241 Jurnal Buletin Studi Ekonomi. Vol. 23 No. 2, Agustus 2018


1Renol Fernanda, 2Syafrizal

1)Students of Magister Management, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University 2)Lecturer of Magister Management, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University 1)E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The Effect of Experiential Marketing and Retail Marketing Mix on Consumer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable in The Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s Food Souvenir Shop. This study aims to examine: 1) the effect of experiential marketing on consumer satisfaction in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop 2) the effect of retail marketing mix on consumer satisfaction in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito's food souvenir shop 3) the effect of customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop 4) the effect of experiential marketing on consumer loyalty in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito's food souvenir shop 5) the effect of retail marketing mix on consumer loyalty in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito's food souvenir shop 6) the effect of experiential marketing on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as mediation variable in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop 7) the effect of retail marketing mix on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop. The object of the research is the food souvenir shop Sanjai Dunsanak Kito.

Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Retail Marketing Mix, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty.

Abstrak: Pengaruh Pemasaran Eksperiensi Dan Campuran Pemasaran Eceran Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Melalui Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Mediasi Yang Bervariasi Di Sanjai Dunsanak Kito Souvenir Shop. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji: 1) pengaruh pemasaran pengalaman pada kepuasan konsumen di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito 2) pengaruh bauran pemasaran ritel terhadap kepuasan konsumen di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito 3) pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan pada loyalitas konsumen di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito 4) pengaruh pemasaran pengalaman terhadap loyalitas konsumen di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito 5) pengaruh bauran pemasaran ritel terhadap loyalitas konsumen di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito 6) pengaruh experiential marketing terhadap loyalitas konsumen melalui kepuasan pelanggan sebagai variabel mediasi di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito 7) pengaruh bauran pemasaran ritel terhadap loyalitas konsumen melalui kepuasan pelanggan sebagai variabel mediasi di toko suvenir makanan Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. Objek penelitian adalah toko suvenir Sanjai Dunsanak Kito.

Kata Kunci: Pemasaran Experiential, Bauran Pemasaran Ritel, Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan.


The development of MSMEs is very important to promote and prosper the community in the region. MSMEs are also one of the solutions for the government to open new jobs to eradicate various community diseases such as unemployment, poverty, malnutrition and various other community diseases. MSMEs continue to grow and develop in a number of districts and cities throughout Indonesia, one of which is in Lima Puluh Kota Regency. In the past few years, the number of MSMEs in the Lima Puluh Kota Regency continues to grow. The types of business units developed are divided into several business segments which include food, clothing and leather, chemicals and building materials, metals and electronics to crafts. Based on data obtained by researchers from the Cooperative and SME Trade Office of the Lima Puluh Kota Regency, the development of MSMEs based on industry segments is shown in Table 1.1 below:

Table 1.1

Number of Small Industrial in Lima Puluh Kota Regency Period of 2013 s / d in 2017

Type of Industry






food industry






Clothing and leather industry






The chemical industry and building materials






Metal and electronics industry


















Source: Department of Trade Cooperatives and SMEs Lima Puluh Kota Regency 2018

Based on Table 1.1, it is seen that the number of small-scale MSME-based industries in Lima Puluh Kota Regency is relatively slow, as seen from the accumulation of the number of MSMEs in 2013 totaling 8,174 business units. This amount is equal to the total number of MSME business units in 2014. In 2015 there was an increase in the number of MSMEs in Lima Puluh Kota Regency to 8,506 units. This amount survived or did not change until 2017. The increase in the number of MSMEs was allegedly due to customer dissatisfaction and lack of customer loyalty and lack of marketing experience provided by the parties

managing MSMEs so that they were unable to improve the business performance of MSMEs, especially in Lima Puluh Kota.

One of the industrial segments developed in MSMEs in Lima Puluh Kota Regency is the food industry segment with sanjai cracker commodities. The Sanjai cracker business is intended to develop traditional specialties of the Minangkabau region, especially in Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The Sanjai cracker business is managed directly by the indigenous people and is expected to encourage and improve community welfare. The problem faced by a number of sanjai cracker entrepreneurs in Lima Puluh Kota Regency is related to the unstable sales value.

In this case the sales of sanjai crackers are more referring to the season. When the holiday season comes, there will be an increase in sales in line with many tourists visiting the area in Lima Puluh Kota Regency. As a result, in certain times the sales of a number of sanjai cracker MSMEs have decreased dramatically and certainly have an impact on the welfare of members.

Based on the initial survey the researchers did to some consumers who shop at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito Shop about how the impression and marketing experience received by consumers can be seen in Table 1.3 below:

Table 1.3

Consumers impression when have been shopping at San-

jai Dunsanak Kito

Item Statement


Not good






The availability of support facilities (such as toilets, prayer room, Wi-Fi, parking)






The distinctive aroma of the store crackers Sanjai






Promo offered by stores






Access to the current store location






Free transactions






Source: Primary Data (processed) 2019

Based on the pre-survey conducted on 30 consumers who shop at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenirs shops, it is known

that consumers' responses to the distinctive aroma of Sanjai Dunsanak Kito shop are not good, 19 consumers feel dissatisfied with the aroma of the shop . Although the taste of the crackers can be tried before buying, the distinctive aroma of the sanjai crackers is less pronounced because the sanjai cracker frying pan is located far behind the shop. It was less indulgent in the smell of consumers of the main products of the store and this problem showed that the sanjai cracker shop atmosphere was still incomplete by the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito shop. If you want to attract the attention of consumers to be able to continue to visit again and get customer loyalty, the store should provide a good marketing experience to consumers when visiting. This is included in experiential marketing.

Based on a brief description of the phenomenon and background of the problem that has been explained, the researcher feels interested in discussing a number of variables that are thought to also influence consumer loyalty. Therefore the researcher made a study that would be carried out with an empirical approach, especially for MSME business actors and users of Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. This study entitled: The Effect of Experiential Marketing and Retail Marketing Mix on Consumer Loyalty through Consumer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito's Food Souvenir Shop.

  • 1.1    Formulation of the problem

In accordance with the brief description of the background of the problem that has been described, a number of issues will be addressed in this study, namely:

  • 1.    What is the effect of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?

  • 2.    How does the retail marketing mix affect consumer satisfaction at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?

  • 3.    What is the effect of customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?

  • 4.    How does experiential marketing affect

consumer loyalty at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?

  • 5.    How does the retail marketing mix affect consumer loyalty at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?

  • 6.    What is the influence of experiential marketing on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?

  • 7.    How does the retail marketing mix affect consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop?


    • 2.1    Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is a marketing approach that actually has been done since ancient times until now by marketers. This approach is considered very effective because it is in line with the changing times and technology, marketers emphasize product differentiation to differentiate their products with competitors' products. With the experiential marketing, customers will be able to differentiate their products and services with one another because they are able to gain firsthand experience through five approaches (sense, feel, think, act and relate), either before or when they consume a product or service (Andreani, 2007).

  • 2.2    Retail Marketing Mix

According to Levy and Weitz (2012), the retail mix is a set of discussions retailers make to satisfy customer needs and Reviews their influence purchase decisions. Elements in the retail mix include the types of promotional programs, store design, merchandising displays, assistance to customers provided by sales people, and convenience of the store's location (P.20).

Retail mix is a set of decisions made by retailers to meet all the needs of the buyer and can influence purchasing decisions. Part of the retail mix is a promotional programs, store design, display of goods, aid to the buyer by the salesperson, and convenience store


  • 2.3    Consumer Loyalty

According to Oliver (2010) customer loyalty is a commitment that lasts deep consumer to re-subscribe or to purchase products or services that consistently selected in the future, although the influence of the situation and marketing efforts have the potential to change. According to Lovelock (2011) loyalty addressed to a behavior, which is addressed to repeat purchase and recommend a product to a friend or partner.

  • 2.4    Customer Satisfaction

According to Kotler and Keller (2016), satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result from comparing a product or service's perceived performance (or outcome) to expectations (p.153). Consumers can experience one of the three levels of general satisfaction that if performance is below expectations, consumers will be disappointed but if performance in line with expectations of customers will be satisfied and if the performance can exceed the expectations of our customers are very satisfied and happy.

  • 2.5    Hypothesis

Based on the description of the theory and a number of references to previous research then proposed several hypotheses that will be demonstrated in the present study are:

H1: Experiential marketing affects customer satisfaction at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

H2: Retail marketing mix affects customer satisfaction at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

H3: Consumer satisfaction affects consumer loyalty at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

H4: Experiential Marketing affects consumer loyalty at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

H5: Retail Marketing Mix affects consumer loyalty at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s

food souvenir shop.

H6: Experiential marketing affects consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as mediating variables at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

H7: Retail marketing mix affects consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as mediating variables at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 2.6    Conceptual framework

Based on the theory that has been described above with the strengthening of the various studies that have been done, then we propose a conceptual framework of this research through Figure 2.1 below:

Figure 2.1 Research model


    • 3.1    Design Research

This research is causative, i.e. research that would explain the causal relationship that can occur between the exogenous variables with endogenous variables mediated by mediating variable. The processing of the data is planned by using SmartPLS 3.0.

  • 3.2    Population and Sample

Population is the unity of attributes that work together to achieve one goal. In this study, the entire consumer population is Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

The samples are part of the population who are supposed to represent. In this study, the samples are some consumers who shop at least once in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop. Given the number or size of samples to consumers is not known, the required sample in this study according to Hair et al., (2010) in determining the sample can be counted 5 times the amount of the indicator questionnaire. The number of indicators on

the questionnaire in this study was 45, then 45 x 5 = 225. The size of the sample that will be used in this study was 225 respondents. Based on the results of calculation of the total sample size of approximately amount to 225 consumers who shop at least once in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 3.3    Sampling method

Given the number of customers who visited the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop has a relatively large amount, then the sampling method used was purposive sampling. In the method the sample is selected based on specific criteria contained in the population. The criteria used include:

  • 1.    Consumers who shop at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 2.    Consumers aged 18 years and over.

  • 3.    Consumers are already making a purchase at least once in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 3.4    Data collection technique

Data was collected using questionnaires. The questionnaire was prepared using five (5) alternative answers where each answer has a score of 1-5, with details as follows:

Table 3.1

Alternative Answers with Likert Scale

  • 3.5    Data analysis method

Data analysis techniques used in this study is the path / path analysis using software 3.0 Smart PLS (Partial Least Square). Model evaluation Partial Least Square (PLS) based on measurement predictions that have the nature of non-parametric (Ghozali 2010, p. 24). PLS has the advantage that is able to present a valid comparison of data between the different dimensions and measure the effect of the relationship between factors or concepts (Ferdinand, 2003).

  • 3.5.1    Convergent Validity

Results pegumpulan data obtained from the questionnaire respondents stuffing should diiuji validity and reliability. The research result as valid, if there are similarities between the data collected by the data actually happened on the object under study. Valid means the instrument can be used to measure what is to be measured. Convergent validity of the measurement model with a reflexive indicator can be seen from the correlation between the respective indicator scores with scores konstruknya. The size of individual reflexive said to be high if more than 0.70 correlated with the construct to be measured (Ghozali, 2012).

  • 3.5.2    Composite Reliability

The results of the study said to be reliable if there is equality of data in a different time, meaning that the instrument had a reliability is the instrument when used several times to measure the same object, will produce the same data as well. To test whether the instrument is reliable views of the value of reliability block composite indicator that measures a construct and also the value of Cronbach's Alpha. Reliability variables said to be good if it has a Cronbach's Alpha value of more than 0.60 (Ghozali, 2012).

  • 3.5.3    Discriminant Validity

Discriminant Validity carried out in two stages, namely by looking at the value of cross loading and comparing the value of the square of the correlation between the value of AVE or construct correlation between a construct with roots AVE. Discriminant validity judged by cross loading, if the correlation construct the measurement items larger than the other constructs, it shows that the latent constructs predict the size of the block they are better than the size of the other blocks.

  • 3.5.4    Structural (Inner) Model

Examination of the models done by looking at the value of R-square. Assessment models with PLS begins to see the R-square for each dependent latent variables. R-square

value changes can be used to assess the effect of certain latent variables independent of the dependent latent variable whether menpunyai substantive effect.

  • 3.6    Hypothesis testing

Hartono and Abdillah (2015) explains that the significance of the size of the hypothesis can be used keterdukungan t-value comparison table and the t-statistic. The hypothesis is supported or accepted if the t-statistic is higher than the value of the t-table to be able also to compare the p-value with the value ɑ used. T-tbale value for a one tailed hypothesis with faiths rate of 95 percent (ɑ = 0.5) is 1.96. Keterdukungan hypothesis occurs when the value of t-statistic> 1.96 or p-value <ɑ = 0.5. PLS analysis used in this study was conducted using 3.0 SmartPLS program run by the computer media.


Based on the formulation of the problem and have been processed using PLS program 3.0, it can be covered are as follows:

  • 4.1    The influence of experiential marketing to customer satisfaction

Based on the hypothesis test 1 on experiential marketing has no effect on customer satisfaction. Based on the results of testing this is because the P value of 0.079. Statistical measures show results that do not qualify, because the value of the P-value of above 0.05.

This could happen because of marketing experience perceived by consumers Sanjai Dunsanak Kito as not standardized services provided by the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop thus making consumers less comfortable.

  • 4.2    Retail marketing mix influence on customer satisfaction

Based on the hypothesis test 2 the retail marketing mix affects customer satisfaction. This is because the value of P value 0.040. This statistical measure shows the results meet the requirements, namely under 0.05

for grades P-value. This could occur because the dimensions of communication adopted by the manager of the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop as consumers are given free coffee and mineral water for free to any consumer visiting a Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop. In terms of location, Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop passed by public transportation so as Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop easily accessible by visitors.

  • 4.3    The influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty

Based on the hypothesis test indicate that influence consumer satisfaction on consumer loyalty, this is because It is the value of P value was 0.000. This statistical measure shows the results meet the requirements, namely under 0.05 for grades P-value. This is because the products offered by the manager of the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop is a good quality product. During shopping in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop, consumers feel a pleasant experience.

  • 4.4    The influence of experiential marketing on customer loyalty

Based on the hypothesis test showed that experiential marketing effect on customer loyalty due to the value of P-values are 0.000. This statistical measure shows the results meet the requirements, namely under 0.05 for grades P-value. This is because the color and appearance of the product Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop is delicious on consumer tastes. Besides coffee and free accommodation provided by the manager of the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop make consumers comfortable while waiting for an order that is packed by the store clerk.

  • 4.5    Retail marketing mix influence on consumer loyalty

Based on the hypothesis test showed that the retail marketing mix effect on customer loyalty due to the value of P-values indicate the value of 0.010. This statistical measure shows the results meet the requirements, namely

P-value of under 0.05. This happens because the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop provide coffee and mineral water for free as a promotion strategy to make customers come back again to shop for souvenirs Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. Plus, the location of Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop strategic and easily traversed by public transportation, so that consumers do not have difficulty to reach the site Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 4.6    The influence of experiential marketing on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction

The test results indirect effect indicates the effect of variable experiential marketing on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction with the value of the P-value of 0.075 which indicates experiential marketing has no effect on consumer loyalty to a Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop through customer satisfaction due to the value of P-value> 0.05. This means that consumer loyalty to the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop influenced by experiential marketing. Consumers still want to shop with Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop without influenced by consumer satisfaction.

This could occur because the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shops cooperation with the travel of West Sumatra to Riau or otherwise are required to bring passengers to stop and buy food souvenirs at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. So, every passenger who subscribe to the travel party, it is definitely going to buy souvenirs in Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. Besides souvenir shops Sanjai Dunsanak Kito can increase customer loyalty through their experience while visiting the store through product excellence. Like the look appetizing crackers, snack foods that do not contain preservatives so that consumers think and feel that the food they are eating a healthy diet. Not only for the excellence of its products, Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop also give a positive impression by giving free coffee on every consumer who comes, such an experience is not that they can from the other

shop for souvenirs. So with advantages in experience they may have directly influenced them to loyal to the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 4.7    Retail marketing mix influence on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction

The result of the calculation of the indirect effect between retail marketing mix variables on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction shows the results of P-value with a value of 0.000 (<0.005) this means that the retail marketing mix variables affect the customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. The results were accounted Variance for (VAF) test mediation retail marketing mix variables on consumer loyalty through satisfaction with the value of 75.51%. These results show the level of mediation partially (partial) by category 20% <VAF <80%. Therefore, it was concluded that customer satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between the retail marketing mix and consumer loyalty. This means that the retail marketing mix effect on consumer loyalty to a Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop. This can happen because the marketing mix strategy does pose a manufacturer through customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty. Consumer satisfaction is marked by good consumer response over the price offered, the place is cozy and products available make customers come back to the store.

  • 5.    CONCLUSION

Based on the results of research and discussion which has been described previously, it can be concluded that:

  • 1.    Most of the respondents who participated in this study were female who worked as private employees and entrepreneurs. Respondents in this study mostly came from the city of Pekanbaru and had revenues of more than Rp 4,500,000.

  • 2.    Experiential marketing has no effect on consumer satisfaction. This means that the perceived experiential marketing regarding Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop

among consumers does not play a role in consumer satisfaction.

  • 3.    Retail marketing mix influences consumer satisfaction. This means that the better the retail marketing mix that consumers feel when shopping in Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop, it will increase customer satisfaction.

  • 4.    Consumer satisfaction affects consumer loyalty. This means that the better customer satisfaction is formed, the more likely it will be to increase consumer loyalty to shop at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 5.    Experiential marketing has an effect on consumer loyalty. This means that the greater the marketing experience that consumers feel will increase the consumer loyalty.

  • 6.    Retail marketing mix affects loyalty. This means that the greater the value of the retail marketing mix, the more it will influence consumer loyalty.

  • 7.    Experiential marketing has no effect on consumer loyalty variables through variable customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. This means that experiential marketing has an effect on consumer loyalty without customer satisfaction; consumers will still be loyal to the product.

  • 8.    Retail marketing mix partially influences consumer loyalty variables through variable customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. This means that the retail marketing mix influences consumer loyalty. Consumers will be more loyal by considering their satisfaction in shopping.

  • 5.1    Research implications

Based on the results of the research and discussion previously described, there are several practical implications that are expected to be implemented through various policies that are able to encourage consumer loyalty in the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito gift shop. Then the implications include:

  • 1.    In improving Experiential marketing, Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop should add to the impression of marketing experience in consumers by adding a number

of spots in front of the shop to make West Sumatra typical food souvenirs such as sanjai crackers and rendang telur so that consumers can immediately saw the traditional process of making sanjai crackers and rendang telur. In addition, the distinctive smell of sweet potato crackers that are freshly fried and new rendang telur ready to be cooked will add to the taste of consumers to consume the sanjai crackers and “rendang telur”. The process of making sanjai crackers and egg rendang must be displayed hygienically, so as to give the impression that Sanjai crackers and egg rendang produced directly by the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop are healthy and safe for consumption. The store must also make consumers like being in a thick Minangkabau atmosphere by wearing a typical Minangkabau uniform for each officer and singing Minangkabau music in the shop. The most important implication is the gift shop Sanjai Dunsanak Kito must standardize every service provided to consumers. The hospitality of each officer when serving consumers must be the same so that no consumer feels discriminated when shopping at a souvenir shop Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. In addition, the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop should keep the "tried first and bought" strategy, so consumers will not feel cheated after buying a typical souvenir product from Sanjai Dunsanak Kito. Consumers can immediately try the flavor of a typical Sanjai Dunsanak Kito souvenir product, especially sanjai crackers which are immediately wrapped in place when the consumer wants to order them. This recommendation is important to make consumers feel unique and different when visiting and shopping at Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 2.    In increasing the retail marketing mix, the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito gift shops can do the following:

  • •    Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop adds various types of West Sumatra specialty food products offered so that consumers can get all the things they want to buy as food souvenirs in one shop and do not have to look for other stores (one stop


  • •    Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop party should review each price offered in order to compete in terms of prices with other West Sumatra food souvenir shops.

  • •    Improve services to consumers by continuing to train shop staff to be able to serve consumers with friendliness and quickly respond to complaints and questions from consumers.

  • •    Repairing any inadequate physical facilities such as lights on the toilet, broken toilet doors and always maintaining the cleanliness of the prayer room so that consumers are comfortable in worshiping at the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop.

  • 3.    In increasing customer satisfaction, it is better for the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop to maintain and continue to improve the quality of the products and services that have been provided to consumers by Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop. The management of Sanjai Dunsanak Kito continues to provide bonuses and accommodation for free to consumers.

  • 4.    Many efforts can be made by the manager of the Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop to create consumer loyalty by:

  • •    Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop management can provide free souvenirs characterized by Sanjai Dunsanak Kito such as Sanjai Dunsanak Kito Mug, T-shirt that reads Sanjai Dunsanak Kito, Calendar and Imsakiyah Ramadhan, and Sanjai Dunsanak Kito Stickers that will bring consumers closer to the store souvenir Sanjai Dunsanak Kito.

  • •    The Sanjai Dunsanak Kito’s food souvenir shop manager gave big day Discount by giving discounts on all types of souvenir products typical of West Sumatra on holidays such as Eid, Christmas, Chinese New Year, and New Year.


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