Increasing Farmer Income By Improved Pig Management Systems
Buletin Veteriner Udayana
pISSN: 2085-2495; eISSN: 2477-2712
Volume 8 No. 2: 122-127
Agustus 2016
Increasing Farmer Income By Improved Pig Management Systems
Kadek Karang Agustina1, I Wayan Wirata2, Anak Agung Gde Oka Dharmayudha2, I Made Kardena3, Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan4
1Veterinary Public Health, 2Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, 3Veterinary Pathology, 4Clinical Pathology
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, PB. Sudirman St, Denpasar-Bali, Email: [email protected]
This research aims were to increase house hold income of pig farmer by reconstructing of the pig management systems. The methods used in this study were the application of the problem solving techniques through IPTEKDALIPI programs. The captured data were all expenses incurred and income received in one pig production period before and after intervention. The results showed that there was a significant increase in the income of the farmer from 31.4% to 38.77%. It could be concluded that the pig farmer’s income can be increased through improved management of pig farming systems.
Keywords: pig, income, management.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga peternak babi dengan melakukan rekonstruksi dan perbaikan pada sistem peternakan babi yang diterapkan. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah aplikasi dari teknik pemecahan masalah melalui kegiatan IPTEKDALIPI. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah total biaya produksi yang dihabiskan selama satu kali periode produksi yaitu sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada penghasilan peternak babi dari 31,4% menjadi 38,77%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penghasilan peternak babi dapat ditingkatkan melalui perbaikan sistem manajemen peternakan babi.
Kata kunci: babi, pendapatan, manajemen
Pig production is an important part in supporting the economy of many countries. The pig population continues to increase from year to year related to the enhancement of private consumption of pork (Mohamadi and Petri, 2006). Pig has an important role for the community as a source of protein, income, employment, savings and fertilizer (Putra et al., 2007). Pig has many advantages over other livestock that the growth rate is fast, easy to breed, easy to find the source of feed and carcass value is high
enough as a provider of animal protein for humans (Nugroho and Whendrato, 1990). Particularly in Bali, pigs are the leading commodity in the community. Most of the people in Bali raising pigs as the main business or sideline in the family. Bali Provincial Animal Husbandry reported the results of a census of pig population in 2011 reached 924 297 pigs (Sumantra, 2011).
The increasing population of pigs in Bali due to the increasing demand for pork and traditional Hindus purposes. Nearly 85% of Balinese are Hinduism where they have a tradition in religious
ceremonies that always require a pig in a relatively large amount. Balinese Hindu community relies heavily on pigs, from birth until the closing of age always needs pigs as a means of their religious, so that the potential of the pig farm in Bali is very good (Wirata, 2014). Based on the potential of pig, the Balinese community assesses that a pig farm is a good business opportunity for them. Almost every family in Bali has pigs, especially those living in rural areas. A side from being a commodity business, for the general population of pigs is also used as livestock that can use waste as a raw material feed kitchen. Which was originally discarded kitchen waste can be used as animal feed pigs which will be sold as extra income communities (Budaarsa, 2014).
In contrast to the potential of pigs in Bali, is still found the problems and constraints faced by pig farmers. Pig farmers in Bali generally apply the conventional scavenging systems, they know how to raise pigs autodidact and a legacy of his ancestors for generations. Very rare farmers who apply the technology in running the farm pigs. They do not understand the importance of the application of technology in terms of breed selection, feed management, maintenance of animal health, equipment and piggery systems, waste management and the marketing of their products (Agustina, 2013). Enhancement of the pig’s population was recorded only in terms of an increase in the number of pigs but not followed with improved farm system and the quality of pig and pork produced. Thus applied systems did not provide the maximum benefit for the farmers.
This implementation study conducted in pig breeding farm in Abang Village, Karangasem-Bali. Problems of
the farmer were collected by interview and field observed using a set of questionnaires. Four major problems identified: farmer kept local cross breed pigs with small body, slow growth and low feed conversion rate; farmer did not know how to formulate the ration of feed according to the needs of the pig and less attention to the health status. Intervention and accompaniment carried out following methods of IPTEKDA LIPI program (science and technology for society program). Production process started from selection of breed of sow candidates such as ten each of Landrace, Duroc and Large White and two boars such as one each of Duroc and Large White; Feed source selection and formulating the ration of feed according to the needs of the pig, rations during pregnancy, lactation, starter, grower and finisher; Guiding the preparation of the animal health program in collaboration with local animal health officers (Agustina et al., 2014).
The captured data were all expenses incurred and income received in one pig production period before and after intervention. Production costs (total expenses) data collected were: feed and additional feed, water, medicine, vaccine, wage, land lease, supporting equipments and electricity. The data of total income collected were: the number of production, the sale of piglets and pigs. All the data analyzed descriptively by statistical program, comparison study before and after intervention analyzed by T test.
Detailed research results are presented in Table 1. Breed of pigs were originally local and some local bali crossbreeds replaced by a superior breed that were Landrace, Duroc and Large White. In one production period before intervention, from 25 bali local crossbreed sows in pig breeding farm,
produced 202 piglets, but after introduced by 30 of superior breed of sows, farmer produced 312 piglets.
After replaced by superior breed litter size in the breeding farm significantly increased from 8.8 to 10.9 piglets (P<0.01), while the weaned piglets also rise slightly from 8.08 to 10.4 piglets per sows (P<0.01). The gross benefit earned by the farmer raise sharply from 31.4% to 38.77% (P<0.01).
Increasing in income earned from the prices of piglets, bali local crossbreed piglets only sold in average of IDR. 475.000 of each piglet, whereas superior breed piglets were sold in average of IDR 675.000 each. Litter size and the ability of the parenting of sows are the factors that are not inseparable in generating a number of piglets alive at weaning role in the progress of the pig farm (Gobai et al., 2013).
Table 1. Business development on pig farmers in one production process
Farmer |
Parameters |
Before intervention |
After intervention |
P value |
Breed of sow |
Local and local bali crossbreed |
Landrace, Duroc and Large White | ||
Number of sow |
25 |
30 |
0.132ns | |
Breeding |
Number of piglets (litter size per sow) |
222 (8.88) |
327 (10.9) |
0.000* |
farm |
Piglets production (weaning rate per sow) |
202 (8.08) |
312 (10.4) |
0.000* |
Total expenses |
IDR. 73.200.000 |
IDR. 151.760.000 | ||
Total income |
IDR. 96.187.500 |
IDR. 210.600.000 |
0.000* | |
Gross benefit |
IDR. 22.987.500 |
IDR. 58.840.000 |
ns: No significant
*: Significant
Productivity of pigs such as the liter size, born weight, vitality from birth to weaning and weight at birth until weaning can be enhanced by manipulation of feeding and management system, but the changes are temporary and easily restored. Therefore, the productivity improvement through breeding programs needed to be directed in accordance with the objective of improving the advantages that are more permanent (Milligan et al., 2002). This results support previous research that litter size affected the body weight in crossbreed local pigs (Akdag et al., 2009; Wahyuningsih et al., 2012). But the superior breed of pigs had higher number of litter size than local bali crossbreed, larger body size of superior breed of pigs allows more number of fetus without
having to lower birth weight. Many factors influence litter size, these include genetics, gilt management, lactation length, parity distribution, disease, stress and boar fertility (Lawlor and Lynch, 2007; Vidovic et al., 2015).
Feed is the most important costs in pig production (Peng et al., 2007). Shriver et al, (2003); Len et al, (2008) stated that the use of inexpensive feed materials at the proper level will provide economic benefits. At this intervention, farmer guided to find local feed sources which have a good nutritional value for pigs such as soybean hulls, coconut hulls, rice hulls and corn dust. The cost of production has increased significantly, namely 107%. This increase occurred as a result of the improved quality of the feed and the amount of the sows
population and piglets were produced, it also came from health management systems were provided. This study was consistent with previous studies that utilize rice husks at the level of 10% in the diet containing 50% of hotel waste was able to increase total revenues, while the use of rice husk at the level of 30% was able to reduce the cost of pig feed intake (Ariana et al., 2014), the addition of soybean meal in pig feed ration is very important as a source of phosphorus, protein and vitamins E which are needed in the reproductive mechanism (Almeida and Stein, 2010; Gu et al., 2010). With the use of some of these food sources, production costs increased slightly but provide supplemental nutrition, so that the sows are able to reproduce optimally.
Pig is an animal that is susceptible to illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Disease will result in a significant loss on the economics of pig farms (Collins, 2002). Diseases in pigs not only cause harm to farmers but also can threaten human health because of some diseases are zoonoses (Setiawan, 2009; Arizono et al., 2010; Huong et al., 2014). In this research, optimal disease prevention programs have done, vaccinate against Hog cholera, Septicemia Epizootica, worm medication on a regular basis, the provision of first aid animal health, improve drainage and do improve environmental sanitation. Prevention of diseases and health management systems that would increase the number of pigs weaned (Shankar et al., 2009).
It can be concluded that the replacement of sows with superior breed types can improve liter size and weaned piglets. Increased in production costs due to improved feed quality and improved health management will be followed by
improved quality and prices of piglets produced. So in the end the total income of farmers are increased.
The program needs to be continued and spread to change and improve the management systems of pig farms in all around Bali.
Thanks to Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) and The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University through the Program of IPTEKDA LIPI by contracts No. 203.29/SP/ DATTGP2UBTD/II/2014 for supported and funded this program.
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