opportunity at the third meeting were given the opportunity at this meeting. Before the class ended, the teacher delivered a learning plan for the next meeting.
Observation in this study aimed at making the learning process remain at the desired learning process. Observations were also conducted to ensure that the atmosphere of the learning environment remained conducive and research instruments remained available, including the presence of stickers and prizes. Based on the observations conducted throughout the implementation of the TANDUR method, it was found that students enjoyed the topic of learning. It was seen when students described the topic of discussion with confidence.
In the implementation of the TANDUR method when students describe objects, both in the classroom and school environment, it was seen that students were able to construct simple present tense sentences that were well done even though when naming an object with a sticker, it appeared that not all objects named by students were correct in their writing. Providing opportunities for students to practice their ability to speak at each meeting has proven to make students better from one meeting to the next. Finally, giving rewards in the form of applause and prizes have a positive impact on students. It means students compete to raise their hands to get a chance to speak in front of the classroom. Speaking opportunities that were obtained continuously made students become accustomed to speak in English. Students seemed no longer to be afraid in starting a conversation.
The implementation of the TANDUR method in the learning process could proceed in accordance with the plans made. From the observations conducted, it can be seen that students could follow the learning process well which was supported by a conducive classroom atmosphere. There was no noise around the classroom area. The successful implementation of the TANDUR method can be seen from the results of the post-test grade 7.1 which got a higher percentage of increased the English speaking ability compared to class 7.3. Grade 7.1 got a percentage increase of 17.08%, while grade 7.3 got a percentage increased in value of 7.08%. Based on the results of the post-test it can be said that the TANDUR method can improve students' English speaking ability. There are several advantages of the TANDUR method found during observations, namely students were increasingly motivated to speak from one meeting to the next meetings, students got as many opportunities to hone their speaking ability, and students like giving gifts as a form of reward to them.
There are several advantages of the TANDUR method found during observation, namely students are increasingly motivated to speak from one meeting to the next meeting, students get
as many opportunities to hone their speaking skills, and students like the gifts giving as a form of reward to them.
Assessment of students' English speaking ability after the application of the TANDUR method is done by giving a posttest to re-measure the ability of students to speak English and to find out the percentage increase in speaking ability of students in grades 7.1 and 7.3 of Ganesha Junior High School Denpasar. The topic given at the posttest was the same topic as the pretest, which is to describe themselves, objects and pets, idols, and their respective homes. The same topic was chosen to find out whether there was an increase in students' ability to speak English with the same topic. Posttest results were also assessed based on three aspects of speaking, namely grammar, vocabulary, and understanding. The score obtained by the students in the posttest in grading aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and understanding shows students' speaking skills have increased.
Graph 2 Percentage of Students with Grade Above the Minimum Passing Criteria
Graph 4.2 above shows that all students in grade 7.1 received a grade above the value of the minimum passing criteria and 25 students in grade 7.3 are able to get a grade above the value of the minimum passing criteria. This means that 100% of class 7.1 students and 62.5% of class 7.3 students get grades above the minimum passing criteria score (70).
Class 7.1 which is a treatment class get an average value of 79.58 with sufficient assessment criteria. In the grammar aspects of class 7.1 students get an average value of 3.00, for the vocabulary aspect of class 7.1 get an average value of 3.20, and an average value of 3.35 for aspects of understanding.
Table 3
Percentage of Average Posttest Score of Class 7.1
Speaking Aspects |
Score Percentage |
Criteria |
Aspects of Grammar |
75,00% |
Fair |
Aspects of Vocabulary |
80,00% |
Good |
Aspects of Understanding |
83,75% |
Good |
Average Score |
79,58% |
Fair |
Table 3 above illustrates the average value obtained by students at the posttest of 79.58%. Grammar aspects get a percentage of 75% with enough categories, while aspects of vocabulary
and understanding aspects are included in both categories with a percentage of 80% and 83.75%. Based on the posttest results, it can be concluded that the ability of students in speaking English has increased. The table above shows class 7.3 which is a control class getting an average value of 69.58 with poor assessment criteria. Students get an average value of 2.75 for grammatical aspects, 2.77 for vocabulary aspects, and 2.85 for understanding aspects.
Table 4
Percentage of Average Posttest Score in Class 7.3
Speaking Aspects |
Score Percentage |
Criteria |
Aspects of Grammar |
68,12% |
Poor |
Aspects of Vocabulary |
69,37% |
Poor |
Aspects of Understanding |
71,25% |
Fair |
Average Score |
69,58% |
Poor |
The score obtained by the students in the posttest in grading aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and understanding shows students' speaking skills have increased. In class 7.3 the percentage value of speaking aspects is 68.12% with a category lacking for grammar, a percentage value of 69.37% with a category lacking for vocabulary, and a percentage value of 71.25% with a category sufficient for comprehension. This means that the ability to speak English in class 7.3 students has increased slightly.
The posttest results also show that the vocabulary used by the students increased. This means there is an increase in the vocabulary aspect. This improvement can be seen when students described themselves. As for some of the vocabulary used by students during the post-test that is not taught by students during the pretest can be seen in the table below.
Table 5
New Vocabulary of Class 7.3
Self Description |
Description of Pets and Favorite Objects |
Description of Public Figure & Idols |
Description of Respective Homes |
Skin |
Feather |
President |
Green |
Eyes |
Doll |
Italy |
Door |
Shoes |
Brown |
Play |
Garden |
Uniform |
Guitar |
Indonesia | |
Shirt |
Skin | ||
Long |
Actor | ||
Short |
Actress | ||
White |
Born |
Improved grades are also shown in aspects of student understanding that are marked by some students who begin to not hesitate in talking to describe something. It also means that students understand the topic described. However, an increase in understanding is not followed by an increase in the ability of students to use simple present tense well.
The percentage increase in student learning outcomes is measured from the percentage of students' pretest and posttest results. The percentage increase in the average value of students in grade 7.1 is 17.08%. The increase in grammar aspects is 13.12%, 17.50% for the increase in the vocabulary aspect, and the understanding aspect gained an increase of 20.48%. Class 7.3 gained a percentage increase in the average value of 7.08%, namely aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and aspects of understanding respectively increased by 6.87%, 6.87%, and 7.50%. Both classes used in the study experienced an increase in the ability to speak in English, but class 7.1 (treatment) increased higher than the class with 7.3 (control). The percentage increase in student learning outcomes can be seen in the following diagram.
Graph 3 The Average Scores of Pretest and Postest
□ Class 7.1
□ Class 7.3
Questionnaires are used to supplement qualitative data in research with the aim to find out the factors that influence the improvement of students 'ability to speak English in general and the factors that influence the TANDUR method in improving students' speaking abilities. The questionnaire was filled out by 80 students consisting of 40 students in grade 7.1 and 40 students in grade 7.3.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, as shown in the table there are two factors that influence student motivation in learning, especially in improving students' speaking abilities. The two factors in question are internal factors and external factors. In class 7.1 as many as 16.5% of students mentioned internal factors as inhibiting motivation in learning and as many as 19.5% of students cited external factors as inhibiting learning motivation. In class 7.3 34.5% of students mentioned internal factors as inhibiting motivation in learning and 21.5% of students cited external factors as inhibiting learning motivation.
Internal factors are factors that come from within students. These factors, among others, as below.
1) Confidence in the ability possessed in understanding the teacher's explanation. In class 7.1 all students were convinced of the ability possessed in understanding the teacher's explanation, while in class 7.3 there was a student who answered unsure of his ability to understand the teacher's explanation.
2) Students feel English subjects are not interesting. In class 7.1 as many as five students considered English not an interesting subject, while in class 7.3 as many as ten students considered English subjects to be of no interest in learning.
3) Students find English subjects difficult. In class 7.1 three students considered difficult subjects, while in class 7.3 fourteen students thought English subjects were difficult.
4) Students feel embarrassed if they cannot describe the topic of the discussion. In class 7.1 as many as 17 students felt ashamed if they could not describe the topic of discussion, while in class 7.3 as many as 21 students felt ashamed if they were unable to describe the topic.
5) Fear of starting something for fear of being wrong / failing. In class 7.1 as many as 8 students were afraid to start the description for fear of failure, while in class 7.3 as many as 23 students were afraid to start the description for fear of failure.
External factors are factors that come from outside the student, including the school environment, the way the teacher teaches, and the forms of appreciation received by students. The following external factors influence student motivation in learning.
1) Teachers who teach are not good. As many as two students in class 7.1 and seven students in class 7.3 who considered teachers who teach poorly.
2) The way the teacher teaches is not appropriate. A total of five students in class 7.1 and eight students in class 7.3 who considered the teacher's way of teaching is inappropriate.
3) Learning while playing makes me excited about learning. A total of ten students in class 7.1 and as many as seven students in class 7.3 considered playing while learning is not appropriate to be applied in the learning process.
4) The classroom atmosphere influences the learning process. Nineteen students in class 7.1 and as many as eighteen students in class 7.3 considered the classroom atmosphere that is not conducive affects them in the learning process.
5) Prizes given when successful. A total of three students each in grades 7.1 and 7.3 considered the gift giving is successful in ineffective learning.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the ability of students in speaking English increases after the TANDUR method is applied. Three aspects of speech assessed in this study, namely grammar, vocabulary, and understanding have improved, both in class 7.1 which is the treatment class and class 7.3 which is the control class. Although class 7.1 and 7.3 both experienced an increase, class 7.1 who got the application of the TANDUR method in the learning process experienced a more significant increase in scores.
Posttest results showed an increase in students' ability to speak English throughout the study. In class 7.1, which is the treatment class, there is an increase in the percentage of the average value of 17.08%. Speech aspects assessed in this study also experienced an increase. In class 7.1 grammar aspects increased in value by 13.12%, the vocabulary aspect increased in value by 17.50%, and aspects of understanding increased in value by 20.48%. In class 7.3 which is the control class there is an increase in the percentage of the average value of 7.08% with aspects of grammar, aspects of vocabulary increased in value by 6.87%, and aspects of understanding increased in value by 7.50%.
The results of the questionnaire answered by students in grades 7.1 and 7.3 show the factors that influence their motivation in the learning process. From the results of the questionnaire it can be concluded that the gift giving on the TANDUR method greatly affects students in the learning process. The gift giving make the students to study harder. The results of the questionnaire answered by students also fit the application of the TANDUR method in the learning process, which makes the learning process comfortable and enjoyable.
Based on the conclusions above, namely, the effectiveness of the TANDUR method in increasing students' English speaking ability, teachers are advised to be able to apply the TANDUR method in the process of learning English, especially in learning to speak. Some
suggestions that can be considered to improve speaking skills through the TANDUR method are as follow.
1) The teacher must ensure that the classroom environment or place of learning is conducive and away from noise so students can learn comfortably.
2) The teacher must begin the learning process by motivating students so that students are more active in learning.
3) The teacher must prepare topics that are interesting and appropriate to the level of student ability.
4) The teacher must prepare the instruments needed in applying the TANDUR method.
5) Teachers must be creative in preparing the rewards given to students so that students' motivation in learning remains high.
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Biografi Penulis
I Putu Hartomi Arya Franata, S.S. was born in Denpasar on April 4th, 1993. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University in 2016. Now, he is pursuing his Master Degree in Linguistic Program in Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.
Email: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Simpen, M.Hum. is a professor at the Faculty of Art, Udayana University.
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Ni Made Dhanawaty, M.S. is a senior lecturer in BIPA, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.
Email: [email protected]
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