An analysis of Particularized Iplicature in to All the Boys I Loved Always and Forever: Pragmatics Approach

e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 17, No. 2, July 2023, pages: 158--166
C- Joutnat vf Eittifuhtiw
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
An analysis of Particularized Iplicature in to All the Boys I Loved Always and Forever: Pragmatics Approach
1Valeryan Salsabilla Maurarochelle
Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia, [email protected]
Putera Batam University, Batam, Indonesia, [email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 18 September 2022
Accepted Date:1 Nopember 2022
Published Date: 31 July 2023
flouting, implicature, maxim, particularized, pragmatic
The aimed of this research is to examine the part of the particularized conversational implicature and flouting of maxim found in a Netflix movie, named To All the Boys I Loved : Always and Forever. The researcher used the particularized conversational implicature theory by Yule (1996) to identify the utterances and the flouting of maxim by Grice (1976) to categorize the type. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher used the interview method by Sudaryanto to collect data, the pragmatic identity method by Sudaryanto to analyze the data, and used the informal method by Sudaryanto to present the research result. The researcher collected twenty one data that contain particularized conversational implicature, and eight of the data categorized as flouting of maxim quality, four data categorized as flouting of maxim quantity, five data categorized as flouting of maxim relevant and four data categorized as flouting of maxim manner.The result concludes that out of the twenty one analyzed data, flouting of the maxim relevant in the particularized conversational implicature is the most used apply in the movie.
Implicature is a phenomenon in linguistics where the intended meaning of the speaker is assumed rather than expressed in the utterances. The phenomenon can be discovered in daily speech, movies, interviews, discussion shows, and any form of utterances. As said by Grice (1975), in conversations, statements with an inferred meaning are frequently encountered, refers to as implicature (Carston, 2004). The phenomenon entails inferring it from specific information from speaker and hearer regarding the meaning of the stated sentence and the context in which it was uttered. Subsequently, implied meaning happened between the speaker and hearer. Implicature is a side consequence, a sort of mental automatism, a propensity to draw the most inferences with the least amount of cerebral effort .The researchers discovered the phenomenon in the YouTube content of the Late Late Show with James Corden in a title “Olivia Rodrigo Used Her Driver's License to Visit a British Pub” published on March, 22nd 2022. It carried by James as the host and Olivia the guest star. The particularized implicature shows in this utterances.
James Corden (host) : “I know this means a tremendous amount to you. Where were you? What happened when you found out?
Olivia Rodrigo (guest) : “The Grammy has always been such a huge thing in my head, Grammy usually happened in February when it’s not Covid time. And I always say when I was growing up that February is my favorite months, first is because of the Grammy and second because it’s my birthday I’ve been so obsessed with it forever. So the night before the nominations came out it felt like Christmas Eve, I was so stoked.”
Above is data samples with particularized conversational implicature components of speech. The speaker asked where and how did she feel after receiving many awards. The listener responds by implicating. She said that her awards occurred on February when it’s not Covid time. However, there she added the specific information that the Grammys happened on her birthday. And she expressed her feeling of surprised. Olivia responded by describing the situation of the day she got the awards to the host as a speaker. According to Grice (as cited in Betti & Khalaf, 2021) that the communication activity should run smoothly and without hiccups.
Particularized implicature phenomenon was also discovered on the movie To All the Boys Always and Forever 2021. The phenomenon was discovered when Jean fell asleep on her boyfriend’s chest. Since it was getting late it was time for Peter to go home. And he made the remarks jokingly.
Peter : “What if I didn’t?”
Jean : “Then my dad would kill you”
Peter : “No, he wouldn’t”
Jean : “But he’d give you his disappointed face, which somehow is much worse.”
The particularized phenomenon was discovered between Peter and Lara Jean in 1.42.24 – 1.42.35 minutes. It was occurred in Lara Jean’s house at night. In Jean utterance started with implied sentence “ Then my dad would kill you”. Certainly, Jean’s dad will not kill her boyfriend. She also made an effort to provide detailed information about how his father would react, first with a disappointed expression and then worse. As a result of mentioning the suggested meaning and adding information in a specific context, this speech has a few conversational implicatures. According to Levinson (1983), the idea of implicature makes a contribution since it offers a clear explanation of how it could imply (in a broad sense) more than what is actually "spoken”. Based on what the conversational sense of spoken language terms literally express.
Akmal & Yana (2020) analyzed types of the numerous kinds of conversational implicature and its nonobservance maxim prominently throughout the script for used in Kingdom of Heaven movie. Based on the hypothesis that conversational implicatures are not caused by what is said, but solely by speaking what is stated, this research was conducted,g, or by ‘putting it way’ Grice (1975, p 58). The result shows that movie script has two types of conversational implicature, generalized and particularized implicature, as defined by Grice theory. The quantity of these categories was found to be significantly unbalanced, with particularized implicature occurring more frequently than generic implicature.
The researcher has also been done by Lasnumanda (2020) to acknowledge the many problems and cases that arise in the conversational implicatures in the episode. The source of the research was a “The Wendy Williams Show” Selected Episodes. The data was accumulated from a talk show in a form of utterances. The result of the research occurred particularized implicature was the most common types of conversational implicature in the Wendy Williams Show. Grice's idea that what is expressed is
frequently different from what is intended, oral talk frequently has an implicit meaning that needs context, is accompanied by a particularized conversational implicature.
Previous research has shown that particularized conversational implicatures are used in a variety of areas. Grice separated the two types of implicature: conversational and conventional implicature. Examples of implicature can be catch in a variety of media, as well as in everyday life. The purpose of rer select To All the Boys Always and Forever is because the dialogue between Jean and Peter contains a lot of implied sentences. Generally, romantic movie makes the audience curious about the love story wrapped in dialogue full of implied meanings. The similarity between this study and the previous study is this research also uses theory from Grice, (1975). The novelty of this research is the data source will be from the movie between Peter and Lara Jean. The researchers will analyze the particularized implicature from the dialogue. The goal of this research is to define the causes and ways of pragmatics, based on the identification of implicature. This particularized conversational implicature research is named “Particularized Conversational Implicature in To All the Boys Always and Forever movie”.
According to previous research above, the theory was used to the data source to analyze the characteristic of particularized conversational implicature. Because this study used the "To All the Boys Always and Forever" movie, the inconsistencies were in the data source. As a result, the goal of this study was to identify the causes and ways of particularized conversational implicature in “To All the Boys Always and Forever” movie.
Linguistics is the study of language, and pragmatics is a subset of linguistics. Yule & Austin (as cited in Rizqy & Ardi, 2020) stated that pragmatics is the study of the meaning that is communicated by the speaker or writer and understood by the reader. The base topics of linguistic pragmatics are those aspects of meaning which are contingent on context, conversational implicature is the focus of pragmatic. This is used to describe meanings that a speaker tries to convey but does not express directly (Cruse, 2006). In addition, pragmatics tended to be treated as a rag-bag into which recalcitrant data could be conveniently stuffed, and where it could be equally conveniently forgotten (Leech, 1983). Pragmatics helps language learners comprehend the ways in which language can be used in different contexts and is crucial in the development of communicatively proficient speakers.
Conversational Implicature
Conversational implicature is investigates the underlying meaning of speech (Grice, 1975). The contribution to the meaning of the utterance is not truth-conditional, which is one of its distinguishing characteristics : the statement's veracity would not be impacted if it proved out that the implicature was false (Birner, 2013). According to Grice (as cited in Agsa & Ambalegin, 2022), conversational implicature is a concept created from a general principle of conversation combined with a set of maxims. It is a crucial aspect of communication, but they have no effect on actual meaning. This is because they are not technically speaking a part of what is uttered.
Particularized Conversational Implicature
As claimed by Kaloeti (as cited in Akmal & Yana, 2020), to understand the given particularized implicature, a specific context was necessary.
Gravedigger: “Show me the logic. Bapa..”
Priest : “what?”
“What would you know about of logic?”
Gravedigger : “I have ears, Bapa. Though one is notched because I love justice.”
Flouting of maxim
When a maxim is flouted, the intended meaning of the statement is altered, and the maxim is the reverse of the cooperative principle's maxim (Yule, 1996). Flouting maxim offers context-specific terms that allow it to be understood in sentences that include implicature. There are four types of maxims; maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner.
The current research was a descriptive qualitative research. According to Creswell & Creswell (2018) explained that In contrast to traditional quantitative methodologies, qualitative data collection, analysis, interpretation, and report writing are often used as a lens for inquiry in qualitative research or may even develop throughout the course of the study. The researchers gathered the data using observational methods by Sudaryanto (2015). The observational method was executed by watching the movie entitled “To All the Boys I Loved: Always and Forever” movie. The researchers followed a three steps procedure for data collecting. This research applied non-participatory by Sudaryanto (2015) that researchers in this study was not engage in conversation, discussion, or interactions, and thus were not a part of the individual discourse. Regarding the data collection, the researchers used a three-step process. First, the research watched “To All the Boys I Loved: Always and Forever” movie. Second, the dialogue from the film was transcribed into a script. Lastly, in this research, the researcher began to correlate the data using Grice theory.
The data analysis were done through utilized the pragmatic identity by Sudaryanto (2015). The researchers employed a technique called competency-equalizing approach to equalize the data. The data went through the steps of data analysis. First, it began by determining the context of the indicated remarks. Second, the theory was used to examine the various types of particularized conversational implicature of Grice (1975). Finally, the result revealed the types of particularized conversational implicature performed in the movie "To All the Boys I Loved: Always and Forever”.
Table 1
To All the Boys I Loved: Always and Forever
No. |
Flouting of maxim in particularized conversational implicature |
Frequency |
1 |
Maxim of Quality |
8 |
2 |
Maxim of Quantity |
4 |
3 |
Maxim of Relation |
5 |
4 |
Maxim of Manner |
4 |
Total |
21 |
It was discovered that characters in the To All the Boys I Loved: Always and Forever movie uttered 21 data of the flouting of maxim in particularized conversational implicature. There are separate categories for those maxim. Flouting of maxim of quality (8), maxim of quantity (4), maxim of manner (4), maxim of relation (5). The 22 data were discussed in relation to the total number of data discovered.
Data 1
Jean : Finger crossed, I get into Stanford, and we have to be this far apart again. I love you, Peter. Always and forever.
Kitty : Like a lingering fart. Or nay, a bruise that never heals. (1:53:47–1:53:36)
According to the dialogue above, it included the utterances used in the direct communication in real life. The dialog above happened when the speaker was writing a letter and her little sister saw it. Then, there were two statements that referred to particularized conversational implicature that uttered by the hearer ‘Kitty’ in the conversation. While having the conversation, the interlocutor replied with an implied meaning. Kitty has been flouting maxim of quality where he didn't provide a response to Jean's query. Kind of metaphor in giving answers to Jean is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of quality.
Data 2
Dae : I’m Dae.
Kitty : I’m Katherine. That was weird, that’s not my name. Kitty. Well, Katherine’s kind of my name, but people don’t call me that. (1:48:14-1:48-10)
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker as a stranger wanted to make a relation with Kitty, Jean’s little sister. Then, Kitty replied with a specific information about her name. It reflected how particularized implicature applies in conversation. Kitty has been flouting maxim of quality where she provides answers too much. Kitty’s response in giving answers to the stranger is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of quality.
Data 3
Jean : I wish we had a meet-cute.
Peter : Well, you jumped my bones at the high school track. That was pretty cute. (1:44:29-1:44:22) According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker ask about Kitty’s friend name. Then, Kitty replied with a specific information about her friend’s name. Kitty has been flouting maxim of quality where she utters answers too much. Kitty’s response in giving answers to the stranger is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of quality.
Data 1
Peter : What is his name?
Kitty : Dae. And this is the first time I’m contacting him.
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker ask about Kitty’s friend name. Then, Kitty replied with a specific information about her friend’s name. Kitty has been flouting maxim of quality where she utters answers too much. Kitty’s response in giving answers to the stranger is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of quality.
Data 2
Tri : You sure you don’t wanna do it?
Jean : I can’t. I’m a bad luck. (1:27:09-1:27:04)
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker, Tri as Jean’s step mom gave Jean a chance to open the university information. Jean replied with an implied meaning and specific information that she thought that she is a bad luck. Jean has been flouting maxim of quantity where she uttered with too short answer. Her response in giving answers to Tri is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of quantity.
Data 3
A person : I totally get it. I had someone I wanted to go to college with too.
Jean : Uh, what happened?
A person : I visited NYU, fell in love with this city. I just felt like this was where I was
supposed to be. We figured out what was best for us. (1:10:43-1:10:19)
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker empathized with Jean. That person did not answer according to Jean's question, he should have explained how the state of his relationship was, but he explained in detail from how he visited New York to making decisions with his girlfriend. This person reflects how particularized implicature is used. This person has been flouting maxim of quantity where she uttered with too short answer. Her response in giving answers to Jean is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of quantity.
Data 1
Jean : This girl, she came up to me speaking Korean and it’s like, they see me and they think I understand and then I don’t, and it’s like I don’t belong. I don’t know. I guess I just wish that my mom was here to teach me.
Peter : Well, I bet Stanford offers Korean classes. We could take ‘em together.
According to the dialogue above, it included the utterances used in the indirect communication via cellphone. The dialog above happened when the speaker ‘Peter’ was calling her girlfriend ‘Jean’ to have a short conversation. First, the speaker met Korean girl and that incident made her remember his mom. While having the conversation, the interlocutor replied with an implied meaning and his utterances contained particularized conversational implicature. He tried to encourage his girlfriend she still had another opportunity by taking a language class at Stanford. Then he add a specific information that they can learn it together. Peter has been flouting maxim of manner where he did not provide answers related to what Jean asked. Peter’s irrelevance in giving answers to Jean is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of manner. (Yule, 1996).
Data 2
Peter : Did you get the photos I sent you?
Jean : I did. Uh… but I didn’t open them. (1:52:36- 1:52:34)
According to the dialogue above, it included the utterances used in the indirect communication via cellphone. The dialog above happened when the speaker ‘Peter’ was calling her girlfriend ‘Jean’ to have a short conversation. First, the speaker asked her girlfriend about the photos he sent. Then the hearer answered and add a specific information that she didn’t open them. Jean has
been flouting maxim of manner where he did not provide answers related to what Jean asked. Jean’s ambiguous in giving answers to Peter is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of manner.
Data 3
Peter : So you think I should go?
Jean : I think that if I had a chance to spend one more night with my mom, I would take it. (1:01:18-1:01:06)
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker ‘Peter’ was confused about his meeting with his family. Then the hearer ‘Jean’ answered and add a specific information by hallucinating herself. Jean has been flouting maxim of manner where he did not provide answers related to what Peter asked. Jean’s ambiguous in giving answers to Peter is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of manner.
Data 1
Margot : It doesn’t feel like it right now, but this could be a really good thing for you, you know? To force you to see the world.
Jean : Well, I’m not like you, Margot. I don’t wanna be far away from my family. (1:36:03-1:35:55) According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker, Margot as Jean’s older sister gave her an advice about her future university. Jean replied with an implied meaning and specific information that she doesn’t want to be far away from her family. Jean has been flouting maxim of rev where she uttered with an irrelevant answer. Her response in giving answers to Margot is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of relevant.
Data 2
Peter : Am I hallucinating? Are they getting along?
Jean : Careful. They spook easily. (1:08:22-1:08:18)
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker, Peter asked about the intimacy between Chris and her cousin. Jean replied with an implied meaning and special information by comment on their behavior. Jean has been flouting maxim of relevant where she uttered with an irrelevant answer. Her response in giving answers to Peter is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of relevant.
Data 3
Jean’s dad : Hey, you still not sleeping?
Jean : Figured I might as well practice the wedding cake. Mint chocolate for you. Vanilla
buttercream for Tri. (53:40-53-29)
According to the dialogue above, it happened when the speaker, Jean’s asked about Jean’s sleep time. Jean replied with an implied meaning and special information is part of particularized conversational implicature. Jean has been flouting maxim of relevant where she uttered with an irrelevant answer. Her response in giving answers to her dad is one of the strategies in flouting maxim of relevant.
The similarity between this study and the previous study is this research also uses theory from Grice, (1975). The novelty of this research is the data source will be from the movie between Lara Jean and all characters in the movie. The researchers will analyze the particularized implicature from the dialogue.
The particularized conversational implicature phenomenon in the To All the Boys I Loved : Always and Forever was examined using Yule (1996) theory. The study fpunf several flouting of maxims in particularized conversational implicature in To All the Boys I Loved: Always and Forever movie. Four flouting of maxims were discovered to be necessary for particularized implicature in conversation. They were flouting maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of manner and maxim of relevant. The flouting of maxim of quality, which was based on 8 data, was used most frequently. It was clear than the characters produced as much information as was needed when communicating. However, this research can offer further knowledge and awareness of how to avoid misconceptions in order to accomplish good communication by analyzing and researching specific conversational implicatures.
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Biography of Authors
Valeryan Salsabilla Maurarochlle is an undergraduate seventh-semester student. She took English Literature at Putera Batam University as she fascinated in studying linguistics and literary criticism.
Email: [email protected]
Ambalegin, S.Pd., M.Pd. is an active lecturer at Putera Batam University. He also contributes frequently in conducting research. His interest of research ranges from Pragmatics, Phonetics, Morphosyntax, Applied Linguistics, Language Maintenance and English Language Teaching. He earned his Bachelor degree of English Language Education in Universitas Negeri Medan and his Master degree of English Language Education in UST Yogyakarta.
Email: [email protected]
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