Lusia Adinda Dua Nurak dkk, Female Role Conflict : ... 49


Lusia Adinda Dua Nurak1 Gd.Adnyana Sudibya2 Gede Riana3

(1)Magister of Management, Udayana University (2)&(3)Management Department, Faculty of Economy and Business, Udayana University Email : [email protected]

Abstract : Female Role Conflict : The Impact of Lamaholot Culture and Work Environment in Ikat Weaving Crafters in The Flores Eastern District. The development has resulted in a paradigm change of the women role in the social order at the society. The role change has an impact to the environment as a result of conflict and culture. This study is aimed to obtain the cultural influences and the working environment to role conflict. The samples of the research are 98 women who worked on the public sector. The data was collected by interview and questionnaire, then analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartsPLS. Analysis results showed that the culture has a positive and significant effect to the working environment, culture has a positive effect but not significant on role conflict, and the working environment has a negative and significant effect on role conflict of women who work at the public sector.

Keywords : conflict, culture, work environment

Abstrak : Konflik Peran Wanita : Dampak dari Budaya Lamaholot dan Lingkungan Kerja pada Perajin Tenun Ikat di Kabupaten Flores Timur. Pembangunan telah menghasilkan perubahan paradigma peran wanita dalam tatanan sosial di masyarakat. Perubahan peran tersebut telah membawa dampak pada konflik sebagai akibat dari lingkungan dan budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya dan lingkungan kerja terhadap konflik peran. Sampel penelitian adalah 98 perempuan yang bekerja pada sektor publik. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan interview dan kuesioner, selanjutnya data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan structural equation modeling (SEM) menggunakan PLS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa budaya berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap lingkungan kerja, budaya berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap konflik peran, serta lingkungan kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap konflik peran pada wanita yang bekerja di sektor publik.

Kata kunci: konflik, budaya, lingkungan kerja


In line with the changing times, women are begin to realize the catch and motivated to fight for equal rights in the development as a self actualization. These conditions put women at a disadvantage position in many aspects, because of the inherent fundamental duty as a mother and wife in the household. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS, 2010) reported that more than half of Indonesia’s population is female, yet women are still left behind. This illustrates the inequalities between men and women (Soemartoyo, 2002).

The role of women seemed greater, especially when economic turmoil occurs and this condition requires them to enhance family income. The impact of the crisis on women and children seem much worse (Chandrakirana, 2000). The women of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) are a picture of a patriarchal society

and masculinity where men occupy a dominant role in the social and cultural institutions. Generally, NTT’s women are traditional indigenous communities, with the main predicate as a housewife. They stay in a domestic environment by playing domestic roles, such as: childbirth, breastfeeding, caring for children/house, cooking, washing, weaving, cattle feeding, even planting and maintaining the gardens. And also still play an appropriate role in the culture.

Traditionally, if there is any public role, for example, sell the weaving, or agriculture crops, then the money should be paid to the majority of men (husbands). Generally NTT’s women are not the money controller of a family, meanwhile the money held and managed by the man. In decision making, many women are not given a chance, as most decisions are made by man or men in discussion forum. This occurs both in the domestic environment, as well as in the public domain.

Women as housewives are required to conduct domestic jobs; the equivalent of household work refers to work that done in the household environment. These activities include biological reproduction and social reproduction, such as: sweeping and cleaning the house, shopping and cooking, parenting and child care, and so on (Sukesi , 1991). NTT culture require people, both men and women perform activities that related to customs and religion. This activity, especially for women who participated in the public sector often lead to conflict (Sunasri , 2003) . The role of women in the public sector cannot be separated from environmental factors that have provided an opportunity for women to take part.

Factors that motivate women to work is the economic motivation; in this case they want to increase family income or motivation to have their own income as well as non-economic motivations: want to gain experiences, self actualization, and hobbies ( Mardikanto , 1985; Suratiyah , 1996). Ihromi (1999) stated the work motivations for a living usually include motivation that are considered important by themselves as well as the side motivations. In line with the economic progress nowadays, there is an increasing amount of women who work for a living (Mardikanto, 1985). In addition, there are involvements of women in the public sector due to economic pressure, the loss of jobs in the agricultural sector, and the increasing education of women (Abdullah, 1995).

This condition occurred in Lamaholot culture in East Flores regency. From Lamaholot mythological stories, it is depicting how important the role that played by an Ina Inawae in the history of human life (Kopong Medan, 2005). In various traditional Lamaholot rituals also find a number of activities in which the role of women is crucial. The role of women in adat on one hand tends to be more complex because nowadays many women pursue public roles, and this cause conflict in woman role in society.

Lamaholot culture never forbids women to be creative in a wider space. Women as a source of life could also play a part in the sides of more modern life, such as in the industrial world, bureaucracy, politics, and so forth. This condition will aggravate the position of women, because on the one side women have a very important role in supporting culture, while on the other side women should help families to earn more income.

According to Luthans (2009) role is a position that make expectations grow from constructed

norms. A woman often has multiple roles. Carried a dual role is very risky to family – work conflict and culture – job. Conflict in the family is very influential with the work behavior (Sastrohadiwiryo, 2003). These conflicts will hamper the implementation process of job and at the same time family peace. Moreover, to the working-women, these encountered conflicts can cause women cannot act properly so that their role becomes unbalanced (Mansfield et al. , 1991, Cohen , 1985) . Results were amplified a research held by Kinnuenen and Mauno (1998), sample of 501 workers who work in four organizations in Finland that the conflict in the workplace can affect life in the household, and vice versa conflict in the household can interfere with execution of work .

Cohen and Syme (1985) explained the need for social support to reduce the negative effects of the disturbance and restore the individual to a state of good mental health. The results of Cinnamon and Rich research (2002) suggested that working women were more often experience conflicts and problems. Sekaran (1986) expressed the support and assistance provided by husband and other family members will assign the opportunity for women to be able to develop their career.

Research conducted by Susanna Lo et al. (2003) find out that a job and family conflict are a significant problem for many married professional women in Hongkong. Women who work have more problems because of the difficulty of dividing time between the family and work. Same as the research conducted by Realyta (2007), she find out the emergence of limitation to women who work in the Malay community and women are positioned only for reproductive activities. While the research conducted by Nini Yang et al. (2000) concluded that there is a positive association of women working with role conflict.

Working environment where someone work is very influential on a person’s performance. Schultz (1994) stated that women show a greater frequency to experience physical fatigue, mental fatigue, and also emotional fatigue when they work. Schultz statement explained that women showed significantly high levels of burnout with regard to the conflicts between work and family. If the level of work and family conflict is high, job satisfaction will decrease.

Based on interviews with weaving women workers , the involvement of women in the family

affects the interconnection between work and family roles and participation in their society. In addition, community participation is a fixed resource where the amount of time spent in community activities is not available for other activities. Therefore, women feel that they are bound by customs because of the role of culture (domestic) , but in other side, women still have to run a public role in order to help family welfare.


Conflict and Role Conflict

According to Kahn (in Duxbury & Higgins , 1991), role conflict is a form of inter - role- conflict in which the role pressures from work and family environment conflicting with each other. Greenhauss and Beutell (1985 ) suggested a dual role conflict is a form of inter-role conflict, the role of work and family needs equal attention. Furthermore, a person is said to have a dual role conflict if he/she feels a tension in the lead role of work and family .

Role that expressed by Van Sell et al . in Collins et al . (1995 ) , is a set of expectations that addressed to the incumbent at a given position . Luthans (2009) stated that the role is manifested in behavior . Collins et al . (1995 ) stated that the role conflict occurs when an individual has a discord dual role or receive various expectations of the contradiction of that role.

Gender Role Conflict Theory

Gender roles is a set of expected behavior (norms) for both men and women ( Myers , 1996) . Variations in gender roles among the various cultures shows that culture is shaping gender roles and gender are considered as two different things . It is individually classified according to biological gender , while gender was built by the community to guide individuals into the activity by calling it as masculine or feminine (Henley, 1985) . O’Neal et al. (1995) stated that gender role conflict is a psychological state , in which the socialization of gender roles have negative consequences on the person or another person .

Role conflict experienced by women is a dynamic human phenomenon . Through a dialectical process of thesis and anti-thesis, a social phenomenon will occur, and social conflict was declared as the core of human life history and progress (Moore, 1996) . Gender equality as a equality of what is produced is based on two reasons : first , every culture and society can take a different path in order to achieve gender equality. Second , equality implicitly means freedom

for women and men to choose different roles and different result according from their choice and their own goals (World Bank Report, 2006) .

Work - Family Conflict

Indriyani (2009 ), defines conflict of work -family role as a form of conflict in which the demands of work and family roles can not be mutually aligned in some respects, demands of work associated with the pressure that comes from excessive workload and time. The indicators of work-family conflict are as follow: a) working pressure, b) the number of task demands, c) lack of family togetherness, d) busy with work and e) conflict of commitment and responsibility towards the family.

Working Environment

Luthans (2009) stated the working environment is everything around the workers that can influence the workers in carrying out the assigned tasks . Robbins and Judge (2008) stated the company’s working environment can be interpreted as a whole external and internal factors that may affect the company’s organization and its activities either . While Manullang (2000) stated a working environment as a fun conditions especially during working hours would improve employee morale and seriousness in work.

The working environment where someone works, implements the system of reward and punishment and it will affect work performance, because it can determine the level of higher performance with the hope of getting a larger compensation ( Henry, 2006). Susanna Lo et al ( 2003), stated that as a consequence of women working in various sectors, women feel that marriage and a housewife as a personal choice and thus women must be individually responsible for solving work-family conflicts. There are some working environments that able to add the excitement of employee’s activity: a. prevailing wage system, b. relationships among employees and between employees and their superiors, c . the provisions concerning working disciplinary that applied by organization, d. system of punishment that set in the organization, e. the workload given to the employee and f. the pressures experienced by employees in carrying out the work .


Cultural literally comes from the Latin’s Colere which means who worked on the land, cultivate, maintain fields (Poespowardojo, 1993). Culture is a whole system of ideas, work and the human creation

in order to be a society that human beings have by a way of learning. Hofstede (1991 ) view culture as something that is done from one generations to another, which is then referred to as superorganic. In Kreitner and Kinicki (2005) view, both also play an important role in influencing ethical behavior. Furthermore, the value has four key components, that is: (1) the value is the concept of trust, (2) the desired behavior, (3) state that very important, and (4) guidelines for selecting or evaluating the occurrence and behavior.

Organizational culture is a shared value that adopted as a guide of all the organization members as well as guidelines for all organization members to behave. Thus culture is referred to in this study are as follow: a. intensity customs - traditions that must be implemented, b. customary provisions relating to certain activities, c. as habits that has been carried down through the generations, d. the position of gender in relation to family.

Based on the description from the background of study, it can be constructed conceptual framework and research hypothesis as follows.

Figure 1 .

The conceptual framework of the study Sources : summarized from various publications

Furthermore, from the above conceptual framework formulated in accordance with the hypothesis of the research problem , research objectives , and conceptual framework that has been presented as follows : H1 : Culture have a positive effect on role conflict H2 : Culture have positive effect on the work environment

H3 : The work environment negatively affects the role conflict


The respondents are all the weaving craftsman in industrial centers and spread over in 11 districts . Of the 30 industrial centers, there are ikat weaving

craftsman (women) as many as 340 people . The next set of samples by purposive sampling , set the number of centers to 20 centers from 11 districts . The number of respondents is appointed at 25 % of the workforce at each center . Thus the total respondents who will be given a questionnaire in this study were 102 respondents. Consideration of respondents numbers on the basis that the minimum sample can be taken in accordance with the number of indicators that is at least 5 samples multiplied by the number of indicators .

Validity test is used to determine whether or not measurement instruments associated with the extent to which the measuring instrument is able to measure what should be measured. Validity testing performed using Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient 0.3 (cut-off 0.3) . Reliability concerns the degree of confidence in the results of a measurement . To test the reliability coefficient used Cronbach ‘s Alpha which indicates how far the items in the study correlated positively with each other. Croanbac‘s alpha values ranging from 0 to 1.

To test the hypotheses and produce a decent model (fit), this study used Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) with the variance -based approach or a component-based with Partial Least Square (PLS ). When the structural model meets the recursive models and latent variables have an indicator that formative, reflexive, or a mixture, then the most appropriate approach used was PLS.

Complete model is completed with the steps: 1) Development of a theory -based model (inner model) Model-based development concepts and theories in order to analyze the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables described in the conceptual framework, 2) Development of flow diagram (path diagram) Theoretical models that have been built in the conceptual framework and then drawn in a flow chart to show the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables to be tested, 3) Evaluation of Goodness of Fit Model PLS

At this stage it will be tested against the criteria of suitability models through various goodness-of-fit . a) Goodness of Fit - Research Instruments

  • -    Convergent validity, the correlation between the score with a score reflective indicators of latent variables. This study used a loading 0.5 to 0.6 is considered sufficient .

  • -    Discriminant validity, measurement indicators based reflexive cross loading with latent variables. Another method by comparing the square root

of average variance extracted ( AVE ). Recommended measurement value must be greater than 0:50 .

  • -    Composite reliability, block indicator that measures the internal consistency of the indicators forming the construct . Accepted limit values for composite reliability level is 0.7 .

  • b) Evaluation of goodness of fit - Inner Model Measurement of the inner goodness of fit models use the R-square dependent latent variable with the same interpretation to the regression. Q-Square

predictive relevance to construct models that measured how well the observed values generated by the model and estimate its parameters.


Characteristics of Respondents

Characteristics of respondents are needed to provide an overview of the data that has been obtained from questionnaires collected. Respondents characteristics of workers in the craft of ikat weaving Lamaholot can be described in Table 1.

Table. 1

Characteristic of Research Respondents

Characteristic of Responden

Amount (person)

Presentage (%)

Work time

5 years



5 – 10 years



> 10 years







31 – 35



36 – 40



41 – 45



> 45




Elementary School (SD)



Junior High School (SMP)



Senior High School (SMA)






Marital Status










Amount of children

< 2



2 – 4






Source : primer data, processed, 2013

Based on Table 1, the respondents characteristics of the Lamaholot workers in the weaving craftsmen shows that the highest job tenure in the range of 5-10 years. On the whole, the Lamaholot working period shows those women who have worked for long period; rely on the craft of weaving. Age of Lamaholot women who pursue the craft of weaving, show that age 35-40 is the highest rank with 32, 65 percentage. Education of Lamaholot women who pursue the craft of weaving

work shows that the majority of primary school education with the amount of 54 people. Marital status of Lamaholot women who work on the craft of weaving showed that the majority of married woman by the number of respondents are 92 people. While the number of children showed that Lamaholot women who work on the craft of weaving the majority had 2-4 children among 72 respondents .

Evaluation Measurement Model ( Outer Model )

Composite Reliability

Tabel 2.

Composite Reliability


Composite Reliability



Role Conflict


Work Environment


Source : Processed Data, 2013

From Table 2 above it appears that the composite reliability values are all variables range from 0.70 to 0.83 ( so the value is above 0.70 ). All reliable indicators of reflexive expressed in the form of construct .

Convergen Validity

[ Y11] [ Y12] [ Y13]

0,771 0,608 0,902

I Y2.1]

[ Y2.2]

Source: Data processed

Figure 2

Empirical Model Research

Table 3.

Convergen Validity


Indicator Outer Loading Information



































Source : Processed Data, 2013

The test results in Table 3 above shows that the entire outer loading indicator construct has value above 0.5 . It can be concluded that the measurement meets the requirements of convergent validity .

Structural Equation Modelling

This study used structural equation modeling approach ( Structural Equation Modeling - SEM) approach using Partial Least Square ( PLS ). The results of this testing was conducted two times to test the value of the indicator, where the indicator has a value of loading factor below 0.5 will be excluded from the model. The results of these tests issued several indicators were excluded from model because those indicators does not fit the criteria. Furthermore, the final stage of the model test using Smart PLS generates as follows .

Goodness of Fit Model

Goodness of Fit Testing on the inner structural model using the model - predictive value relevance (Q2 ). R2 values for each endogenous variable in this study can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4.

R2 Value of Endogenous Variable

Endogenous Variable

R Square

Role Conflict


Working Environment


Source: Data processed

Predictive value - relevance is obtained by the formula :

Q2 = 1 - ( 1 - R12 ) ( 1 - R22 ) ... ( 1 - Rp2 )

Q2 = 1 - ( 1-0215 ) ( 1-0247 ) = Q2 = 0,462

The results of the above calculation shows the predictive value - relevance of 0,462 ( Q2 > 0 ). It means that 46.20 percent of the variation in the work environment and role conflict ( dependent variable) is explained by the variables used . Thus , the model is feasible to have predictive value relevant.

Table 5 shows the results of the analysis, outer loading value of the culture indicator, customary provisions which apply (0.830) as the basic for the implementation of existing rules in the organization, is a dominant indicator of the culture. Furthermore, from three indicators of the working environment, work discipline indicators applied in the workplace (0.902) is the dominant indicator that form working

environment. While the perception of Lamaholot women who worked on weaving artisans the role conflict shows , four variables make up a significant indicator of conflict. The analysis showed that the absence in customary role as a dominant indicator in

order to shaping the role conflict variables . Out off the four indicators, feeling anxious due to the absence from customary activities because of work ( 0.908 ) is the dominant indicator that form role conflict.

Outer Loading Result

Table 5.

Outer Loading Variable Value Research



Outer loading


Intensity/quantity customary activities conducted


Customary provisions which apply



Prevailing wages in the workplace based on the working time



Relationship with members of the company run harmonious


Work discipline that applied in the workplace


Feel anxious can not perform cultural activity because of work


Role Conflict

Feel guilty have a lack of time for community (custom) role because of work


Job consume time which I can use for family affairs and customs


The work is too much, can not do things that become personal desires


Source : Processed Data, 2013

Table 5 shows the results of the analysis, outer loading value of the culture indicator, customary provisions which apply (0.830) as the basic for the implementation of existing rules in the organization, is a dominant indicator of the culture. Furthermore, from three indicators of the working environment, work discipline indicators applied in the workplace (0.902) is the dominant indicator that form working environment. While the perception of Lamaholot women who worked on weaving artisans the role conflict shows , four variables make up a significant indicator of conflict . The analysis showed that the absence in customary role as a dominant indicator in

order to shaping the role conflict variables . Out off the four indicators, feeling anxious due to the absence from customary activities because of work ( 0.908 ) is the dominant indicator that form role conflict.

Test Results Hypothesis

The results of hypothesis testing with Partial Least Square (PLS) are two significant hypotheses and the hypotheses declared significant . Hypothesis testing is performed using the t test on each path between the independent variables influence the dependent variable. The results of hypothesis testing are shown in Table 6

Table 6.

Hypothesis Test Results

Relationship Between Variable

original sample estimate

mean of subsamples

Standard deviation



Culture÷ Role








Environment ÷ Role







Culture ÷ Working







Source: processed data, 2013

Testing hypotheses with PLS approach produces path coefficients directly influence the role of culture to conflict with the value of 0.339 and t - statistic 2.890, which means the hypothesis that culture positively affect the role conflict. Testing hypotheses with PLS approach produces path coefficients directly influence the working environment to role conflict with the value of -0.399 and a t - statistic 2.651 , then the hypothesis accepted that the working environment influence role conflict. Testing hypotheses with PLS approach produces path coefficients directly influence the culture to the working environment with the value of 0.217 and 1.397 t-statistic . This means that culture significantly positive effect the working environment.


The influence of culture on role conflict

Role conflict refers to the role ambiguity of Lamaholot women in the conduct of life where besides doing work to supplement the family income , they also bound by the duty of customs. From the analysis of the culture effect on conflict illustrates that culture have a significant and positive effect on role conflict. This means that the more stringent implementation of the Lamaholot custom / religion applied to culture, the more conflict will arise on the role of Lamaholot women who work in ikat weaving craft sector. The results of this study confirmed previous study conducted by Nini Yang et al . (2000) which stated that there is a greater role conflict when women entered the workforce . Meanwhile, Realyta ( 2007) conducted research on the role of conflict in the Malay society, where there is a dual role conflict of women because women have been violated nature they should only perform reproductive activities.

The Influence of Role Conflict to The Working Environment

From the analysis also shows that the working environment has a significantly and negative effect to the role conflict. This means the better the working environment built by the company, the role conflict that occurs will decrease .The results of this study confirm previous studies that stressed on the individual who caused the conflict affect the behavior of the role of an individual in the workplace. Therefore, when a person experiences stress at home, stress will usually be transmitted at their place of work

(Kossek and Ozeki, 1998). Kulik and Faisal (2006 ) stated that as more women enter the labor market has increased the pressure on the roles to be filled within the community itself.

Cultural Influence at Work Environment

The analysis shows the more stringent implementation of cultural rules that apply to Lamaholot women who work on the craft of ikat weaving, the working environment perceived by the female employee will be limited so that they tend to feel constrained. Similarly, more intense cultural activities resulted in women who work in the craft sector must leave the workplace even if they receive punishment because of cultural activities. However, due to the not significant influence of culture on the working environment, it can be explained that culture is not a real effect on the work environment. The results of this study confirmed some of previous studies results such as the study held by Saskara ( 2011) where the high intensity of the cultural activities and the high level of stringency customs prevailing in an area result the women forced to leave her job. The involvements of women in society affect their working conditions. Lily et al. ( 2006) stated that the work or the working environment and family culture related with the communities where they are located .

Implications For Research

The implications of this study demonstrated the results of several previous studies that culture has an influence on the work environment and role conflict . The results of the analysis of this study showed that nowadays many women are taking a dual role, other than as a housewife who play a role from the family to environment, women also play a role as an employee in an organization (for a living). These roles often led to demands and expectations conflicts . This dual role which can often lead to conflict with family and work culture. In addition, women feel that they are bound by customs activity, but in the other side women still have to run a public role to helping welfare families.


Based on the research problem, discussion and the influences from cultural and the working environment to role conflict of Lamaholot women who work in the public sector, can be concluded: the intensity of the implementation of customs provisions

which applied customary role conflict were able to keep the women work in the public sector. The better implementations of cultural rules are required so the role conflict that occurs will be able to overcome by the Lamaholot women who work in the public sector. The working environment that maintained well, will able to reduce role conflict on women who working in the public sector. It means with a better implementation of the culture rules, the role conflicts that arise in women who work in the public sector will decrease. The application of a good adat rules in weaving companies are not able to build a more conducive working environment, this means that the implementation of customary rules still not able to contribute in building a more conducive working environment.

Based on the analysis and the conclusions obtained, the recommendations can be given as follows : 1 ) to address the role conflict of women who work in the public sector , efforts should be made so that the rules relating to the culture and customs are implemented more flexible. It is based on the consideration that the role of women today are very important in helping the family for additional income, 2) a need to improve the quality of human resources at women who work in the public sector because the majority of the education of Lamaholot women be still at the primary level. Improving the quality of human resources can be done by providing counseling, training, and other empowerment models so that they are able to minimized role conflict.


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