Procedures in Translation Taking Place in the Translation of English Medical Terms with Reference to Clinical Biochemistry
e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 14, No. 2, July 2020, pages: 222-231
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Procedures in Translation Taking Place
in the Translation of English Medical Terms with Reference to Clinical Biochemistry
I Putu Pebri Pranata1 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia [email protected]
I Nyoman Udayana2
Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia [email protected]
Article info
Received Date: Feb 26, 2020
Accepted Date: Feb 28, 2020
Published Date: July 31, 2020
Translation, English Medical
Terms, Translation Procedures.
This study aimed at finding out the translation procedures which were applied in the translation of English Medical Terms with reference to English Medical Book entitled Clinical Biochemistry 4th and its translation version in Indonesian entitled Biokimia Klinis Edisi 4. The analysis of translation the procedure was based on a theory proposed by Newmark (1988) by which eighteen procedures are mentioned. Moreover, this study applied a descriptive qualitative approach. In collecting data, this study applied an observation method by reading Clinical Biochemistry and its translation Biokimia Klinis comprehensively to collect the required data i.e. the medical terms and their translation. Furthermore, this study applied descriptive qualitative method in terms of analyzing data. The method was implemented by providing an explanation of the translation procedures. Moreover, the formal and informal methods were implemented in presenting the data. The formal method is indicated by the use of the table where the term and its translation were placed and differed into SL and TL. The informal method refers to the use of a descriptive explanation regarding the translation procedure. After the identification process, it was found some procedures were applied, i.e. transference, naturalization, literal, and descriptive equivalent. The dominant procedure applied was literal procedure. The contrary, descriptive equivalent was the least applied procedure. Based on the result, it can be confirmed that there was an attempt by translator in maintaining the SL words rather than considering TL words as the translation.
academic discipline such as e.g. medical field, economic field, law field, is equipped with its own terms to represent the related information.
In the medical field, the use of terms is mainly to describe particular information, especially the notion of medical terms proposed by Fogelberg, et. al.,(2006) by which medical terms imply information related to disease, organ, condition, symptoms, etc. The terms in the medical field are known as medical terms. The existence of medical terms can be easily found in medical book. The medical book has been widely used by those who concern on. Therefore, medical book has been translated into many different languages by which translation takes the role as a bridge to translate the medical book from SL to various TL(s).
All aspects, including the medical terms, are all translated. Translating them must be taken into account since it is not an easy task to be carried out. Therefore, a translator must be equipped with plenty of knowledge especially in the medical field to transfer those terms into the target language.
Moreover, during the process of translating, the translator must be faced with consideration whether the term should be translated literally or s/he must seek for another closest equivalent to preserve TL aspects. This will lead to the phenomenon of procedures in translation by which some procedures can be applied for the sake of accuracy, readability, and acceptability. There are many theorists and linguists have proposed the notion of translation procedures and their types. From various ideas regarding what translation procedure is, it is defined as a way undertaken by a translator to search for equivalents in the word or phrase level.
In applying the translation procedure, the translator must be carefully selecting what procedure is about to be applied to translate the term. In other words, the choice of procedure will absolutely determine the translation. It can be illustrated by an example of the medical term theatre. In this case, if the term theatre is purely transferred, the translation will be ambiguous as it will confuse the readers towards the relation between a place to watch new movies and information about the medical field. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the procedure of transference is not worth to be applied to translate the term as it is commonly known as a place where new movies are shown. Translator may have another option by explaining the word theatre itself along with the context. In this case, the procedure of descriptive equivalent can be applied to represent theatre as ‘an operating room in the hospital’ or ruang operasi in Indonesian. It can be stated that the choice of translation procedure can provide the various translation result. Therefore, the translator must be wise of considering it.
As depicted in an example, the author found it interesting to find out procedures in translation through English medical terms and their translation into Indonesian. The data source were taken from an English medical book entitled Clinical Biochemistry and its translation in Indonesian entitled Biokimia Klinis. Those two books were the primary data utilized in this study. In addition, this study applied a theory proposed by Newmark (1988) concerning translation procedures. There are eighteen translation procedures mentioned, as follows: literal translation, transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonymy, through-translation, shifts or transpositions, modulation, recognized translation, translation label, compensation, componential analysis, reduction and expansion, paraphrase, couplets, and note, addition, glosses.
The procedures in translation can be identified when the required data are collected. This study applied descriptive qualitative method along with library research, observation method, and descriptive qualitative method in analyzing data. The elaboration was discussed in the next section.
2. Research Methods
Research method is a plan of procedures, strategies, processes or techniques utilized in the collection of data or evidence for analysis to uncover new information or to create a better understanding of a topic in a research. It assists as a guidance for the writer to reach the aims of the raised problem in the research or study.
This study applied a descriptive qualitative approach. The approach must be involved in conducting a research. For instance, a qualitative approach is primarily exploratory research and text-based. The required data were collected by doing library research and observation since the data source was in the form of printed-out text or documents. The collected data in this study was then descriptively described and explained in descriptive sentences or paraphrases by using descriptive qualitative method. Furthermore, the use of formal and informal method were applied as data presentation.
An English medical book entitled Clinical Biochemistry (An Illustrated Colour Text) Fourth Edition was used as the first primary data. This book was reprinted in 2009 and written in 2008 by six writers i.e. Allan Gaw, Michael J, Robert A. Cowan, Denis St. J. O’Reilly, Michael J. Stewart, and James Shepherd. The translation book entitled Biokimia Klinis (Teks Bergambar) Edisi 4 was used as the second primary data. The translation was published by Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC in 2011 and done by dr. Albertus Agung Mahode & July Manurung, S.Si, Apt. The translation was also edited by dr. Novita Salim & Nella Yesdelita. The English book and its translation in Indonesian were chosen as primary data for the data source in this present study. The author expects, these books can help the process of conducting this present study in terms of data collection to fulfil the required data.
This study applied a qualitative approach. Therefore, in terms of collecting data, library research was done since the data source was in form a printed-out text or document. It was done by conducting an observation method. The observation method was done by reading comprehensively the English medical book to observe the terms and underlining them. At the same time, the translation of the terms were compared and underlined to assure that both are equivalent. Furthermore, doing a note-taking technique towards the English medical terms and their translation will help the process of analysis to become easier.
This study applied descriptive qualitative method. As proposed by Djajasudarma (1993:10), the use of this method is to describe the characteristic and correlations that occur among the phenomena in a systemic, factual, and accurate way. The technique of analyzing data was done in several stages. First, the collected medical terms and their translation were listed in parallel between SL and TL. From being listed, the process of identification translation procedure was easier. The theory proposed by Newmark (1988) was applied in the classification translation procedures towards the identified procedures in the data collection. The descriptive explanation was also added to discuss the applied procedure.
2.5. Method and Technique of Presenting Analysis
This study applied both the formal and informal methods as the presentation of analysis. The formal method takes a role in tabulating numbers to exhibit a result in the form of figure concerning the occurrence of translation procedures. Meanwhile, the use of the informal method is in terms of description which is inevitable. The application of this method is through the use of words.
In this section, the collected data in the form of English medical terms and their translation are presented along with their classification in terms of procedures in translation. Some data were chosen to be presented as the data analysis in this section.
3.1. Transference
Data 1: The Application of Transference
SL |
TL |
Meningitis refers to inflammation of the meninges which line the central nervous system (CNS). (Page 128) |
Meningitis adalah radang pada meningen yaitu membran yang mengelilingi system saraf pusat (SSP). (Halaman 128) |
The medical term meningitis is classified as a disease. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, it is defined as an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes, typically caused by an infection. As seen in the table above, the medical term meningitis was purely transferred into meningitis in the TL. As purely borrowed, it can be seen that there is no spelling adjustment made in the translation. However, the pronunciation adjustment must be made as the word meningitis is pronounced based on it is spelled. In the SL, meningitis is pronounced as [mɛnɪnʤaɪtɪs], and in contrary pronounced as [məniŋitis] in the TL. From the pronunciation, it can be seen that there are some adjustments to vowels and consonants. The vowel [ɛ] is adapted as [ə]. Furthermore, the diphthong [aɪ] is simply pronounced as a single vowel [i]. Moreover, the consonant [nʤ] is adjusted as [ŋ] resulted from the letters ‘ng’.
The different pronunciation occurs naturally since every language has a different system of pronunciation. It is therefore said that this term is absorbed purely with the adjustment of pronunciation based on PUPI. The decision of borrowing or doing direct transfer as the translation is not always the inappropriate way in translation, as long as it is well known and widely used in the TL. It can be therefore said that the translator applied the procedure of transference in translating the English medical term meningitis.
Data 2: The Application of Transference
SL |
TL |
Osteoporosis is the commonest of bone disorders and is discussed separately on page 78. (Page 74) |
Osteoporosis merupakan kelainan tulang yang paling umum. Osteoporosis dibahas tersendiri pada halaman 76. (Halaman 74) |
The medical term osteoporosis is classified as a disease. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, it is defined as the reduction of bone mineral density that causes a fracture. As seen in the table above, the term osteoporosis is purely translated into osteoporosis. According to Kamus Kedokteran, it is defined as pengurangan densitas mineral tulang yang menyebabkan fraktur. In addition, KBBI defines it as keadaan tulang yang menjadi keropos dan lapuk. Since the SL term is purely borrowed in the TL, the lexical meaning defined by dictionaries in the TL definitely share and refer to the same and equal information related to bone disease.
The borrowed term osteoporosis is differently pronounced as it is pronounced in the SL. Although the term is borrowed, the pronunciation still remains to be preserved based on the TL. In the SL, it is pronounced as [ɒstɪəʊpɔːrəʊsɪs]. Meanwhile, it is pronounced as [ɒsteopɒrɒsis]. It can be seen that the vowel [ɪ] in the first syllable [tɪəʊ] is simply pronounced as [e] in the TL. Secondly, the diphthongs [əʊ] are simply adjusted as [o] and [ɒ] in the TL. In addition, the vowel [ɔː] is simply pronounced as [ɒ] in the TL. The difference pronunciation has become the commonest thing as the word or term is borrowed from another language. This is in accordance with PUPI, where foreign terms must be absorbed in some classifications. In this case, the term is not adjusted in spelling yet the pronunciation. Therefore, although the term is borrowed, it does have the adjustment in terms of pronunciation.
3.2. Naturalization
Data 3: The Application of Naturalization
SL |
TL |
It presents typically as recurrent attacks of muscle weakness or paralysis, often precipitated by rest after exercise. (Page 22) |
Penyakit ini muncul secara tipikal berupa serangan berulang paralisis atau kelemahan otot, sering kali dipicu oleh istirahat setelah berolah raga. (Halaman 23) |
The medical term paralysis can be categorized as a medical disorder. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, it is defined as loss or impairment of motoric function in a part due to the lesion of the neural or muscular mechanism. As seen in the table above, the SL paralysis was transferred into paralisis in the TL. Paralisis was absorbed through adjustments that result as a borrowed term in the TL. The adjustments of pronunciation can be identified from how these two words are pronounced in their own language. The SL word paralysis that is pronounced as [pərælɪsɪs]. Meanwhile, its translation paralisis is simply pronounced as [paralisis]. The vowel [ə] is adjusted as [a]. In addition, the vowel [æ] is simply adjusted as [a]. Furthermore, the adjustment of spelling is seen in the translation. A simple adjustment of the replacement of y becomes i is already based on PUPI. Therefore, it can be said that the translation has followed the language system in the TL. From the adjustments made in the translation, it can be stated that the translator applied the procedure of naturalization to translate the English Medical Term paralysis to be paralisis.
Data 4: The Application of Naturalization
SL |
TL |
In clinical practice, hyperkalaemia due to hypoaldosteronism is most often seen with the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) to treat hypertension. (Page 23) |
Dalam praktik klinis, hiperkalemia yang disebabka oleh hipoaldosteronisme sering terlihat pada penggunaan inhibator enzim pengubah-angiotensin (angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE) dan bloker reseptor angiotensin untuk menangani hipertensi. (Halaman 23) |
The medical term hypertension can be considered as a medical condition that is related to blood pressure. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, it is defined as high arterial blood pressure that is above 140/90. As seen in the table above, the medical term hypertension was borrowed into hipertensi. The translation is not significantly borrowed as the adjustment was made. The adjustment of spelling can be seen from the suffix –ion that is shifted into –i. The spelling adjustment is based on term absorption by PUPI. As the word is adapted in its spelling, it also affects the pronunciation since the word hipertensi is pronounced based on how it is spelled.
The adjustment of pronunciation can be seen from the diphthong [ai] in the SL is treated as [i] in the TL. In addition, the spelling adjustment brings an adjustment of pronunciation where [ion] is simply pronounced as [i]. It is clearly seen that the word hipertensi is a borrowed word from hypertension yet the adjustments were made to fit the TL system. In this case, the procedure of transference did not take place, yet the procedure of naturalization was applied instead.
Data 5: The Application of Naturalization
SL |
TL |
Depression of consciousness can progress to coma and death. (Page 41) |
Penurunan kesadaran dapat berlanjut ke koma dan kematian. (Halaman 41) |
The medical term coma is categorized as a medical condition that is related to consciousness. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, coma is defined as a state of unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be aroused, even by powerful stimulation. The same idea also stated in Kamus Kedokteran, koma adalah keadaan tidak sadar sama sekali. In English, it is ‘a state of unconsciousness which cannot be awakened’. As seen in the table above, coma was translated into koma and there are adjustments made in the translation. The SL term consists of two syllables [kəʊ] [mə] as well as the TL that consists of two syllables [kɒ] [ma]. In the first syllable, the difference is clearly seen from the use of diphthong [əʊ] in the SL that is adjusted as [ɒ]. Moreover, the second syllable in the SL that consists of the vowel [ə] is simply adjusted into vowel [a] as it sounds in TL based on how it is spelled. In terms of spelling adjustment, the translation has been based on PUPI where c is placed before a, u, o must be shifted into k that results coma into koma. The spelling adjustment is based on term absorption by PUPI. As the word is adapted in its spelling, it also affects the pronunciation since the word hipertensi is pronounced based on how it is spelled. The adjustment of pronunciation can be seen from the diphthong [ai] in the SL is treated as [i] in the TL.
3.3. Literal
Data 6: The Application of Literal
SL |
TL |
There was no evidence of fever, bleeding or infection. (Page 27) |
Wanita itu tidak mengalami demam, perdarahan, atau infeksi. (Halaman 27) |
The medical term fever can be categorized as a condition and symptom of an underlying condition. It is one of the ways that human immune system attempts to combat an infection. The rise in body temperature helps the individual resolve an infection. According to Dorland Medical Dictionary, it is the elevation of body temperature above the normal (37°). As seen in the table above, the SL word fever was translated into demam in the TL. In Indonesian, the literal meaning of demam is ‘meningkatnya suhu tubuh dan menandakan keberadaan penyakit atau kondisi lain di dalam tubuh’ or the increase body temperature that indicates the presence of a disease or other condition in the body. In addition, Kamus Kedokteran, fever is defined as peningkatan suhu tubuh diatas normal. The literal meanings by which SL and TL share are equally the same. Therefore, it can be stated that the translator translated the word fever into demam by applying the procedure of literal where SL word is translated literally into the TL. The application of literal procedure cannot be denied, it can be an appropriate way as long as it can afford the SL word. This procedure is the basic way of translating since the translator is directly presented with the literal translation of the word where it is one-to-one equivalent.
Data 7: The Application of Literal
The failure of synthesis of clotting factors also leads to an increased tendency to haemorrhage or, in severe cases, to intravascular coagulation. (Page 58) |
Kegagalan sintesis factor pembekuan menyebabkan meningkatnya tendensi pendarahan atau, pada kasus yang berat, koagulasi intravaskular. (Halaman 58) |
The medical term haemorrhage is classified as a medical condition related to blood loss. As seen in the table above, the medical term haemorrhage was translated into pendarahan. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, haemorrhage refers to the escape of blood from vessels. This differs from bleeding where the blood comes out from a certain part of the body due to the injured vessels, e.g. blood from injury and menstruation. Haemorrhage mainly occurs inside the body. As stated in Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, one significant example to refer haemorrhage is ‘cerebral haemorrhage’, where blood occurs within the brain tissue or ventricles that may cause a stroke to the patient.
The translation, pendarahan according to Kamus Kedokteran, is pengaliran darah di dalam tubuh, dan peristiwa pecahnya pembuluh darah dan sebagainya. It can be stated from the literal meaning of pendarahan refers to the escape of blood from vessels that occurs inside of body, as well as implied by the haemorrhage. The SL word haemorrhage is literally equivalent to perdarahan since both share the same literal meaning. Therefore, the use of literal meaning as the translation proves that the application literal procedure has taken place in translating the English medical term haermorrhage into perdarahan.
Data 8: The Application of Literal
SL |
TL |
Retinopathy may lead to blindness because of vitreous haemorrhage from proliferating retinal vessels. (Page 61) |
Retinopati dapat menyebabkan kebutaan karena pendarahan vitreous oleh pembuluh darah yang berpoliferasi. (Halaman 61) |
The medical term blindness is classified as a medical condition related to disability in vision. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, it is defined as the inability to see anything, including light. Blindness can occur complete or partial loss of vision. The term blindness was translated into kebutaan. The lexical meaning of kebutaan, according to Kamus Kedokteran, is hilangnya kemampuan melihat. Kebutaan is defined as keadaan buta as well by KBBI or a condition by which a person cannot see or known as blindness. The literal meaning of kebutaan shared by the dictionaries are considered literally equivalent to blindness. Both word share the equal information related to the loss of vision. Therefore, it can be said that the SL blindness literally means kebutaan in the TL. It can be concluded that the translator translated blindness to kebutaan by applying the procedure of literal.
Data 9: The Application of Literal
SL |
TL |
The clinical symptoms of hyperglycaemia include polyuria, polydipsia, lassitude, weight loss, pruritus vulvae and balanitis. (Page 61) |
Gejala klinis hiperglikemia meliputi polyuria, polidipsi, kelesuan, kehilangan berat badan, pruritus vulva dan balanitis. (Halaman 61) |
The medical term lassitude is categorized as a symptom. Clinically, it is a state of feeling very tired in mind or body or lack of energy. In addition, lassitude is defined as a condition of weariness or debility. A patient who is suffering hyperglycaemia will encounter some symptoms, one of them is lassitude.
As seen in the table above, the English medical term lassitude was translated into kelesuan in Indonesian. The word kelesuan is a noun derives from an adjective ‘lesu’ or listless, languid. The affix ke- -an is attached to the word lesu to form a noun. Not only to form a noun, ke- -an gives a certain meaning to the word for indicating a thing in certain circumstances, a place, accidental deeds, resembling something, and etc. Therefore, the TL word kelesuan implies kondisi kekurangan tenaga, kepenatan, perasaan lesu, or ‘a condition of lack of energy, fatigue, feeling lethargic’. It can be stated, the TL literal meaning fulfills the SL word which equally refers to a condition of lack of energy. Therefore, the SL medical term was literally translated into the TL through the application of literal procedure.
3.4. Descriptive Equivalent
Data 10: The Application of Descriptive Equivalent
SL |
TL |
On examination, she was normotensive and exhibited pitting oedema of both ankles and dullness over her lung bases. (Page 49) |
Pada pemeriksaan, wanita itu memiliki tekanan darah tampak normal dan memperlihatkan adanya edema pitting pada kedua pergelangan kakinya dan ketumpulan pada bagian dasar paru-parunya. (Halaman 49) |
The medical term normotensive is classified as intravascular volume status. The quotation taken from a case history above, explains that a woman was examined for medical check-up. It is stated that her blood pleasure is normotensive. Normotensive is medically defined as the condition of having or denoting a normal blood pleasure. As seen in the table above, the adjective normotensive was translated into tekanan darah tampak normal rather than borrowing the word purely. The translator preferred to explain the definition of the word normotensive in words. The translation in the form of a short description directly describes the word normotensive itself. It can be concluded that the procedure of descriptive equivalent was undertaken due to the use of short description to give a short explanation toward of the word based on its definition.
There are many translation studies that have involved the research of translation procedures. The object such as figurative language in the form of figures of speech, cultural specific items are commonly researched for the application of translation procedures. The novelty of this study is, the attempt to research the application of translation procedures in the level of phrase through medical terms in which they are equipped with crucial, particular, and important information. Consequently, translating them requires a translator’s competence in considering the translation. Interestingly, this study revealed that the application of literal procedure that is considered as the basic way of translating, was dominantly applied compared to rest translation procedures. It can be stated that the application of literal translation cannot be denied to be applied in the level of translating medical terms into certain languages.
5. Conclusion
Newmark (1988) mentioned eighteen translation procedures. Through conducting this study, it was found four out of eighteen procedures applied in the translation of English medical terms found in Clinical Biochemistry into Indonesian in Biokimia Klinis. Those four procedures are transference, naturalization, literal, and descriptive equivalent.
Firstly, the application of literal procedure was dominantly found. The Application of it is inevitable in the process of translation. In this case, the procedure of literal was also applied to some medical terms. Translator cannot deny that literal translation may also provide the exact meaning as implied by the SL word. The use of literal procedure can be effective as long as it carries the SL word intended meaning along with the context. It, therefore, can be stated literal translation is the most common procedure applied and found in the translation.
Secondly, the use of naturalization was also identified for its use in translating the terms. This procedure is commonly found since there are many borrowed words in the TL where they have been adapted to the language system especially in terms of spelling and pronunciation adjustments. The adjustment is based on the term absorption stated in PUPI made by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia.
Thirdly, the transference procedure was found and applied to the translation in Indonesian. The direct transfer without spelling adjustment had been done due to either the unavailability of equivalent and the borrowed terms may have been commonly known and used by TL readers. It is therefore that translator applied transference procedure.
Fourth, the application of descriptive equivalent was the least applied procedure found in the translation of English medical terms. The translator must be faced with a dilemma in representing the SL word to be informatively accepted and accurate. As a result, s/he applied one of several possible procedures to be applied in transferring the meaning. In this case, the application of descriptive equivalent procedure was done by the translator. The definition of the word was brought as the translation in the form of short description to represent the SL word.
From the procedures applied, it can be concluded that there was an attempt done by the translator in translating the medical terms. The attempt of preserving SL aspects can be seen from the application of three procedures, i.e. transference, naturalization, and literal. The three procedures were dominantly applied compared to the descriptive equivalent procedure. According to the result, descriptive equivalent has been least applied as identified from the data. In this case, the translator attempted to represent the SL word through describing it in the TL. S/he tried to emphasize the TL rather than borrowing the term by providing an explanation. Moreover, the translation of English medical terms into Indonesian can be assumed to emphasize the SL rather than emphasizing the TL. This is due to the fact that most terms were purely borrowed and adjusted in terms of spelling and pronunciation.
In this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, my Almighty God who always blesses me to conduct this study. Secondly, I would also like to express my sincere thank to Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, M.A., as my dearest supervisor, for his patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of this study.
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Biography of Authors
I Putu Pebri Pranata, S.S. was born in Denpasar on February 25th, 1996. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University in 2018. Now, he is pursuing his Master Degree in Linguistic Program in Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.
Email: [email protected]
I Nyoman Udayana, Ph.D was born in Denpasar on April 5th, 1963. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University in 1987. In 1995, he officially obtained Master degree at the University of Sydney in 1995. Moreover, he pursued his Ph.D in Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 2013. He is now a senior lecturer in Linguistics and the English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.
Email: [email protected]
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