Expansion Clauses Application in Pan Balang Tamak Text

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eol/
Vol. 14, No. 1, January 2020, pages: 151-163
Print ISSN: 2442-7586 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Expansion Clauses Application in Pan Balang Tamak Text
I Ketut Suardana1
Universitas Bali Dwipa, Indonesia
I Nyoman Sedeng2
Universitas Udayana, Indonesia
Putu Sutama3
Universitas Udayana, Indonesia sutama_[email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 26 Dec 2019
Accepted Date: 27 Dec 2019
Published Date: 31 Dec 2020
Expansion clauses, Pan Balang Tamak jero klian, paratactic and hypotactic.
Pan Balang Tamak text is one of famous Balinese texts in Balinese community. However, the popularity of the text has declined since more than years ago especially in the youth. This is because of more interesting and modern entertainment. This phenomenon made the stakeholders feel worried because it led it to get extinct therefore, the stake holders anticipated it. One of the efforts to prevent from the extinct was to write Pan Balang Tamak text. The text was written in some version with their own styles. However, the essence of all variances is similar. The text belongs to be narrative text therefore it needs more abstract comprehension to find the character of the figures, message and ideology of the text. Most of the communities comprehended the text from literal point of view. This was the reason why the text was viewed to have different interpretation about the characters of the text. Besides that, the clauses within the complexes were not comprehended well based on the functions in the clauses complexes. To find the characteristic of the figures of the text, expansion clause becomes prime concern. This paper analyzed the clause functions within the expansion clauses. The data were taken from Satua satua Bali Pan Balang Tamak (2014). The theory used to analyze the data was the theory of clause complex proposed by Halliday. The method hired for this research was library research by syntactical technique. The finding of the research suggested that all kinds of expansion clause be hired in the text such as: elaboration, extension and enhancement. Enhancement clauses were found in the most varieties. Elaboration and expansion in paratactic clauses indicated that Pan Balang Tamak did something different from others did while enhancement clauses in hypotactic indicated that Pan Balang Tamak became target.
makes the stakeholders feel worried about this situation. Many efforts have been done to make the text keep existing in the community. One of which is to write the spoken text into written text. Some writers rewrite the text with their own language styles such as: structure of the clause, lexical choice, mood system and many others. This effort aims to ease the community to reach and understand the text.
The existence of the text is accepted faster by the community from different level of background. The different background of the readers and different versions in language used in the text make different interpretation for the text. Therefore, the text is comprehended differently. The language used in the text plays an important role create certain meaning for the readers. Text is written by Supatra (2014) is the most popular text accepted in the community because the text uses the simplest clause structure hence the text is easy to comprehend. In addition, the text uses certain lexical choices which people are easy to get the point of the message.
Clauses play an important role in the text because clauses are used to describe chronology of events, the characters of figures and the involvement of the participants. Those identifications are brought through clauses based on their own functions within clause complex. In others word, clause understanding creates internal and external contexts. Internal context refers to context that focuses on language stratum. External context refers to the relationship between language and non-language to create certain meaning.
Unfortunately, the clause functions in the text are not always caught holistically by the communities. Therefore, the semantics of the text is interpreted in some versions. Some communities view that Pan Balang Tamak serving as the main figure in the text has good character, wise, clever, diligent and helpful. Some communities think that Pan Balang Tamak has bad character such as: tricky, selfish, lazy, intolerant and many others.
From that phenomenon, this paper analyses the clauses applied based on the functions in the text by using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach. The theory used to analyze the clause functions is clause complex theory proposed by Halliday (2014). The aims of this analysis are to know how far the theory is applied in the text and what kinds of function have significance in determining context of situation.
The research used qualitative research method by describing the result of the research descriptively. The theory used to analyze the data was the theory of expansion clause, a part of clause complex proposed by Halliday (2014). The data source was taken from Pan Balang Tamak text (Supatra, 2014). Suptra text was chosen because the text written used the simplest clause structures and the most familiar lexes in the text. The concern was viewed to be very important to achieve the readers’ understanding. The original data were written in Balinese language, the data were accompanied with the translation in English. The method was used to take the data is library research (Subroto, 2007) by reading Pan Balang Tamak text.
All clauses found in the text were collected to become populations, the simple clauses found in the text were ignored since they are not relevant to the analysis. The focus on the analysis was only the clause complexes especially expansions clauses. The technique used to analyze the data was syntactic. The clause complexes were spread into simplex clauses based on the functions they were analyzed by using the theory of clause complex proposed by Halliday.
The results of the analysis were presented in description and supported by tables in two languages Balinese and English. Balinese language was placed in the first line as original data and English language was written in the second line as translation language. Each clauses was given code based on the function within the clause complex.
Based on the research, the text of Pan Balang Tamak applies expansion clauses in each category. The clauses found in the text are presented as bellow:
4.1. Elaboration, elaboration clauses were found in the text. The elaboration clauses were found such as repetition, clarification and exemplification.
a. Repetition
Clause I
Pan Balang Tamak koné jelema meawak muané cekak-cekok meplutlutan
adané, cenik,
Pan Balang Tamak is his he has small body his face is wrinkle face name
1 = 2 = 3
The name of Pan Balang Tamak is the Theme of the first clause, the second and the third clauses function to elaborate Pan Balang Tamak’s characteristics embedded in his body. The second clause uses substation released with jelma which can be interpreted as he and the third clause uses muane which is translated into his face. Pan Balang Tamak is substituted into pronoun in the second clause and possession in the third clauses. In other word, Pan Balang Tamak is repeated in different ways.
Clause II
Cetik totonana tuah duén ratu Agung di puri The poison is possessed by the king
cetik totonan tunase tekén krama banjaré the poison is asked by the commoners
= 2
cetik totonan anggona nyetik ia I Pan
Balang Tamak
the poison will be used to kill Pan Balang Tamak
Clause II is similar to clause I. The second and the third clauses in the clause II use the lexes cetik (poison). The words cetik totonan (that poison) come in the second and the third clause and they function as Theme. Those mean that the writer thinks that cetik totonan is viewed to play an important role in the text. The poison is viewed to be able to kill Pan Balang Tamak.in other word, the function of the second and the third clauses are to emphasis the function of the poison owned by the king released by the first clause.
Clause III
Kéto pamunyin Pan Balang Tamak ane ngaé kliané kapelek makeneh
That is Pan Balang Tamak said which makes the leader blocked
α = β
Clause IV
Kéto dayan Pan Balang Tamak ané ngaénang basing gedeg
That is Pan Balang Tamak’s behaviour that makes the communities angry
α β
Clause III is different from clause I and II, clause III has unequal status. The clause III consists of a main and a subordinate clauses. Therefore, it is called hypotactic clause since the second clause functions to elaborate the first clause by emphasizing nominal group pamunyin Pan Balang Tamak. That nominal group is clarified by adjective clause hence the nominal group has more significant meaning. The existence of the clause complex above guides the reader(s) to comprehend well about what Pan Balang Tamak said. The needed comprehension must be more abstract about whta Pan Balang Tamak already spoke in previous occasion.
Clause III is similar to clause IV, the second clause of the clause IV constructed by relative clause functions to elaborate nominal group dayan Pan Balang Tamak. The emphasis in the clause III is speech, while in the clause IV is behavior. In other word, the speech and behavior made by Pan Balang Tamak were hated by the communities.
b. Clarification
Clause V
Lantas Pan Balang Tamak tulungina megat dadiné buung ia kena danda maboros tukadé totonan
Then, Pan Balang Tamak is assisted to pass the in other word, he escapes from the river fine
1 = 2
The expansion clause V is the clarification of the first clause. For those who pass the river will escape from the fine. The leader needs the communities to pass the river whether they can pass by themselves or get passed. In this case, Pan Balang Tamak passes the river since one of the commoners gave assistance to pass the river. Therefore, Pan Balang Tamak can be prosecuted to pay fine.
Clause VI
Cicinge ngengsut ditu di punyan kétkété ané bet tusing nyidang makiba
The dog is trapped in luxuriant thorn tree the dog can not move
1 = 2
The second clause above serves as clarification of the first clause. The dog which is trapped on the luxuriant thorn tree can not move because the thorns stick the dog skin and the dog feels pain so the dog does not want to move to avoid pain. The second clause serves to elaborate the dog condition released by the first clause. The second clause serving as clarification clause plays an important role to give more detail information.
c. Exemplification
Clause VII
Makejang cicingné pada ada ané maan ada ané maan kékér, lubak, semal, kiuh galak nguber buron alas kedis, tur ané lénan
all of the dogs are ready to some of them some of them get wild chicken, weasel,
pursue preys in the forest get birds squirrel and others.
1 = 2 =3
The first clause is elaborated by two clauses, the two of expansion clauses are parts of what the dogs obtain from hunting. In other word, clauses 2 and 3 are parts of the preys gotten from hunting. In other word, the second clause and the third clauses are example of preys gotten by the dogs during the hunting. Because of those reasons, the second and third clauses are categorized as elaboration clause in paratactic.
Clause VIII
Di arep petiné to lantas jero mangku kairing ngaturang prama suksma antuk tekén para pemedek ngaturang bhakti, kelédangang Ida Betara mapaica
in front of jero mangku who is accompanied say thank you because of the God by the prayers do pray, kindness to bless
1 = 2
The first clause suggests the activity be done by jero mangku and the prayers in front of the temple. There are many kinds of activity can be done to say thank you to the God because of his blessing for the community. One of the ways done by the community is by prama suksma (ceremony to say tank you with special offering for the God in the temple). The second clause is a form of activity done by jero klian and the prayer to say thank you for the God. The second clause is viewed as one of the examples which can be done to express gratitude to the God.
4.2. Extension clauses, there are three kind of extension clauses found in the text, namely: adversative, addition and variation.
a. Adversative
Clause IX
Makejang anaké mejalan ke alasé sakéwala Pan Balang Tamak mejalan sidori
All of the commoners go to forest but Pan Balang Tamak goes late
1 +2
The second clause functions to contrast to the first clause. The second clause is used to describe what Pan Balang Tamak does. The activity done by Pan Balang Tamak is totally different from what the communities do. The second clause plays very important role to value that Pan Balang Tamak does good activity while the community do bad habit. The second clause suggests that only Pan Balang Tamak does something good. The reason why Pan Balang Tamak goes to the forest late because he does not want to hurt animals living in the forest. He thinks that hurting animals is bad behavior, it can destruct natural ecosystem in turn it leads to bad effect for human life.
b. Addition
Clause X
Kéwala Pan Balang Tamak sing ja kodag-kodag baan lengit, tur liu pesan dayané pripitné,
However, Pan Balang Tamak is very lazy, considerably and he has a lot of idea
1 +2
The second clause functions to add information about Pan Balang Tamak hence the information about Pan Balang Tamak’s possession is more complete. The second clause has the same status with the first clause so the clause complex is called paratactic. Both of the clauses are the same process in relational processes, but the first clause is attribute and the second clause is possession. The information brought trough the text becomes coherence by the existence of the second clause using conjunction functioning as extension tur.
c. Substitution
Clause XI
Cicingné lantas kaing-kaing boya ia ngongkong
The dog cries instead of barking
1 + 2
The clause XI above belongs to be paratactic clause complex, the first clause functions to state what the dog experiences because of situation that happens to it. The second clause functions to state what the dog should be done in the forest during hunting. The second clause is called substitution because it states what the dog is not doing because of certain situation.
Clause XII
Sujatiné, ané darae teken Pan Balang Tamak sing ja tain kéwala ento tuah jaja cicing iwel
Actually, what Pan Balang Tamak ate is not dog’s feces but it is Iwel cake
1 +2
The first clause of the clause XI states that Pan Balang Tamak does not do it, it is only trick or strategy to deceive jero klian and the commoners. The second clause functions to state the exact entity eaten by Pan Balang Tamak. Therefore, the second clause is viewed as clause clarifying the commoners’ assumption that Pan Balang Tamak does eat not what the communities think.
4.3. Enhancement
There are several kinds of enhancement clause found in the text such as reason, purpose, time, place, result, manner and source. The clauses are presented as below.
a. Reason
Clause XIII
Sawiréh ia sing suud-suud makeneh ane tidong- ento makrana ia ngenah énggal tua. tidong,
Because he always thinks of unpredictable that is reason why he looks too old matter
α x β
α xβ
Clause XIII is constructed by 3 clauses with different functions. The first clause Sawiréh ia sing suud-suud makeneh ane tidong-tidong functions as the main clause stating Pan Balang Tamak always think about anything which is never thought by others. The clause ento makrana
ia ngenah énggal tua.is embedded clause (Halliday, 2014:501). The embedded clause suggests the reason. The first clause is a clause functioning as source of aging while the second clause functioning as the subordinate clause is viewed to serve as a reason clause.
Clause XIV
Sakewala ia tusing pesu ke |
ia enu ngantosang |
siapné tuun |
banjar | ||
However, he does not go to |
he is waiting for |
his chicken turning down from the |
banjar |
nest | |
α |
x β | |
α |
xβ |
Clause XIV is a clause complex that consists of three clauses. The first clause functions as the main clause and suggests that Pan Balang Tamak not go to Banjar. The second clause ia enu ngantosang siapné tuun functions as reason why Pan Balang Tamak does not go to banjar. The second clause is categorized as subordinate clause without conjunction. The clause above describes that Pan Balang Tamak is a good commoner, he runs jero klian’s instructions. Jero klian instructed to all commoners to go to banjar in the time when chicken go down from the nest. Pan Balang Tamak stays in the house while waiting for chickens go down from the nest. He does not want to go to banjar earlier because of the instruction.
Clause XV
Ulian ngekoh kramané lan jero klian lantas menehin sanggahné I Pan Balang Tamak ngomong kanti tileh anyar
Since being the commoners and jero klian repair Pan Balang Tamak’s temple good. lazy to talk
x β α
Clause ulian ngekoh ngomong serves as reason clause, hypotactic clause. The subordinate clause is located before the main clause. The main clause indicates that jero klian and the commoners fill the reasonability to repair Pan Balang Tamak’s temple. They realize that what they instructed to all commoners brought bad effect for them. The second clause is clause that gets ellipsis in subject.
b. Purpose
Clause XVI
Krama banjaré lakar luas ke alasé The commoners will go to the forest
ngalih kayu to seek wood
x β
The clause XVI belongs to be a clause complex hypotactic. The main clause states about the readiness of the commoners to go forest. The second clause states the reason why they go to forest. The clause states that the aim of seeking wood to the forest is to trap Pan Balang Tamak in
order he can be charged with fine. Jero klian and the commoners know that Pan Balang Tamak is old enough to seek wood. By this reason, Pan Balang Tamak enables to be trapped.
Clause XVII
Kenehné kramamasih lakar nyekin Pan Balang apanga taén keni denda
The commoners want to make agreement to trap Pan Balang Tamak with fine
α β
The clause XVII is very clear to identify hypotactic clause. The the second clause functions as subordinate clause serving as purpose clauses. The clause is clear to show that the communities have strong disire to margin Pan Balang Tamak by charging fine.
c. Time
Clause XVIII
Lantas Pan Balang Tamak jeg nyemak tain lantas dare buina ciplakané jeg lung pesan cicingé totonan
Then Pan Balang Tamak take that dog’s then it is eaten with good chew feces
1 x 2
The clause XVIII is clause complex paratactic because the first and the second clauses have equal status. The second clause suggests the sequence activity be done after the first activity by Pan Balang Tamak. The second clause is viewed as clause of time because the activity is done soon after taking the feces. It is related to the time. The clause complex above is used to state strategy done by Pan Balang Tamak to deceive jero klian and the communities.
Clause XIX
Mara nepukin kéto |
Jero Kian tekén karma ané lénan suba demen atiné |
sawiréh jani suba lakar nyidayang ngenén ia Pan Balang Tamak denda |
After seeing a such |
Jero Klian and the |
because they will succeed to fine for |
phenomenon, |
commoners are happy |
Pan Balang Tamak |
xβ |
α |
α xβ |
The clause XIX above belongs to be hypotactic clause of time, because the clause complex suggests a serial activity. The main clause suggests Jero Klian and the commoners be happy because what they hope becomes true. Such feeling comes after knowing that Pan Balang Tamak feels difficulty escaping from the trap. The phenomenon is released by the subordinate clause functioning as clause of time.
d. Place
Clause XX
Suba lantas neked di tongosé tengah alas maboros When arriving at the where they hunt |
makejang suba pada apang maboros ngelébang cicingné all commoners escape their to hunt |
x β
The clause complex above is clause complex hypotactic, the clause tongosé maboros is embedded clause of nominal group tengah alas. The nominal group tengah alas is elaborated by the relative clause functioning as adverbial clause of place. The clause indicates the place where Pan Balang Tamak is trapped by performing hunting. The clause complex above suggests that jero klian and the commoners do something bad not only for Pan Balang Tamak himself but also for forest ecosystem.
e. Result
Clause XXI
Karangé totonan tumbuh misi padang, pulet- ané sing maguna, tur tusing dadi depanga pulet, tur ané lénan daar
The land is planted α |
not the land is grew by grass and which can not be useful or can not any kinds be eaten. xβ α = β |
The clause complex above is supported by 3 clauses with different status. The first clause released by karangé totonan depanga function as the main clause suggests that Pan Balang Tamak not do anything in his land. The second clause suggests that situation happen in his land. The third clause is an adjective clause serving to modify nominal group padang, pulet-pulet, tur ané lénan.
The clause complex above is used to state an activity done by Pan Balang Tamak to examine how far the commoners can run regulations released by jero klian. Pan Balang Tamak. The commoners think that grass growing in Pan Balang Tamak’s ;and is not useful at all. This is the reason why violation happens.
f. Manner
Clause XXII
Liu ada anak macelep tur pagehané ané melakar aji carang kayu cenik tur lidi keme, kalambuk kanti uug.
Many people go there by breaking the fence till broken. α x β
The clause XXII is categorized hypotactic clause complex. The first clause serves as the main clause, it states that the activity is done by many commoners because certain reasons. The way to reach Pan Balang Tamak’s land is by breaking fence made by Pan Balang Tamak. That
second clause serves as adverbial clause and it functions as manner clause. The clause complex above is used to state as proof that the commoners are not ready to run regulations legalized by jero klian.
g. Resource
Clause XXIII
Dadine ulian arah-arahan Pan Balang Tamak liu maan pipis ulian danda totonan
Therefore, from the instruction, Pan Balang Tamak gets some money because of fine.
x β α
The clause complex XXIII belongs to hypotactic clause complex. The first clause suggests that Pan Balang Tamak get much money. The second clause is a clause stating the source where the money is from. The clause complex above is used as proof that the communities do violence against regulation legalized by jero klinan. Because of that reason, Pan Balang Tamak gets some money released by the first clause. The clause complex above suggests that the communities have low comprehension about ruler and regulation application in the community.
Expansion clauses played an important role to create meaning because chronology of events was described through expansion clauses. There were some expansion clauses functioning to guide the reader(s) to define the character of jero klian, namely hypotactic elaboration such as:
- Kéto pamunyin Pan Balang Tamak ane ngaé kliané kapelek makeneh (that is Pan Balang Tamak’s Speech which make klian trapped)
- Kéto dayan Pan Balang Tamak ané ngaénang basing gedeg (that is Pan Blang Tamak’s behavior which make the community angry).
Both clauses above suggested that whatever Pan Balang Tamak did made the communities dislike him very much. The anger to Pan Balang Tamak was released by some efforts to punish him with fine. The efforts done to trap Pan Balang Tamak were released by expansion clauses functioning as enhance clause such as purpose clauses.
- Krama banjaré lakar luas ke alasé ngalih kayu (The community want to go to the forest to seek wood)
- Kenehné kramamasih lakar nyekin Pan Balang Tamak apanga taén keni denda (The communities want to make agreement to trap with fine).
- Makejang kramané makeneh apang Pan Balang Tamak sing nu digumine (All communities try to kill Pan Balang Tamak)
The three purpose clauses above suggested that jero klian and the communities have deep anger to Pan Balang Tamak and never forgive him. Therefore, conflict between Pan Balang Tamak and jero klian was found in the community. The conflict was exaggerated by contradictory behavior done by Pan Balang Tamak. The contradiction was released by adversative clauses. The activity done by Pan Balang Tamak was expressed by negation clauses.
Based on the research, the text employed three kinds of expansion clauses, namely elaboration, extension and enhancement. Elaboration was used to elaborate nominal group. Paratactic elaboration clause functioned to (i) give repetition about Pan Balang Tamak’s physic, (ii) clarify that Pan Balang Tamak was free from fine and Pan Balang Tamak’s dog can not move from the thorn, and (iii) exemplify the activities done by the communities. In hypotactic clauses were used to elaborate nominal group concerned to Pan Balang Tamak speech and behaviour. The extension clauses were also found such as: adversative (contradictory clause), additional (giving an additional information) and substitution clauses (change into what should not be done). Enhance clause was the most complete varieties found in the text. Such as: reason, purpose, time, place, result, manner and source.
This researched was inspired by the writer’s promoter Prof. Dr. I Nengah Sudipa, M.A.. Copromoter I, Prof. Dr. Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum. Co-promoter II, Dr. Putu Sutama, M.S. Therefore, the research could be finish. The writer would like to express great gratitude to them. In addition the writer would like to thank to the examiners of this article.
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Biography of Authors

Ketut Suardana is lecturer at Bali Dwipa University, Was born in Karang Asam, Indonesia, 29 th of September 1975. He joined to doctoral program (S3) of Linguistics Department in Udayana University, September 2017, and the title of his disertation in ‘ Teks Pan Balang Tamak: Kajian Linguistik Sistemik ungsional’.
Email: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum is a Professor in Udayana University, Faculty of Art, Denpasar, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]
Dr. Putu Sutama, M.Hum. is associate
professor in Udayana University, Faculty of Art, Denpasar, Indonesia. Email:
Discussion and feedback