Cross-Agencies And Community Collaboration For Tourism In Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia
Jurnal Destinasi Pariwisata p-issn: 2338-8811, e-issn: 2548-8937
Vol. 10 No 2, 2022
Cross-Agencies And Community Collaboration For Tourism In Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia
Sak Khiea,1, Lindawati,b,2
a Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IMMI, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, D.K.I. Jakarta
b Pusat Riset Kesejahteraan Sosial, Desa dan Konektivitas, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Kuningan Barat, Jakarta Selatan, D.K.I. Jakarta
Tourism is the leading sector in Lebak Regency to encourage economic growth. However, the Covid-19 pandemic affects tourist visits and the growth of businesses and SMEs. This study described tourism promotion innovations in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia, namely the Lebak Regency Calendar of Events (CoE). A case study was used, with literature reviews and interviews to collect data. The CoE was in line with the annual development plan, which began with the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) and the framing of Local Government Work Plans (RKPD). The culture and tourism agency took the role of 'packaging' and synchronised each agency's programme in Lebak Regency as tourism events or facilitated as part of the tourism events. Each tourism event in Lebak Regency involved various agencies and sectors, the arts community, creative economy actors, and SMEs in Lebak Regency. This innovation encourages tourism promotion massively in Lebak Regency to increase tourist visits and reactivate community economic activity.
Keyword: Development Program, Economic Growth, Innovation, Tourism
Lebak Regency is the largest district in Banten Province and the fifth largest on Java Island, consisting of 28 sub-districts divided into 340 villages and five sub-districts. It is located in the southern part of Banten Province, adjacent to Pandeglang Regency in the west, Serang and Tangerang Regency in the northern, Bogor and Sukabumi Regency in the eastern, and directly connected to the Indonesian Ocean in the south so that it has a vast sea area (Statistics of Lebak Regency, 2021).
Lebak has natural resource potential in the marine, mining, and tourism sectors and the potential for trade and services in several urban areas. In addition, urban communities with the character of urban society began to grow and strengthen the existence of people in rural areas. Therefore, Lebak represents two different sides of the face. Urban communities represent the face of modernity, while the traditional face is represented by the existence of indigenous peoples who are intensely caring for and implementing traditional values and local wisdom.
The other aspect supporting the Lebak Regency development is the presence of several projects/national strategic agendas in the infrastructure sector, for instance, the Serang-Panimbang toll road connected to D.K.I. Jakarta, the state capital. Besides, constructing the Jakarta-Rangkasbitung double-track railway is expected to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of goods distribution or inter-regional mobility to impact regional economic progress.
One important strategy of the Lebak Regency Government to support and accelerate Lebak's economic development is to make Lebak Regency a leading tourism destination based on local potential. It aims to promote rural areas with great tourism potential. Tourism is also expected to grow and integrate various sectors, including the agricultural sector. Regarding this, the Lebak Regency Government is developing tourism objects in Lebak. Six featured tourism is known as 'Lebak Six Fantastic,' namely: Baduy Tourism Village, Badegur Beach, Citorek Tourism Area, Multatuli Museum, Sawarna Beach, and Cikuya Tea Garden (Lebak Regency Government, 2019).
However, the Covid-19 pandemic hit the tourism sector in Lebak Regency. Restrictions on social activities also resulted in restrictions on the tourism sector. Tourist activities are limited, and tourist destinations are temporarily closed for an undetermined time limit. It affects the number of tourist visits and the growth of tourism business services in the Lebak Regency. The growth in tourist visits increased from 680.450 to 1.309.377 in 2019. However, it dropped by more than one million to 215.000 visits, or a decrease of 83,6 per cent, as depicted in figure 1 (Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021). Likewise, with the growth of tourism business services in 2020, 9 tourism business services have a Tourism Business Registration Certificate (TDUP) recorded at the Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP), decreasing from 16 in 2019.
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Figure 1 Number of Tourist Visits to Lebak
(Data from Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021)
Tourism has high leverage, so it is essential for improving the economy. Therefore, the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic also impacts the community's economic condition, for instance, the Baduy people in the remote area of Lebak. Most micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Baduy Tribe make souvenirs, woven fabrics, honey, machetes, and bamboo. These MSME actors were forced to leave the business because no tourists were visiting during the pandemic.
Hence, an innovative approach is needed to overcome the hurdles. It includes preparation for reopening tourist destinations that were initially entirely closed by adjusting health protocols and through tourism promotion in Lebak. This study aimed to describe tourism promotion innovations in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia, namely the Lebak Regency Calendar of Events (CoE).
Regional Innovation
Based on Government Regulation Number 38 of 2017 on Regional Innovation (PP 38/2017), regional innovation is all forms of reform in regional government administration. Furthermore, PP 38/2017 categorizes regional innovations in 3 forms, namely: (a) governance innovation, which is an innovation in the implementation of regional government management that includes internal management in the implementation of management functions and elements; (b) public service innovation, is an innovation in the provision of services to the community which includes the process of providing public goods/services and innovation in the types and forms of public goods/services; and (c) other regional innovations, are all forms of innovation in the administration of government affairs which are
under the authority of the regional government (Government of the Republic of Indonesia, 2017).
Public sector innovation aims to improve regional government administration's performance to accelerate community welfare through (a) improving public services; (b) community empowerment and participation; and (c) increasing regional competitiveness. One of the criteria for innovation is "to provide benefits to the region and or society", which is indicated by (a) increase in local own-source revenue; (b) regional expenditure retrenchment; (c) local government performance improvement; (d) improving the quality of public services; and or (e) not intended for personal or group interests (Government Regulation Number 38 of 2017 on Regional Innovation, 2017).
A well-managed innovation will generate longterm benefits for the organization when the innovation is based on something new or the creation of something new systemically and systematically, covering various processes and methods, ultimately bringing the new product or service to the market. Well-managed innovation is integral to organizational strategies and activities and even creates new strategies (Gama & da Silva, 2007).
Collaborative Governance
In management, collaboration means cooperation between a person and another person, group, or organisation committed to achieving a common goal or effort. Collaboration involves laying down cooperation based on trust, integrity, and breakthroughs achieved through consensus, ownership, and uniting all aspects of the organisation (Muhammad, Warsito, Pribadi, & Nurmandi, 2017). This strategy involves various stakeholders in a forum with the government to make joint decisions (Ansell & Gash, 2008).
In this regard, synergism indicates successful collaboration. It is part of a collaboration, and not all collaborations are synergistic (Corbin, Mittelmark, & Lie, 2011). Synergism could be described as a collaboration among development components at the highest level with a positive impact and is often referred to as synergistic collaboration (McIntosh, Dejanvry, & Sadoulet, 2005). The synergistic collaboration consists of several dimensions, as follows: (1) the system dimension, namely collaboration to form a system that influences each other, (2) the process dimension, namely collaboration involving two or more committed components, (3) the shared goal dimension, namely the existence of a goal are
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compiled and agreed upon, and (4) the effect dimension, namely collaboration provides better results or effects in the form of an optimal and equitable increase in social welfare.
Moreover, several criteria are used for successful collaborative governance. Firstly, the success of reaching a mutual agreement. Although processes tend to be more complex, collaborative governance can solve more problems than conventional processes. Secondly, the level of collaborative process efficiency. Several studies have found that collaborative processes require more resources than conventional processes, but the benefits outweigh the costs. Thirdly, stakeholder satisfaction with the process and results. The process tends to be more responsive with better results than conventional methods. Fourthly, the achievement of other benefits of social capital. For instance, participants are more likely to learn something new during the collaborative process and understand the problem better than traditional methods (Ansell & Gash, 2008).
Study Method
The study used a qualitative approach with a case study to systematically describe the Lebak Regency Calendar of Events (CoE) and tourism promotions in the Lebak Regency. Data was collected through literature reviews and interviews. The research method included an analysis of reports and policies relating to the Lebak Regency CoE. The interviews were conducted face-to-face with the Regional Development Planning and the Tourism and Culture Agency of the Lebak Regency Government, involving the agency head, the innovator of the Lebak Regency CoE, the tourism promotion division, and the research and development division.
Regional Development Plan and Tourism Promotion in Lebak Regency
Each elected regional head is required to conceive a Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD). The document outlines regional heads' vision, mission, and programs, including objectives, targets, strategies, policy directions, development and finance, and regional and crossagencies programs. It also includes an indicative funding framework for 5 (five) years which is prepared based on the guidelines in the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) and the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Moreover, the RPJMD has become the annual
Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) guideline. In preparing the RKPD, annual regional development priorities and targets align with the regional development programs in the RPJMD. Program targets and indicative ceilings in the RPJMD can be adjusted to the conditions and needs when preparing the RKPD.
The vision of Lebak Regency 2019-2024 is "Lebak as a Leading National Tourism Destination Based on Local Potential", with five missions consisting of: (1) Improving the quality and competitiveness of human resources; (2) Increasing regional economic productivity through tourism development; (3) Increasing the availability of regional infrastructure; (4) Improving the quality of the environment; and (5) Realizing good governance (Lebak Regency Government, 2022). To achieve the second mission, the Lebak Regency Tourism Office developed five comprehensive derivative strategies to promote leading tourism in Lebak Regency: strengthening collaboration, expanding relations with the community, the civil servants as tourism public relations, optimization of tourism information, and easing licensing (figure 2) (Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021).
Figure 2 Strategi of Tourism Promotion in Lebak
(Data from Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021)
Regarding this, the Calendar of Events (CoE) is a collection of tourism activities in the Lebak
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Regency for a year. CoE is also a form of synergy among agencies of the Lebak Regency in optimizing Lebak's potential in the tourism sector. The conceiving process of the CoE is carried out in line with the annual activity planning. It began with the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) and the Preparation of Regional Government Work Plans (RKPD) each year—referring to the results of the Musrenbang, each working unit synergies its activities with the Culture and Tourism Office programme. Based on the Regional Government Work Plans, the 2021 tourism events of the Lebak Regency consisted of the following activities, as depicted in figure 3.
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Figure 3 Lebak Regency 2021 Calendar of Events
(Note: Data from Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021)
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The Culture and Tourism Office takes the role of 'packaging' these activities in tourism events or facilitating these activities as part of the tourism events that will be carried out. Therefore, organising each tourism event in the Lebak Regency involves various agencies and sectors. For instance, in the former Seba Baduy event, other sub-events such as the MSMEs flagship products exhibition, Baduy art performances, wayang golek entertainment, culinary festivals, cultural art exhibitions, and many others were held. It involved government agencies (i.e., the agricultural office, fisheries office, communication and information office, archives and library office, education office, and others), the arts community, and creative economy actors in the Lebak Regency, with civil servants acting as the promotion agent.
Besides, The Lebak Tourism Office acts as a coach and encourages the development of local communities. The local communities that existed in Lebak Regency are as follows: (a) culinary community (59 communities), music (48 communities), craft (48 communities), photography (33 communities), performing arts (17), fashion (12), apps and games (10), movies animation and videos (7), and art (5) (figure 4). These communities are also involved in various tourism activities organized by the Lebak Regency Government, for instance, at the Millennial Virtual Stage and Launching Calendar of Events for Lebak Regency 2021.
Figure 4 Creative Economy Actors in Lebak Regency as of December 2020
(Note: Data from Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021)
The "Millennial Virtual Stage and Lebak Regency 2021 Calendar of Event Launching" activity aims to promote the unique potential of tourist destinations, arts and culture, and the characteristics of Lebak Regency to the entire community by using social media platforms,
including YouTube ( The event is part of a series of commemorations of the 192nd anniversary of the Lebak Regency, which features traditional and contemporary cultural arts performances, ethnic costumes, and the launching of Lebak Regency tourism events in 2021. In addition to displaying prime tourist destinations, cultural traditions, and leading tourism events. The event also featured the creations of Lebak artists from various communities (figure 5). It is also an effort from the Lebak Regional Government to help art creators during the Covid-19 pandemic. Further, the dissemination of the tourism calendar of events in Lebak Regency carries out through print media and the website, so that the public can easily access the information.
Figure 5 Millennial Virtual Stage and Launching Calendar of Events for Lebak Regency 2021
(Note: Data from Lebak Regency Tourism Office, 2021)
Impacts of Innovation
Public sector innovation aims to find new approaches to achieving public needs and creating value for individuals and society (Sidow & Ali, 2014; Trivellato, Martini, & Cavenago, 2020). Innovation can assist governments in making public policies that have a broader, inclusive, and more targeted impact on the needs of citizens (OECD, 2017; Alfaro-Garcia, Gil-Lafuente, & Calderon, 2017). An organisation's success is determined by what it is doing and how the organisation can make changes to improve or develop itself (Sidow & Ali, 2014).
In this regard, various efforts were made to restore tourism conditions in the Lebak Regency, including preparing for the reopening of tourist destinations which were initially entirely closed by adjusting health protocols and through tourism promotion in Lebak. Related to this, the Lebak Regency Tourism Office took advantage of this 'idle'
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moment to promote tourism in Lebak more massively.
In other words, the Lebak Regency Tourism Office utilises the 'idle' phase due to the pandemic as a moment to 'plant seeds' through innovative marketing strategies using various media to promote the unique potential of tourist destinations, cultural arts, and Lebak characteristics to the broader community, as well as to reorganising the tourism development strategy. Thus, when conditions are more conducive, tourist visits to Lebak can immediately increase and are expected to exceed previous years, revitalising community economic activity. It is the moment to 'reap the results' of the innovations and various activities that have been carried out.
The "Millennial Virtual Stage and Launching Calendar of Events for Lebak Regency 2021" is also a form of effort to realise Lebak's vision as a national tourism destination based on local potential. Thus, this tourism development effort can increase the productivity of the regional economy and provide significant benefits in improving the welfare of the people of the Lebak Regency.
Lebak Regency has many unique and exciting places to visit. The natural beauty and cultural uniqueness of the Lebak Regency have characteristics that are rarely owned by other regions. Lebak Unique can be likened to a world miniature or a 'mini world' because of its diverse characters. For instance, modernity is represented by urban communities, traditionality is reflected in the Baduy people, to the solid religious side is also reflected in the activities of the students in Lebak. The uniqueness of tourist destinations, cultural arts, and the peculiarities of Lebak certainly need to be promoted to the broader community.
In this case, the development of digitalization can simplify and expand the reach of tourism promotion in Lebak. Therefore, the activity entitled "Millennial Virtual Stage and Launching the Lebak Regency Calendar of Event 2021" is expected to be an effective media to introduce Lebak to a broader scope, both at the regional, national, and international levels. This innovation can also be a model for other agencies, especially in Lebak Regency, creating activities in a hybrid form and becoming a model for synergies across agencies and even with various communities.
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